Pokemon: Tactician’s Triumph

CH_4.1 (09)


The office exuded a sense of calm efficiency. The room was sparsely decorated, with only the most essential of furnishings. A soft glow from the monitor cast a focused light on a certain man's face as he perused the data given to him by his staff.

Arlo, the director of the Stardust Battle Club, wasn't one to be easily impressed.

When Nina had entered his office earlier, awkwardly suggesting that they had a potential candidate for the sparring partner position, he hadn't paid her much mind. Another trainer applying for a job? Hardly worth his attention. Trainers flooded the club every week, hoping to land a position, and most were swiftly dismissed without his involvement.

Her interruption had seemed like an honest mistake—she was still adjusting to the job, after all—but it wasn't worth breaking his concentration over.

Yet now, here he was, staring at the same trainer's data report. Dr. Hayworth's brief note at the bottom caught his attention: 'Adequate.' Coming from Hayworth, a man known for his clinical detachment, that single word carried weight.

Curiosity piqued; Arlo scanned the report.

Trainer: Caelan Voss
Species: Rattata
Level Estimation: Middle-Class 0
Physical Attack: D+
Special Attack: ?
Physical Defense: D-
Special Defense: ?
Agility: C-
Reaction Time: C
Stamina: D+
Pain Tolerance: B-
Overall Assessment: C-Tier (Average for its species and class level)

The club's tiering system was designed to provide a more nuanced assessment than the simple class levels most trainers relied on. To those who understood the details, these parameters painted a clear picture of a Pokémon's capabilities. And this Rattata? Utterly unremarkable by every measure.

He'd seen countless trainers with Pokémon just like this—barely trained, caught offhand, and brought into the club with the hopes of easy employment. Usually, they were dismissed after a single underwhelming battle.

But something didn't add up. As Arlo watched the video of Caelan's battle, the data didn't match what his eyes were seeing. The Rattata's raw stats were uninspiring, but in the footage, she moved with an agility and precision that belied her numbers. It wasn't raw power or overwhelming strength that had impressed Hayworth; it was Caelan's ability to push Rattata beyond her apparent limits. Despite the disadvantages, the trainer had managed to eke out a draw against a far superior opponent through sheer tactical skill.

The battle wasn't flawless—far from it. From Arlo's perspective, it had been riddled with mistakes, the kind he'd seen in countless inexperienced trainers. But considering Caelan's background—a freshly licensed trainer with no formal training—it was clear that something set him apart.

And considering his age into the factor, it made the director's mind… wander.

Arlo leaned back in his chair, lost in thought. 'Could he be the one I've been looking for? The deadline is looming…'

He quickly shook the thought away. 'No, I'm getting ahead of myself. He shows promise, yes, but this is just one battle.'

Sitting back up, the director reviewed Caelan's profile again. While his performance was commendable, the director knew that his skills were still developing. Having only one Pokémon–Rattata–meant that Caelan was relatively inexperienced. There was potential, but the director needed to assess whether Caelan could grow into the role he had in mind.

For now, it was best to wait and see before he made a decision. Offering the boy a contract was only logical, as it would provide a way to evaluate Caelan further while integrating him into the club's environment. Eventually, the boy could grow into the person Arlo needed him to be.

But that was up to the kid himself. If their goals didn't align, then that was that.

After a moment of deliberation, the director pressed a button on the intercom. "Please send in Nina. I'll have her present the contract."


Caelan sat quietly in the club's waiting area, his eyes drifting toward the hallway that led to the healing station. He'd left Rattata in the care of the club's medical staff, where she was resting in a stabilizer machine. It wasn't as good as the ones at the Pokémon Center, but it would keep her condition steady until he could get her proper care.

According to the staff, she wasn't seriously injured, just utterly exhausted from having drained every ounce of her Aura. The Afterimage Technique may have conserved energy, but it couldn't prevent the toll that repeated Quick Attacks had taken on her. The sheer volume of attacks she'd performed—tens, if not hundreds, within a minute—had pushed her body to its limit.

Caelan's lips curved into a subtle, fleeting smile. It was an odd sensation—pride in something he'd conceptualized. Rattata had executed his strategy perfectly, taking on a Pokémon far superior in both level and experience. He hadn't expected a draw against a Base Class 1 Tyrogue, but he felt it had been a fair outcome, especially considering the gap in their abilities.

The sound of approaching footsteps pulled him from his thoughts. He looked up just as Nina, the club's receptionist, approached, a stack of papers in hand. Her smile was polite but tinged with a hint of nervousness as she stopped in front of him.

"Congratulations," she said, offering the papers to him. "This is the contract. Please take your time reviewing it, and if everything is in order, you can sign here."

Caelan accepted the hefty stack, raising an eyebrow as he glanced down at it. 'A contract?' He'd anticipated maybe a membership form or something simpler, not an entire document outlining terms and conditions.

With a shrug, he began skimming the first few pages. After about thirty seconds, it dawned on him what he was holding.

"Uh…" He hesitated, carefully choosing his words. "I wasn't really looking for a job. I just wanted to join the club as a member."

Nina blinked, her professionalism faltering momentarily. "Oh," she muttered, glancing at him with a mix of surprise and awkwardness. "I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding. I just thought–"

'That I looked like I needed the money.' Caelan finished the thought in his head, but the annoyance he expected never surfaced. How could he be mad when Nina had been right? He did need the money. 

As she moved to retrieve the contract, Caelan's grip tightened on the papers. His thoughts raced. A job here would mean access to the club's training facilities, regular sparring opportunities, and a steady income. It was far more than he'd expected when he first stepped through the club's doors. The idea of simply being a member now seemed underwhelming compared to the possibilities this job could offer. Sure, the job would tie him down for a while, but who said he couldn't make the most of it?

Yes, this was more than a simple mistake–it was an opportunity.

"No," Caelan said, cutting her off gently. "If you're offering, I'll take the job."

Relief washed over Nina's face as she straightened up, regaining her composure. "That's wonderful," she replied, her tone once again professional. "Please take your time reviewing the terms."

Caelan thumbed through the document, his eyes scanning the legal jargon. The role was clear: he would be a Sparring Partner, a job that involved training a specific Pokémon and battling against trainers who requested that particular species. The position for a Rattata sparring partner had apparently been vacant for some time, and now, it seemed, it would be his.

Most of the terms seemed straightforward, but one clause stood out, and he read it twice to make sure he understood.

"If I evolve Rattata at any point, the contract is terminated?" he asked, looking up at Nina.

She nodded. "That's correct. The position is strictly for Rattata. Should you choose to evolve her, you would need to defeat our current Raticate sparring partner in a one-on-one battle to maintain your position. Technically you could keep two spots, as most sparring partners here have one of each of their chosen species' evolutions."

Caelan's mind turned this over. The restriction didn't bother him much; in fact, it suited him. He wasn't planning on staying in the club forever, and when Rattata did evolve, the challenge of defeating the Raticate would give him a clear goal before moving on. And even if he did win, he wasn't obligated to continue. The choice would still be his.

"Not a bad stipulation," he muttered to himself. It was yet another stepping stone, something to motivate him while he made use of the club's resources.

The pay wasn't extraordinary, but it was enough for now: a basic salary of 4,000 Pokédollars a month, with a 25% commission for each paid battle. It was a start, and far better than the zero income he currently had.

That amount of money would be chump change in the future when he had a full Pokémon team, but for now, it was more than enough.

Satisfied, Caelan reached for the pen and signed his name at the bottom of the contract. The decision felt right—a logical next step in his journey. This was another win in his book, one he hadn't anticipated but welcomed all the same.

Handing the signed contract back to Nina, he noticed the subtle tension leaving her shoulders as she accepted it. "Welcome to the Stardust Battle Club, Mr. Voss," she said with a slight nod. "We look forward to seeing your progress."

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