Chapter 10: 10. [ A Pokemon's Resolve ]
Pokémon Status Screen
Name: Meowth ♂ (Anomaly)
Species: Scratch Cat Pokémon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Superior Intelligence (Communication) (Anomaly Exclusive)
• Allows Meowth to learn and communicate with any Pokémon, human, or even machine-like entities, vastly increasing its adaptability and strategic awareness.
Standard Moves:
• Scratch – A basic claw attack.
• Slash – A precise claw strike with a high critical-hit ratio.
• Fake Out – A quick attack that always goes first and causes flinching but only works on the first turn.
Egg Moves:
Covet – Steals the opponent's held item if it has one.
Tutor Moves:
Shadow Claw – A ghostly slash with a high critical-hit ratio.
Iron Tail – Strikes with a hardened tail, lowering the opponent's Defense.
Feint Attack – A sneaky attack that never misses.
Velkris stared at the screen, his thoughts racing. No wonder this Meowth is so different. While most Pokémon could understand human speech to some extent, this one had completely broken the boundaries. It wasn't just mimicking words—it understood them. That was something beyond what any regular Pokémon should be capable of.
His mind wandered as he processed the implications. If Pokémon could develop intelligence on this level, what else was possible? Were there other Pokémon out there with anomalies just as unusual, hidden away in the world, waiting to be discovered?
Velkris exhaled softly, his body growing heavy with exhaustion. His thoughts became hazy as his head sank into the pillow. There was so much to think about, so much to prepare for… but for now, sleep was the only thing his body demanded.
The hum of healing machines filled the room, their rhythmic beeping blending with the soft breathing of Ash and Misty as they slept nearby. Outside, the sky was just beginning to lighten, signaling the start of a new day.
The Viridian Pokémon Center was peaceful as the early morning light filtered through the windows. The rhythmic beeping of healing machines hummed softly in the background as Velkris, Ash, and Misty slowly woke up, shaking off the exhaustion of their first day.
Ash stretched with a loud yawn, rubbing his eyes. "Man, yesterday was crazy!"
Misty groaned, pushing herself up from the cot. "You can say that again…"
Velkris sat up, his mind still replaying the sighting of Ho-Oh from the previous evening. He knew what it was—but Ash didn't.
As Ash finished stretching, his eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh yeah! We should tell Professor Oak about everything that happened!"
Velkris nodded, though his thoughts lingered on Gible. He needed to be careful about what he said.
After freshening up and getting dressed, Ash rushed to the video phone and dialed Professor Oak's number. After a few rings, the screen flickered on, revealing the familiar face of Professor Oak.
"Ah! Ash! Velkris! Good morning to you both!" Oak greeted, smiling warmly. His gaze flickered to Misty, and he raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And who might this be?"
Misty stepped forward. "I'm Misty! Currently I'm traveling with them."
Oak's expression brightened. "Ah, Misty! You wouldn't happen to be related to the Waterflower family of Cerulean City, would you?"
Misty blinked in surprise. "Wait, you know my family?"
Oak chuckled. "Of course! Your father was a skilled trainer back in the day. I watched a few of his battles—very impressive. It seems like strong trainers run in the family."
Misty straightened with a proud grin. "Well, I want to be the strongest Water-type trainer and the next Gym Leader of Cerulean City!"
Oak nodded approvingly. "That's a fine goal! I have no doubt you'll make a great Gym Leader someday."
Misty smirked. "Of course I will!"
Oak then turned his attention back to Ash. "Now then, what was it you wanted to tell me?"
Ash's grin widened. "Professor, you're not gonna believe this! I saw a huge golden Pokémon with rainbow wings! It flew right over us!"
Velkris watched as Oak's face twisted with skepticism.
"Hmm… A large golden Pokémon with rainbow-colored wings?" Oak rubbed his chin before shaking his head. "Ash, that's impossible. There are no known Pokémon that match that description."
Ash frowned. "But we saw it! Right, Velkris?"
Velkris hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yeah. We really did."
Oak sighed. "Now, now, Ash. It's common for new trainers to let their imaginations run wild. It was probably just a Pidgeot catching the sunlight at the right angle."
Ash puffed up his cheeks in frustration. "It wasn't a Pidgeot! It was something way cooler!"
Velkris glanced at Ash, wondering if he'd push further. And then—
"Wait! I can prove it!" Ash reached into his pocket and pulled out the Rainbow Wing. "This fell from it!"
The second Oak saw it, his entire demeanor changed. His eyes widened, and he leaned in closer to the screen. "Ash… where did you get that?"
"It just fell from the Pokémon after it flew away!" Ash said excitedly. "See? I told you it was real!"
Oak remained silent for a moment before exhaling. "This is… very interesting. That feather—no, that wing—it has a strange energy to it. If it really came from a Pokémon, then this is an incredible discovery."
Then, Oak's expression became serious. "Ash, would you mind sending that feather to me? I'd love to analyze it."
Ash immediately pulled the Rainbow Wing closer to his chest. "No way! Professor, I think this is a good luck charm for me! I can feel it!"
Oak studied Ash's determined expression before chuckling. "Well, I suppose if it means that much to you, I won't press the issue. Just make sure to take good care of it."
"You got it!" Ash grinned.
After a moment, Oak's smile returned. "Now then, have either of you caught any Pokémon yet?"
Ash shook his head. "Not yet! But Pikachu and I are gonna start catching some today!"
Oak chuckled. "I see. And you, Velkris?"
Velkris's fingers twitched slightly.
He couldn't tell them about Gible.
Not yet.
He knew Ash and Misty would have a million questions about how he got it. And there was no way he could explain the Anomaly Ticket or what happened in that strange place.
He met Oak's gaze and forced a small smile. "No, not yet."
Oak hummed in surprise. "Really? Now that's unexpected. I actually had a little bet with Gary about who would catch a Pokémon first."
Velkris raised an eyebrow. "Gary bet on me?"
Oak chuckled. "He did! He was quite confident that you wouldn't let Ash get ahead of you. I suppose I'll have to tell him he won this round."
Ash groaned. "Ugh! Gary's gonna be so annoying about this!"
Oak laughed. "Rivalries are important, Ash. They push trainers to grow stronger. But don't let it bother you too much—just keep training, and I'm sure you'll both catch something soon."
Velkris let out a small breath. He had dodged the question… for now.
After finishing his call with Professor Oak, Ash immediately dialed another number—his home phone in Pallet Town. Within moments, the screen flickered on, revealing the familiar face of Delia Ketchum.
"Ash, sweetheart!" Delia smiled warmly, her expression filled with joy and relief. "Oh, I was so worried about you!"
Ash grinned. "Don't worry, Mom! I made it to Viridian City!"
Delia sighed in relief. "Oh, that's wonderful. Are you eating well? Have you been sleeping okay?"
Ash groaned. "Mom…"
"I just want to make sure my little boy is taking care of himself!" Delia giggled. "And Pikachu, too! Oh, Pikachu, are you doing alright?"
Pikachu, sitting on Ash's shoulder, perked up. "Pika-pi!"
Delia clasped her hands together. "That's good to hear! Oh, Ash, I'm just so proud of you! My son, a Pokémon Trainer!"
Ash blushed slightly but kept his confident grin. "Of course! I'm gonna be the best!"
Velkris and Misty exchanged amused glances as Delia continued fussing over Ash.
After a few more motherly reminders—"Change your socks!" and "Make sure to brush your teeth!"—Delia finally let Ash go, waving cheerfully as the call ended.
As the call with Delia ended, Velkris turned toward the video phone. "I should call my mom, too."
He dialed, and after a few rings, the screen flickered to life, revealing his mother's warm smile.
"Velkris! Oh, I'm so glad to see you!"
Velkris smiled. "I made it to Viridian City."
Before his mother could respond, a small blue shape jumped onto the screen—Wynaut, his mother's Pokémon.
"Wyyy-naut!" it wailed, its eyes brimming with tears.
Velkris sighed. "Wynaut, I knew you'd cry."
His mother laughed softly. "Ever since you left, Wynaut has been sulking. It misses you so much."
Velkris leaned in slightly. "Hey, Wynaut. You have to be strong, alright? You're not a baby anymore."
Wynaut sniffled but nodded, wiping its eyes.
"You know," his mother said, smiling, "I think Wynaut wants to train so it can battle you when you come back."
Velkris smirked. "Then it better be ready. I won't go easy on it."
Wynaut puffed out its chest, looking determined despite its watery eyes.
After a few more words of encouragement, Velkris promised to call again soon, and the screen went dark.
As Velkris turned away from the video phone, Ash stretched his arms. "Alright! Time to finally catch a Pokémon today!"
Misty smirked. "Let's just hope you don't scare them off first."
"Hey!" Ash shot her a look.
Velkris chuckled, but his mind was elsewhere.
He had already caught a Pokémon.
But for now… Gible would remain a secret.
With their business in Viridian City finished, Ash, Velkris, and Misty set off toward Viridian Forest, their next step on the journey to Pewter City.
The entrance to the forest was dense, the towering trees stretching high, their thick canopies allowing only streaks of sunlight to filter through. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping Pokémon, and a cool breeze rustled the leaves.
Ash, walking confidently, pumped his fists. "Alright! Time to catch some more Pokémon!"
Misty, however, was far less enthusiastic. The moment they stepped into the forest, her body visibly tensed. Her eyes darted around nervously, scanning for any sign of movement among the bushes.
Velkris glanced at her. "Something wrong?"
Misty gulped. "I just… I just don't like bugs, okay?!"
Ash blinked. "Huh? What's wrong with bugs?"
Misty shuddered. "They're creepy, they're crawly, and they've got too many legs!"
Velkris raised an eyebrow. "Didn't you say you wanted to be the strongest Water Pokémon Trainer and the next Cerulean City Gym Leader?"
Misty shot him a glare. "What's that got to do with anything?!"
Velkris smirked. "Well, if you want to be a great Gym Leader, how can you be scared of a little bug?"
Misty opened her mouth to retort but hesitated. Instead, she huffed, crossing her arms. "I just don't like them, okay?!"
Ash chuckled. "What else are you scared of?"
Misty scowled. "None of your business!"
But Misty still reponded."I hate carrots, broccoli, and bugs."
Ash blinked. "Wait, really? Carrots and broccoli? That's weird."
Misty groaned. "Can we please stop talking about my fears and just get through this forest already?"
Velkris held back a chuckle, but as they walked deeper into the woods, Misty's fear became more apparent. Every rustle in the bushes made her tense up. When a small bug Pokémon fluttered past, she yelped and grabbed onto Velkris' arm instinctively.
Velkris blinked. "Uh, Misty—"
She immediately let go and stepped back, flustered. "D-Don't get the wrong idea! I just—! It startled me, okay?!"
Velkris looked confused but didn't say anything.
Ash, meanwhile, was completely oblivious, his eyes scanning the area for Pokémon.
As they continued walking, something small rustled in the grass ahead. Ash's eyes widened as a Caterpie crawled into view, its round eyes blinking curiously.
"A Caterpie!" Ash whispered excitedly. "This is my chance!"
Without hesitation, Ash grabbed an empty Poké Ball and threw it—without battling first.
The Poké Ball hit Caterpie's head, bounced off, and sucked the Pokémon inside. The ball wobbled once… twice…
Ash's eyes went wide. "I—I caught it! I caught Caterpie!"
Velkris crossed his arms. "You do know that was pure luck, right? You didn't weaken it at all."
Ash ignored him, grabbing the Poké Ball with excitement. "Misty! Did you see that?! I caught a Pokémon!"
Misty, who had been standing frozen ever since Caterpie appeared, looked absolutely horrified.
Ash beamed. "Come on out, Caterpie!"
He tossed the Poké Ball, and with a flash of light, Caterpie reappeared, wriggling happily.
Misty's face turned pale. "Aaaah! Keep that thing away from me!"
Caterpie tilted its head. "Cater…?"
Ash frowned. "What's the big deal? Caterpie's totally harmless!"
Misty backed up behind Velkris. "I don't care! It's a bug! And it's disgusting!"
Caterpie's expression fell at her words.
Ash scowled. "Misty, that's mean!"
Ash then snapped back, "What else is disgusting, Misty? Aside from you and your hate for Bug Pokémon, I don't see anything else disgusting here!"
Velkris sighed. "Misty, you're scared of bugs, but how do you expect to be a great Gym Leader if you can't even be near a harmless Caterpie?"
Misty groaned, holding her head. "Can you guys just stop bringing that up?!"
Caterpie inched forward, eyes sparkling with affection.
Misty immediately ran behind a tree. "G-Get it away from me!"
Caterpie let out a sad chirp, lowering its head.
Velkris watched as Ash frowned at Misty. He could tell Ash was upset that Misty had hurt Caterpie's feelings, but Misty was still too scared to get close.
Velkris watched as Misty recoiled in disgust from Caterpie, her expression twisted in discomfort.
"Look, Misty, you can't just hurt Caterpie's feelings like that," he said, frowning. "It may be a Bug-type, but it's still a Pokémon with feelings."
Misty shuddered and crossed her arms tightly. "I don't care! I can't stand bugs, even if they are Pokémon!" she retorted, taking a step back as if Caterpie would lunge at her.
Hearing this, Ash clenched his fists, clearly frustrated. "Fine! If that's how you feel, then Velkris and I will just travel alone from here on out!" he declared, turning on his heel and marching forward. "Let's go, Velkris!"
Velkris stood there for a moment, exhaling through his nose as he glanced between Misty and Ash. He knew Ash was just acting on impulse, and Misty—well, she wasn't going to let this go easily. Still, he sighed and followed after Ash.
Misty, watching them go, scowled and turned her head with a huff. "Hmph. We'll see about that," she muttered under her breath before setting off after them, determined not to be left behind.
As Ash and Velkris continued walking along the dirt path, Misty followed a few steps behind them, keeping her distance. She darted behind trees and bushes whenever Ash or Velkris glanced back, trying to remain unnoticed.
Pikachu, perched comfortably on Ash's shoulder, twitched its ears before pointing a tiny paw backward. "Pika, pika!" it chirped, clearly trying to tell Ash about their persistent follower.
Ash, however, simply waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, yeah, Pikachu, I know she's there," he muttered. "Just ignore her." He kept walking without turning back.
Velkris, seeing this exchange, sighed. He slowed his pace until he was walking alongside Misty, who blinked at him in surprise but quickly turned her head away with a huff.
"You know," Velkris began, keeping his voice calm, "I get that you don't like Bug Pokémon. That's fine. But even if you dislike them, it's not fair to treat them like they don't have feelings."
Misty frowned but didn't respond right away.
Velkris continued, glancing at her. "What if someone hated your Goldeen just because it's a fish? How would you feel?"
Misty flinched slightly at that, her expression softening just a little. "Well... that'd be stupid," she muttered. "Goldeen is an awesome Pokémon!"
"And Caterpie's a Pokémon too," Velkris pointed out. "I don't hate Bug-types, but I won't lie—I wouldn't exactly enjoy one crawling on me either. It'd feel slimy and, yeah, a little uncomfortable."
Misty blinked at him, seeming surprised by the admission.
"But," Velkris added firmly, "if I want to be a Pokémon Champion, I can't let something small like that hold me back. If I need to handle a Bug-type, then so be it. That's just part of the journey." He looked at Misty seriously. "What about you? Do you plan to just cower in fear when you become a Gym Leader and someone sends out a Caterpie?"
Misty bit her lip, gripping the strap of her bag as she looked away. "I..." she started but didn't finish.
Velkris gave her a knowing look but didn't push her for an answer. "Think about it," he said simply before picking up his pace and catching up with Ash.
Misty stood there for a moment, frowning to herself. Then, with a determined huff, she continued following them—this time, not bothering to hide.
As they continued walking, Ash suddenly got the feeling that something was off. He furrowed his brows, turned around, and—sure enough—there was Misty, still following them. But this time, she wasn't even bothering to hide.
"Hey!" Ash shouted, pointing at her. "Why are you still following us? I thought you didn't want to travel with us!"
Misty crossed her arms and smirked "Oh, I don't," she said. "I'm just here to make sure you pay me back for my bike! You wrecked it, and you're not getting away with it!"
Ash flinched. He opened his mouth to argue, but no words came out. She was right—it was his fault. He had no excuse. After a moment of silence, he scowled and turned away, muttering, "Tch. Whatever..."
Sensing the tension between them, Velkris sighed and decided to step in before things escalated.
"Alright, alright, let's just cool it," he said, walking between them. "Misty, you're here to get your bike money back, and Ash... well, We do owe her."
Ash just grumbled under his breath.
"Instead of arguing, why don't we just focus on the journey?" Velkris suggested. "We're all traveling in the same direction anyway. No point in making it harder than it needs to be."
Misty huffed but didn't argue. Ash just stuffed his hands in his pockets, clearly still annoyed but saying nothing.
With that, Velkris took the lead, walking at a steady pace. Ash and Misty followed, still a little tense—but at least, for now, the group was moving forward together.
As night began to fall, the trio came across a clearing in the forest. The area was quiet, save for the occasional rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. In the center of the clearing, a large tree stump sat, its flat surface perfect for sitting or using as a makeshift table.
"This looks like a good spot to rest," Velkris noted, setting his bag down.
Ash stretched his arms. "Yeah, let's set up camp here!"
Misty sighed, already looking a little tired. "Fine. But just so we're clear, I'm not here because I want to be," she reminded them.
Velkris ignored her comment and got to work setting up a small campfire, skillfully arranging the wood before lighting it. The warm glow of the flames flickered against the trees, casting long shadows around them. As the fire crackled, Velkris pulled out ingredients from his bag and started preparing dinner.
Before long, the aroma of cooked food filled the air, and the three of them ate together in relative peace. Once their stomachs were full, Ash yawned and stretched.
"Alright, time to hit the hay," he said, rolling out his sleeping bag on one side of the stump. Misty did the same on the opposite side, making sure there was plenty of space between them.
Pikachu and Caterpie settled down near the tree stump, their small forms huddled together.
Ash gave them a thumbs-up. "Sleep tight, you two! It's gonna be a big day tomorrow!"
Misty groaned from her sleeping bag. "Everyone would be able to sleep if you just shut your mouth," she retorted, pulling her blanket over her head.
Velkris, sitting at the right side of the tree stump, exhaled tiredly. "You two never quit, do you?" he muttered, shaking his head as he watched them bicker.
Once Ash and Misty finally drifted off to sleep, the camp became silent, with only the sounds of the crackling fire and distant hoots of nocturnal Pokémon in the forest. Velkris waited for a moment, making sure they were truly asleep before he reached for his Poké Balls.
With a quiet flick of his wrist, he released Ralts and Gible.
Ralts blinked up at him, letting out a soft, curious hum. Gible, on the other hand, immediately stretched its small arms and yawned, glancing around at its new surroundings.
Velkris rubbed Ralts's head gently before setting out some food for Gible. "Sorry for not letting you out earlier," he murmured to the small dragon. "Didn't exactly have a way to explain you to them."
Pikachu and Caterpie, who had been half-dozing, perked up at the sight of Gible. They exchanged glances before hopping closer, clearly curious about the new Pokémon.
"Pika?" Pikachu tilted its head, then took the lead, walking up to Ralts. It gestured at Caterpie, then at Ralts, before letting out a cheerful "Pika-pi!"
Ralts seemed to understand and turned to Caterpie, giving it a polite nod before introducing itself telepathically. Then, Ralts turned to Gible and repeated the process, making sure everyone was acquainted.
Gible, for its part, gave a toothy grin and waved its stubby arms, earning a hesitant but friendly nod from Caterpie.
Velkris chuckled at the sight of the Pokémon getting along. He leaned back slightly, gazing up at the night sky. The moon shone brightly, surrounded by countless stars scattered across the vast Viridian sky. It was a peaceful moment, one that made him reflect on how far he had come.
Curious, he turned to Ralts, who immediately understood what he was asking without words. Its eyes glowed faintly for a moment before it nodded, confirming that Ash and Misty were still fast asleep.
Velkris exhaled. "Guess I can finally talk a little," he murmured, looking back at his Pokémon. "You guys probably don't know, but my journey so far has been... well, eventful, to say the least."
He recounted his experiences—meeting Delibird, Waking up in this world, Meeting Professor Oak and Light, getting his Ralts, traveling with Ash and Misty, encountering the Anomaly Gible, and all the battles he had fought so far. His Pokémon listened intently, their eyes gleaming with interest.
Caterpie, in particular, seemed especially moved by Velkris's story. The small Bug-type suddenly let out a determined chirp, standing up straight. It turned to Velkris and the others, declaring something with unwavering resolve.
Velkris raised an eyebrow. "You're saying… you want to train hard and evolve into a Butterfree?"
Caterpie nodded enthusiastically.
Velkris blinked before chuckling. "Well, even though I don't exactly understand you, I do get the gist of it. Having some psychic abilities like Viridian blessing right now would be really convenient..." He sighed, shaking his head. "But, yeah. You want to evolve into a Butterfree. And you know what? I'll help you with that."
Caterpie chirped happily, wiggling its small body in excitement.
Velkris smiled. "And don't worry about Misty. Once you evolve, I'm sure she won't be able to hate you."
Pikachu nodded in agreement, patting Caterpie's back encouragingly. Ralts and Gible also made small noises of support, reinforcing Caterpie's newfound determination.
Velkris leaned back again, watching the Pokémon interact. He let out a slow breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. The night sky stretched endlessly above them, and for a moment, he simply enjoyed the peacefulness of it all and slowly drifted off into sleep.