Power Trump’s All

Unexpected Circumstances

My Patreon is at Chapter 30. Patreon.com/Saintbarbido


(General P.O.V)

Harrison Wells had been a genius. Even in the future, his technological advancements had been key in many scientific breakthroughs. The man had been solely responsible for getting rid of energy problems. He had also been the creator of Eobard Thawne's greatest archenemy, The Flash.

Eobard was also a brilliant individual much like Wells. If he hadn't been, he wouldn't have been able to keep up with some of Wells' future plans. In the prime timeline, he had been a fan but now he was the man himself. He allowed a chuckle at the extremes he had gone to, to make sure his plan to go home was successful.

The difference between Wells and Eobard however was the cold logic and determination that Eobard possessed. There was nothing he wouldn't sacrifice to meet his goals. He had let his emotions cloud his judgement once and as a result, was trapped in the past. That was the time he had decided not to make anything personal.

And so far, everything had been turning out exactly as he had hoped. Save for a few inconsistencies but those could be summed up in one name, Jin Anderson. A metahuman who hadn't shown up in the original time-line. A metahuman who was wary of his Wells persona. A meta with the power to control water, though Eobard suspected it was more than that. But ultimately, a metahuman who would be crushed under Eobard's feet if he messed with his plans.

Everything was as a result of meticulous steps that Eobard had taken to not lose his advantage of knowing the future. So when Gideon alerted him to an emergency he knew something was wrong. The next piece of news made him curse out and change into the Reverse flash fast before zooming out in unbelievable speed.

"Dr.Wells, the monitoring bug on Mark Mardon's room alias Weather Wizard has captured his demise."

(Jin's P.O.V)

The information Amunet had given me, was surprisingly accurate. Turns out that criminals usually have an on-call doctor to operate on them whenever they were injured. That didn't mean that the criminal world was full of trustworthy people. The opposite was actually true. That's why money was everything. You want to get some high tech weaponry? Money. Information on places with high-end security to rob? Money. Operation to take out bullets in case one was injured? Money.

It wasn't as refined as I made it out to be, but it was pretty close. That's why Amunet had had the information. That was also why I was perched on top of a building looking at an average looking drug store on the outskirts of the city. The small building had an underground segment where the shady deals took place. Mark mardon had been very injured after the plane crash so I was pretty sure he couldn't move which would make this much easier. I had also seen Clyde Mardon come out of the store a while ago. I hadn't attacked him because his powers weren't as powerful as his brother's.

I was wondering how I could enter the building discreetly. A few minutes later and still a plan short, a car pulled up at the back of the store. Four guys jumped out of the car, which was a black van, helping up a fifth who had a bleeding shoulder.

I couldn't see the blood due to the low lighting but I could feel it. I also knew I could control it, although it would much harder to move than water. I hadn't gotten around to trying to manipulate blood yet, because I had been busy mastering my shockwave powers.

The clerk inside the drug store, went out to talk to the guys and they started arguing. I couldn't hear it clearly but the impression I got from the gestures of the clerk was that he was telling them, they already had someone else they were taking care of.

Seeing my chance, a water disc formed under me by pulling on the water at the atmosphere and slowly lowered me to the ground. Getting to the door I controlled the water to flow through the gaps on the door then up, forming a small bubble wrap on the door bell to stop the ringing sound that would call the clerk back.

I pushed the door open and ducked quickly on the store shelves. The argument outside was getting a little heated but I could tell that the clerk was backing down. Luckily I was now nearer and heard what they said.

"Fine, bring him in, I will take out the bullet but that's it."

I got to the door leading to the basement as they started to come in.

The stairway to the basement was dark and gloomy though I could see a little lighting ahead of me. I knew I didn't have time to waste before they all came down, so I quickly went down and hid. One might wonder why I was being so cautious about 6 guys when a while ago, I hadn't backed down in the face of Amunet's men. The answer would be, I didn't want to mess this up. For everything to work I needed Mardon alive so that I could kill him myself.

If something went wrong and those guys started shooting at me, I was confident on protecting myself but not confident on keeping Mardon alive. There was a brief ruckus from the ground floor before I heard someone moan in pain.

" Okay lay him on the table, let me go get my kit."

" Shouldn't you operate on him on a medical bed?"

"Nope, I'm only taking out the bullet, he's not staying here afterwards. The rest, you guys will have to take care of it.

"Fine. Just do it!"

I watched as the clerk came hurrying down. He took the medical kit on the table next to Mardon's bed and hurried back up again. Now alone, I approached the bed where Mardon was sleeping. He had a full body cast with only his face exposed. I couldn't believe that after a few months he would have been up and running like he hadn't been injured at all in the first place. Do meta-humans have increased endurance or something?

Shrugging out of my thoughts, I decided to do it quickly and stabbed a water blade though is chest. He opened his eyes wide in pain and coughed out blood. I decided to look at him in the eyes to strengthen my resolve. I was now in a world where, one misstep and you would be the one 6 feet under. I didn't have the luxury of plot armor like team flash. I felt my right of conquest activate, when Mardon finally lost the light in his eyes.

Something flowed off his body and into mine, fusing with my cells. I felt my water sense grow even stronger as it expanded to reach the skies. I left Mardon's cooling corpse as I went up the staircase. I didn't have to sneak around any more and besides, I wanted to play with my new abilities. And what better targets than the criminals above me? I impacted the door with a blast of wind. The force proved to be too much as both the door, the shelves and the men were blown away. I winced as the guy with the bullet wound cried out in pain after hitting the wall.

I chuckled in disbelief as I stared all around me. I could form ice if I wanted to, tornadoes, lightning bolts and even make it rain. I was still celebrating when I felt a streak of movement quickly pass through my water sense like a hot knife through butter. This thing was so fast that it closed a mile in the blink of an eye and it was only due to seamless Evasion:flow like water, that I dodged the vibrating hand that had been aimed for my chest.

The yellow dressed figure stopped in surprise and I capitalized on that moment to send tens of lightning bolts to fall from the sky harphazardly on us. They destroyed the roof of the drug store as I simultaneously sent a shockwave to my feet, blasting out of the ruined store. Dealing with a speedster I needed aerial support. I almost formed a disk of water to hover on, before remembering who I was dealing with.

Two twin tornadoes were sent my way. Calling up my new powers I took control of the wind and formed an air bubble around me. It wasn't easy but I was doing it. The Reverse flash stopped after seeing that that wasn't working out and we stared at each other.

"Who are you?"

He asked in his distorted voice. An undercurrent of anger underneath it.

"No matter, I will know soon enough, after looking at your dead corpse."

He added as an afterthought.

I tried to calm down my beating heart as I thought of how I had escaped sure death. My reaction speed was too slow and the only way I was still alive was through a stroke of luck. The skill seamless evasion had also played a role so I would have to practice it even more. I still wasn't doing enough.

In the midst of my fear however, my adrenaline junkie side decided to reel it's head. My heart stopped beating wildly of the fear but instead started hammering through my chest as I was now pumped up. Sweat rolled off my head as a shaky laugh escaped my mouth. I'm I way in over my head? Naah.

" Let's see what's faster, you or lightning."

Saying that, it became open season on the yellow clad speedster as streaks of bright blue lightning fell on his head. My wind bubble started getting easier to control as I kept it up, adjusting my movement up in the air. So far, I wasn't feeling tired using all these powers in conjunction of one another, though I felt I had up to 10 minutes before it became too mentally taxing.

The Reverse flash was zooming around the place evading all the lightning bolts. The storm overhead started getting even more violent and rain started falling. I smiled in sumg satisfaction. The speedster got impatient and threw a red bolt at me as retaliation. The bolt of speed force lightning surrounded my bubble as I neatly redirected it back to its owner who dodged out of the way.


I said to myself as I reached out and turned the wet tarmacked road into a sheet of ice. Eobard slipped, fell and bounced off the ground to hit a tree a ways off. Not a second later he was up and racing off, closely escaping the dozen ice spikes that made holes on the tree's bark.

The speedster started to escape and I automatically started chasing after him. I negated the wind at my front to reduce drag and shot out shockwaves from my back for added speed. We started coming up on the skyscrapers as Eobard streaked around the tall buildings to lose me. I followed closely for a minute but quickly and surely, he started to leave me behind.

I stopped in the air and loudly cursed.


Thawne had ran away. It didn't even register to me that I was actively flying.

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