Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 534

Chapter 535: Moon Moon Bear

It is the wetland soil that spreads all over the land of Xicui that creates a solid body and a new ability to use peat freely.

The Moon Moon Bear is sturdy and can easily walk through the wetlands; it has five claws on its hands and is good at finding things by digging the ground.

Moon Moon Bear is one of the special Pokémon that has received a mysterious blessing from Arceus, so it is worshipped in the Xicui Region.

Catterpie is a Bug Type Pokémon.

Catterpie is a Pokémon with the appearance of a caterpillar.

The back of the Catterpie is green and the belly is white.

The most distinctive feature of the Catterpie is the Y-shaped red tentacles on the head.

Catterpie has two pairs of gastropods with suction cups that can be attached to trees, and yellow annular markings on both sides of the body.

The round black spot on the head may be the eyes of “Nineteen Zero” Catterpie.

Catterpie’s tail is yellow spindle-shaped.

Catterpie has no gender differences.

Catterpie is capable of releasing a stench from the tentacles on its head to resist bird Pokémon attacks, but it often becomes bird food.

Because Catterpie’s feet are too short, the toes have evolved suction cups that can stick anywhere.

Catterpie’s body is limp and has little strength.

In nature, the fate of the Catterpie is to be constantly hunted as prey.

Catterpie camouflages itself by diving into plants of the same color as its body.

Catterpie is easy to catch and grows fast, so it is one of the Pokémon recommended for novice Trainers as a companion.

Catterpie inhabits grass and forests.

Catterpie feeds on Leafage.

Perhaps wanting to grow up as soon as possible, Catterpie has a very strong appetite and can eat a hundred leaves a day.

Metapod is a Bug Type Pokémon.

Metapod is a green pupa-shaped Pokémon.

The body of the Metapod is crescent-shaped with a segmented tail.

The front end also has sections that look like the features of a Metapod.

There is a small bump on the back.

Metapod’s eyes are often half-closed and the eyeballs are black.

Metapod has no gender differences.

The Metapod’s outer shell is so hard that it will let the outer shell Harden protect itself, even if it gets pecked by Pikipek.

However, when encountering a strong impact, the body in the shell will be exposed by shaking.

Although the Metapod’s shell is hard, it is still the shell of a worm.

Because it sometimes breaks, it is forbidden to be used in fierce battles.

Metapod is the fastest evolution of Pokémon found so far, and it only takes a week to evolve into Butterfree.

In preparation for evolution, Metapod is constantly renewing cells in the body.

Metapod can’t do anything but Harden, and can only stay motionless to avoid attacks until it evolves.

Metapod mainly inhabits forests and thickets.

Metapod cannot eat.

Butterfree is a Bug Type and Flying Type Pokémon.

Butterfree adds anthropomorphic features to the shape of a butterfly.

Butterfree’s body is dark blue-purple, with large white wings with black veins on the back, and the females have black spots in the middle of the lower wings.

Unlike real insects, Butterfree has only four legs and is pink-cyan.

In addition, Butterfree’s head has an organ that is also pink and blue, similar to the nose.

Butterfree has a pair of compound eyes, and the eyes are light red. If you look closely at the big eyes, you will find that many small eyes are actually formed by gathering together.

The phosphor powder on the wings is waterproof, so no matter how much rain it rains, Butterfree is still busy picking nectar.

The Hypergiant Butterfree is the same as the Normal Butterfree from head to toe, but the tentacles on the head turn greenish-white and curve back.

Butterfree has a pair of extremely huge wings that emit dazzling rays of light. After the super-giant power is crystallized, it becomes a shining Toxic scale powder.

Butterfree’s wings are missing the black wing pattern and have more white and green wing patterns.

Butterfree loves the nectar of Bellossom and is busy collecting nectar every day.

Butterfree has a habit of smearing the fine hairs on his legs with nectar and taking them back to the nest.

Flying from flower to flower in search of honey.

Butterfree’s ability to find delicious nectar is very good, no matter how far it is, as long as it blooms, it needs to be explored, and only a little pollen can find the location of the flowerbed…0

Butterfree collects nectar from flowers that bloom 10 kilometers away from home, and also engages in fierce territorial battles with Cutiefly in flower beds.

Butterfree’s wings are covered in scale powder with Toxic.

If a bird Pokémon is spotted attacking Catterpie, it will throw scale powder to chase Butterfree away.

If it is attacked by other Pokémon, it will swirl poisonous scale powder while flapping its wings to resist.

When Butterfree flaps its wings quickly, the scale powder with Toxic will drift here with the wind.

The real face of the light on Butterfree’s wings is actually scale powder with sleep, paralysis and poisoning effects, which is Butterfree’s biggest weapon.

As long as the huge wings are flapped, a strong wind will blow even a 10-ton truck into the sky.

Not only that, Toxic’s scale powder is also scattered in the surrounding air with strong winds.

So this Pokémon is already very dangerous even if it only exists nearby.

Cutiefly is a Bug Type and Fairy Type Pokémon.

Cutiefly is a Pokémon with large wings and a tiny body.

The Cutiefly’s body is predominantly yellow, while the face and tail are white.

Large eyes with square spots and a long brown nose.

There are two transparent feathers on the very antenna-like head.

The wings on the back are broad and flat, with brown circles on the white wings.

The four legs are very 0.3 slender.

Cutiefly mainly inhabits the outskirts of the wilderness.

However, because it is attracted by the emotions of living creatures, it also appears on the street or in buildings.

Cutiefly can perceive the aura of creatures such as people, Pokémon, and plants.

Pollen and nectar are Cutiefly’s favorites.

Cutiefly can find flowers through the color and light and darkness of the aura, collect nectar and pollen, and distinguish the flowers that are about to open.

Cutiefly hunts for food in the flowerbed, and skirmishes with Butterfree.

Spinarak likes to eat Cutiefly that falls into Cutiefly’s nest, and Pineco also likes to eat Cutiefly that flies over.

Cutiefly flies around the Cutiefly in order to collect pollen from young cotton.

Sometimes Cutiefly also gathers in the grass where Fomantis hides.

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