Pokémon: My Pokémons are all maxed out

Chapter 4

Lu Feng was stunned when he heard this, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes, and then he nodded.

Lin Luo went to the side and released his Butterfree to practice the new tricks he had just learned.

Ultrasonic waves, telekinesis, sleeping powder, wind, silver whirlwind.

These are all learned after evolution.

Lu Feng became interested in watching this guy practicing his tricks.

This guy is really different.

When he opened his mouth, he thought that the other party would hesitate, but he didn't expect that he would agree directly.

Where did he get the courage? He is not even a formal trainer.

The formal trainer qualification certificate will not be officially issued until after graduation, which means that Lin Luo will become a formal junior trainer in a month.

The key is what he said.

He also said that he needed to prepare. Does he still want to use Butterfree to beat my Pidgeot?

When this idea came out, Lu Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

How is it possible?

Not to mention the suppression in attributes, the battle experience is not a little bit worse. Anyway, let's see how this kid performs. Maybe there will be a big surprise.

Then there may be a good newcomer joining the association.

He has already planned to pull Lin Luo into the trainer association.

The news that Lin Luo is going to fight against the intermediate trainer Lu Feng gradually spread among the students, causing a commotion.

"Lin Luo is going to fight against the intermediate trainer Lu Feng? Is it true?"

And with the nod of the person involved, Lu Feng, the atmosphere was pushed to a climax.

Those students who still have to fight next have no intention of fighting. They put away their Pokémon and curiously watched Lin Luo on the side.

Some people cheered for Lin Luo, while others laughed at Lin Luo's arrogance.

"Come on Lin Luo, come on Butterfree!"

This was said by a girl who likes Butterfree.

"You're so arrogant after just evolving into Butterfree? Humph, let's see how you lose later!"

This is what people who are jealous of Lin Luo said.

Lin Luo has been immersed in his own world at this time. Although he has been repeatedly ordering Butterfree to use his special move, he has already used a prop in his backpack in his heart.

Advanced skill (random).

Confirm to use.

System: Congratulations to the host for drawing the advanced transformation skill - Butterfly Dance.

Butterfly Dance: Dance a mysterious and beautiful dance lightly to improve your special attack, special defense and speed.

Lin Luo secretly shouted "good" and immediately let Butterfree learn Butterfly Dance. Butterfly was stunned.

It seems that I have learned a new special move?

Just as Butterfree was about to dance Butterfly Dance, Lin Luo hurriedly stopped Butterfree.

Thinking that this is a comprehensive killer move, how can it be used during training? He glanced at Lu Feng who was curiously looking at him behind him, and then gritted his teeth and used the advanced skill proficiency potion on Butterfly Dance.

The proficiency of the Butterfly Dance skill instantly increased by 30%.

Although it was a bit wasteful, it was better to be safe.

After all, it was related to the reputation system and the reputation store.

According to Lin Luo's previous experience of playing online games, the reputation store was definitely full of good things.

After pretending to practice for a while, he walked up to Lu Feng and nodded.

"I'm ready."

Seeing this, Lu Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Are you ready?" Then, without waiting for Lin Luo to speak, he clapped his hands and shouted, "Classmates, make way and make room for the battle!"

Almost at the moment the voice fell, the students watching instantly made room for the battle.

They had been waiting for a long time.

Lin Luo and Lu Feng walked to both sides, and Lu Feng looked up and shouted, "Pipi Bird!"

The Pipi Bird hovering in the sky slowly landed in front of Lu Feng after hearing it.


"It's your Butterfree."

Lu Feng looked relaxed.

Although Pidgeot was newly captured and lacked some tacit understanding, he was still quite confident.

Lin Luo looked at the attribute panel of Pidgeot opposite him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Name: Pidgeot Level: Level 19 Attribute: Flying Features: Sharp Eyes

HP Individual Value: 19/31 Attack Individual Value: 30/31 Defense Individual Value: 15/31

Special Attack Individual Value: 3/31 Special Defense Individual Value: 12/31 Speed ​​Individual Value: 13/31

Total Individual Value: 92 Qualification Rating: (B)

Mastered Skills: Unknown

Name: Butterfree Level: Level 20 Attribute: Insect Flying Features: Compound Eyes

HP Individual Value: 30/31 Attack Individual Value: 31/31 Defense Individual Value: 20/31

Special Attack Individual Value: 31/31 Special Defense Individual Value: 31/31 Speed ​​Individual Value: 31/31

Total Individual Value: 174 Qualification Rating: (S)

Mastered Skills: Impact, Silk Spinning, Hardening, Ultrasonic, Telekinesis, Sleeping Powder, Wind, Silver Whirlwind, Butterfly Dance.

Butterfree has a 1-level advantage, but it can be ignored in the face of attributes.

However, Butterfree has a great advantage in skills, and as long as it performs well, it can still win.

Lin Luo glanced at Butterfree next to him, and it flapped its wings and slowly flew into the venue.

"I'm here first, lightning flash!"

Lu Feng gave a direct order, and Pidgeot suddenly accelerated and hit it with its wings flapped. Seeing this, Lin Luo ordered: "Ultrasonic wave."

The antennae on Butterfree's forehead glowed, and heavy sound waves appeared and hit Pidgeot. Although the power was not great, the range was very wide.

Pidgeot was soon affected by the ultrasound and almost lost control and hit the onlookers.

The association staff on the side shouted: "Stay away from the people next to you!"

The onlookers retreated six or seven steps, but then secretly moved forward one or two steps. There was no way, they were too curious.

"Well done, Pidgeot, use Wind."

Lu Feng smiled and continued to give orders.

"We will use Wind too."

Instantly, two whirlwinds overlapped, rolling up countless gravel and dust, instantly filling the entire venue.

"Spin attack."

This was a skill he asked a master to teach Pidgeot after he captured it. Although the power of spin attack is not strong, the special effect is a sure hit.

How could Pidgeot not learn such a powerful skill?

The storm had not stopped yet, and Pidgeot was like a sharp arrow that pierced through the storm and killed it, and almost instantly arrived in front of Butterfree.

"Now, use telekinesis!"

Lin Luo suddenly gave an order, and Butterfree's telekinesis instantly controlled Pidgeot. Lin Luo was about to continue giving orders, but Lu Feng spoke.

"Use Parrot Imitation."

Pidgeot stopped moving instantly, and a light chirping came from its beak, and then it used telekinesis to offset Butterfree's telekinesis.

Seeing this, Lin Luo's heart sank. He had learned telekinesis.

Seeing Lin Lu's expression change, Lu Feng also smiled. It seemed that this guy had no trump card.

"Turnaround attack."

The Pidgeot quickly rose and fell, but accidentally hit the rolled up gravel, and a soft whine came.

Lu Feng looked at the tornado that had not disappeared yet and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

The most feared factor of the turnaround attack is this factor. The high-speed tornado will bring up gravel and seriously affect the speed of the Pidgeot using the turnaround attack.

Lin Luo heard the Pidgeot's soft whine in the distance, and suddenly had an idea.

"Bardalio, use the wind continuously."

Bardalio flapped its wings quickly, and the wind that had not yet dissipated gradually intensified, and even the Pidgeot and Bardalio in the distance were sucked in.

Lu Feng was stunned when he saw this.

Speed ​​up the wind? What do you want to do? Although Pidgeot will also be affected, Pidgeot has a close-range wing attack, right?

Lu Feng directly ordered: "Wing attack."

Pidgeot chirped loudly in the tornado, trying to approach Butterfree to attack.

"Right now, use the wind to use Butterfree!"

Butterfree no longer flapped its wings but rotated freely with the strong wind, and at the same time it also danced a mysterious butterfly dance.

Everyone was stunned.

I saw Butterfree flying freely with the strong wind, and twisting its body from time to time, which seemed a bit weird.

"Butterfly dance? Is this a trick?"

Not to mention Lu Feng was stunned, even the leader of the association was stunned. He had heard of Dragon Dance and Sword Dance, but never Butterfly Dance.

As the wind gradually calmed down, Butterfree's Butterfly Dance also ended.

At this time, Butterfree only felt that there was a magical power filling her whole body, which was very wonderful.

"Wing attack."

Lu Feng ordered again, the wind weakened, and Pidgeot also rushed up and used wing attack.

"Continue to use silk."

Butterfield spit out a white silk thread quickly, and entangled Pidgeot in the blink of an eye. After Pidgeot used wing attack several times, it felt something was wrong.

This thread seemed to be much tougher.

"Next is the sleeping powder."

Pidgeot was tightly entangled by the silk and lost its ability to move. Like a puppet, it could only stare blankly at the sleeping powder falling from the sky.

Pidgeot fell asleep, and Lin Luo ordered the butterfly dance again.

This time, the butterfly dance was clearer than before, and it felt more mysterious.

After the second butterfly dance, Butterfield almost hummed.

At this time, Lin Luo finally gave the attack order.

"Silver whirlwind."

As Butterfield slowly flapped its wings, the silver whirlwind swallowed Pidgeot in an instant like a flood.

Lu Feng was stunned.

He had also seen the silver whirlwinds of other bug-type Pokémon, and it was similar to Butterfree's silver whirlwind.Compared, it seems that the difference is more than one level.

After the silver whirlwind ended, Pidgeot fell directly to the ground.

This time, not only the students were stunned, but also the leaders and other members of the association were stunned.

He actually won?

He defeated the flying-type Pidgeot with the reverse attribute?

After a while, applause rang out continuously, and it was not known whether it was for the two or for Butterfree.

Lu Feng smiled helplessly and took back the Pidgeot that had lost its combat ability, and looked at Lin Luo's Butterfree.

"Butterfree, you really surprised me."

Butterfree nodded in response and looked at the trainer behind him.

At this time, Lin Luo's mind was not on the result of the battle, but immersed in his own mind.

Just now, the system officially opened the reputation system and reputation store.

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