Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 480

Chapter 481 Electric Mouse Pokémon

After Pikachu evolves, Electric Type Pokémon Raichu, and Alola’s appearance is Electric Type and Psychic Type Pokémon.

Raichu is a bipedal rodent-shaped Pokémon.

Raichu has dark orange fur around his body and a white belly.

Like Pikachu, Raichu has two brown stripes on his back.

Raichu’s long, thin black tail is Spark-shaped, flat and yellow.

Raichu does not have fingers like Pikachu, but instead has small round brown palms.

Under Raichu Black’s small eyes, there is a yellow electrical bag.

Raichu’s feet are large and brown.

Raichu’s bifurcated ears are brown on the outside and yellow on the inside, and have a curl at the end of the ear.

The tip of the female Raichu’s tail is missing a bit.

Alola-like Raichu has dark brown fur, white hands and feet, and a more rounded body.

Raichu yellow ears are rounder than the Raichu that have been found so far, and have a curl on the inside.

Raichu’s eyes changed from black to a blue-to-yellow gradation, and his nose became lighter.

The yellow at the end of the power bag and the 30 end of the tail is brighter, and the shape of the tail has become very rounded, which can be stepped on as a Surf board.

Raichu is very rare because many trainers like the appearance of Pikachu before Raichu’s evolution.

Raichu’s long tail protects itself like a ground wire, so even high voltage electricity won’t paralyze Raichu.

Raichu’s entire body is constantly emitting weak electricity, so it appears to glow faintly in the dark.

The power of Raichu Thunder Shock is as high as Thunderbolt, which can stun a Rival several times bigger than himself with a single blow.

When the electricity in Raichu’s body accumulates to a certain level, his muscles will be stimulated, his personality will become aggressive, and even if Trainer is not careful, he will be attacked.

It is also said that electricity is actually Raichu’s pressure.

If the electricity in the electrical pockets of the cheeks reaches the maximum, the ears will stand upright.

At this time, Raichu will also stick his tail to the Ground Discharge, so there will be burn marks on the Ground near the nest.

If the sac is empty, Raichu sticks his tail straight up, collecting the current in the air.

Pikachu evolves into Alola Raichu only in the Alola Region.

The researchers also have no clue as to the reason for the change in the appearance of Raichu in the Alola Region, and it is believed to be influenced by the climate, terroir and food of the Alola Region.

Raichu loves to eat Alola’s secret pancakes, and some people suspect that this is inseparable from the secret of Raichu’s evolution.

People in the Alola Region said indifferently: “Isn’t it because of the round muffins?”

Alola Raichu has the ability to manipulate psychic powers, can manipulate electricity with Confusion, and attack Rival with a star-shaped Thunderbolt.

Raichu rides on a tail that concentrates mental power, uses his mental power to float, and moves like a slide, which is also known as the “land surf hand”.

Raichu has a power bag hidden in his cheek, and rubbing the power bag will give off a sweet aroma, but there will be a slight numbness.

Although the principle has not been solved yet, it is speculated that it is related to the spiritual power that Raichu possesses.

Raichu’s Earl Dervish form, the larvae of Raichu and Pikachu, is the mouse Pokémon Pichu.

Pichu is an Olivine-colored little mouse Pokémon with pink battery packs in his cheeks.

Pichu has a black pattern around his ears, and Pichu’s tail is also black.

Due to his young age, Pichu is not yet proficient in the use of electricity.

Because the battery on Pichu’s cheek is still small, it can’t store much power yet.

After Pichu was surprised, laughed or was frightened by something, he would immediately perform Discharge, and it would happen occasionally that he was electrocuted by himself if he was not careful.

When Pichu is playing with his partner, the electricity between each other will short-circuit and burst out of Ember, and he will start crying after being frightened by Ember.

Pichu and his mates line up the front of their tails to shoot Ember, as if to test their courage.

Pichu is easier to charge when there are thunderclouds or on dry days, making a crackling static sound, and when fully charged, it will play around full of energy.

Pichu’s body is small, but it can release Thunder Shock enough to paralyze adults, but even Pichu himself will be startled.

Although Pichu is cute, if they live together, they must have the consciousness to be numb from Thunder Shock.

Along with them are other Pokémon known as Electric Mouse Pokémon, and there are many Pokémon.

Plusle’s body is pale yellow, with red ears, tail, and front of the hands.

Plusle’s cheeks have two red circular electric bladders with a yellowish plus sign on each.

Plusle’s tail is in the shape of a plus sign.

Plusle will always cheer for her partner Pokémon, emitting Ember from her body to assist her partner.

If your partner works hard, Plusle will short-circuit your body and send out electricity from your whole body. Ember will make a crackling Ember sound to express your joy.

If a partner loses, he will burst into tears.

Plusle can emit 847 electricity from both hands to create an Ember collision effect, sometimes climbing up the column Absorb electricity.

Minun’s body is pale yellow, and the ears, front of the hands and tail are blue.

On Minun’s cheeks are two blue circular electric balloons with a yellowish minus sign on each.

Minun’s tail is in the shape of a minus sign.

Minun has the habit of cheering on his partners, and it is more important to cheer on his partners than himself.

Minun will release the Ember of Contest by short-circuiting the current emitted from his body, while cheering on his partner.

If the partner is about to lose, the number of Ember that bursts out of the body will continue to increase.

Minun is afraid of water, and when it rains, she hides under the eaves.

According to research by the Pokémon Society, the electric current emitted by Minun and Plusle at the same time can promote blood flow and relieve soreness.


Pachirisu looks like a squirrel, Pachirisu has blue ears with stripes extending from the bottom, yellow electrical pockets on the sides of the cheeks, a blue stripe that runs from the top of the head through the back to the tail, and three protruding at the end sharp object.


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