Power Punch

Chapter 25 – Little bit of feelings

This chapter is gonna have mixed reviews, but if that's the cost, then so be it. It shows important things in Helia's an Levia's characters, and it's pretty important for future plot.

When I wake up from my sleep, it is as usual in recent days not in the state I expect myself to. Be it in real life when I want to wake up in Helia's body or in VOW when I end up sleeping in a questionable place like a stone on the road.

Today I feel something soft under me and to my side and I can't move at all. Save for my feet and hands, that is. As my mind collects itself from my peaceful sleep I wiggle a bit in place and I feel something and I'm suddenly very awake. Very, very awake.

Because I realize my face is pressed directly between two soft mounds I can only consider to be Levia's boobs. And... hm. My arms are wrapped around her belly, my leg is thrown over her thighs and her arms are around my waist and on my head, pressing our bodies together kinda diagonally with one of my legs still on the bed. How very comfortable, sarcastically speaking, and yet how happy it makes me.

The problem is, I don't think it's possible to move anywhere without waking her up.

So I freeze and stay still for some time while a few better unknown thoughts and ideas roll over my head, but in the end I decide it's better not to wake Levia by putting them into motion. I'd rather her be conscious for that. Not like I can't enjoy my time being embraced by her, and that's exactly what I do. It's... lovely. It's that feeling you're safe here, the fuzzy happiness from just... being with someone. And particulatly being held by someone.

Mhm~. I don't think I have ever had a better morning in my whole life.

After a few minutes I feel Levia stirring and groaning lightly in her sleep, and after a few moments of giddy anticipation I feel her freezing. And I'm sooo sure I know why.

"Mnnn~." I press my head a bit more into her chest and moan quietly, but very distictly in the silent room, and I feel Levia's hand on my head starting to back away.

No! Bad hand! Come back here!

I growl and pull my head back to glare at Levia, who freezes once again. I stretch my arm to the back and grab Levia's hand, then put it back on my scalp and flop back to her chest. Heavenly.

I melt down as Levia giggles, causing a series of small vibrations in her chest, and starts making circles in my hair with her fingers as her other hand hugs me tighter.

"Mmmrh~." I purr happily.


Good things don't last though. It's been ten minutes of heaven for a Demoness and Levia finally tries to get me out of bed. And off her, for that matter.

"It's morning, Helia, we should get up." She says softly.

"Nnnh!" I protest, tightening my hold of her waist.

"Heliaaa." Levia complains, scritching under my ear and causing me to twist my neck with a happy giggle. "You wanted to go to the forest today."

"I dhi-did." I stutter due to the giggle, admitting shamelessly. "Five more minutes."

Silence ensues above me and I start to get a bad feeling, and I feel something wrapping around my horns. Why do I feel it? I don't really have touch receptors there.

That's my last thought as something lifts me up by my horns and places my face before Levia's, and my heart makes a huge leap in my chest at the sight of her midly annoyed, small smile and narrowed eyes. Oh fuck fuck fuck oh damn oh gosh.

I whimper and I groan squirming, and I press my lower belly into Levia's hip by... by something, I've no idea why I did it. Holy shit, I'm so fucking turned on. Cool down, damn it. I notice Levia's face getting red at incredible pace and she lets go of me quickly, wanting to cover her face. The next moment, losing her support, I hit Levia's chest again and she squeaks in embarrassment as she tries to peel me off her again.

"H-Helia." She whimpers, twisting her body. "What the fuck?" She somehow asks tearfully and lovingly at the same time.

What? Heey! Why is it about me!? What did I do!?

O- oh. Oh. I kinda pressed my... crotch to her hip. Funny she's so conscious of that while I didn't really pay attention. I mean, I was engrossed in how... dominating she looked. No, not dominating, but... hm. Can't really put it into words, but I think it was how she held me in the air combined with her expression. Holy shit. I slowly let go of Levia and sit up on her side and notice her squirming while holding my hand and twisting her upper body to the side to hide her face, not like she is doing that. Her face is around half exposed, burning red and incredibly embarrassed. Ooops~.

I lean forward and kiss her lightly on her cheek, making her freeze for a small moment and cool down a little bit as it's only an innocent morning kiss.

"Sorry~." I say with as much remorse as a sadist after playing with someone, and finish softly. "Let's get up."

"Mm." Levia nods her head. "Give me... a moment." She squeaks out and I burst out laughing.


"There's one for Beisvart." I say to Levia standing by my side and holding my hand. "Its blood, to be exact."

"Yup. Do we go and get it?" She asks.

"We... can." I say uncertainly. "I could also give it to Catherine, but we would need to register to take the requests ourselves. Are you interested?"

"No." She scowls in response. Understandably. Many people would be excited to become sort of adventurers and all that, but for me, while I see the charms of that position and the benefits it can give, it's more of a hindrance for three reasons. One, a hunter's token can be tracked. Two, if you're affiliated with the Guild, they keep a record of what you are doing, including where you are, especially if you are in some way interesting for them. I definitely am interesting enough, as it can be seen by the fact I've already been approached by the branch master. Third, which stems from the two former, if a hunter is discovered not to answer a guild's call or designated request without a good reason, the Guild will punish them. Not like I would mind a good fight, but maybe on different grounds.

"Well, me neither." I shrug. "We'll see, if we have the chance we'll grab some blood, but I won't be specifically trying to do it. Though if you're asking about killing another Beisvart, then I'm in." I turn to Levia with a grin and she snorts in response.

"Isn't it too weak for you?" She asks.

"Well." I narrow my eyes. "It is weak, but I can at least play with it. You are the only person here that could entertain me, in two ways. Everyone else is too weak. Or just not the right person." I smirk seeing her nodding with reddening face.

"That's a... fair point." She says after a while. "Do you want to go to inner forests? We can find stronger monsters there."

"Maybe, but that's a bit too far if we want to come back to the inn today. I think we could go to the edge of inner forests at best." I shake my head. The inner forests are the area closer to the mountains where the forest visibly changes and gold monsters start to be common, but that's a long distance away from here as the curve in monster strength isn't linear. "Alernatively we can also spend the night in the forest?" I look at her, voicing the last part as a question.

She mulls over the suggestion for a while. "What about camping by the edge and going to inner forests next week?"

"Sure, why not. I told Catherine I'll play with them next week, but I guess I can spare one day if it's for you." I smile teasingly and she fights her own lips curling up into a smile, nodding lightly.

"Let's go then." She says and pulls me away from the mostly empty of people board. Or, well, attempts to, but stops after a single step before a person blocking our path.

Maala, and for some reason she seems pissed off. Don't ask me why because I've absolutely no idea.

"Helia." She says without emotions.

"Maala." I raise my eyebrows and Levia tightens her grip on my hand barely noticeably.

"You've been leading me on for the past week, and you're already with someone else?" Maala accuses me bitterly and I blink. Twice. Thrice.

I glance at Levia, who is looking between me and Maala with a frown, and with pain. I look back at Maala as a volcano suddenly appears in my insides and starts fuming explosively with smoke. "What?"

"What what? You've been obviosly leading me on. And we were supposed to go on request yesterday and you didn't show up."

"Maybe that's because Riverside was attacked?" I ask sarcastically, trying not to sound too angry. "I wasn't really keen on waiting for you when monsters were rampaging in the streets."

"So what?" She responds as if she didn't hear anything. "You s-."

"Maala, what the fuck?" I interrupt, looking at her with a scowl. "When was I leading you on? I've met you twice, both times no longer than fifteen minutes. In case you forgot in your delusions, when we talked two days ago I told you I'd be with Levia and I wasn't sure if I'll be able to do a request with you."

Maala takes a deep breath at that and looks almost crestafallen, but then turns to Levia and says angrily. "I spit at that, I won't be making a fuss over that. Just know that this bitch is leading you on just li-."

"Maala." I say in low, throaty voice, alarmingly calmly. "If you came to me to vent your regrets, then fuck off. If you want to insult us, you've choosen the wrong topic."

She doesn't really react though and continues. "We've even kiss-."

You fucking... You're now resorting to lies!?

Before I realize, I'm in front of her and I'm holding her by her neck high in the air. She is squirming pathetically with terrified face and her legs dangling above ground. "One more lie, and even rebirth won't save you." I growl in a low, throaty voice boosted by my demonic energy.

"Helia, dear, could you step aside?" I hear a melodic voice from behind me. I drop Maala down, who lands on the ground heavily and starts gasping for breath, and take a step to the side, looking behind me at Levia and noticing her... peculiar face.

First off, she has the violet circuits around her eyes I saw directly after whe was thrown out of the rift back on the first day in VOW. They are pulsing with power distinctly visible to my magic sense. And that face... that face would best be described as pissed so hard she's smiling, because that's what she is doing apart from staring at Maala and approaching her scarily quietly.

And it makes me... happy? Yup. Ehehe. I think so. I think that the fact she's so pissed because Maala insulted us and our relationship makes me happy in a particular, giddy way.

"Say, Maala, you are a Wayfarer?" Levia asks in a jovial tone, standing above angry and a bit fearful Maala.

"Yes?" She replies uncertainly, unaware of what Levia has in mind. And I think... I think it's a good idea what she is planning.

"I would kinda like repaying you, but I won't be doing it now." Levia replies with a smile and the next moment her tone shifts into cold as ice and wavering angrily. "Use the time before your rebirth to think who's the bitch here." Levia finishes and Maala's eyes widen when she realizes Levia is planning.

She is unable to react though as her head is severed cleanly by Levia's black claws growing at the tips of her fingers. There is silence in the Guild as the head hits the floor and rolls a bit, leaving a trail of blood. Levia then stands up with a smile and looks at me with barely a trace of hostility or anger and instead with a beaming smile. "Let's go."

"Let's go." I reply with a grin, taking her hand and turning around to the door. "I'm itching to punch something." We start walking forward and I get this kind of proud satisfaction as I see the hunters stepping aside to make a way for us. Apart from one.

"Hey! Wait! You can't just-." I turn around and glare at a man shouting so that he shuts up.

"She'll be reborn in a few hours. Maybe by then she'll know better than to lie a Demon to the face." I say and notice he is just opening his mouth to say something else, but I interrupt him. "Just so we're clear, had this been another place, I wouldn't let her go just like that." He clamps his mouth shut and gulps nervously.

"Anything else?" I smile lighlty and look around the room. Silence.  "Good." I turn around to Levia and raise an eyebrow as I notice she is barely restraining a giggle.

We go out of the building and I close the door behind us, and that's when she fails and starts giggling uncontrollably with a grin on her face. She turns to me and hugs me without warning, burying her face and somewhat drowning her giggle in my chest. I wrap my arms around her and lift her a bit to place her beside the door and not directly on the way and peel her from me to look at her face. That silly giggling face that looks at me with mirth and something close to admiration.

I lean forward and kiss her lightly on her lips and I feel her accepting the kiss, smiling into it, an action that almost makes me squirm, and dragging on the kiss a bit longer than I intended. When I pull back, she buries her head back in my chest, but I manage to spot the silly grin on her face.

"W-what?" I ask and I'm unable to fully stop my voice from wavering because of a giggle I almost let out because of Levia's antics.

"It's just..." Levia says quietly a moment later after she calms down a bit. "I'm happy. I love you." Ooof. Critical hit.

I plant a small kiss on her forehead and grin happily, taking her hand and leading her out of the town. "I love you too. Is there any special occasion?"

"It's, uh... I just..." She mumbles bashfully and her face becomes more serious. "It was... like... She wanted to say you kissed her, right?"

"I think so, yeah?" I intone the answer as a question. "If you want to know, I-."

"No." Levia interrupts me, placing her finger on my lips. "It doesn't matter. Yeah, I... know she lied." She bites her lip, looking up into my eyes. "But I was... for a moment... furious at you. Angry. Mad. Disappointed. I don't know." She mumbles and I raise my eyebrows, hoping my nervousness isn't showing. "But then I thought that... why does it matter? And it's not the point of her lying or telling the truth. It's just... the only reason I killed her was because she wanted to insert herself between you and me. I don't care what you are doing, if you ask me you could have... hm. I just... love you." She mumbles.

"I love you too." I say, the knot in my heart disappearing as if it was never there.

"Mhm." Levia smiles, nodding her head, and buries it again in my chest. "I was so happy. The whole situation angered me, but deep down I am so happy to have you." She says quietly.

I look at her with a small smile. "Likewise."

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