President Stark

Chapter 9. First Impressions & Gods

“Stop it!” Raven bellowed in panic. “What did you do?!” 

"Emergency protocol!" The Iron Man suit flew right into the small clinic on its own and lifted Tony's body from the floor. 

On its own, it also pulled Tony into the armor and shrouded him to run all sorts of diagnostics. Soon enough, it realized an interference in the brain and deployed a blast of Electromagnetic Fields for a split second, consuming fifty percent of the Arc Reactor's stored power. 

"Jean! Stop this!" Raven rushed up close and grabbed the red-haired telepath by her shoulders. "You're bleeding through your nose!"

"What?" Jean responded with a confused voice and looked left and right as if unaware of where she was. Her fingers touched her nose sensing wetness and saw blood. "What did I do?"

Right then, Tony started getting up in his suit. Groaning, feeling a throbbing headache still. "Ugh… Thanks for the heads-up before I threw in my name for you guys. Nice touch. I'm leaving."

For Tony, getting out of there as quickly as possible was the best course of action. Initially, he was confident about dealing with those superpowered humans. But now, he felt a little panic. Whatever the red-haired woman did made him feel helpless. As if his mind was being torn open, memory after memory, searched and controlled as if a puppet. The Mutants were a dangerous breed and dealing with them with mindless compassion was no longer on the table. 

"Tony! Wait!" Raven chased after him. 

But Tony continued to walk away to step out of the building and fly away. For now, he wanted to put the Mutant business on hold until he could find a solution to the threat they posed to him. 

"It wasn't me!" Jean Grey also chased after. "I wasn't in control. It took over and… looked! You're not supposed to be the President… This isn't how your life's supposed to go." 

Is she drunk? Tony glanced back at the redhead. "I guess I know who you won't be voting for then."

"Tony! Please listen to us once." Raven ran at superhuman speed and caught up to his armored body. "She didn't mean to hurt you." 

The clinking of metal stopped, and Tony spun around, catching Raven's gaze. Out of all the mutants, she was the one he actually liked. "That’s just fantastic, Raven. You're telling me she's a loose cannon with superpowers. I get the whole Mutant rights thing, but I waltzed in here with zero prep and no fancy gadgets—The suit doesn't count. So I need to go and prepare."

A frowning storm of worry overtook Raven. What was supposed to be a life-changing, mind-changing experience for Tony was now a disaster. The plan for a better future seemed to be in shambles. 

"What's going on here?"

All heads turned towards a new voice. A tall woman with white hair, dusky skin, and a charming allure. 

Tony's eyes stayed on her form a little longer than the rest. He felt interested, but also realized the entire place was like a trap. Filled with dangerous women who looked too pretty to be normal. 

"Ororo, can you take Jean back to the clinic?" Raven requested, gesturing with her eyes to be quick about it.

The white-haired woman looked at Tony's suit of armor while walking closer, smiling softly and sizing it up. Then she whispered something into Raven's ear and walked up to Jean before grabbing her hand and taking her along. 

Finally with some privacy, Raven got closer to Tony. "It wasn't an attack, Tony. I assure you."

"That doesn't matter anymore." Tony moved the faceplate to reveal his face. "The point is that she proves the dangers of Mutants if mindlessly integrated into the society. When attacked, not everyone thinks like me. Most grab their gun—if not worse."

"I'm really sorry."

Tony didn't respond to that and turned around to leave for good this time. Thankfully Raven didn't follow anymore and Tony soon walked into an open area from where he lifted off. 

The lingering sensation of his mind being gripped and shrouded by an unknown force still kept him on edge. It felt… violating, to have memories probed like that. 

"Jarvis, fire up the initial research on those X-Gene samples we snagged," he commanded while cruising south. "And let's make it a priority."


Charles Xavier's office looked overcrowded with all of the school faculty reporting. Yet, there was an uneasy silence in the room. Raven briefed everyone about what had occurred in the school clinic. 

"How is Jean?" Scott Summers inquired, ready to bolt to his girlfriend.

All the heads turned to him with a silent sneer. This wasn't the time to worry about Jean. She was possibly the most powerful telepath and being in the entire world. It was good enough that Tony wasn't hurt. 

Finally, Hank broke the silence. "The past is immutable. Our focus must now shift to rectifying the present circumstances. There is no doubt that a mistake was made."

"His first impression of this school... is now forever tainted," Charles remarked, seated with a heavy heart. His gaze swept across the faculty. "We have two urgent matters at hand. First, we need to understand why Jean suddenly assaulted Mr. Stark's mind in such a manner. Second, we must de-escalate this situation. It’s only natural that Mr. Stark is now highly wary of us, and rightfully so—"

"We're doing well on our own." Scott Summer interrupted all of a sudden, arms folded and proud. "Why bother with that narcissist? Have you ever seen his interviews? He openly calls himself a playboy." 

Charles sighed and tapped on the keyboard in front of him. Then, he turned the monitor around so the faculty could see. It showed a CCTV video of a young boy suddenly bursting into flames in the middle of a mall. 

"His whereabouts are unknown," Charles said gravely. "Likely taken by a government agency or worse. We're doing well on our own, but only for ourselves. There are countless mutants out there—hopeless, desperate for saving. We can't do that without the backing of the man who holds the most political authority in this world."

"He's right." Hank agreed without hesitation. "But Stark is a lot more than just that. A man like him at the forefront opens so many doors. The country will officially focus on technological advancement. If my assessments of him are right, he's not going to bow down to lobbyists and special interest groups either. With his own highly functioning mind, this country is bound to grow in leaps once he takes office. Being on his bad side is no different from joining Magneto's side."

Silent until then, Raven finally stepped forward. "I'll try to meet him again. We can try to explain Jean's abnormal situation to him."

"What?! But didn't all of you decide to keep it a secret?" Scott protested, putting the interests of his girlfriend first. 

Charles didn't bother responding to Scott. "It can't be you this time, Raven. You have someone else to meet and persuade."

Raven frowned at that and silently nodded. It wasn't hard to realize that it was Eric. If there was anyone whose words that man would listen to, it was her. "Then who will contact Stark?"

"Ororo. She's wise, calm, and graceful. Emotions won’t easily sway her, nor does anger cloud her judgment.” Charles glanced at the white-haired dark-skinned woman. “Patience and tolerance will be essential in dealing with Mr. Stark. Do you believe you’re up to the task, Ororo?"

Ororo deeply pondered over the matter. Her blue eyes never left Charles' form. Wearing simple black jeans and a black jacket, her aura lacked no regality. "I'm willing as long as it doesn't affect my students."

"It's decided then. Try approaching Stark tomorrow. Consult with Raven to gain insight into his character. Even if persuasion eludes us, securing his neutrality is imperative," Charles concluded and ended the meeting. But he asked for Raven to stay back so they could discuss the Magneto problem. 

As for Ororo Monroe, she went straight to look up Tony Stark on the internet to study her assignment. 

Clearly, she lacked the understanding that with Tony Stark, no amount of pre-planning would help. 

In the end, it's all just a game for the billionaire genius. There was no person born in the world who could persuade him with simple words, yet. What he required was hard facts and information to base his decision on. 

For now, the decision was to find a counter against the Mutants in case they chose to raise their voice in a less-than-friendly manner. 


By the time Charles finished his meeting, Tony was already flying in the skies over New Mexico, jetting his way to the location where the gravitational anomaly was detected. 

"Sir, just now, another gravitational anomaly was detected. The reconnaissance Iron Guardian has observed the emergence of four figures from the anomaly. Based on my system's calculations, the probability of it being teleportation ranges between forty and seventy percent."

Tony felt excited by that prospect. Had aliens finally contacted Earth? Could he learn this teleportation technology and make his own? He wanted answers and jetted there as fast as he could. Jarvis gave him real-time information on where the four new arrivals went. 

"The targets are right beneath you, Sir." 

"Alright then!" Tony stopped flying forward and let the metal suit free-fall for a while before finally unleashing the thrusters to slow the descent. The entire small town was aware of his arrival by then as the rockets were too loud. 


The dirt formed a cloud as he approached the road to make his usual Iron Man landing. A few feet off the ground he stopped all thrusters and landed with a solid metallic thud, one knee bent, another supporting. 

"Thor! Stand back!"

Stand back? What's happening? Tony stood up straight and looked at the building before him. There were four strangely dressed people, three men, and one fine woman. Their hands clenched their weapons of choice—primitive, he thought. 

"We'll deal with the Destroyer! Run away, Thor!"

 Destroyer? They got armor like me? 



His body moved on its own and deflected a strike from the black-haired woman. It left him shocked, however, as he felt the power behind her attack. With interest, he scanned her body with the instruments on his suit for any exo-skeleton-like tool. 


He blocked another strike from her, now aware this was her raw strength. Definitely not normal. Mutants? 

He exchanged a few blows with her to gauge her true strength. Other than her admirable size and shapely body, her face was attractive too. A total package, no doubt.

"Wait… Stop! Stop! Pause!" Tony leaped backward with his boosters and revealed his face. "Are you the aliens?" 

"You're a mortal?!" the woman exclaimed in return. Her friends did too. 

Tony chuckled, wasting as much time as possible there as the bodies of the four aliens were covered in unknown energy material. Something that even Jarvis had no clue about. He wanted to analyze it more. "Shapeshifting lizards? Illusion wizards? Your disguise game is on point, blending in with us humans. Did you binge-watch some Earth history from a few hundred light-years away and decide, 'Hey, let's rock that vintage look'?"

"Tony fucking Stark?! Oh my god!" 

Tony heard an excited cry and looked. One petite woman and another quite a curvy one, the latter being the one shouting his name and running up to him. 

"This is so cool! Can I touch the suit? I always wanted to feel it." 

Good god, what does she eat? Tony got a better look at the approaching girl. Her clothes were very ordinary—a brown top, tight black pants, and high leather boots. Though his gaze fell on her well-endowed chest at first. 


"Hey, I didn't give permission yet." Tony annoyedly swatted her hand away as she tried to touch him. "I don't even know you."

"I'm Darcy Lewis. Can I touch it now?" 

"Sure," Tony replied, his sudden change of mood too abrupt for others as well. He was only focused on the blonde, tall man as Jarvis suggested that this man was Thor or something. Perhaps a larper. "So what's this party about?"

"Gods." An old man stepped forward and extended his hand towards Tony. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Stark. I'm Erik Selvig, I teach theoretical astrophysics at Culver."

Tony shot a brow at that name. He felt he had heard it before somewhere. "Are you famous?"

"Known in my field, yes."

"Ah, that's why." Tony finally shook his hand and gestured at the 'larpers'. "Who are these nutjobs? My instruments detected a gravitational anomaly. Didn't realize it was a black hole of sheer nerdiness."

"One could call them aliens as they fit the definition. But I fear the circumstances are different this time." Erik Selvig pointed at the blonde man. "This is Thor. Yes, the one from Norse mythology. Those are Fendral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Sif." 

"Oh?!" Tony glanced towards Sif, flashing his signature smirk. "That explains her beauty. No wonder I felt like I was in the presence of a goddess. Guess my radar for divine beings is spot-on."

"Smoooooth~" Darcy Lewis commented with a mischievous smirk.



"That's enough." Tony shooed Darcy away as she touched around too much, her eyes filled with excitement at his tech. "So they are 'Gods' gods? Or just aliens with inhuman powers and lifespans?"

"The latter," Erik answered. "If you were to somehow return to the past, about five thousand years ago, in that metal suit; I have no doubt you'd be seen as a god too."

"Makes sense." Tony rubbed his chin and walked up to Thor. The big, blonde man stood there like a golden retriever, smiling nonsensically and happy just being involved. "Why are you here? With technology to teleport, I doubt there's anything worth noting on Earth."

"Your thinking is indeed correct, my metal friend. But it was my father, the All-father Odin, who exiled me. I must remain here and endure my punishment."


Tony tapped on Thor's shoulder to collect more of that invisible energy. 

"But Thor, we need you at Asgard to stop Loki," Sif requested. 

Thor shook his head, depressed. "Father is dead because of me. I have no right to retur—"

"But Odin lives! What are you talking about?" Volstagg asked annoyedly. 

Taken aback, Thor looked at Sif to confirm it. 

"He's telling the truth, Thor."

Clap! Clap!

"As much as I hate to interrupt the family drama, my instruments just picked up another gravitational anomaly. So, unless you're expecting more surprise guests, we might have a problem." Tony advised everyone and looked towards the direction Jarvis alerted him. 


The earth shook a little from the aftermath of the distant explosion. 

Of course, how could things go normal if I'm around? Tony often wondered if the emergence of supervillains was tied to him somehow. Before he donned the Iron Man suit, there had never been an Obadiah or Ivan Vanko. 

"This is bad," Thor mumbled, looking at the explosion. "Metal friend, can you protect these humans? We need to evacuate this place."

Does he not consider me human? Tony genuinely wondered after noticing Thor's tone. 

"Sure." Tony agreed right away. He had his own plans, after all. 

Beep! Beep!

Ring! Ring!

Instantly, every single mobile phone in the entire town started blasting danger warnings to the people, advising them to run away. As soon as a sizable chunk started to move, the rest followed. 

"You’re very smart, my metal friend." Thor admired genuinely and went to help his friends plan the fight. 

Meanwhile, Tony walked into a nearby cafe with an open view of the entire street. He grabbed the coffee jar still full and poured himself a cup. Behind him, Eric, Darcy, and the third petite woman he didn't know followed in.

"Go ahead, take a seat near me." Tony gestured at them and sat down by the window. Though he first raised his hand and blasted the glass away so it wouldn't shatter later. "Help yourself with the coffee."

"I want one." Darcy had complete faith in Tony somehow and carelessly drank. 

"Won't you help?" Asked the petite woman. 

Tony frowned. Why would he get himself tangled in an alien civilization's internal civil war from the looks of it? Heck, he was still digesting the possibility that all the mythical gods might be real and may just be very powerful aliens or mutants. 

"You are?"

"Jane Foster." 

"Really? You fell in love with an alien?" Tony noticed the concern in her eyes and then looked at Thor outside. But then he noticed Sif there and sighed. "Can't blame you, honestly."


"Interesting." Tony saw a large, silver-colored metallic thing walk into town. Armor? Giant robot? He didn’t know, but he sure as hell wanted to find out. Shooting fiery beams from its head, it burned and blasted most of the things in its way. 

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Jarvis, be ready." He whispered privately to Jarvis inside his armor.

Soon enough, Thor's friends tried to fight the armor and failed. The short-lived struggle made Tony believe the Asgardians didn’t use their heads much. 

"Mr. Stark, can I ask you something?" 

Tony looked at Darcy sitting in the seat beside him. "As long as it's not about my suit."

"Darn it." She pouted and relaxed back in her seat. 

Tony chuckled and focused on the battle outside. At times he blasted away the tumbling debris headed their way. For the most part, they remained safe inside the shop. 

Thor's the god of lightning or something, isn't he? When's he gonna use it then? Tony waited for the main show to start. “Jarvis, where are they?”

Jarvis answered into Tony's ears inside the armor helmet. "They’re idle in the clouds, Sir."

Tony finally relaxed and let the so-called gods do their fighting. To his utter dissatisfaction, Thor's friends were already falling back to safety. They were weak beyond measure. 

However, Thor made a decision to face the enemy armor himself. 

"Ah, the heroic sacrifice of the main character," Tony commented as if watching a movie. "But will the tables turn?"


The metallic armor suddenly bitch-slaped Thor right on his mortal face, throwing him dozens of meters away in the air. Jane Foster cried and ran for her lover. 

Tony sighed and looked at Eric. "Isn't Thor supposed to be thousands of years old?"

"Around fifteen hundred," Eric answered.

Tony sneered and shook his head, a bitter taste forming on his tongue. "A fifteen-hundred-year-old god fell in love with a twenty-something mortal woman? That age gap makes it almost like ped—ah, you know what, let's just not go there."

"Ugh, it feels yucky now that you say it." Darcy gloomed.



Just then, something came flying from the sky like a missile and landed in Thor's hand. A massive bolt of thunder fell from the sky at the same time, shrouding Thor. 

"Show off," Tony mumbled and made his moves. Jarvis, move the Iron Guardians. We only got one chance."

Amidst all that chaos, nobody noticed ten Iron Guardians hovering in the sky just a little above the town. At an equal distance from each other, they constantly flashed their eyes as if scanning something. 

Don't end the fight too quickly. Tony had no more doubt that this was Thor himself. How many other instances of alien contact have occurred before? 

He found yet another reason to become the President. He wanted to know everything that there was to know. 

As he sipped coffee with a thousand thoughts in his head, he watched the battle go forth. Thor got a complete power-up as soon as he got himself a nice red cape. Thankfully, he didn't wear his underwear over his pants. 

The thunder overpowered the fire and steel easily, throwing the armor around like a piece of toy. A mere few minutes, that was how long the battle lasted with the knockout move being a tornado that Thor created. 

“Jarvis, do it!”

The ten Iron Guardians landed in that tornado itself and moved around without being noticed by anyone. By the time Thor walked out with his victory, Tony ordered the Iron Guardians to leave as well. 

"The task has been completed, Sir."

"Did you get them?"

"The alien armor pieces have been harvested. The battle has been scanned, recorded, and analyzed. Thor's blood has been successfully stored safely." Jarvis gave a quick checklist. "The Iron Guardians are now on standby."

Tony took a calming breath at last. He had reasons to not get involved in the battle. Observing the aliens was the biggest priority. There was no telling if they'd be violent against humanity someday. Or worse, what if they still had some sort of god complex and wanted to rule humans?

"Show's over." Tony finished his coffee and stood up. He walked out of the shop and measured Thor. Now donned in the strange armor and red cape, he wondered if the armor and the hammer were made of some special metal. 

"We must go to the Bifrost site." Thor decided. "I will have words with my brother."

"Excuse me!" A car stopped near them and a man in a suit walked up to them. "I don't think you've been completely honest with me."

"Coulson?" Tony recognized the Shield agent. "Ah, this is where you were dispatched. Is Cyclops here too?"

"No, Mr. Stark. Director Fury is busy with something else." Coulson respectfully answered, considering the man might become his boss by the end of next year. 

"So Shield knows about aliens?" Tony asked further. 

Coulson looked away from Tony, afraid of matching gaze. He focused on Thor instead. "There were some doubts at first. But I'm sure we all can look past them now."

Thor agreed and asked to be seen as Earth's ally. But the God of Thunder seemed far too interested in the human woman instead and grabbed her close by her waist. 

"Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?" He suggested and flew away into the sky with her. 

"Yep, totally not unhinged. Well, he can always find another girl when she gets old and kicks the bucket, right?" Tony coughed as he watched them go. "Right?"

Eric rubbed his forehead in acceptance, having arrived in the research van. Jane Foster had no future with the God of Thunder, it wasn't hard to see. 

"That's brutal… but honest," Darcy chirped. "I like honest guys. You're amazing, Mr—"

"No, you can't touch the suit."

"Ah, dang it." Darcy stomped her feet. "Then, can you give me a lift to where they went?"

Tony scratched his beard for a moment and eventually agreed. He was going there anyway, after all. "Sure."

"Yes!" Darcy excitedly jumped closer to Tony and grabbed his armored arm. 

Before wrapping his arm around her curvy waist, Tony glanced at Coulson. "Hey, do me a favor. Tell Fury I'm still waiting on that 'report' of his. Sending a spy to my place? Not cool. Not cool at all."

Coulson awkwardly nodded. "I'll forward the message."

"Alright then." Tony wrapped an arm around Darcy's waist at last. It was unbelievably soft and he could feel that even with his armored suit. "Hang on tight."

"Yeah, baby!" Darcy roared in excitement like it was some roller coaster ride, wrapping her arms around Tony’s armor-covered neck.

Silently flying, Tony looked at the woman in his arms. Her file was open to him, a girl in her early twenties on the verge of graduating. Surprisingly, she was a political science major and was somehow working for a theoretical astrophysicist. 

Not bad at all. He admired not the brain but the beauty. She didn't look to be in her early twenties at all. Only her personality hinted at her age, the rest was just… ripe.

They flew away as Darcy plastered herself to his chest. Tony held onto her with one arm, using the other hand to stabilize their flight. 

With how tight he had to hold her, firm enough to not let her slip but gentle enough so the girl wouldn’t feel any pain; it was easy for him to measure her three sizes. Like a sensual hourglass, her waist fitted perfectly under his arm, while her bust was pressed gently onto his chest. He didn’t know how soft they were, but he could imagine it, seeing how they smushed delicately onto his armor like slightly compressed jelly.

Her bottom protruded out under her waist, and he could almost feel the lusty slope wiggle on his palm. From her waist to her ass, continuing down to her feathery thighs, he couldn’t help but imagine the squishy softness. The complete opposite of Thor's choice, that petite mortal, he found himself liking the more flavorful beauty. 

"How did you end up with astrophysicists?" He asked her. 

Darcy shrugged while enjoying the view. "It's not that hard."



"..." For the first time, Tony was seeing someone call astrophysics easy. He doubted it was just her overconfidence speaking since she did work with Eric Selvig. "Too bad, I was in need of campaign managers."

"Wait, what?!" Darcy's head snapped up. "Hold up, Mr. Stark. I can totally do both. Political science is my jam, and astrophysics? That's just my geeky side hustle."

Tony chuckled as he found her way of talking somewhat similar to him. "Let's discuss it later." 

They soon landed near a strange pattern in the ground. Thor was already there and shouting towards the sky, shouting for Heimdall.

Extremely intrigued by the pattern on the ground, Tony set all his attention on the ongoing events with a whisper to his AI friend. “Jarvis, take position. Don't you leave a single reading.”



Right then, a tornado started to form in the sky, brimming with changing colors. It continued to come towards the ground as if an energy beam charging to shoot up. 

This doesn't feel like pure technology. Tony frowned. “Jarvis, what's the reading?” 

"Other than gravitational and spatial anomalies there is nothing, Sir. The readings are within the natural limit," Jarvis answered. 

“Bullshit! This is anything but natural. He's making a teleportation medium of all things. To make something like this, the required energy is outside the realm of imagination, even for me.” Tony whispered inside the helmet in disbelief. “Keep analyzing it. Maybe it's powered by unicorn tears or something.”

"Metal man." Thor looked at Tony after kissing his mortal lover. "Would you like to join me in battle for the honor of Asgard?"

"What? Why would I do that?"

"Because you seem like an honorable warrior," Thor proclaimed proudly. His demeanor had certainly changed once he got his powers back. 

Reading Thor was like reading a child. Tony walked over to him and patted Thor's shoulder. "Listen, big guy, just like you're the guardian of Asgard, I'm the guardian of Earth. And I can't leave my station."

"Oh, that makes sense. Forgive me for my selfishness, my metal friend." Thor, with a solemn nod, took Tony's words to heart. "I shall then take my leave and return soon."

As soon as Thor walked into the pattern on the ground, a tunnel-like colorful light formed that sucked up the five figures inside, lifting them off the ground and taking them away at incredible speed. 

Tony silently analyzed everything. From start to finish, there was no physical instrument used to create that teleportation medium. "It's like magic."

"Sir, a third anomaly was detected. The teleportation utilized a form of energy unknown to us," Jarvis revealed its own findings. "The Iron Guardians have relayed the data to be analyzed. It will take time to evaluate it all."

Maybe I should have gone with him. Tony pondered. 

"So… What do we do now?" Darcy broke the silence. "Are we going to wait here?"

"I will," Jane declared.

Eric tiredly rubbed his face. "Are you serious about dating him? He's well over a thousand years old, Jane. Our lifespans are a minor speck of dust to beings like him."

"Couldn't agree more. For all we know, that guy’s concept of time is all out of whack. A decade for us might be a coffee break for him," Tony quipped, strolling around the Bifrost imprint on the ground, snapping pictures like a tourist.

Jane got flustered and angry. "He said he'll be back!"

"Classic," Tony quipped. 

"You don't know him," Jane defended.

"And you've known him all your life?" Tony scoffed, raising an eyebrow. "Listen, I don't care. You’ve got nothing to prove to me. Go ahead, enjoy your happily ever after. Maybe even name a kid after me, huh?"

"Ugh!" Jane clenched her fist and marched back to the research van. She wasn't dumb either and knew everything Tony said was right. She had no future with Thor. Compared to Thor's life, even if she got together with him, she'd be a short memory for him and not a lifelong partner. 

Tony wrapped up his work too and prepared to head home. He had been out and running around, fighting, dealing with things for two days straight by now. Heck, he was still in his pajamas from a day ago. 

"Wait!" Darcy hurried over before he could take off. "What about that campaign manager gig you were talking about?"

Tony paused and looked back. Sizing up her from head to toe, he could feel a subtle personal liking towards her. A pretty campaign manager with a knack for science was a great idea. But it was just an idea still. "Alright, I'll give you a three-month internship. If you impress, congrats, you've got yourself a job."

"Sweet!" Darcy chirped. But when she saw him leaving again, she grabbed his arm. "Wait, why are you leaving?"

"I've got bigger fish to fry, intern. You've managed to interrupt me twice already–not exactly making a stellar first impression for the job. Sorry, gotta take my hand back now." Tony playfully wrestled his hand free. "Seriously, what's the deal? You've been buzzing around like a persistent bee."

Darcy hesitated for a moment, then blurted out, "Okay, imagine you've got this mega crush on Monica Bellucci. And one day, bam! You actually run into her, but she's like, super busy—"

"You have a crush on me?" Tony interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "Can't say I blame you. It's a burden I've had to bear—being irresistibly charming and all."

Darcy grinned mischievously and tousled her hair. "Okay, but seriously? When I first saw you reveal yourself as Iron Man on that screen, I was like, 'Hold up!' Nerd, loaded, hot, brainiac—basically, you're the dream package for nerds like moi. Total nerdgasm for me."

"I gotta say, you're breaking the nerd stereotype here," Tony remarked, his eyes briefly resting on her impressive... two sizable assets.

Darcy gulped a little, totally loving the attention from her celebrity crush. It was like a guy getting to meet with Jennifer Lawrence or someone, and she compliments his lightsaber. "And hey, why rush off now? The whole town's a mess. Don't you wanna win over New Mexico? Fixing it up could be killer PR!"

Tony grinned with admiration. "Now that's what I like to see from my intern. Alright, let's roll with it then."

"Oh!" Darcy gulped when Tony grabbed her by the waist once again. She wrapped her arm around his neck as well, loving her wild fantasies that were slowly coming true. 


SHIELD Headquarters,

While Tony worked on to repair the small town ravaged by the aftermath of the battle, a meeting took place between the Shield director and its top spy.

"Are you sure about this assessment?" Fury scrutinized the report on Tony Stark, fixing Natasha with an intense stare. "Everything you wrote here goes against the common knowledge about Stark."

"The report is final, Director." Natasha remained unmoved. "The image he has in the eyes of the public is meticulously curated by him. From his selfless actions, it's not hard to see that he's not what we thought he was. Stark reveals glimpses of unexpected compassion when pressed. His humor and nonchalance serve as a shield, deflecting deeper scrutiny."

"So you're telling me he's an honorable man we can trust? Then why the hell are you still rejecting the proposal to add him to the Avengers Initiative?" Fury questioned. "You're contradicting yourself."

"Sir, having the President of the United States on the team is a liability we can't afford. The initiative is meant to foster global peace, but his presence will only paint it as a pawn of the government," Natasha argued and instead suggested something else. "He will have a deep influence on Shield whether we like it or not. I recommend we designate him as a consultant rather than an Avenger."

Fury went quiet at that. Natasha was right—the objective shifted from recruiting Tony to keeping him on their side once he announced his presidential run. "Coulson reported Stark’s in New Mexico. Still not thrilled about your adventure in his company."

Natasha averted her gaze at that. "I’m requesting permission to approach him once more. This time, I want to engage him as a Shield agent, not as Natalie."

Fury shrugged and tore the file Natasha had made. "Go ahead, no harm in trying. Let's see if you can convince this 'honorable' Stark."



"Oh god! I can't believe this is happening!" 

"Don't be so loud!" Tony warned her, aware of the surroundings. One of the bathroom stalls in the local pub he helped restore that day until late at night. A few too many drinks had been downed in the aftermath. 

"Hehe… This is my reward for being a good intern, isn't it?" Darcy grinned ear to ear, her red lips big and succulent ripe. Sitting on the closed toilet seat, her hand clamped around Tony's throbbing girth, veins popping, his pants wrinkled around his ankle.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

She looked up at him, her eyes drowsy, her complexion flushed from the drinks. However, her confidence was off the charts. She cherished this wild fantasy of hers being fulfilled. Unaware that this wasn't a dream but reality itself. She was really holding Tony’s cock in her hands, her dainty fingers trailing along his veins.

Tony wasn’t entirely sober either, a little too drunk but not out of it yet. Looking down at her flushed face, he felt harder. His hands moved on their own and combed through her hair, almost urging her to quickly take him in. 

“Mm..” Tony moaned a little when she pushed back his foreskin and coiled her tongue all over the knob of his cock. The sensation of her wet tongue against his thin skin felt scalding hot.

Then, she slowly lowered her face on him, parting her lips for his iron-hard cock. She suckled slowly as she went down, lower and lower, taking him all in. Her pink tongue slithered down to his base, tickling him inside while her lips sealed around his shaft.

Tony lost himself in pleasure, submerged in the heavenly massages of her mouth. 

Darcy smiled as she pulled back, dragging her soft lips slowly up and off his cock. 

“I can’t believe I got the chance to taste Tony Stark’s cock… Only in my wildest dreams…”  Her words almost slurred, clearly in a dreamy state. She felt this wasn’t real, a dream she didn’t want to wake up from. 

Tony felt the reluctant loss of warmth when his cock left her mouth. “Mine? Really?” He smirked playfully. “Maybe we should keep going then.”

“Great idea…” Darcy slid her hands under his shirt, gently scraping his abs with her perfectly manicured nails. “You really are a genius,” she added as she parted her lips once more.

She watched as he leaned back against the stall wall before leisurely slipping her tongue around the engorged cockhead again, slowly working her way down. Once she had taken him in as much as she could, she started to bob her head up and down, taking her time to savor his masculine flavor. 

She was mesmerized by his size. The way his hot, bulging shaft stretched her lips to the fullest and made her gag only halfway down, the enticing smoldering stiffness, the slippery promises of delight. She was taking him deep, going further as she relaxed her throat.

"Oh, fuck..." Tony groaned as her muscles contracted tightly around him, her tongue sliding along his rigid flesh.

The corners of Darcy’s lips lifted, delighted to hear him enjoy it. She loved it, thinking it was worth it since she really had a thing for him. She didn’t even mind the gagging that came and went, all so she could thoroughly taste him and his creamy fill. 

"You taste so fucking good!" She licked the precum pooling in the slit of his manhood, "I can't get enough!" 

Tony took deep breaths, his body urging him to stand back up, somehow wanting to get as close as possible to the full-bodied beauty. His hands kept moving, threading his fingers through Darcy's hair and gently pulling on her head.

Her blowjob was wild, sticky, slimy, but hot as fuck. Darcy was the one who followed him into the bathroom when he went to take a leak. He didn’t even get the chance to say anything when she pulled him back into the stall. All he had to do was enjoy it, relishing in the heat of her mouth.

Her eyes fixated on his straining expression, she tightened her mouth and throat around him, thrusting fast and hard until Tony’s flushed cock was throbbing. 

Darcy's spit started dripping in creamy stretching fluid. Her one hand constantly stroked his length with the aid of her saliva, her tongue working overtime. 

She loved Tony’s taste even more than his manly scent, salty with a hint of something indescribable. She moaned around Tony's cock head, never easing up the stroke of her fist on his pulsating manhood. She ignored the buckling of Tony's hips, wordlessly demanding more, and began to suck even harder.

Removing her hand, she gripped Tony's hips. She drew a deep breath and took Tony in, all the way to the root.

“G–God!” Tony’s hands tightened the grip on her hair, drowning in pleasure.

It wasn't long before Tony’s hips started moving, thrusting to meet Darcy's mouth. His thighs began to quiver, and his cock grew harder, swelling in Darcy’s wondrous, smoldering throat. 

Loud, whining, lustful gags dripped out of Darcy as her mouth continued to pleasure him. They were both lost in the heat of the moment, without a care in the world that someone might be listening. 

“Gkk… Keep going…!” Tony couldn’t help it, he was teetering on the edge. He could feel the strain inching up along his cock, threatening to bust out at any moment.

With a long hard suck, as she kept him deep in her mouth, Tony finally reached that light at the end of a long tunnel. His hips jerked up a little, sending load after load of sticky white froth into her accepting mouth. His body stiffened in release, letting out a harsh groan of satisfaction.

Darcy felt him pour himself into her, and after that last shudder of bliss passed through his body, she sucked once more. 

Tony’s knees went weak as he felt her sealed plump lips scraping off every bit of cream on his cock, slowly moving her head back and cleaning him off along the way. She kept every last drop in her mouth and finally gulped down when his cock left her lips.

"Fuck! You even taste so hot!" she cooed in pure bliss.

Tipsy and exhausted from the climax, Tony stumbled back against the door of the bathroom stall, his cock still out, slowly calming down. 


"Ah! Fuck!" He cursed, realizing the door was unlocked. He lost his balance and fell backward, the door swung open and he landed on his back near the sink. 

Groaning, he turned onto his knees and tried to get up. But just then he noticed a pair of high-heels approaching him and stopped beside his head. High-heeled black boots and tight leather pants that accentuated her toned calves. He looked up while getting up himself, her widening hips, the curves between her thighs evident from the tight leather. 

Finally, a perfect pair of breasts, hidden beneath a white t-shirt and a black jacket. But he froze at the sight of her face, deep dark amber-like skin, blue eyes, and white hair—exotic as fuck.

"Wait a sec!" Although in pain from his fall, Tony lost himself staring at her face. "I’ve met you before… At that baldie's mansion!"

“Yes…” Arms folded, Ororo glanced at the stall first, and then at Tony as he stood up. Finally, her eyes fell on his exposed loins. "Unfortunately."


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