Pokemon: Bond Evolutions of Pokémon

Chapter 322: 322. Enviable Luck

Although she had ultimately lost to Ash's might, May was not discouraged at all. She was convinced by Ash's power way before she even thought about battling him. She knew she wasn't nearly at the level where she could give her boyfriend a fight to make his heart race, not nearly that close. Instead, what she was annoyed about was that Ash didn't hold back against her, only in the beginning did he not move.

But now she still only has two of her five needed official Pokémon Contest Ribbons. And Ash now needed only one more to be able to participate in the Grand Festival.

According to their original plan, they needed to take a boat from the Lilycove City Harbor to the location of Ash's next Gym Battle, Mossdeep City.

The group were then invited to visit a well known restaurant in the city to celebrate Ash's victory and help May get out of her dissatisfaction by one of Ash's biggest fans, Vivian.

The whole time she was there, she and May were having fun talking about everything Ash was perfect on and how he was the best out there.

Brock was so devastated after seeing the drunk Vivian give a kiss on the cheeks that he walked away to sleep like a zombie with his Spinda. Max also went with him to make sure that he doesn't harass any women while he was leaving.

While May and Ash where having fun and talking with about all sorts of things with Vivian, she did disclose that the next closest Pokémon Contest from here was about to be held on a place called Nonexistent Island, and they needed to make some changes to go out there to get a change for the Pokémon Contest Ribbon.

In this case, Ash and his team decisively turned on their navigator and started to re-plan their route. After some research with the help of Vivian, they found that on the way from Lilycove City to Mossdeep City, they could take a slight detour and pass through some of the smaller islands, and one of them that they would have to pass through was Nonexistent Island.

"In other words, I cal also travel around many small islands before we land there, correct?" May was a very adventurous girl, a bad one, but still a hopeful one, and she immediately became interested it this. "That sounds so much fun!"

"Yeah, maybe we can even encounter soem rare and precious sea Pokémon's that are only found there!"

Not only that, after finalizing their route the next morning with Brock and Max, Ash also planned to exchange his Sharpedo back to him.

Sharpedo had not traveled with him much since he was added to his team, he was only with Ash during his time at Dewford Island training and whenever they were close to a water area, which wasn't that much since they had mostly traveled on ground.

Coupled with the extremely beautiful evolved Milotic beside him now, he will take these two Water-type Pokémon on this island trip to batter bond with him.

Since Lapras was still training hard with his old Lapras and the rest of her tribe, Ash and the others had to take a boat out to the sea.

Although Vivian did want to spend some quality time with Ash and May, as the main speaker for the Hoenn Pokémon Center, she had to leave a few days earlier for Nonexistent Island, to make sure that everything was in order.

Although she couldn't be with Ash now, she did give him a quick kiss before running off into her private jet.

[Love, I didn't even have to do anything this time. She just genuinely loves you that much. You better never let go of a woman like her, understand?!] Ciel said seriously.

'I know. I know. You don't have to tell me, I won't leave her if she genuinely loves me so much.' Ash said with a little smile.

He then turns to May, "You had a hand in this, didn't you?"

May just smiled, rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and then ran outside of the airport to where Brock and Max was waiting for them.

Ash just sighed, "Ciel, by any chance, do you know if May had a talk with the others and what they said?"

[Yes.] Ciel said calmly.

"Yes to they all agreed or no?"

[They said yes.] She said cheerfully.

"What am I even going to with all of you girls?"

[Me? Spend some time now. Later at night, visit me in my space and make love to me for my first time.] Ciel was about to continue on with her dream when Ash stopped her.

"We can do that later. I meant for May, Winona, Misty and Maya. What are they going to think?"

[Fuck them, actually. That's all you need to do.]

Ash sighed again, "I mean… I want to but I can't right now."

"May wants our first time to be at the end of the Grand Festival; Maya wants our first time to be at one of her favorite places, Sootopolis City; Misty and Winona are far away; and Vivian ran away now because she is still too shy to talk about it."

[Love, knowing them and the connections we all share with one another, I know they are all simply now aware of your feelings for Vivian. And they also know from May that Vivian seems to deeply love you already, despite the fact you two had only shared a kiss together.] Ciel said calmly to ease Ash's mind in pursuing Vivian as one of his women's.


Taking a boat from Lilycove City Harbor, Ash threw out three of his Poké Balls.

"Come out, Dratini, Milotic, Sharpedo!"

The three Pokémon all landed on the water and felt the touch of sea water and the smell do sea breeze, each one happier than the last.

A great blue light flashed around Dratini's body, and he flew into the air.

He soared above the water, then plunged into the water to "play" with some of Pokémon in the water.

Because of the way Ash had always trained him, he had developed this habit, and this is also the training method Ash thought was best for him. For a member of the illustrious Dragon-type and a member of the Pseudo-Legendary category, it's best for their growth to be in constant battles.

Milotic and Sharpedo, standing side by side in front of Ash, looked at him with extreme happiness and loyalty, and even love for Milotic. These two Pokémon's, one was extremely beautiful and the other was very evil in nature. There was a special sense of contrast standing together.

"Wow, Big Bro, your Pokémon's are so powerful!" Max couldn't help but exclaim excitedly.

He himself had witnessed the scene of Ash catching the two of thes. Usually every time Ash arrives at a place where he can call and be able to exchange his team around, like a Pokémon Center or a Pokémon Ranger Station, he always exchanges at least two of the Pokémon's with him.

He always said that he wants to spend time and energy together with his companions to improve their bonds, especially the ones that are in their final evolution, or his Growlithe, so he was able to see most of Ash's Pokémon's and their powers.

After looking at it like this, he realized that Ash had already fired a very large team just alone in the Hoenn Region, and not to mention all the other Pokémon's he has in the lab or sometimes with him, and every Pokémon was also very well trained by him and his more experienced Pokémon's.

Milotic's Bond Value had already reached its peak after completing her evolution, and now she can freely tap into her Transitional Form at will and go into her complete Bonds Evolutions form together with Ash.

As for Sharpedo, since he has not been with Ash for that long since he was caught, his Bond Value is currently sitting at a 200/210.

Ash was finally able to take his loyal shark to increase their bonds over some time now instead of the few hours they had spent before on some random ponds or creeks. Now that they are traveling between these islands, Ash planned to take him with him all the way and increase their bond, more than they were able to do before.

"Sharpedo, let's go surfing!" Ash smiled at it, jumped off the boat, landed firmly on Sharpedo's back, and grabbed its dorsal fin with one hand.

Sharpedo was used as a sea motorcycle in the remote Alola Region.

Although it can only carry two people at max, its maneuverability and speed are much higher than Lapras.

But the Sharpedo's in the Alola Region all have saddles and were trained especially for that. At this moment, the only thing Ash can rely on is his strong physical fitness and his quite high bonf with his very excited Sharpedo.

This was just like when Charizard was learning to carry Ash while Flying back at the beginning of his Johto Journey. This will definitely greatly increase Sharpedo's Bond Value.

"Ash!" In May's exclamation, Ash rode Sharpedo through the high waves.

Milotic also looked up to where he was and followed him behind like a loyal maid.

Sharpedo: 220/230

This was the final Bond Value between Ash and Sharpedo when they landed on their first stop at Bomba Island.

They now needed to take another boat from the harbor here to the next island. They rented a decent sized yacht to come to this island from Lilycove City, now they needed to wait for a passenger ship because the waves can be too much for most people. The next ship here will arrive in an hour or so, so Ash and his party decided to take a walk around the island first.

Turning around, that saw the familiar faces of the Kanto Region Royal Starters—Charmeleon, Wartortle, and Ivysaur!

"Big Bro, you also have these Pokémon, right?" Max suddenly asked Asg beside him, as he didn't see all of them personally yet like many of Ash's other Pokémon's from his past journeys.

In fact, he knew that Ash had a very powerful Blastoise and a very strong Venusaur, and the even much stronger Charizard he had personally seen during the Jirachi incident. Ash had used all three of them on his Silver Conference Championship run, and it was in that battle, that is, the battle against Gary.

Although he had only personally seen Charizards power and not the others, only through screens, Ash did say that he always talk to them on the daily with their Aura-Psychic Link.

"Yes, they have all evolved into their strongest form" Ash gave a chuckle of nostalgia, seeing them, he really missed three of his original partners.

These three Royal Starters of Kanto were all carrying things on them, and behind them was a average looking guy, most likely their Trainer, who was also holding a bunch of things. The things they were carrying was so high that they could hardly see the road in front of them.

Helping others was a source of happiness, or that's what Max's and May's mother always told them.

Max was the first to run over to them to extend his help, "Let me get you some!"

Max helped him take a box, and now he was finally able to see the road in front of him, "Thank you so much! Hey, are you guys also new students at the Pokémon Battle Judge Training Institute?"

"No, we are just some traveling Pokémon Trainers." Max said matter-of-factly. In fact, he was not a Pokémon Trainer yet, far from that. He still had to wait at least another 7 more years to begin his professional Pokémon Trainer career. The Hoenn League stipulated that someone must be at least 14 to start their career as Pokémon Trainers.

Ash himself did it the earliest the Kanto League allowed it to be, which was 13 years.

It turns out that there are no other Pokémon facilities on this island, only a Pokémon referee school, and there are very few regular Trainers who ever come here as they take the shorter route to Mossdeep Island.

The boys name was Jimmy.

The place will treat anyone who comes here as new students, no matter their occupation or age.

"Are these Pokémon all yours?" After introducing themselves, May looked at the Kanto Region Royal Starters in front of her and asked curiously.

She has already understood how difficult it is to find and then catch a Pokémon belonging ti a member of the Royal Starter Trio. Even though Ash finally managed to catch all three of the Hoenn Region Royal Starters, there was still a lot of luck involved with it.

"Yes, these guys are all very well-behaved and very obedient."

They then asked about how Jimmy, someone from the Hoenn Region, managed to catch all three members of the Kanto Region Royal Starters.

After hearing it from Jimmy, Ash almost wanted to beat him up right on the spot, but his connection with Pikachu stopped it.

Compared with the twists and turns that Ash had to face in order to catch all of his past Royal Starters, this Jimmy here was simply an existence that was even comparable to that of a true protagonist.

Jimmy told them that his Starter Pokémon was a Squirtle, which later evolved into a Wartortle. He told them he received Squirtle because of a raffle he won when he was in Kanto for a month because of visiting his grandparents. After that, he encountered the rare Ivysaur a week later because of a musket with a rice ball and Ivysaur automatically following him from that.

Later that same week, he accidentally fell into the river and happened to bring a golden Shiny Magikarp with him, which was exchanged for the fishermens Charmeleon.

He didn't bother to make any efforts to try to train them at all, despite them being some of the possible strongest Pokémon's out there for most people. But because of that, he didn't win a single battle in the Kanto Region, so he never tried to train after that. In the end, he sat on the boat and followed the tide, and came to Bomba Island.

What an enviable luck and lazy attitude this guy has.

Ash had always been very confident in his own luck, but he was still dwarfed by this lazy moron.

But everything has pros and cons.

He seemed to have added all of his points to his luck attribute, causing him to have no idea what to do as a Pokémon Trainer. He didn't know how to train a Pokémon at all, let alone fight almong with them. The three Pokémon with him now had already stopped thinking of ever trying to fight. Their qualities are just that—qualities, but there is no fighting spirit in their eyes.

Being a Pokémon referee may be a way out for him.

Ash and his team helped Jimmy deliver his things to that referee school he was talking about, and when they came back, they caught the boat heading to the next island.

There are really all kinds of people in the Pokémon world.

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