Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 204 – Tolentino Family

In a secluded location, a middle-aged man in his thirties sat brooding. Beside him was a man with a distinctive goatee - Alvin Tolentino, accompanied by General Louis of the NPA. The air was thick with tension, reflecting the gravity of their conversation.

"That Joseph is more stubborn than I anticipated," Louis remarked, his tone a mix of surprise and frustration.

Alvin nodded, his expression contemplative. "It's understandable, given that Joseph's political career is just taking off. He's eager to establish his authority and make a mark. I must admit, I underestimated this aspect of his character. This time, it was my fault. I neglected to consider this," he mused.

"So, what's our next move?" Louis inquired, looking towards Alvin for direction.

Alvin's lips curled into a sly smile. "The strategy is simple," he said. "We'll tarnish his reputation publicly. It's a tactic we've successfully employed in the past. Besides, with our spies closely monitoring him, he's effectively cornered. He won't be able to make any significant moves without our knowledge."

"He thinks he can act independently, that he can shape things according to his will. It's time he learned the true extent of our influence. Eventually, he'll have no choice but to yield and accept our terms. He can't withstand our pressure indefinitely. He has no other choice, and it's better for him to accept it and maintain his position for a few years," Alvin said disdainfully.

Louis, raising his eyebrows, understood what Alvin meant and replied, "These three monsters are so hard-headed. We've tried many methods, but they're persistently resilient. We couldn't do anything about it."

"And there's another problem. These three monsters regenerate too quickly, so we were forced to use the most extreme means of torture," Louis added.

Alvin's brow furrowed in concern. "And what of his offspring? It's been a month since the incident. How is it possible that your men have yet to locate them?"

"Mr. Alvin, you must understand that sea travel presents considerable dangers, and our equipment is not on par with military-grade technology. If only the government would allocate more funds to our private military and grant us access to advanced equipment, we would have already embarked on the mission," Louis explained, laying out the challenges they faced in their operation

Alvin Tolentino stared intently into Louis's eyes, a silent battle of wills unfolding between them. Internally, Alvin sneered with derision.

He was fully aware of Louis's ambitions to acquire advanced military equipment, an understanding that only added layers to their complex alliance. Alvin recognized that empowering their private military with such technology was crucial for their overarching scheme to usurp the government's authority.

"I'll discuss this matter with the appropriate parties," Alvin stated cryptically, not disclosing any names. However, Louis, well-acquainted with Alvin's connections and methods, had a clear understanding of whom Alvin referred to.

He smiled slightly and said, "Your support is invaluable, Mr. Alvin. Rest assured, we'll soon have those three under our control. We've also received intelligence that Kanraku Hiroshi's fleet has been sighted near MeiDao. All that remains is to pinpoint their exact location, and then they will have no avenue for escape."

Alvin responded with a terse nod, his expression unreadable. "I trust your words hold true," he said, just as his phone began to ring.

Glancing at the caller ID, his frown deepened, and he signaled for Louis to give him some privacy. Once alone, Alvin answered the call.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Alvin's voice was cool and controlled.

[Sir Alvin, it's Marco. I have crucial information that needs your immediate attention.]

"Understood, I'm on my way," Alvin replied, his interest piqued by the urgency in Marco's voice.

He made his way to a secluded location, where Marco awaited him, accompanied by two other figures: a middle-aged man of a similar age to Alvin and an elderly man well into his seventies. The group was assembled around a table, their expressions somber, indicating the gravity of the situation.

"Robert? Uncle? You're involved in this as well?" Alvin expressed his surprise upon seeing the two additional men.

Robert, with a serious demeanor, confirmed, "The matter at hand is of great significance." The older man offered a silent nod of agreement.

As Alvin seated himself, he inquired, "What's prompted this urgent meeting?"

Marco responded by handing Alvin a laptop. As Alvin scanned the contents, his eyes widened in shock. Displayed on the screen was a message that read:

[Tolentino Family, I am aware of the three monsters and other creatures you're concealing. I also know you're searching for their offspring. Let's negotiate. What do you say?]

The message on the screen appeared to be a straightforward request for negotiation, but everyone in the room knew better. The underlying threat was unmistakable, and it sent a wave of shock and fear through Alvin Tolentino and others.

"WHAT?" Alvin exclaimed, rising to his feet abruptly. His face betrayed a mix of shock and fear. "Who is behind this? How could they possibly know about our operations?" The realization that their clandestine activities might be exposed to the Maharlika government sent a wave of dread through him.

If the truth about the three beasts were still under their control became public knowledge, it could spell disaster for everything they'd built - their plans, their family's legacy, all of it could crumble to dust.

Alvin's mind raced with the gravity of the situation. For generations, his family had wielded considerable influence in Maharlika, with many of its members holding significant governmental positions, including a few who had ascended to the presidency.

Their political connections were vast, and only a handful of families and political entities would dare cross them. Yet, here was an unknown entity bold enough to threaten them. The revelation that their clandestine activities might be exposed was a threat to their family's legacy and power.

Alvin turned to his cousin and uncle, his voice grave. "Could there be a traitor among us?"

Robert, sharing Alvin's serious demeanor, replied, "We're currently investigating to identify the mole."

Alvin then shifted the conversation to their immediate problem. "And what about the beasts? What's our plan for them?"

"We're preparing to relocate them," Robert answered. "But we must proceed with caution. These creatures are powerful, and if they're spotted by government personnel, we'll be held accountable."

Alvin pondered for a moment before suggesting, "If it comes to that, let's use Colonel Edgardo as our scapegoat. He's already responsible for the beast incident; we can pin any further issues on him."

"No, a better approach would be to inform him and seek his assistance. He has as much at stake as we do, and he won't let this threat slide," Robert countered.

Before Alvin could respond, the elder in the room interjected authoritatively, "Enough. It's not for you to decide, Robert." He then addressed the primary concern, "The pressing issue is how we handle this unknown threat."

Alvin, considering their limited options, concluded, "For now, let's agree to their terms. We'll enter negotiations and see what they want. Meanwhile, we'll work on tracing them, and once we find them, we eliminate the threat."

Robert let out a heavy sigh, his frustration evident. "The problem is, we can't trace the source of the message."

Alvin, already on edge with the knowledge of an unknown person being privy to their secrets, responded in disbelief, "How is that possible? How can we not trace it?"

"Sir Alvin, the issue lies in the origin of the message. It appears to have been sent from overseas, specifically from Nihon, Kagoshima Prefecture. But then the trail just vanishes suddenly, with no further leads," Marco reported, his tone conveying the complexity of the situation.

"Impossible!" Alvin exclaimed, his mind racing with the implications. "That distance is immense, and with the interference from various beasts, how could such a connection even be established?"

Marco nodded in agreement. "That's the part that puzzles me too. Establishing a connection over such a vast distance is typically within the capabilities of only government entities," he speculated. "And if this is the work of a government, then..." he trailed off, the unspoken implication hanging heavily in the air.

Alvin's face darkened. "Damn it!" he cursed. "Does this mean we need to make an immediate escape?"

"That's exactly why we summoned you here," Robert interjected. "We're on high alert, monitoring for any unusual movements from the military or police. At the first sign of something amiss, we'll make our escape."

Alvin took a moment to process this, attempting to calm his racing heart. After a few tense minutes, Marco excused himself, leaving the three alone.

Watching Marco depart, Alvin voiced his distrust. "Uncle, I can't shake the feeling that we can't trust everyone around us."

His uncle, calm and composed, reassured him, "You needn't worry excessively about that."

"Everything is already in place," Robert added confidently.

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