Pokemon Era: From Pokemon Professor To Champion Superstar

Chapter 1134 Ye Yun Rushes Over

Urad was stunned, his expression did not change.

He immediately looked up Soaring in the sky and saw the evil breath approaching.

When the burning pterosaur went down to the terrace and returned to the puppet, the cold figure in the mask made him take a step back.


100 pirates put up their signs and the disaster was over!

Urad recognized the newcomer and took a breath.

I didn’t expect His Majesty Ye Yun to send this person!

But there's only one person, right?

"Do not worry."

Seeing the commander's worry, many people looked sideways and laughed. One person is enough for a thousand troops!"

No one reassures him more than anything else!

At night, the terrace was filled with food and drinks, and the guards had come down early, leaving only Ye Yun and everything on the terrace.

“What does country mean?”

"Brother Ye Yun."

Taking off the mask, a smile appeared on her delicate face.

"The national contest condition is good, and Mr. Yamato is working hard to become a qualified general. All towns and villages have calmed down and construction is restarting."

It describes the situation in the Land of Harmony. All famous families such as the Shuangyue Kang family have withdrawn, and the new famous families are filled by young people from the Shuangyue, Ugyue and other families, all of whom are positive energy.

Agricultural policies are also proceeding in an orderly manner. Except for a small number of Rototillers, the rest are planted with cash crops such as cotton.

Encountering the darkness of the Serpent Era, the entire country is now actively working hard to change for the better.

I don't know when the hatred towards the weapons factory disappeared a lot. From resistance to gradual acceptance, no matter how painful it is, it is much better than when Orochi was.

Generally stable.

"Brother Ye Yun, although the transactions with various countries are now very stable 4+"

I frowned and said, "Just in case, prepare a new food source as soon as possible."

"That's right."

Ye Yun nodded.

Interests between forces come first. Now, there is no intersection between beasts and nations, but there is soup on both sides.

If countries cut off their food sources, the rule of beasts will cause great trouble, so new granaries must be built.

However, you don't need to worry too much. All countries are at war with other countries, and the demand for weapons will only increase. At this stage, win-win cooperation is the best option.

Doshen said: "The first priority now is to eliminate the resistance in the Volt plus Kingdom. If you don't kill them all, you can't fully control this country."

Taking over a country is not as simple as killing the royal family. Especially in a monarchy like Volt, the lord of each Region is equivalent to a small king.

This is an arduous task that will take at least more than a month to clear resistance across the country.

“Please rest assured. Brother Ye Yun.”

His eyes were a little cold. He will completely smash any obstacles that hinder brother Ye Yun from moving forward.

The next era is Brother Ye Yun!

"Hey, drink!"

Ye Yun smiled and raised the glass, but she was still disappointed.

Not enough Executive!

Our main duty is to stay on Ghost Island to protect the property from other pirate groups, but dealing with all nations is just incidental to the job.

Currently, the pirate group only has three signature members. Moria went to Xihai, and Quinn went to Panksahad, so he took the time to come.

Jack and Maria are still very young, and the other Flying Six cells haven't grown yet or haven't been born yet.

Even if it is found, it will not become combat effective in a short time.

"Why are you so young!"

Ye Yun was boring, the other four pirates were the core executive of all ages.

Only the Pirate Ten Thousand Beasts Group, except for the current three major brands, the other core executives are all young and terrifying, with a direct gap of ten years in the middle.

He is 36 years old, so does being the oldest locust box in the group scare you?

If this continues, the Beast Pirates can be renamed Beast Kindergarten.

"Brother Ye Yun."

He interrupted Ye Yun's thoughts, took out the newspaper and said, "There is one more thing that needs attention."


Ye Yun picked up the newspaper and published the news that Volt Plus was driven out by the Allies. In other words, countless enemies will come! .

At the heavily trafficked entrance, bloody fishermen roared and waved.

"々, go get water!"

"Losing both arms!"

"Gun wave!"

A large number of water droplets are shot at Ye Yun. Not only is the attack speed very fast, but the power of each shot is comparable to a bullet, and the larger gun wave is even as powerful as a cannon!

However, the next scene completely broke the fishman's common sense.

Ye Yun shook her body slightly, easily avoided all the water droplets, and slapped Yawn leisurely.

"Why can't you hit him!"

Jinbei's eyes were startled. Dozens of fishermen were using water at the same time. Intensive attacks are almost inevitable. Not to mention Ye Yun's huge body.

But Ye Yun seems to know their attack route, and all his actions are just to avoid contact with water, without any waste.

"It's such a special power!"

The tiger's eyes are very stiff. When he fought the beast Executive before, he could predict his attack route for convenience, so it was a lot of hard work.

These strong men from the new world seem to have extraordinary powers!


"Ah Yi!"

Flying out at the same time as Tiger Jinbei, attacking both sides of Ye Yun while kicking the ground with his right foot!

"Through the sole of the muscle!"

Due to the explosive force of stepping on the ground, the two jumped up, closed their fists between their waists and abdomens, and started fighting unscrupulously!

"Fisherman Karate, Five Thousand Watts Right Fist!"

The powerful fist that concentrated all the strength hit Ye Yun directly on the head. Even the moisture in the air was affected by the power of the fist, rushing towards Ye Yun like a whirlpool of water!

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