Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey

Chapter 69: More "Training"

"Yaaawn..." I stayed up too late.

The sun is up, and as we progressed closer to Mount Coronet, the scenery has changed further. 

I didn't notice when because the transition was gradual, but everywhere I look are now steep hills on every side.

The valleys between the hills are still teeming with the same grasses that grow around Eterna City. It would be rather idyllic if it weren't for battles around every corner.


Riolu found the next enemy.

We initiate the fight the same way we always do. "Sewaddle, fight with String Shot. Riolu, you prepare Ice Beam."

We slowly approach through the tall grass, getting closer without making any noise until I spot his gray skin through the vegetation.

Machop, the little dude-like pokemon.

When our eyes meet, I realize he had the same idea - sneaking up for the first strike. He rises to his full height, allowing him to just barely see over the hip-high vegetation.

"Sewaddle, now!"

The grass rustles and parts as he barrels forward, his movements swift and purposeful.

A sticky white glob arcs through the air, fired from Sewaddle's perch atop Riolu's head, where she rides for a better vantage point.

At the same time, blue lightning crackles between Riolu's paws, energy charging in a barely contained sphere.

The glob hits home, splattering just above his right eye and dripping downward, gluing it shut.

He growls in frustration, veins bulging as he wipes at the adhesive white fluid, trying to clear his vision.

It looks... unfortunate. Suggestive in a way I wouldn't like to think about. I feel sorry for him.

"Take him out of his misery! Ice Beam, now!"

Riolu thrusts her paws forward, unleashing a concentrated, crackling beam of frosty energy. It streaks through the grass, powerful enough to freeze blades instantly and even vaporize the plants on the direct path. The cold carves a clear path to Machop, slamming into his shoulder with a force that sends a layer of ice crawling down his arm and chest like a cancerous growth.

In the move's wake, the grass glitters like a frozen meadow, coated in frost, refracting the light of the sun. The brittle blades collapse under their weight, fragments tumbling and shattering into tiny, crystalline pieces.

As they snow to the ground, bouncing between each other, they tinkle and jingle a discordant melody, capturing the essence of winter within the chaos of battle.

"Stay focused!" I shout mostly to myself. "Confusion, now! Sewaddle, be ready for Protect!"

Another growth appears on Machop. Bulging veins pop out of the skin of his forehead while he's burning with fighting type power.

Barreling through the winter wonderland, Machop stomps the frozen grass into fine powder.

It's not just anger fueling his charge, but Revenge: the fighting type move, twice as strong after taking damage.

"Sewaddle, Protect!"

Sewaddle flings herself off Riolu's head with her tail, headfirst and bravely into the incoming danger.

At the last moment of his sprint, Machop turns with a twist, converting all momentum into a deadly roundhouse kick to meet Sewaddle head-on.

Sewaddle's protective shield shimmers into existence when Machop's heel is about to strike her. The sphere gongs like a bell before...

"Sewaaaaa..." Sewaddle learned Fly.

A psychic shock wave rushes forth from Riolu, arms outstretched as if pushing something away.

The grass before her flattens in a wide cone before advancing into Machop, crashing into him and...

"Machooooo..." Machop learned Fly too.

Is the battle over? He flew out of sight, the opposite way of Sewaddle. "Lopunny, stay ready in case he comes back to attack us again. Riolu, can you please help me look for Sewaddle?"

Picking up Riolu on my way, I run in the direction I saw Sewaddle flying. She can't have gone too far.

Bushels of grass rush past us. "Can you hear me?! Sewaddle!"

The further I run, the faster I become. Where is she? Why haven't we found her yet?!

~"I found her! She is in trouble!" Riolu shouts, and I run faster. ~"Down there!"

Down where-- "Ah!"

Hidden from view by tall grass was a wide canyon. Much wider than deep. A rope bridge used to span across the approximately ten meters deep rift.

How do I know that there used to be a bridge?

Well, I am hanging off its remnants right now, just one slip of the hand away from breaking my bones again.

"Rioluuuuu!" Riolu learned reverse Rock Climb.

Time to panic.

~"Master!" Lopunny reaches with her arm from the top, trying to grab a hold of me up, but not quite reaching.

"Ignore me! Save Sewaddle! Then Riolu!" My words cause her to flinch, to look around, and to take stock of the situation.

Her eyes widen. 

Riolu tumbles down the rocky wall. It's too steep for Riolu to stop on her own.

Meanwhile, Sewaddle splashes around in the water at the very bottom, trying to stay afloat-- Oh no! She's fighting!

That was Razor Leaf! She's trying to fend off an attacker under the water's surface.

Salandit is with me, sticking to the wall and pulling me up by the strap of my backpack.

Lopunny jumps down the canyon, past the rolling Riolu, heading straight for Sewaddle.

Something pulls her under water, out of sight, after she bit it.

The rope bridge's remains seem to hold my weight fine. I stabilize my grip by wrapping one arm around a bridge segment before pulling out Sewaddle's pokeball.

As soon as her head pokes out of the water, I will recall her.

Lopunny jumps the rest of the way, splashing feet first into the water. The water is hip-deep. Her legs bend to absorb the shock when she hits the ground.

Riolu rolls to a stop on the riverbank at the bottom of the canyon. She scrambles to stand up only to fall over again in a dizzy jumble.

A splash of water shows where the battle rages on.

Like a predator hunting for fish, Lopunny dives for her target, successfully grabbing two knocked-out pokemon and pulling them up into the air.

Sewaddle in her left hand and an Arrokuda in her right. A thin, streamlined fish pokemon designed for speed.

The swirly eyes on both of them are obvious enough for me to see from here.

Sewaddle didn't get dragged off as a snack. "Whew!"

My body shifts, slipping a bit. My hold broke when I sighed, but Salandit has got my back.

Pure relief floods my body. Sewaddle is alive.

As if deflating a balloon, I feel the tension draining all at once.

Sweet Arceus, that could have been so close.

My breathing is ragged. My lungs strain to fill even when I take deep breaths. 

Fuck me.

Slowly, my body calms down. "I don't think I can let Sewaddle fight in the front lines anymore until she evolves."

My heart might give out if I have such a close call again. I can't believe I almost lost a pokemon forever.

~"I thought it wass funny." Salandit... ~"What? Did you ssee the way she flew insside her Protect? Besides, now she knowss why water is sso bad."

Deep breaths.

It's the trainer who needs to be responsible.

Pokemon have a fucked-up value system. It's not Salandit's fault that she's being a cunt.

In the end, I can only roll my eyes before climbing down.


While treating Sewaddle's wounds, I take a closer look around the spot at the bottom of the canyon.

At the very bottom flows a shallow river, wafts of steam rising from the gently splashing water. The murky debris in the stream, evidence of Sewaddle's battle, has long been swept away, leaving only clear water behind.

On our side is a rocky beach, while the other side of the river has a steep wall. The water digs into the wall before continuing further north.

Near the collapsed rope bridge is an outcropping just large enough to fit a tent. 

This might be the perfect place to set up camp.

Fresh water, a protected location to sleep at, and even a sort of ladder to climb up whenever we want to head out for battles.

After the fright of nearly losing Sewaddle, I don't feel like wandering even deeper into the wilderness either.

The pokemon around here are enough of a challenge for Salandit, Riolu, and Sewaddle too.

"It's decided. We will stay here for a while."

~"In that case, can we eat it?" Lopunny still holds Arrokuda by his three-finned tail. A weird organ that can spin freely.

The main body of the pokemon spins around in her hold like a kebab.

The word 'no' tickles at the tip of my tongue before I could even think about it, however...

It is a fish pokemon. He's on the list of allowed pokemon. And he tried to take off with Sewaddle.

It wouldn't be any different than eating an especially aggressive Magikarp.

Just remembering the mouthwatering taste and fireworks of flavor is almost too much to handle. "Ohhh, yeah."

Just a second later, Lopunny caves in the fish's skull by crushing it between her fingers.

... I should have watched my mouth. I can't get distracted like that again. 

That could have been an innocent pokemon who I sentenced to death by moaning about a really, really tasty memory.

~"Thank you!" She beams with a smile on her face, not wasting a single thought on the immoral act of ending another being's life.

Since the moral dilemma took care of itself, all that's left for me to do is pull out the cooking equipment and get cooking.

First, the scaler goes to work, lodging itself underneath the fish's scales, tearing them out. His large, expressive right eye is still intact.

His right side is mush, but it still looks like he's judging me.

"You shouldn't have attacked my pokemon, buddy."

His eye is completely soulless and unresponsive. 

The weight of my actions drives me faster; I hurry up. 

Scales fly into the river, and a quick rinse in the slow-moving water later, he already looks unrecognizable. Gone are the brown and white patterns of a living creature, replaced by gray, blood-oozing skin.

Just a piece of meat.

As water droplets fall from my hands, I realize the water is actually warm. Another rinse confirms it. The river must be connected to a hot spring!

Next, using a long knife, I slice the underside of his stomach open before removing the innards and slicing the head off. All the unsightly parts are tossed into the water for other pokemon to eat.

"I think I'm getting used to this." I say out loud as I slice into his back to separate the meat from the fish bones.

~"Me too." Lopunny watches my motions closely.

She doesn't notice my questioning stare until I stop working.

~"Cooking. I would have eaten him whole in the past. But raw meat doesn't have the same appeal anymore."

~"I would sstill eat him like this."

Salandit's comment earns her a disgusted look from Lopunny. ~"But you're disgusting, so it doesn't matter what you would do."

~"No, you're just weird. You tall freak."

Lopunny strikes a pose. ~"Master prefers them tall."

I stop listening to their conversation and focus on preparing the food instead.

"Rio?" However, that doesn't stop Riolu from walking up to me when I am about to put oil in the frying pan.


~"I said, aren't we going to wait for Sewaddle?"

"I was going to put a piece aside for her... But you're right." The portable gas stove clicks when I turn off the flow. "It's a little mean to eat without her. Thank you for reminding me."

Riolu nods. ~"She even knocked him out. I think she deserves the first piece."

"I thought Lopunny did it." The pokemon in question shakes her head before flinging another insult at Salandit. "In that case, we must wait for Sewaddle! There is no way around it. If my favorite pokemon did all the work, then she deserves the credit for it."

This gets the pair to stop arguing. Lopunny turns to look at me again. One of her rabbit feet taps the ground in an angry rhythm, while Salandit looks past her legs to shoot a glare at me.

Riolu only chuckles when she sees their responses.

"She has been such a great addition to the team, don't you agree? Bringing food to the table, always making lighthearted jokes to improve the mood--"

~"Get him." Salandit orders Lopunny.

~"With pleasure." A blink of an eye later, I'm two meters away from the stove with my back on the ground, sandwiched between it and Lopunny. ~"I guess I have to cuddle my way back to the top."

Salandit joins us on the harsh surface, wrapping her slender body around my head. She places her tail underneath me to support my head. ~"Lookss like a new team order iss up for grabs as long as Sewaddle iss still out."

Her claws dig dangerously into my temples, almost threateningly. But the look in her eyes tells me she doesn't want to hurt me, so long as I stay still.

Riolu chuckles before placing Sewaddle's knocked-out body on top of the pile. ~"All hail Queen Sewaddle." She jokes, but Lopunny frowns, not taking the joke well.

Just when Riolu is about to say something else, Lopunny grabs her by surprise and forces her into the cuddle pile as well.

"I guess we're all stuck now?"

~"Yep. Until you say I am your favorite."

"Don't be ridiculous. With that condition, we're going to be here forever!" Lopunny glares at me. "Just kidding. I don't have favorites."

Salandit's claws dig a little deeper into the soft skin at my temples. ~"Too late. I want to hear it now. Before that, I won't let you go."

"Oh, no." Sarcasm oozes with every syllable. "I am now stuck cuddling with my pokemon forever. How will I ever return to my career as a pokemon trainer?"

Riolu wheezes. 

"I think you're suffocating Riolu."

Lopunny lets go for a moment to allow Riolu to take a more comfortable place. ~"Cough-- I'm going to get my revenge one day, Lopunny! A normal type pokemon won't boss me around forever."

~"Yeah? With your attack stats? What was it? 19?"


~"Why don't we try it right now? Fight me!"

Lopunny almost makes a move. "Don't be stupid, Lopunny. She's just goading you to strike back with Counter."

~"Hey! Not fair! I would have had her!"

She might.

If Riolu doesn't get knocked out in one hit, she has a good chance to deal massive damage. "Speaking of Counter, please remind me in the future to use it more often."

I need to use these two weeks of practice as well: getting used to strategies until they are second nature.

I might also practice some more aura... Actually, it seems to yield diminishing returns... However, I did want to get stronger... But that was before Lopunny apologized.

Eh. I guess I will skip out on aura training. It's not like they are godlike powers. It's not like life is a wuxia story. I actually have to get creative to reach the top and rely on teamwork, rather than doing the same shit over and over again.

Speaking of which, "Riolu, my other favorite pokemon, together with Sewaddle, how is your progress on aura going?"


It's evening.

By the time we returned from another excursion after dinner, the canyon was already too dark to set up a tent. It's a shame to leave the perfectly shaped outcropping unused, but it's safer to set up camp above for today.

"You did really well today, Sewaddle."

~"I did?"

"Oh, yes. First Arrokuda, and then Oddish and a Skiddo too, all on your own. You're making incredible progress."


She is so cute! And normal, too. Not a maniac, not a pervert, and not a reborn pokemon either.

Next thing I know, my hand sought out Riolu's head for petting. I shouldn't think negatively about her. Riolu might not be normal, but she is perfect. I made her like this.

She is her own pokemon.

I can no longer deny it. The differences between her and Lucario are too numerous. Something went wrong when I tried to revive her.

Did I do the right thing?

... Yes.

Riolu - the one I know - wouldn't exist without my intervention.

~"What is the matter, Swole?"

I have been staring.

She resembles Lucario in her mannerisms and the way she speaks. Riolu, too, refuses to use regular cutlery.

I broke my promise to her.

We wanted to look at the history books together.

She saved me when I was about to slip off the Tree of Beginning.

And again, she saved me when I was stupid enough to sacrifice myself for it.

What did I do in return?

I watched her die, replaced her, and went on with my life.

If you can hear me somehow. Lucario, I am deeply sorry for that.

~"..." Riolu cuddles up against me without any further words.

I was a different person back then, ready to lay down my life to save Mew and the Tree of Beginning. 

What was I thinking?!

... I guess it seemed like a worthy way to go at the time.

I wouldn't do that again. Definitely not. No fucking way.

I wouldn't let my pokemon or friends sacrifice themselves either.

I should have stopped Lucario in the first place.

... Have I really fallen so far since then?

Am I evil because I want to keep what I have above all else?

Riolu leaned into my touch, her eyes filled with quiet concern as she watched me stuck in my head, offering nothing but silent, steadfast comfort.

She asked if I was alright. "I'm just thinking about stuff."

... What's wrong with my brain? Why do I always ruin these tranquil moments with depressive thoughts?

"You did well too, Riolu. Impressive work. At this rate, the Ice Beam strategy will work out."

Parts of me have shattered over the course of my adventures.

I can't even recognize the man in the mirror anymore.

Maybe that's what growing up really means: leaving behind childhood delusions and learning to put my friends and pokemon above all else.

They are my anchors, rudders, and sails in these turbulent times on my journey to the championship.

Without them, what meaning would this world even hold?

"I want to apologize about earlier."

The girls pause their own discussions. Lopunny speaks up. ~"For what?"

"I shouldn't have teased you with favorites. You all are the best pokemon in the world."

~"I know."

~"Sstupid rabbit, we need to milk thiss opportunity!" Salandit crawls up Lopunny's body, onto her shoulder. She wags an accusatory claw at me. ~"You owe us, misster masster. You owe us a whole hour of back scratches before bed, at least!"

"Haha, alright. Let me make it up to you."


It has been a few days since we arrived at the canyon. The grind is progressing nicely to the point where pokemon in the area have come to respect us.

When they don't outright flee, they challenge us honorably. Actually, they had to learn the hard way that they can't ambush us.

We kept running into Machop. He's trying to become a stronger fighter and begged Lopunny to teach him.

Lopunny taught him a few lessons by sending him back into the realm of dreams.

Today is the day of our departure. We've fought a lot, trained our moves and strategies a lot, but we need to head back to Eterna City to battle Gardenia in our scheduled fight.

But first... I take a deep breath, breathing in the warm, humid air of the hot spring river water.

Just a couple more hours of relaxation before I pack up.

It's quiet.

No nearby fighting. No city noise. The only sounds I hear are the soft splashing of the water when it rolls over a nearby rock and the calm breathing of my pokemon.

We sit side by side in the water, except Sewaddle, who relaxes on top of my head. 

Salandit found a tiny towel that Sewaddle turned into a bathrobe by biting holes into it that fit her nubby legs.

"This is nice."


~"S-sso nice!" Salandit is starting to get over her fear of water. She barely shivers now. The warmth probably helps.


~"... I love it." I am finally able to understand Sewaddle.

"Just a shame that none of you managed to evolve."

~"Not everyone can be as great as me."

~"You both ssuck."

~"Apologies. I tried my best, but it was not enough."


~"You know?" Lopunny suddenly maneuvers herself on my lap. ~"The weaker team members could go train while we have some fun."

A smile twitches at my lips. Teasing words lie at the tip of my tongue as I stare into Lopunny's deep, purple-pink eyes.

Last time I teased her was fun. Until it wasn't. It was exciting, but she couldn't hold herself back. "You wanted to regain my trust, didn't you?"

She nods. A sorry look is on her face. I can see the sincerity in her eyes.

"Then don't escalate."

She nods again.

"I am in control, deal?"

Another firm nod.

I take one deep breath before I move her arms around my shoulders, one after another. She understands quickly, then gives me a hug.

Her body trembles until I put my head on her shoulder. She copies me.

It feels weird cuddling with her while her fur is wet. Not bad per se, but different. The strands tend to stick together when I run my fingers through them.

Gradually, she relaxes. Her trembling ends first, then her muscles release their tension.

She must have been under a lot of stress too.

Without the tension, her body rests on me, her tiny boobs squishing against my chest.

Little Swole swells to the occasion.

As if shocked with lightning, her body shudders briefly as soon as she feels his touch. A predatory smile appears on her lips after moving out of our hug to look me in the eyes.

"Remember. I am in control."

I do not move.

I can see the conflict in her eyes. The desire to take what is hers and ravage me again. But she fights against it, closing her eyes and relaxing against me.

Only when I feel her head nod do I continue rubbing my hands across her body.

My hands trail down to caress the small of her back, sliding past her tail, past her thighs towards her knees. Then they travel back up, ruffling up her fur along the way.

Her skin underneath is flawless. None of the scars she used to have remain.

When my hands brush across her back again, she rocks forwards, pushing her chest closer against mine. Her stomach presses flat against me, and her privates glide over my bulge.

Her needy whimper doesn't tell me whether it was on purpose or on accident, but my hands stop moving either way.

Her ragged breath comes in an intensity as if she were in a harsh battle with herself. Puffs of hot air brush past my ears, coming from deep within her lungs.

"Are you still holding yourself back?" I love the control.

Just the redundant question alone makes her body tense up as if dreading an early end to our cuddling.

Her head bobs up and down with choppy movements.

"Good girl."

All at once, her muscles relax as soon as my fingers pick up the pace again.

Her head moved so close to my ear that I can feel her damp button nose against my earlobe.

Knowing what she wants, I gently bite her ear. She follows my lead and chomps down on mine just a mere moment later.

A little too harshly.

I brush the back of her head until she softens the tension on my ear.

~"Someone is coming." Riolu notifies me.

Lopunny is close. I could tell even without the hint.

She is easy to excite.

... Not that I am that much different. When it came down to it, I was a one-pump-chump - but only because of how backed up I was!

I run my hand along the side of her chest, tracing the grain of her fur as it flows over her ribs, across her firm abs, and down to her lower abdomen. Her muscles tense underneath my fingertips as they brush over her bones. The contrast in her fur's texture is unmistakable; it almost feels like delicate down at her pubic region.

The muscles underneath her navel quiver, a subtle tremor in anticipation while her thighs squeeze me like a vice.

Her arms tighten around my neck, locking me in place. I ease her back just enough to catch her lips in a deep kiss, even as my hand slips deeper beneath the water.

Our tongues intertwine. A curious finger brushes over some fur that feels slick with lubricant despite the water. The spot feels hotter than everything else of her body.

A soft, nubby part lies at the top, while puffy, fleshy bits surround it on both sides. My middle finger slips easily past the fur and between her heated folds.

She presses herself closer to me, forcing my finger harder against her. I search out the entrance, then break inside.

Her muscles clamp down immediately, not allowing a second finger past her guard.

My earlobe is freed when she stifles an intense moan by biting down on her fist.

Her body rocks back and forth against my finger uncontrollably. The pressure inside her undulates as if trying to milk my finger for sem--



I am dying.

I am literally dying.

In shame.

Someone climbed down the bridge. 

He caught us in 4K. Red-handed. My hand inside the cookie jar. Literally caught in the act.

Now he is looking straight at us from just a few meters away!

"Finally." The person states with equal measures of annoyance and impatience when I acknowledge his existence by gracing his presence with my eyes.

His arms are crossed, his visage looking confrontational as if he is just a moment away from lashing out.

Wait... is that "Asshole?"

His eyes sharpen into a glare while his hands move. 

One hand slightly lifts the hem of his blue tracksuit to reveal the full belt of six pokemon underneath, while the other hand grabs the first ball, ready to escalate this into a battle.

Does he plan to fight me with Elekid? Or maybe he evolved?

"What are you doing here, A-- Paul?"

"I'm on a mission. What are you doing... there?"

Does he not know?

Maybe he couldn't see what was going on?

Lopunny must have blocked the view!

I just can't ruin it now by blurting out the truth: that I'm finger banging my pokemon.

"I'm fin-- finally bonding with my pokemon."

Lopunny takes that moment to squirm, letting out a shaky nod and moaning out loud in agreement.

Paul looks at her for a moment before shooting me a look that asks, 'Is she alright?' - but he doesn't say it out loud. Instead, he says, "Bonding doesn't work."

He sees my confused face. "My brother coddles his pokemon. Gives them everything they want, but in the end, he only reached the last place in the league. The officials ranked him as the weakest participant, and he lost in the first round against Cynthia."

Right. The league makes the first batch of matches unfair, so the boring part is over quickly.

And some people enjoy watching the stomping of noobs.

I can't believe his brother is one of the noobs.

"I won't make the same mistakes." He states. "And I suggest you don't either."

"You can suggest all you want, but I disagree."

Now he looks at me with a questioning gaze.

"Training pokemon and battling with them is a team effort. Trainers and pokemon who are in sync with each other will be much stronger. My father went down the same path you did."

"I know."

"If you know, then you probably also know that he only came in second. Treating your pokemon like shit won't make you a champion, Asshole. Why are you even telling me that?"

He goes through the motions of his threat again. Glaring at me, laying his hand on his pokeball, except his hand shakes a little. It jitters to the right, towards the second ball on his belt.

I won't correct myself. No matter what threat he throws my way, if he acts like an asshole, he will be called one.

"I thought you and I were more similar than that."

"Huh? What gave you that impression?"

"I saw your fight against Roark. Most of Sinnoh probably has at this point. You're driving your pokemon to the brink of death to squeeze out a sweeping victory."

"I didn't drive shit!" I rein my voice back in. "My pokemon are giving their all out of their own free will. I never force them to do more than they can handle. I barely even force them to train!"

Salandit is the only one who needs extra motivation from time to time.

"Don't lump me in with the likes of you! You let your own pokemon die because you just didn't give a shit about him. Poor little Chimchar paid the ultimate price for your arrogance." 

He looks surprised.

"Yeah. I know. Everyone at school knew. Just how everyone knew you were an asshole."

"Stop calling me that." Paul's hand is firmly placed on the second slot of his belt. I even hear the telltale click of his pokeball. However, nothing comes out. He looks at his belt in surprise before realization hits him. "You know what? Fuck you."

He recrosses his arms. "We will see who's right in the league." He turns to walk upstream, only pausing to speak. "Your father gave me a message for you. You're supposed to send him the data after all. Whatever that means, loser."

And then he walks off.

After around a minute of hearing his footsteps echoing in the canyon, he crosses the river and climbs up on the least steep section he could find.

I wait another minute once he is out of earshot just to be sure.

... Lopunny lets out an unrestrained moan when I slip my finger out of her poke pussy.

Oh my Arceus, I'm so fucking hard.

I pull Lopunny back against me; her body is limp, but her eyes can still track me.


I massage her ass while waiting for a reply.

It takes her a while. ~"Yes, master?"

"Rub yourself against me. But don't put it inside."

This time, she takes even longer to understand what I meant. I can literally see the thoughts progressing behind her eyes as her face goes through the motions.

Confusion. Surprise. A look down between our bodies, and an even more confused look shot directly at me, asking for clarification.

When I don't say anything, she concentrates, focusing on my words before looking down again.

~"But your pants are in the way."

My Lopunny-themed swimming trunks. "I guess you will have to help me out of them."

Her eyes widen in surprise again before fear takes over. Her hands tremble.

She lifts her butt off my lap and lowers my trunks, just enough to reveal my swollen Swole junior.

Her breathing hikes up. Her eyes dart around, searching for help or a way out, perhaps? They finally land on me.

Her purple-pink eyes sparkle in the midday light, but they are pleading. ~"I can't--" She says between ragged breaths. ~"I won't be able to hold back."

I give her a gentle kiss. Just a peck on the lips.

Then I lean back, resting against the rock behind me, opening myself up for any attack.

"You can. I trust you will."

She resists against my orders for just a moment, but then desire wins.

She does as told, moving her pelvis forwards. She gasps, pausing as soon as I feel her radiant heat touching me.

Water splashes when her hand darts between us. She takes hold of my rock-hard member before aiming it at the entrance of her furry hole.

The canyon echoes with the sounds of her moan, but as soon as she finishes cumming for the second time - or was it fifth? - her eyes lose some of that glazed-over look she had.

I will be fine with whatever happens. I don't need to fear my own pokemon.

She takes hold of my cock again before pressing him against my stomach. Then, with the force of a mighty Body Slam, she plants herself on top, grinding up and down.

I wrap my arms around her lower back, helping her along to find a rhythm.

Back and forth and back and forth, she seesaws on top of my dick. At the peak of each stroke, I notice her pressing down harder, wedging my tip a little deeper between her lips, probably hoping for a lucky accident.

She splashes water between us and casts waves with her increasingly irregular rocking motions.

When she trembles again, approaching another orgasm... "Stop."

The order strikes her like a taser. Her body keeps shuddering as she bites on her lip and scrapes her nails along my chest.


Her eyes are squeezed shut in concentration.

"Stay still."

She stops moving, mewling in complaint, but she keeps completely still, not moving a muscle.

Her breathing hitches, and she trembles again.

I let her squirm in my grasp. My own eruption is not far off.

Slowly, I move to rub my pelvis against her. On each stroke, I make sure to tease her entrance and clit.

She bites down on her finger when the convulsions start anew.

Her will falters. Her legs lock me in place, and she squeezes her arms into the little space between my back and the rock behind me.

Her pace quickens, rubbing herself feverishly against me until she finally feels my dick twitching for release.

A surprised gasp fills the air when white ropes jet out between us with enough force to reach her chest and chin.

Her whole body collapses on top of me in exhaustion just a single moment later.



Note to self: Never cum in her fur.

Yuck. Getting the mess out took forever, and it was disgusting. Lopunny didn't hear my complaints as she just moaned in her sleep.

Once her beauty was restored, I let her recover inside her pokeball while breaking up the camp and climbing out of the canyon to head back to Eterna City.

We saw Machop knocked out on the ground again. Nice fella. Always sought us out for rematches. Even winning once against Sewaddle.

I leave him with an Oran Berry so he can get back into shape when he wakes up. "I wonder what happened to him?"

~"Are you sseriouss?" Salandit crawls halfway onto my face to look directly into my eyes. ~"Did you already forget about Assshole? Obviously he fought him."

"Forgot about who?" Her somewhat sticky feet on my cheek are distracting.

~"I guesss you were too preoccupied. He was in our camp and told you to ssend your father 'the data', whatever that meanss."

A vague, distorted memory comes back to me.

Right. Asshole was on a mission, and he delivered a message from my father.

To send him the data...


Oh! I completely forgot about that! Team Rocket's top secret intel!

I still need a proper look at it myself.


Mission report -redacted date-, concerning the progress of Operation Deep Dive. Agent 009.

I extracted from Operation Deep Dive after a partial success. We have identified and recruited a total of 57 people who appear to be willing to commit violence.



I already know all that. Skip.


Petrel's part of the mission was a complete success. His infiltration capabilities are worthy of a promotion. I suggest granting him the rank of an executive member.

After he assumed the role of the captain, we collected the human resources from Canalave City.

The previously mentioned incident occurred, allowing several prisoners to escape while some brave few trainers remained on the ship in a desperate attempt to retake it from us. The grunts who disguised themselves as fellow prisoners - another of Petrel's ideas - relayed their plans and allowed us to overcome their little rebellion with ease.

Due to the escapees, our position had been compromised. However, Petrel's acting capabilities bought our team the time needed to hide the prisoners and pretend to be them once more.

We retook control of the ship without anyone noticing.

When Cynthia returned again on a correct suspicion that the captain was compromised, Petrel's quick thinking allowed him to fool her yet again by hiding himself in the closet, bound up, with a new mask and accent.

Since then, I have exfiltrated the ship near Eterna City, so the following part of the report has only been relayed to me, and I cannot verify the truthfulness with certainty.

The ship continued its course around Snowpoint City where sympathizers and new recruits have been collected to bolster our ranks.

Morale on the ship among the refugees has been steadily deteriorating since we deprived them of food. Fifteen grunts have been recruited with the promise of additional food rations.

When the time comes for Operation Master Ball, I plan to make the executive decision of revoking their status. These recruits cannot be trusted. They would serve better as additional human resources.

After cloaking the ship near the iceberg fields of Snowpoint City, Petrel has relocated it to location Bravo, where he awaits further orders.


Holy shit. Cynthia must be pissed. They fooled her three times.

These people are serious. Cloaking technology? Backup plans for their backup plans? How did I ever manage to pull one over on Domino?

Just pure luck?

Also... what do they mean with human resources?

Maybe the other report will say.


Mission report -redacted date-, concerning the infiltration of Team Galactic.

Giovanni, you are a genius beyond mortal comprehension.

How you could come up with the designs for the Master Ball is beyond me. How you could predict the apocalypse and prepare for it years in advance is mind-boggling.

I love you, and I want to have your babies.


... It's two more pages of fawning over Giovanni.


I believe my role as commander has been compromised. I am under investigation. Cyrus has hired a consultant who sticks his nose too deeply. He has a connection to Interpol Investigator Looker.

Preparations to dive deeper undercover are completed. My new position has been secured, and I believe it has the potential to be even more influential than my commander disguise.

My current position has served its role to completion. It is regrettable that we will be unable to receive further top secret information, but the ones I have gathered until now should be more than sufficient to further your goals.

I have found and verified intel suggesting the existence of a Magearna underneath their headquarters in Veilstone City.

You were correct that Sinnoh used the same species of pokemon for their manufacturing of pokeballs as Silph Corp did.

If your design improvements to the prototype work out as intended, then we should be able to produce two Master Balls before the end times.

With Mewtwo under your control, capturing the legendary pokemon of time and space itself should be of no issue to you.

The power to rewrite the universe as you see fit will soon lie within your grasp.

Please give me your child.



A clawed hand waves around in front of my face.

They plan to rule the world... No, not just the world: absolutely everything.


A wet tongue invades my open mouth, but I ignore it. This is unbelievable.

But I'm seeing it right in front of me. They have these plans, and they are well on their way to completing them.

This is insane.

~"No reaction?"

What is the alternative? Sinnoh, or possibly more than just our region, gets destroyed as it happened who knows how many times in the past, and then it will repeat itself in a few hundred years.

But if people like Domino or Giovanni get this kind of power, then everything could be doomed.

I don't know what Giovanni would do with it, but Domino is a psychopath. Rumors say she killed her own flesh and blood... She would definitely kill me for slighting her twice.

With the power of space and time, they could just erase me from existence. Poof. Gone. Never existed.

My dad must know about this.

~"What does it sssay? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Pleaaassse masster! I want to knooow!"

Salandit shakes me back into the present moment.

There is more to read, but I need to send a copy to my father immediately.

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