PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B3 — 25. Imbalance


1:  Rhea (Our Sweet and Sensitive Blonde!)

Pokemon Map: 


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Family Tree / Characters


8:30 p.m. August 14th, Friday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event).  Day 66.

Events:  Rhea won her Silver-tier Encrusted Badge after a tough battle!  Now, our girls are on their way to getting their four Encrusted Badges for the League.  Onward!  Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (112 days away).


Comforting flames embraced Rhea as she sank deeper into an endless void of energy, busting out of some core within her.  The hot, feminine voice of her Victini weaved through her like a needle through fabric, infusing into her mind.

The spark ignited a sea of rubies, breaking the haze and pulling her up before releasing her into an echo of memories from her childhood.  She fell into a seat of fire, a bright ball of limitless power floating in front of her with the glittering ocean of dazzling gems circling her.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve talked.  Hello, Little Ember.”

“Who…”  Rhea looked down to see she was but a little speck of light compared to the brilliance spinning around them; visions of her past twinkled in each gem, bringing back moments she’d forgotten as a little girl.

“Little Ember,” she repeated, having heard the nickname somewhere distant in her past.  “This… isn’t the first time we’ve met?”

The sphere lowered to her level, mature voice a gentle flame.  “It isn’t.  In order for you to be free, I needed to let go of you, and I felt you slip away.  Though I wanted to fight to hold on, clinging to each dreaming second where I’d still have someone to talk to, I knew you wouldn’t survive.”

Images of her little five-year-old self talking to a little star exploded around her.  It was followed by her lying in a medical bed, her father and mother hovering over her as her frustrated mother worked with medical equipment.

“But you would always disappear back into the shadows, leaving me alone to float through this void.  Now, you’ve slowly drawn closer.”  The blinding orb dispersed, showing a Shiny Victini with a melancholy smile.  “You’ve been drawing more of my power than you can handle, channeling it to spread out to those around you.”

Rhea sighed and sat back, air freezing in her lungs as she fell through space to land on a fluffy bed, where a name flashed into her mind.  “Huh—ugh…  V.”

V floated down, a caring smile touching her face as the Victory Pokemon hovered above her.  “Yes…  It’s nice to see you haven’t completely forgotten about me.  Thank you for saving me, and providing a place for me to heal.  Now, you should heal…”

Her little claw touched Rhea’s nose, and she drifted into a flaming ocean haze.  Memories of when she was young and sickly flowed through her with the current, remembering her dear friend that helped her overcome some deathly sickness.

In this internal world, she’d played with V, and the Victini had tended to her during the coma she’d entered.  She couldn’t even recall the experience before this point, but now it was so vivid and real.  V had kept her company, taught her, and comforted her when stuck in bed.

Giving into the warmth, she sank into the riptide, allowing her to the stream of living energy that flooded all that she was; the more she gave, the more she received, filling her heart with a loving sensation of gratitude and hope.

Her eyes opened when she came to a stop; Victini once again floating in front of her.  “Now, you’ve seen the lights…  Don’t fight for the heat; embrace it openly, and I will give it freely.  There is no need to take what is freely given.  Your strength will naturally grow, so don’t try to force it, or you will hurt everything you love.”

Tears came to Rhea’s eyes as she felt the infinite love radiating out of the Victory Pokemon, along with the loneliness she’d suffered in order to allow her time to mature, fighting the temptation to pull her close and pull her into this nexus of unimaginable heat.  Instead, V tolerated the crushing pain to give her spirit a chance to expand on its own.

Yet, it had been Rhea that had been the one rushing things by pushing her Aura Training further than Ash had wanted.  Now, she was out of balance, and Melody was attempting to set things right.

Lifting her hands above her head to relax into the cozy bed, she smiled up at her guardian and friend.  “Thanks for reassuring me, V; I’ll relax more and have fun with everyone.  A lot’s happened since the last time we talked…  Want to hear it?”

V’s big eyes softened as she closed in to hug her neck.  “You are not the little girl I once knew; I would love to hear your stories.”

“Let me tell you…”

Rhea laughed, tumbled, cried, and slipped her way through all the crazy things that had happened throughout her childhood and teenage years.  V’s emotions were so close to her heart that Rhea could feel every twist and turn that resonated with the Legendary Pokemon, feeding her with encouragement, comfort, and strength.

After a time, she asked the Victini about her life and time within her, but V shook her head.  “My life is nothing but sorrow, but it has only improved while by your side.  As we gradually grow closer and your Pokemon synchronize with you better, I will be able to reach out to support them.”

A sad crease came to Rhea’s eyes.  “V, you’re not just a tool I want to use…  I want to share your pain and help you, as you’ve helped me.  Eventually, I’d like for you to regain your body; I want you to live again.”

“Such hope and dreams…  Hmm-hmm.  One day at a time,” she whispered, reaching down to tap her nose again.  “Try your best; I am here to take the fall.  Thank you for your love and kindness, Little Ember.”

Rhea fell through the bed, yet it fell like she was falling in reverse.  She didn’t like how V had phased it as if she was being hurt by supporting her, and she was okay with it.

A groan rumbled in Rhea’s throat as her eyes cracked open to a blurry mess.  Her fuzzy mind filtered back, feeling Mya, Nova, and Alice around her; Lulu’s weak presence was the last to return since she wasn’t bound by a Poke Ball.  Weight suddenly slammed against her breast, making her choke.







Her three concerned Pokemon crowded around her, Nova and Lulu sharing her chest and nuzzling her face.  “Eh-heheh.  I’m okay!”


“Pwe?  Pwe-pwe!”

Nova hopped off, easing the pressure as Lulu cuddled closer, hugging her neck.

A soft chuckle came from Dawn, sitting at the foot of her bed, dressed for comfort in a robe and clearly coming from the spa by her flushed shiny face.  “Welcome back to the land of the living, babe!  They were really worried about you.”


“Haha.  Oh, and Nova wanted to show you something.”

“Ugh…  Okay,” Rhea grunted, pushing herself up to the headboard and giving each of her Pokemon a little scratch attention as Nova did an excited spin.  “What have you got for me; did you have a good time with your mom?”

She nodded fervently, pink eyes sparkling.  “Pwe!  Pwe!  Pwe?”

“Almost ready,” she said, pulling Alice to her opposite side as Mya snuggled next to her; Lulu plopped down on her lap, leaning left and right, patting her thighs in anticipation of the surprise.  “Okay, we’re all set!  Oh?!”

Her lips parted with a smile as she felt a burst of her energy transfer to the puffed-up Eevee, wrapping her in a bright, colorful light.  She grew, white fur turning black and her mane reflecting a snowy luster mixed with light streaks of bright red hues.

“Flareon?!  Oh my, Arceus; you’re so—huh?”

Before Rhea could reach out to stroke the divinely soft-looking fur, she reverted back to her base state with a strained grin.  “Oh…  You can’t really maintain it for long?”


“Not at all?”  Rhea interpreted, reaching out to pull her onto her lap; she heard movement from the hall as Amira and Lori’s voices came from the distance.

“Pwe-pwe,” she added, rubbing against her hand.

“Ah.  It’s something you’ll work on, though?  Your mom figured some stuff out, did she?  That’s good.”


Glancing over at her steely girl, Rhea grinned.  “Yup!  I met the Victini inside me; her name is V, and she’s super nice.  She said she’ll be able to see you guys eventually, too, as we grow closer together.”


“Hehe.  I don’t know if she’s fast, but I imagine she is.”


“Umm…”  Rhea glanced at Nova, who translated through their bond; it still wasn’t easy to catch exactly what they were trying to convey.  “Oh, umm, yeah, I’m feeling okay, Lulu.  Thanks for being worried about me.”

Comforting her four Pokemon, Dawn leaned over to rub her shin.

“You feel a lot more at peace, and, uh, I think your phone might have gone off,” she said as the door opened, her teammates coming through while Pikachu ran off with Piplup to do something.  “Hey, girls.  Good day of training?”

“Yeah!”  Lori grinned, holding up a V-sign with a giggle.  “Amira and I have been crunching numbers, going over strategies, and looking over all of Janine’s matches to see what tricky stuff the poisonous chick throws at challengers.”

Amira walked over with her Pokemon flooding in, crossing her arms and glancing back at the Unovan girl.  “She somehow paid me back and made a good 35k credits today on bets to prove to me she had Janine pegged…  Only to lose sixty percent in three failed bets at the end; the gambler’s fallacy.  I had to force her to stop.”

“Eh-hehe.  I did catch a lot of good calls, though,” she defended.  “So, what’s up, Sunshine?  Oh, and we brought Mya and Alice into the training, too.  Girls are monsters!”

Rhea laughed at the pride that filled the pair’s chests.  “I bet they are.”



“Nova changed into a Flareon for a second, too!”


“Nice!  Wait—”  Lori gasped.  “That can change up the whole dynamic of what we planned!”

Rhea shook her head, putting a hand on Mya and Alice’s heads.  “These two lovely girls will be my choice.  Nova’s happy to sit this one out—”


Lulu teleported onto her head, bouncing up and down.

“Hmm?  Oh…  Hehe.  Not yet, Lu.  We still need to bond before you can join an official match.”

“Ne…”  she sulked, lying out across her head.

They all giggled, and Amira got into a few of the strategies as Rhea reached over to snatch her phone.  Checking her texts, she passively responded to her teammates and Dawn’s inquiries; it didn’t take her long to address the texts, though.


 8:00 p.m. - Elaine: Hey, cutie!  Ambrosia came back and was dancing!  You should have seen her chatting away, bragging about her daughter.  Three forms already!  Becoming a mom has been the best thing for her.  (meaning: she’s not biting me as much anymore or kicking me in the butt to get work done!)

8:00 p.m. - Elaine: Ambrosia has become so pushy lately!  I swear, she’s rushing me to get stuff done.  Something Magikarp is up, I tell you!  She gets this way when there’s a secret appointment I have to keep.  I’ll sniff around.

8:54 p.m. - Rhea: Nova loved it, too!  Can’t wait to do it again.  Let us know when you got some time.  <3


Nova’s fur stood on end as she jumped up and down nervously, stopping their conversation; Rhea was a little confused when she asked her to call her mom.  All the other Pokemon became serious as Pikachu and Piplup returned with food for Rhea, making her stomach roar.

“Thanks, guys,” she said, accepting the dinner as the serving staff entered to drop off more trays for her.  “Oh—eh-heh, I guess I have a pretty big appetite right now.  Thanks.”

The staff nodded silently with serene smiles and left with a light bow.

“So… what’s up Nova?”  she asked, as Pikachu and Piplup listened to the anxious Eevee with all the other Pokemon; Nova’s paw swiped the holographic display on her phone to the Pokevideo App to select favorited clips and chose one Rhea had selected back in Carnelian City.  “She’s freaking out a litt—uh, what about Saria’s League battle for the Gym?  I’m… not getting it.”

“Pip-pip-pip!”  the penguin chirped, giggling and making gestures toward Dawn, who lit up like a firework show.




“Okay, what’s up?”  Lori asked with an interesting smile.  “Gabs is grinning, so it’s gotta be good.”

Dawn puffed out a smirking breath.  “Seems Chase is finally moving to tie the knot, and Nova’s worried she’ll discover the secret; she wants us to run interference.  Don’t worry, Nova, I got ya!” she winked, getting up to call the Kanto Champion.  “I’m the queen of distraction—hey, El!  I hear Ambrosia had a thrilling time with her daughter…  Yeah!  Yo, you doing anything tomorrow evening?  I was thinking about stopping by for a warmup match.  Game?”

Rhea’s brain worked through the reveal as she talked, leaving the room.

Amira smiled and went to the deck to prepare the private spa for Rhea to get in to soak, no doubt.  “It was only a matter of time with how their rivalry has been.  Come soak for a bit before we go to the main treatment area, Rhea.”

“Okay…  C’mon, guys.  Wait, is this happening like… soon, Nova?”

Nova nodded emphatically, jogging after her to join her in the spa, Lori and Amira sitting on chairs outside.

“Huh.  We’ll have to try and make some time to attend.  Your mom’s Trainer is getting married,” Rhea said, splashing Mya, who started a little water fight with Alice and Lulu.  “Uh, let’s see… My brother texted me, too…”


2:22 p.m. - Sabin: Kate and I had a magical time at the retreat.  We’re going to make sure to be there for your big match tomorrow.  Everyone wants to celebrate with you when you win!  I know you’ve been dealing with a lot.  Hope everything’s good.  Dad’s coming.  Don’t know about Mom yet.  Dad’s looking into it.  You know how she can be when she gets going.


Amira’s brow furrowed as she looked up from her own phone to study her.  “Is something wrong, Rhea?  You look concerned.”

“Your brother okay?”  Lori asked, tossing her device on the nearby table for Gables to use.  “He was in Johto, right?”

“Yeah, no—Sabin’s fine,” she mumbled, swapping to her dad’s contact data.  “It’s just… my mom; she’s been pouring over the data I sent her all the way back in Vermilion.  Plus, there’s the whole storage capsule tech from Silph she was going to get going for us, and our big Gym Battle coming up tomorrow…”

“But she hasn’t contacted you for a while?”  Amira asked, leaning against the side of her chair to rest her nose against the back of her hand.  “That is odd…  What do you want to do?  I can see if my mom or grandfather can do some sniffing around.”

Lori perked up.  “Oh, yeah, umm, my sister is in Hoenn right now to spend some time with Phoebe.  I can get her to poke around Sootopolis; she has a lab there, right?”

Rhea drew in her bottom lip, gut-twisting but also not wanting to put out a whole SOS just because her mother hadn’t contacted her in like two weeks.  “Umm.  No, I think I’ll just text my dad and let him know I’m worried.  Thanks, guys.”

“Of course,” Amira said, twisting her phone around with one hand while looking at her.  “We look out for each other; we’re a team.  Just let us know if you need something.”

“Uh-huh!”  Lori gave her a thumbs up.  “We got ya, Sunny!”

Rhea’s eyebrows knitted together as she resituated in the spa and composed her message.  “I… just realized that is also the nickname of Jason’s Starter…”

“Right,” Lori chuckled.  “Sunshine is much better.  What’s next on the agenda, Lemonade?”


9:09 p.m. - Rhea: Hey, Dad!  Mom’s been a bit MIA for a while and I’m a little anxious.  Her cover was blown, and she’s been more active and in the open recently, visiting me.  So…  I just thought she’d call me by now.  I was a little agitated when I talked to her on the way to Vermilion…  Let me know what you find!


Rhea deleted the latter part and forced a laugh at Lori’s continual nicknames, shaking her head.  “Let’s go over some of the strategies you two figured out.  I don’t want to be unprepared tomorrow.  What about you two, Alice, Mya?”



The two answered at the same time; they wanted to train on the hill with some of the other Pokemon while they chilled in the spa treatment center and discussed strategies.  Letting her two battle Pokemon run off with the others, Rhea got out to join Amira, Lori, Amber, Gables, and Nova.

They made their way into the hall, catching Dawn and Ash discussing something private; they broke away with smiles and laughter when they entered the walkway.  It was suspicious, considering their troubled expressions, but the pair were tight-lipped about it, and, true to her earlier statement, Dawn had them on wedding dreams soon enough.

She swiftly pivoted to training advice and info on Poison Pokemon as they began their nighttime treatments; they had to look stunning for tomorrow’s Gym Battle.  Her father texted her shortly after they arrived, and even Lulu, Meriah, and Terri got in on the massage treatment, melting in the hands of the specially trained Machamp.


9:28 p.m. - Dad: I’m on it!


Telling them about V when she got a chance, without explicitly revealing the Victini was inside her with the spa employees treating them, Rhea kept things vague enough not to give it away.  It seemed like half her.  She was outputting too much energy, which was hurting her.

Dawn had no reservations about talking with the staff there, probably because they didn’t have enough context to grasp the specifics, and added to the discussion.  Apparently, according to Melody, some deeper issues were revealed once the balancing started; it wasn’t important now, but they were looking into options.

Lori, naturally, was the one to voice that she’d rather know all the details as they researched things, but Rhea was fine trusting the two to know what was best.  She knew she couldn’t have handled all the darker aspects of her family when she was younger; if it wasn’t worrying enough to talk about right now, then she was fine being blissful.

After an hour and a half of butter-melting treatment, Rhea wished her teammates a goodnight and went back to her room to get a good night’s sleep.  She didn’t get to do all the training she wanted to do, but V’s comment was bugging her, and she wanted to discuss it with her mother, the only one who could give her proper answers.

Lulu and Nova cuddled next to her, Alice and Mya still off on the hill training.  She tried to close her eyes to sleep, but it didn’t take her long to realize it was going to be a challenge.  Her soft puff ball and nimbus cloud were catching z’s in only seconds, however.

Rhea didn’t know why she reached for her phone, but it was in her hand soon enough, and she was opening up her messenger.


11:19 p.m. - Rhea: Hey, you still up?

11:20 p.m. - Jason: Yeah.

11:20 p.m. - Jason: What’s up?


Her fingers hovered over the holographic display, unsure what to say; there was a complex bag of emotions stewing inside of her that she didn’t understand.  V’s meeting had been so comforting, yet now she felt this pulse that something wasn’t right.  Maybe it was just her, or maybe it was Dawn and Ash’s hushed discussion.  Her gut just wouldn’t settle.


11:24 p.m. - Rhea: Was a bit of a rough day, I think.  It’s just kind of weird.  I don’t know what I’m saying.  I’m just worried about this Victini inside me, and my mom’s not responding.

11:24 p.m. - Rhea: I can’t sleep…

11:24 p.m. - Jason: Victini?  Wild.  Want me to come over to talk?


Rhea’s fingers hesitated over the display, her throat sticky as strange emotions welled up within her.  Why did she want to cry?  Maybe it was the stress.  Nova grumbled underneath the sheet at her emotional turmoil, and she felt Mya and Alice returning.


11:25 p.m. - Rhea: Sure

11:26 p.m. - Rhea: nO, i’M FINE.




11:26 p.m. - Rhea: Caps lock.

11:26 p.m. - Rhea: No, really, I’m fine.  Thanks, Jason.

11:27 p.m. - Jason: Uh-huh…  That was a fast ‘I’m fine; just go away, Jason!  I don’t need your boy-koodies all up in my fancy spa.’  Well, excuuuse me, Princess!  Lol.


Rhea tried to suppress a snort, trying to stop her laughter as she shifted on her mattress.


11:27 p.m. - Rhea: Stupid

11:27 p.m. - Jason: Pre-Gym Butterfrees?

11:28 p.m. - Rhea: Something like that.  Thanks for making me laugh.  Catch you tomorrow?

11:29 p.m. - Jason: What do you mean?  I already got my shoes on and out the door.

11:30 p.m. - Rhea: Bad, Jason!  Down!  Hsss!  Back to bed!  Hsss!

11:31 p.m. - Jason: Oh.  Okay.  I guess going out for a midnight snack is a no, Mom.  Sorry!  Not the water bottle, Mom!  I’m sorry!  Stupid, thinking I’m coming out for you?  Pffft!  What kind of best friend would do that?  Noooo. 


Feeling her low lifting with a smile, she settled back in.  So stupid…


11:32 p.m. - Rhea: Thanks for being… you.

11:32 p.m. - Jason: Haha.  Who else would I be?  My Sis impression isn’t great; we both know that when I put on that wig and put on her makeup to tease her.

11:33 p.m. - Rhea: Lol!  You really did look great in those heels, and you nailed that waving gesture she used to do when pissed.  Oh, that was a great time.

11:33 p.m. - Jason: It was…  Hey, I’m already going out for something to eat.  Just saying.  I’m out here.  Waiting to get kidnapped…  You know, IF you wanted to talk.  *Look into dark alley suspiciously*  I’ll… totally be fine alone.  Have a good night!


Feeling better but not better, Rhea groaned as Mya and Alice jogged into the room, and she let out a hot puff of air.  She was all ready for bed and settled in.

“Ugh…  Hey, Alice,” she whispered as the bunny tried to quietly close the door.


Scooting out from Nova’s sleepy grip, she pawed the back of her leg with a protesting groan.

“Can you stay with Nova and Lulu while Mya and I go meet Jason?  I just don’t want to leave them alone and take off without someone telling them where we went.”

“Lopunny,” she chipped with a happy smile.  “Lop?”

“Maw-maw,” Mya nodded, saying she’d take care of her.

Rhea sighed and glanced down at the PJs Dawn had bought her.  Muk it.

Snatching her phone, she slipped on her socks and shoes before leaving the room with Mya in tow.  She did want to talk about it with someone, and Jason was the closest person she had, other than family, even compared to her team.

“We’ll only be gone for a bit,” she whispered, knowing Alice’s sharp ears would hear her.


 11:39 p.m. - Rhea: omw

11:39 p.m. - Rhea: DON’T SPOOK ME!

11:40 p.m. - Jason: lAME.


Rhea giggled as he mocked her earlier caps lock slip-up or slipped up himself; he really was so stupid.

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