Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: : Bait

East Gate.

In the special training camp of the Rockets, except for the main gate, the west gate, there is only the east gate leading to the deep mountains.

Once the Rockets successfully escaped from the east gate, even if the Chengdu local police district has the ability to insert their wings, there is nothing they can do about the Rockets who have gone deep into the jungle.

At that time, the sky was high enough for the birds to fly, and the sea was wide and the fish leaped!

Inside the east gate, a long row of off-road teams was ready to go.

“Squadron commander! The current number of people gathered is 197, and the number of people who should arrive is 221!”

A hooded Rocketeer rushed to Squadron Captain Lan to report.

“How long until the appointed time?” Lan sat on the co-pilot of the convertible off-road vehicle and said leisurely.

“Six minutes left!”

“Then… let’s go!”

Squadron Captain Lan sneered and waved his hand.

“Yes!” The Rockets agreed. He ran to the front of the car and made a gesture to the flag-waving flagman at the gate of the base.

The flag-waving operator understood in an instant, and standing in a position where all the pilots could see, he signaled the departure.


The engine started, the east gate opened with the sound of the machine, and the convoy moved forward.

“Captain! Are those people in the base going to silence them!”

A member of Team Rocket sitting behind Captain Lan of the squadron smiled strangely: “I have prepared thousands of tons of explosives! Enough to make the entire base fly into the sky!”

He held a wireless remote control in his hand, and the red button on it was a bit dazzling.

Squadron Captain Lan raised his legs, put his head in his hands, and said maliciously: “Don’t worry, wait for those fools to go in before doing it! It’s better to blow them all up!”

“Hee hee hee! Good captain!”

The Rockets member responded with a smile on his face.

while they were talking!


A raging flame came from the sky and shot straight into the off-road vehicle at the front of the team!

The off-road vehicle was blown up in no time!


An indifferent female voice came from the clear sky.

Accompanied by the sound, there is also a dark blue dragon-shaped energy, which bombarded in front of the team, directly blasting a deep pit.

In the convoy, the squadron leader Lan sneered and waved his thick arms.

“Give that silly girl some color!”


A member of Team Rocket sitting diagonally behind him sneered, put his hand in the Poké Ball around his waist, and jumped, his body flashing white light.


A horned monster with a metallic luster on its body, like a horned bird covered in metal armor, spread its wings in mid-air.

Its body feels extremely heavy just by looking at it, but it is strange that it can soar freely in the sky by relying on the pair of metal wings.

The member of Team Rocket climbed on the metal bird’s claws, jumped on its back, and flew into the sky with it.


A dragon-shaped energy rubbed the metal monster bird’s body and fell to the ground beside it.

Another deep pit formed again.

“Oh! I almost got hit!”

“I said chick, leave early if you’ve had enough lurking games!”

The members of Team Rocket, who were sitting on top of the metal monster, looked at the elf and the **** the opposite side very frivolously.

He laughed and said, “I remember your name is – Seria, right?”

Opposite him, Seria stared coldly at the Team Rocket member. Under her seat was an elegant and beautiful bird elf with wings like clouds.

“Armored bird, you are Tro!” Seliya reported the name of the Rocket team member, she said: “Give up resistance, we will try to treat you leniently. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!”

“Ha ha ha ha – high speed star!”

Terro laughed twice, didn’t even bother to refute, and directly ordered the armored bird to attack.

Armored bird’s steel-like wings, dozens of golden meteors rushed towards Seria!

“Spray flames!”

The sharp beak of the Qixi Blue Bird opened slightly, and a slender firework was sprayed out by it.


The flames and golden stars collided, exploding a fire of thick smoke and dust!

The extremely strong wind and waves generated by the collision of the moves directly blew the two people back in the air, and the distance between them expanded again.

“Set off!”

Squadron Captain Lan picked up the walkie-talkie, not at all moved by the explosion that was so close at hand.

Serea was entangled by Tro, and had no way to stop the convoy again, so she could only watch them bypass the pit one by one.

The convoy moved forward again.

However, on a high **** deep in the jungle, there were several voices again.

“The Rockets in front! You are surrounded! Please get out of the car and raise your hands to surrender! We have evidence of your illegal assembly and illegal sale of precious elves! One last report! Please get out of the car and surrender!”

Squadron Captain Lan looked around and saw that a large group of people in police uniforms were already standing on the high slope.

There are no less than twenty people in total.

“Hey hey hey! How dare such a few people speak out?”

Squadron Captain Lan sneered and snapped his fingers!


Ouch! Ouch!

It sounded like a smoke bomb exploded, and the entire convoy was enveloped in smoke!

“Freedom to escape! We will gather at point A!”

In the fog, Squadron Leader Lan’s voice could be heard clearly.

On the high slope, Miss Junsha’s expression did not change at all. The police officers behind her took out Pokeballs one after another, and the white light flashed.

A large eagle with very long feathers and long feathers was slowly flapping its wings on their heads.

“Bidiao (big bird)! Remove the fog!”


After several soft drinks, the eagles quickly fanned their huge wings.

A strong wind rolled into the thick fog in the convoy!

It didn’t take a moment for the fog that shrouded the team to be blown away, revealing the off-road vehicle team.

“Go!” Jun Sha threw her Poké Ball and shouted, “Don’t let any of them go! Tangle them and wait for the large troops behind! Pay attention to Squadron Captain Lan! Report him in time!”


A group of police officers responded in unison.

They released their sprites and rushed towards the convoy.


A strange force running at the front was about to punch the tire of the off-road vehicle, but suddenly hit an invisible wall.

“It’s a barrier! There are sucker puppets (magic wall puppets) around! Everyone pay attention!” A sharp-eyed police officer shouted immediately.

Using the sucker puppet to create a barrier to block the enemy is an old method of the Rockets, and they have already obtained relevant information from Kanto.

“The strange force splits the tiles!”

The trainer of the strange force immediately asked the strange force to use the move: split tiles.

In reality, tile splitting is the only move that can destroy most barrier-type tricks.

Coincidentally, the barrier created by the sucker golem is in it.

It can be said that this strange force is a elf that exists exclusively for Team Rocket’s sucker golem!

Bah! Clap!

The barrier shattered!

“Nighthawk! See through!”

At the same time, another police officer ordered the giant owl above his head.

The night owl made a “coo” sound, its eyes lit up, and it searched for the convoy like a searchlight.

But the strange thing is that it did not find any figures, but found a lot of gas bombs.

A police officer’s face changed greatly, and he roared: “Not good! Trap! Rewind fast! What about the elf with the characteristic of moisture!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the pile of gas bombs showed hatred, and his body suddenly emitted a violent white light!


Boom boom boom! !

A deafening explosion sounded, and a huge shock wave sent all the police officers approaching the convoy flying out.

Trees rose, chunks of rock flew randomly, and broken parts of cars brushed or hit people.

For a while, the policeman was seriously injured!

Even Seria and Tro, who were fighting in the sky, were affected, and a huge mushroom cloud separated them far away.

“You don’t want to die!”

Serea’s face was ashen, an explosion of this magnitude could not even be resisted by ordinary guards, not to mention the countless members of Team Rocket in that car!

Terro smiled nonchalantly: “Hahahaha! So you, the lackeys of the Alliance, don’t know anything!”

“Do you think we’re stupid enough to tell everything?” Trou opened up several Poke Balls, and a large amount of floating gas bounced towards Serea and her Tanabata Blue Bird.

Serea’s expression changed, and she quickly opened her other Poké Ball.


“Mind Power Earth Puppet! Seal!”

With many eyes and strange patterns painted on its body, the mind power soil puppet turned slightly, and a dazzling blue light appeared from its body.

Several huge red crosses appeared on the gas bombs.

In this way, their self-destruction and big self-destruction cannot be used! Serea breathed a sigh of relief.

“Fool! Cloudy mist!”


Terro, who was on the opposite side, gave the order disdainfully, and the few gas bombs suddenly spewed out large streams of dense fog.

“Clear the fog!”

Seliya was in no hurry. As an Interpol who learned through the system, she thought of any possibility of her opponent fleeing!

“No!” Suddenly, Serea seemed to have thought of something, and quickly directed the Psychic Puppet to break through the turbid purple smoke.

The fog was broken, and then Seria saw a scene that made her unwilling.

Behind that Trou stood a fox holding a spoon, covered with countless circles.

It’s teleportation!

The turbid fog is used to confuse her Tanabata Blue Bird!

“Seal!” Seria hurriedly shouted, but it was too late.

Tro made a slit-throat expression to Seria, and then disappeared in an instant.

There was anger on Serea’s always flat face.



A ferocious blue crocodile stood beside Junsha, surrounded by a messy scene.

“Why is this! The Marsh King!”

She scolds the crowd under her hands. There are elf with protective self-destruction and big self-destruction, why is it not useful?

“Section Chief! It’s a feature exchange!” A male police officer with gauze wrapped around his head and a messy body of clothes said aggrieved.

Beside him stood a guilt-ridden Swamp King, bowing his head to admit his mistake.

Just now, through a simple search, the remaining people who were still capable of action found that in addition to a large group of dying gas bombs, there were only dozens of broken bodies and a few scorched corpses.

After verification, most of them are recruits of the Rockets, and the main target of the police officers has long disappeared.

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