Pokemon: Childhood Dreams

Chapter 20 - Move Testing

Contrary to the pokemon games, in this world abra can learn more moves than just teleport. From the information given at the auction, Professor X knows confusion, psybeam, reflect, light screen and teleport. All of which involve manipulating psychic energy, which is what he focused on with Sabrina. He also knows some basic telepathy, being able to send images and concepts to other minds.

“Hey Professor X, how’s it going?” I ask.

“Abra.” He says with an even tone.

“Is that the maximum amount of objects you can control at the moment?” I ask, seeing that there are still plenty of objects on the floor.

“Ab.” He responds with a curt nod.

“Well, soon enough you’ll be able to control all the ones here and I’ll have to buy some more.”

“Bra.” He sends me an image of the weight vest Drako and Hellen are using and then an image of the objects he’s controlling.

“You’d rather have heavier objects instead of more?” I ask.

“Ab.” He nods.

“Alright, I can get some. In the meanwhile let’s test what the maximum weight you can lift with your psychic energy is.” I say, pointing to the set of weights that are available in all training rooms.

“Abra.” He says as he stacks the objects he has been lifting into a mock cityscape and right as he lets his psychic hold on it dissipate he knocks them over with a quick confusion.

I laugh. “Is that your ambition, to be strong enough to knock down a city in one blow?”

He turns his head away from me and scoffs.

“Sorry, sorry. That laugh wasn’t meant to belittle you. It was from surprise and joy. I’m happy that you have such grand ambitions.”

He looks back at me and questions, “Abra?” While sending an image of us two and a blood drop.

“Why haven’t we bonded yet?” I ask, to which he nods.

“Well, a Blood Bond is a heavy commitment that lasts for life. We only met today, and even though I feel a connection to you I think that it’s prudent that we communicate and deepen our relationship a little before performing the ceremony. I believe that a good relationship and state of mind during the ceremony helps the bond solidify and strengthen.” I explain as he nods and looks inquisitive.

“Why don’t we finish with our tests and then we can play a game with the team?”


“First, how much weight can you lift?”

He quickly wraps four twenty kilogram plates and lifts them for a total of 80kg. Then he slowly lifts a 5 kilogram plate alongside the rest but they all start wobbling before he sets them down.

“Good job.” I pat his shoulder and offer some water. During his breaks, I worked out by myself.

Once he was recovered, we tested his range and damage with confusion and psybeam. Psybeam was much more concentrated and powerful, though it took more time to charge up and was more easily dodged. Confusion was mildly spammable and had a wider attack radius making it easier to land the attack.

For light screen and reflect, I only asked him to demonstrate the moves. These moves reduce the amount of damage certain attacks do by absorbing some of the energy. Light screen for special moves, and reflect for physical though there is some overlap.

Finally, Prof demonstrated that he could rapidly teleport up to five times by himself at short distances. For longer distances he would need some time to prepare the move. As well, he could only teleport a maximum distance of 1 kilometre alone and 500 metres with a person. Though he explained that he mostly focused on the short distance rapid teleports in training since they were more applicable in battle.

Prof took me along for one of the teleports, taking me from one side of the training room to the other. It was my first time teleporting and it left me queasy for a couple of minutes afterwards. It felt like extreme motion sickness. Apparently it gets easier the more times you teleport.

After we finished going over his moves, I called a break for the team. I helped Drako and Hellen out of their harnesses and they both plopped down on the floor. They looked like they were working really hard so I praised them.

“Good job team. Drako and Hellen, you did a good job pushing yourselves in physical training. And Prof, you put your all into each test of your powers.”

I pull out some treats tailored to each of the team. “Here are your rewards.”

“Ivysaur!” “Char!” “Abra!”

Hellen grabbed her treats with her vine, Professor X grabbed them with his psychic powers and I took pity on Drako and brought his treats over to where he was lying down.

We all recuperated and refreshed ourselves before I clapped my hands, “Alright, team. Let’s play a game.” I introduced a bastardized version of handball to them.

“The teams will be myself and Prof versus Drako and Hellen.”

“Zard!” “Saur!” They were pumped to win.

“Abra?” Prof questioned me.

“Don’t worry, we’re going to win.” I said as I explained my plan.

What followed was a hard fought game using all our advantages. Drako used his wings to buffett and move the ball around. Hellen used her vines to great effect in both defense and offense. But with my solid defense and Prof’s psychic manipulations we were able to pull out a win.

Teleporting the ball past the defenders seems to work quite well.

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