Chapter 324: 324. Ones Own Life? Gorebyss!
Another one because I like you humans.
Other than anyone named John and Jacob.
After May caught her brand new Clamperl, the group followed Mr. Isaiah's suggestion and took one of his boats to the A-B-C Islands. It is said that A-B-C Island has the highest concentration of Clamperl in the wild, and also their evolved form as they also live in the nearby waters.
On the water of A-B-C Islands, Clamperl could complete different evolutions in their own because of the sea patterns and particular particles found on the waters there.
"A-B-C Island, that's the name because the island looks like the A, B, and C from the sky. And if you look closely, you can see that the three islands there are connected, just covered in water. I suppose that's a neat thing." Max looked up with his PokéNav, looking forward to the next journey.
"In other words, there are three small islands that are essentially one under the sea?" May hugged her newly caught Clamperl, "Clamperl, I will take you to complete your evolution there, I promise!"
"We set our boat to go to Island A, because that's the only place in this sea area where there is a Pokémon Center present." Brock looked towards Ash, who was still riding on top of his Sharpedo while Miltotic was telling him something on the sea, "Ash, look at that!"
At some point, two Wailmers appeared next to Ash, happily racing alongside him.
"They seem to be welcoming us!" Ash came to the boat and said with a smile, "I'll be with you guys soon!"
Ash jumped from his Sharpedo's back and landed in his beautiful Milotic, who was extremely delighted to be ridden by her master.
Ash and his Milotic, along with his Sharpedo, than did some cool moves with the two baby Waimers.
When Ash saw the coast, he gave the two Wailmers some Poké Blocks he just made some time ago for his Milotic, and waved them goodbye.
Arriving at the sea between the three islands, Ash and his group suddenly saw something speeding towards them at a very fast speed. They saw a few children under the age of 10, around Max's age, riding on top of their Gorebyss and Huntail to Island A.
This did remind the older trio of a time when they were late for class, more so May and Brock than Ash. Ash doesn't remember that much about his past.
"Wow! Its a bunch of Huntails and Gorebyss!" May exclaimed. The main purpose of the group in coming to the A-B-C Islands this time was to let her newly caught Clamperl evolve into a Gorebyss.
Looking at those Gorebyss, May's eyes lit up in excitement.
Those Gorebyss' were really good-looking, with a slender body and two shells attached to their chest, making it look like a mermaid.
Its fins are like tentacles standing on top of its head, and this was the part the children on top of them held onto. Its big eyes have two long eyelashes raised, which looped very elegant to May.
Those children were in a true rush and were going very fast, which made Ash's Sharpedo eager to try. Seeing this, Ash smiled at Brock and the others and said, "Let's meet at the Pokémon Center on Island A later!"
As he spoke, he got on top of Sharpedo from his dissatisfied Milotic and accelerated violently, dragging waves more than three meters high behind them.
Sharpedo: 240/250
Ash had fun beating these children in a race.
It was always fun to beat up kids.
Following the children to the Pokémon Center on Island A, Ash handed over his Milotic and Sharpedo to the Nurse Joy there, followed closely by May who also handed over her newly caught Clamperl for a checkup.
"Nurse Joy, could you please look after her?"
"Don't worry. Please feel free to leave them to me!" Nurse Joy asked curiously after taking the Clamperl, "May, what do you plan to evolve your Clamperl into? Is it a Huntail or a Gorebyss?"
"Gorebyss!" May said without thinking for a second.
"I see." Nurse Joy smiled and nodded to what May said. As soon as she settled the Pokémon, the phone in her counter rang.
Her ever present Chansey bought it over to her with a jump in its step.
"So there is also a teleportation device here. That's preety neat." Max has seen Ash exchanging his Pokémon's from his hand to the Lab and back more times than he can count. That is also one of the times he is always looking forward to the most when visiting a Pokémon Center, because in here hr can see and maybe talk to THE Professor Oak.
"Only Island A has a Pokémon Center in this part of the sea, so both Island B and Island C are equipped with teleportation devices so that Pokémon with an illness can be transferred here immediately for treatment."
Nurse Joy explained with a smile to the group.
At this moment, the sound of children quarreling came from one of the room inside the Pokémon Center.
Nurse Joy sighed, "Here they go again, they always fight because of that."
These children were actually debating whether Gorebyss or Huntail was the better one.
Ash, who was standing by the door with his hands crossed, was a bit amused and had a look of melancholy. It was a bit like the childlike fight he had with his twin sister in his past life, with no one winning and their mother making them apologize to each other.
The thought did make Ash think what happened to sis single mother and sister after he came here.
He wasn't even sure if he had died there or was just teleported here in Ash's hands.
The only thing he can do is they live a good life after he was gone.
May noticed her lovers look and quirky hugged him to make sure he was okay.
Ash felt May's hug and lightly kissed her.
'Yes, that's all in the past. I hope you live a good life, mom, Lisa.'
[Notice! -/):)-$ noticed your sadness and acceptance. They are glad to see you like this. They gave a simple gift.] Ciel said calmly.
[Notice! Power obtained—Ones Own Life!]
'Ones Own Life? Ciel, what is that power? I can't feel anything.' Ash thought.
[Love, I have no clue. Even I don't know what this may be.]
Ash nodded and sat down next to May.
As Ash said earlier, no one has the right to impose their own preferences on others, only suggestions and their opinions.
Nurse Joy showed her majesty as a teacher and quickly suppressed the quarrels of the children, "Everyone, please be quiet during self-study time! If not—I don't think I need to explain the punishment!" She said the last part with a voice that sounded nothing like her usual one. More like an angered mother than anything else.
Ash and his group walked in after drying themselves off, and the two children in their group, Ralts and Togetic, immediately ran out and jumped onto the children's desks.
The whole class was in an uproar once again, as if they didn't hear anything Nurse Joy said to them.
"You two, be nice!" A pink light flashed in Ash's eyes, and he pulled the trouble makers back to him.
It turns out that this Pokémon Center is also a school, and children from Island A and Island B also come here to go to school, so the children were really rushing to go to school.
"So, Nurse Joy also works as a school teacher!" Brock suddenly became starry-eyed.
"Nurse Joy, you can give their punishment to mee—!" Brock couldn't finish his sentence before Max punched him in his gut.
After walking out of the classroom, May took back her Clamperl and asked, "What were those kids arguing about just now?"
"To tell you the truth, the relationship between the children of Island B and Island C is very unharmonious, and even that may be an understatement." Nurse Joy said frankly in what seemed to be a tired voice.
"You see, there are many Clamperl living near our island. I don't know why there is so much of this rare evolution particle in the islands here, but the Clamperls here evolve into a Gorebyss on Island B, and they evolved into Huntail on Island C. The people on their island often quarrel over this particular reason, often having their battles on our poor Island A. One party insists that Gorebyss is the better one, while the other insists that Huntail is better the stronger one."
"May, if your Clamperl wants to evolve into Gorebyss, I recommend you go to Island B to check it out."
Now that it was decided where their next destination was, the group headed towards Island B, of course that was after they collected their Pokémon.
"According to Nurse Joy, this should be the cave with the highest rate of evolution into Gorebyss." After landing on the island, under the power of Ash's Aura Sense to explore the area, the group came directly to a cave without getting lost.
"If we do as she said, and we take Clamperl into this cave, it won't take long for you to evolve into Gorebyss!"
"Thats so cool, I can't wait to see that!" Max couldn't help but exclaimed. These recent days were much more fun to him than anyone else.
"The most special thing here should be what's mixed in with the water!" Ash led his group to a clear stream, "May, Max, do you know what a Clamperl needs to evolve into either of its two evolutionary branches?"
Hearing this, the two siblings shook their heads, how could they know such a thing without ever looking it up.
"In order for Clamperl to evolve into Huntail, they need an item called a Deep Sea Tooth, and to evolve into Gorebyss, they need something called a Deep Sea Scales!" Ash, who has a golden finger, is of course able to handle these easily. Of course, even without this, he can sense the immense amount of that evolutionary item under the island. If he was ever in need of money, he could come here and sell them to a place that they are rarely found in.
Ash can very easily exchange a good Deep Sea Scale for May, as the evolutionary items produced by his system are always of the highest quality. The evolved Gorebyss can definitely become one of her strongest Pokémon's.
But Exchange Points are too expensive to waste on such an item, and the evolutionary item obtained through one's own efforts, wouldn't it be more meaningful?
Even ignoring all that, he can very easily create a Deep Sea Scale for May.
Ash looked at the Clamperl in May's arms and smiled and said, "The water here should come from the deepest part of the sea. Let's go and explore in the water."
With that being said, the four people went down to the water to explore, and Clamperl was also put into the water. The water level of the stream here was just right for it.
It can be seen that she likes the environment here much more than her previous home.
"Yes, I think I found it!" After a while, May found a scale-like item on the sea floor, "Ash, take a look! Is this the Deep Sea Scale we need?"
This was really the Deep Sea Scale they needed. After Ash confirmed it, May couldn't wait to hand it to Clamperl. However, before May could give it to her Clamperl, Ash stoped her.
"Ash, what are you doing?" May asked questionably.
"Help me find another 10 or so of these. I have something that can improve your Clamperl's evolution into a Gorebyss."
It was Brock this time, "Ash, is it like what happened to the Water Stones and Leaf Stones you won back in the Johto Region?"
Ash nodded, "I'm a little surprised you still remember that, but yes. I can combine all of those to create a far more better version of the Deep Sea Scale that Clamperl needs."
[You mean I CAN create?] Ciel said arrogantly.
'Yes, love, yes.' Ash said to her.
After hearing Ash's and Brock's conversation, the siblings simple nodded. They had seen Ash do much more impossible things than what he said.
They looked again but only found one, so Ash got annoyed and sent out his Ralts and Togetic to find some.
Within 5 minutes, they had 12 Deep Sea Scales.
Ash quickly took them and combined them into one of a much more higher quality.
He gave it to May and she gave it to her Clamperl. However, after waiting for a while, no changes were seen.
"What's going on? Ash..." Seeing the disappointed look on Clamperl's cute little face, May suddenly became anxious.
"Don't worry, just take Clamperl back into its Poké Ball and send it over to Nurse Joy. When we go back to the Pokémon Center, it will evolve there."
Carrying evolutionary props in the real world requires holding onto them for a prolonged period, or they can simply exchange to stimulate the cells into changing.
This is one of the things that is different from the evolutionary items that Ash can get from the System Mall.
But for May, this was one of the important things to learn and experience from.
May followed Ash's advice and sent it to the Pokémon Center on Island A. Sure enough, she got her coveted Gorebyss, and with its evolution, the immediate Bond Value was very high.