Power Vacuum fan fiction 18+

Chapter 25: CH25: He is prepared, so am I!

Author's note: Congrats to me for reaching chapter 25 😁. Thank you my precious readers for taking the time to read my fanfiction of Power Vacuum. I was asked about the number of chapters. I'm thinking of doing 90-100 chapters for the first volume. I'm aware that the other two volumes won't have as many readers as the first one so they won't be as long as the first volume. Enjoy this chapter!

The women of the house were discussing what had transpired at Aliza's house. Sterling was cooling off in his room instead of showing his bad side to his family. He was thinking of every scenario possible where he didn't have to resort to violence. That's when a sound got his attention by the window. He moved to see what it was. He opened the window just to get a pebble to his chest. "Ouch!"

"Sorry, kid! I am going to climb inside!" Detective Wilson was there. He didn't want to disturb the family and it was best for him to avoid more questions. Moreover, Ophelia knew him as a nurse. He climbed the wall using a ladder nearby and jumped inside Sterling's room.

"Wow, nice room!"

"This is the first time someone is sneaking inside my room! And you're not the one I was expecting to so." Sterling sighed.

"Your dad didn't give you a proper childhood, I see!" Wilson observed the room searching for any outside materials that could be used for spying. "Your room seems to be out of ears."

"I did a run-through all over the house. I managed to cut off Hunter's access to the cams."

"You didn't remove them."

"I need them there so that I can watch what Hunter's up to." Sterling took the vial from his pocket and tossed it to the detective. He caught it and observed it closely. "So, what's Hunter's situation? Did you get any intel during his absence?"

"Not yet! He was looking into your past. That's all I could find. He won't be getting anything from your solo years. David was adamant about keeping your existence hidden."

"Why would he do that?"

Wilson pulled a rolling chair and sat on it. "He didn't want Hunter to contact you and corrupt you while you're not on his watch. Idiot didn't think about the cost. That's why he's in debt."

"The debt is fine. I'll have my pending payment before the end of the summer. After that Hunter can no longer influence my family."

"What's the commotion downstairs? Is it about your child?" Sterling explained what happened at Aliza's house and Kevin's involvement. "Wow, it's a good thing you didn't get the cops. Without actual evidence, you will get into more trouble." Wilson got up. "Do you want me to keep tabs on him?"

"No, he's not that dangerous, compared to Hunter's background. We need to find who Drew is and whoever's working with him."

"Okay, I'll get this thing to your doc. She'll call you once she's done checking." He placed his hand on Sterling's shoulder on Sterling. "Hey, stop thinking about the past and find a way to make your future better! I can see you're hurting. Those girls downstairs need your support, now more than ever. Without Hunter's presence, you have the advantage to get them out of this misery."

"But still, I still don't have the footage Hunter recorded."

"Kevin didn't have any lead?"

"Kevin was only filming Aliza and threatened my mother. I got rid of it. But he has no idea about everything else."

"I'll look into it. Don't worry!" The detective turned around wiped his coat and left through the window. Sterling dropped to his bed and continued with his thoughts. But this time, he was looking for solutions.


Meanwhile, downstairs Aliza was drinking a glass of wine. Ophelia filled her another. Mallory joined them in the living room covered in sweat. "I came as soon as I heard it! Oh, Aliza you poor thing!"

"Drop it, Mallory! I don't want any comments!"

"I wasn't going to mock you. I was just worried. I'm sorry that asshole took advantage of your kindness. He doesn't deserve a friend like you." Aliza was surprised by the sudden turn of events. The one she considered her best friend betrayed her but her mortal enemy was there to support her during her bad time.

"So, this Kevin, not only used Aliza's private time to gain money, he also threatened Mom with her private pics? What a jerk! How did he get access to Mom's pics anyway?" Brenna asked.

"Sterling said he hacked your father's computer. He was able to access the Webcam on his laptop." Lisa answered.

"I didn't ask you. I was talking to my mom."

"Sorry, I was just..."

Lisa was getting the heat of Brenna's anger. Ophelia intervened to cool it down.

"Brenna, apologise to her! She's our guest and that's not how you should talk to her!"

"Why do I care what she thinks? I don't know why she's talking. Isn't this a family business? For all I could care, she's probably making Sterling be the father of someone else's kid." Lusa tried to control her emotions after being accused by Brenna but her emotions were all over the place due to her pregnancy. She started crying.

"Young lady, you're in so much trouble! Go to your room right now!" Ophelia yelled at her showing her disapproval of how Brenna treated the mother of her grandchild. Brenna stormed out yelling.

"Keep grooming her! I can't accept her after she hurt my baby!"

A silence followed her exit as Ophelia comforted Lisa. "It's alright, Lisa! We don't feel the same as her. I am pretty sure she'll come around when she gets to hold your child."

"Yeah, I like you, Lisa. You're cute and sweet. No wonder you got my brother to get laid." Catherine supported her.

"So, why does Brenna think Sterling's baby mommy hurt her baby and when did she even have a baby? Ophelia, your family will be famous for teenage pregnancy if it continues." Mallory asked without knowing the contest.

"She was referring to Sterling. She calls him a baby because she thought the baby brother was too long to say." Aliza answered as she remembered her past when she used to spend her time with the kids. The reason why she thought becoming a teacher was the right path for her. "I can't believe the kids have grown up! They feel different." Then she turned her attention towards Lisa. "Opened, she's staying in dad's room, right."

"Yes, but I don't think she likes it there! Plus, if Dad comes back from the hospital, she will have to stay with Sterling." Ophelia answered.

"Is it okay if she stays with me? I don't have a roommate anymore. Having her at my place could be more pleasant for me and her!" Aliza extended her arms towards Lisa.

"What do you say, Lisa? I'll come visit you from time to time." Lisa wanted to spend more time with Sterling and his family but after seeing how Brenna reacted she felt like it was a good decision to stay some time away from Brenna. She agreed to Aliza's request.

"Okay, I'll prepare everything for you and you can stay at my place from tomorrow."

"Thanks, Aliza! I really appreciate it"

"Don't thank me! I'm only doing myself a favour by letting you stay. I don't want to stay alone at that place after everything that happened tonight."


In Brenna's room, she was walking around furiously throwing things around. 'Stupid, Lisa! Why does she care about my family business? She acts like she's known us forever. Who the hell does she think she is!'

After some pillow slamming and rolling around the bed, a knock on her door got her attention. She opened the door as Ophelia entered. "Okay, it's clearly obvious that you don't like Lisa! But that doesn't give you the right to treat her that way when she was only concerned."

"I don't care, mom! She's just a burden for us. We are already in debt because of Dad's investment and now, we have to pay for a kid because that bitch lied to her parents!"

"Okay, now you're out of line. Sterling will handle the money issue because it's his child. I don't know why you think you're concerned about this issue. You were rude to that girl so now you should be punished. Lock the door and get on my lap!"

"Wait...are you going to punish me like you that way!"

"Yes, now do as you're told, young lady!"

Brenna's punishment was spanking. She made Ophelia believe she didn't like getting spanked but in reality, she's turned on by it. So, every time she mess things up, she would manage to get a spanking as punishment to avoid being punished for real. This time, she was ready to get her ass cheeks slapped because she hadn't pleasured herself for days. Brenna hid her excitement and closed the door. Then she lay on Ophelia's lap who was sitting on the edge of Brenna's bed. "You think you could say whatever you want in my house and get away with it?" Ophelia slapped Brenna's big ass. Her skirt moved with the impact as Brenna bit her lower lip. "I am not hearing an apology!" Ophelia pulled her skirt down revealing her ass was only covered by her panties.

"Mom, you shouldn't!" Ophelia wasn't listening to her daughter. "Mom, please don't!" Another slap vibrated her ass cheeks nearly getting to her vagina. It was what Brenna needed but she didn't want her mother finding out that she was enjoying every second of it.

"You haven't had enough, I see!" She spanked her harder.

"Oh, mmmnnnn!"

"What did you say?"

"It hurts, Mom!"

"Then where is the apology?" She spanked her again and continued her slaps. Brenna's eyes rolled back as she was getting off from her mother's spanking.

"Fuck...just like that, oh....mmmm..."

"What the hell Brenna?" Ophelia just had Brenna's fluid on her hand courtesy of her last slap. Brenna didn't realise it but her act was out. Ophelia pushed her daughter off of her and looked at her hand filled with confusion and anger. "Brenna, were you enjoying it?"

"No, mom! I hate getting spanked, you know that I've hated it when Dad did it!"

"That's why I continued it even after he decided to stop when you got to a certain age but...oh my god, I can't believe my daughter was getting off when I was spanking her."

"It's no big deal, mom!"

Ophelia was really concerned about her daughter's behaviour. She didn't want to be as hardass as her husband but sometimes she was forced to act that way to get results. "Brenna, you're grounded and I'm taking all your sex toys until you realise your mistake."

"Mom, you can't do that!"

"I can because I paid for them without realising it."

"How did you even know about my sex toys anyway?"

"Your bestie doesn't just have a big ass, she also has a big mouth!"

"Fucking Eva!"

"And being grounded means, no Eva in this house!"

"No, mom! Aren't you using this opportunity to get rid of Eva?"

"Are you accusing me of using my authority as a mother to do such a thing after you used my authority to act like a slut?" Ophelia got close to her daughter as their noses barely touched each other. Brenna was surprised by her mother's choice of words but she was more concerned about her situation. 'No Sterling, no Eva and no sex toys, if I don't find a way to get off I will eventually do the thing that I would regret for the rest of my life and the next one.' Brenna thought as she sat back on her bed. Ophelia left the door and closed it behind her. After checking the surroundings, she checked her hand and tasted her daughter's fluid. Surprisingly, she recognised that taste. 'Wow, like mother like daughter, it seems.'


Meanwhile, in Sterling's room, he came up with some plans. 'It's a good thing I chose to stay in my room without any outside interference. Okay, let's put this all together. The first thing right now is to convince Aliza. She had a big revelation so she needs support. I have to help her get through this and then I can show how much she means to me. Speaking of Aliza, I should think about her relationship with Mallory. Now that they know what happened, I should root for them to become a couple. If Mallory ends up becoming my aunt, I can fuck two aunts at the same time. Just thinking about it makes me excited.'

Sterling wrote it down on his old whiteboard. 'Then Mom, I should be able to spend more time with her in my room. Without Lucia in my room, I wouldn't be alerting any suspensions by leaving my room during the night. I should be there for her in Dad's place emotionally for now then I can showcase my sexual side. Okay, Catherine is cool. I took her virginity with Sydney's help but I think I can do more. Now that I know, I can get them pregnant without the side effects, putting a baby inside my little sister sounds so hot. Speaking of Cathy, Amber is showing interest in me. I should continue to work out with her. In that way, I can get close to her without scaring her. Eva is still waiting for my decision. I should probably visit her during my free time but if Hunter gets back I need someone to watch over. Even with the cameras, a physical presence had to be in the household to stop his schemes.'

Then Sterling became emotional realising who he had to take care of. 'Brenna, I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. Fuck her ex-boyfriend! How could he cheat on my sweet big sis? Because of him, she didn't trust me after Lisa happened. I should have them spend more time together. In that way, Brenna could come to accept Lisa and my baby. Then again, the sexual part of the issue. It should have been done by our first date but now, I should think of a way to use her attraction towards me to be more physical. I could use her masturbation addiction to my use. I should convince Eva to visit less than usual. Brenna will help if Hunter gets back. I don't think she will be stupid enough to put our issues in front when it comes to a big smelly fish like Hunter.'

Sterling checked his phone to see if Lola sent any messages concerning the vial he delivered. 'Dio del sesso, a family of lovers, masters of seduction who use techniques to seduce multiple women to fall in love with them. The title is transferred from generation to generation as a male member practices their techniques on the women of his family. They also use an unknown liquid to avoid side effects of inbreeding. I need all the evidence I need. Right now, all I have is a doctor who refuses to confess because of some dirt on him, another simp who's in a similar situation, and some cameras and drugs I found in his room. And then again, his room isn't affected by the rise of sexual excitement.'

Steel looked at the wall and rubbed his chin. 'The vents, he's probably releasing gas through the vents. If my plans were to be executed perfectly, I would need more space. Plus, I need a lab anyway to practice my chemistry. Then it's settled. I will hire people for renovation as soon as possible.' A notification caught his attention. 'Just when I needed it. The renovation can start by tomorrow. I can use this opportunity to find out what's wrong with the vents. I need trusted people.' Sterling put his marker down and closed the board with plans and protocols to the side before covering it. Then he left the room to join the others.


At the hospital bed, two nurses were talking inside a room. "I know, right? Doctor Martinez is way better than that douchbag. I hope she stays longer here."

"But Clara, she only takes specific patients and she's only here for the Johnsons."

"I know. Hey, that cute male nurse is back!"

"Is he? I was going to ask him out but they said he quit."

"You're not getting anything from him, Sophie! They say he's spending too much time with Dr. Martinez!" Their rumour talk was cut short as the sound of broken glass got their attention. They looked at the bed where the patient was sleeping. The patient removed his oxygen mask. "Sophie, go get the doctor! Sir, are you okay?"

"Huh...where...am...I? Argh my head..." he blinked and shook his head as the image became clear. "Yoohoo, what do we have here?"

"Sir, why are you smiling?"

*disgusting giggling noises*

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