Pocket Monster University

Taking Wicke and Helen on Walkies

It probably says something about me that I could lead a naked girl crawling around on a leash, restrained in heavy bondage, and think it was wholesome rather than lewd. I’m not sure what it says, but I hope it’s not too bad. Even so, that’s how I felt as Helen pulled me along on our walk, the excitable pokegirl constantly circling around me as she sniffed at everything within the leash’s radius, whether it was another student, the hotspring baths of the Fire Gym, or even a single sandal missing its partner. The hyper energy she had was contagious, and it was fun to stroll around the baths, taking in the sights.

Most distracting among those sights was the non-pokegirl at the end of the leash in my other hand. Professor Wicke was doing her best to play the part, but at the same time she was putting on a show, and I was the only member of the audience. She made sure to crawl straight ahead of me, her hips swinging side to side, the apex of every movement making her curvy assets jiggle hypnotically.

When Helen would bound back towards me for attention, Wicke would follow. I’d give both of them a scratch behind the ear, and while it made Helen wag her tail like a propeller as her eyes went shut, Wicke would stare up at me with half-lidded eyes, and I could practically see her licking her lips behind the muzzle gag she was wearing as a disguise.

As wholesome as the walk was for Helen, Wicke had me walking around with a tent in my shorts.

“Feeling ready to breed with Helen yet?”

Wicke asked that question as she nuzzled her cheek against the bulge in my pants. Underneath the mask, she wasn’t wearing any gag, so I could still understand everything she was saying. Wicke had lamented that she would have loved to wear one, but thought that being able to talk was good to have as an option, just in case.

I would have established a psychic link with her the way I’d done with Yang and Helen, but whenever I tried, it was like my sixth sense was rolling right over her; her psychic defense must be on another level.

“Helen is an adorable ball of fluff. You’re the one being a cocktease right now.” I said in a low voice as I pushed her head away with the palm of my hand. That made her nuzzle into my palm though, let out a needy moan through the gag, the exact right frequency to make my nostrils flare and my cock twitch.

“The important thing is that you’re hard. You can just slip it inside of her. I’m sure a healthy young woman like Miss Shaw would love it. Especially if it was doggy style…”

“Yeah, well, when Helen wants that, she can ask for it herself, and until then—”


Helen’s sudden thought came out as a psychic shout so loud it gave me a shock, loosening my grip enough that she was able to pull the leash out of my hands. I’d thought that with the leg binders she was wearing that forced Helen to her hands and knees, she wouldn’t be able to just run off. That was a mistake on my part. The pokegirl was rocketing away, managing to take long, loping strides, her powerful limbs launching her forwards through the air.

“Hey! Come back!” I chased after her at full tilt, dropping Wicke’s leash so I could keep up, but I wasn’t fast enough to stop Helen from reaching her target. The “squirrel” she’d spotted was another pokegirl, walking around naked. Her skin was a warm brown tone with a pale, freckled torso and stomach. She had pointed, fuzzy ears that matched her light brown hair, and the largest, fluffiest tail I’d ever seen, which was saying something at this university.


At least, it was fluffy right up until the moment Helen tackled the girl, sending them both into the bath the pokegirl had been walking past. Lucky for Helen, the water was shallow, only knee-deep. Unlucky for the girl, because that meant that Helen could keep chasing her even in the water.


The two were splashing in the water, the poor squirrel pokegirl so shocked she didn’t know what to do. So this was why Wicke had insisted on the restraints. If Helen’s claws and teeth had been out…

{Helen, stop that! Bad girl!}” As I said it, I echoed the words inside of her head, trying to give her as much of a shock as she’d given me. It must have worked, because Helen froze in her tracks, her head whipping back to look at me. Whatever she saw on my face made her wilt, lowering her head down just above the water as she backed away to the edge of the bath.

I grabbed the leash, wrapped it around my hand several times, then reached out a hand to the assaulted pokegirl. “I am so sorry about that. She got off the leash and, well, she’s a lot faster than I thought she’d be.”

The frazzled and drenched squirrel girl took the offered hand as she pulled herself back up to her feet. “Um… that’s okay. Hah… just really super duper surprising, right? Don’t worry about...ahh!!”

The reason she cried out probably had something to do with the flash of pain I felt on the back of my head. A fist thrown out so fast my brain bounced against the inside of my skull even as I went flying into the water. I ended up getting too much of that water up my nose before I could see again, and it was a few seconds more before the ringing in my ears died down enough for me to hear.

“...rry! You jerk! You could really hurt someone like that!” The squirrel was screaming, and as my eyes learned how to focus, I could make out the target of her ire. It was one of the few other male students I’d seen around the campus.

He was tall, towering over the squirrel girl and probably a good two inches more than me, with a thin, wiry frame that made me think of swimmers. Light red hair that was calculatedly messy in a way that normally required a bunch of product and a face that was somewhere between handsome and pretty, like a Kpop idol.

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“Tch! His dumb ass was the one that should be watching out.” The pretty boy pointed an accusing finger towards me. “If you’re gonna bring a feral into the gym, keep her on the leash, prick.”

I rubbed at the back of my head, winced; that was going to be tender for a while. “Yeah, okay. My bad there.” Helen crawled up to me, rubbing her muzzle up against my cheek. I could tell she wanted to lick my cheek, but the bondage was in the way. “Don’t think a sucker punch helps the situation though..”

I caught a twitch in his eye as he stepped into the bath and approached me. The water parted as he did, the sides of the bath overflowing and spilling out as it made room for him, the area around the two of us completely dry as he stood over me, cracking his knuckles. “That was to make the lesson stick. Maybe you want another lesson, on showing some proper fucking respect to your seniors.”

I wasn’t about to back down from a bully. If Sabrina wasn’t enough to intimidate me, this guy was mistaken if he thought a bit of water magic would do the trick. I stood up and looked him squarely in the eyes. “Sorry, I’m new here, so I’ve got to ask. It’s not against the rules if I burn the flesh off your skull, is it?”

“Big mistake, little man.” He took a step back, lowered his stance, and I did the same, trying to focus through the headache to lock on him with my psychic powers. I was going to wipe that smug smile off his pretty—

“Nyaaaaaa!!” There was a frantic cry, and we both looked to the edge of the bath where Wicke was looking right at me. She wasn’t dropping the act, but I didn’t need to be psychic to translate the meaning of that look and tone. Something along the lines of ‘Stop that right this instant, young man!’

Point taken. “Let’s not do this here. If we’re going to throw down, let’s find an arena, settle this like—”

“Grah!” I should have seen the second sucker punch coming. He had a long windup for it, and it was aimed straight for my chin. In slow motion, I could see it coming, but my hands weren’t coming up to defend myself, my feet weren’t moving me out of the way.

Instead, a blast of flame swallowed up his arm, burning like it was covered in gasoline as the pretty boy screamed, falling over and landing in the water as it collapsed back into its normal shape.

He screamed at the top of his lungs, drawing every eye that wasn’t already focused on us, his voice cracking as he threatened me, “Bastard! I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking—”

“Now, now. Children, behave.” The voice was playful, but I felt a cold sweat running down my back as I turned around to see Miss Asuna Flannery, her forearm and hand still bathed in a strong flame. “No fighting allowed outside of the arenas.”

“Ah… yeah. That’s just what I was saying.” I said, as I backed away.

For my sake, Helen took an aggressive stance, putting herself between me and the teacher, growling through her gag, the bath water hissing with steam as her body heated up.

“Easy, girl. Easy.” I put my arms around her. “We’re good now.”

Her body cooled down, but she was still staring daggers at Flannery. “Thanks for that. Arenas only. Got it, ma’am. Sorry for the trouble.”

“My arm… my fucking arm! You bitch! I’m gonna fucking sue you and this stupid school into—” He really didn’t know when to shut up.

“Let’s schedule your match for this Friday, I think. Little Terry here is going to need the time to heal up from the burns and bruises.” Flannery said, as she eyed the bully.

“No way I’m waiting, gonna crush this rookie, and what bruises, you dumb—”

Flannery’s answer was a punch to his nose that sent his head snapping backward, two twin trails of blood flowing out in a wide arc as he collapsed into the water, floating unconscious on his back.

I hadn’t even seen her step into the bath. One instant she’d been standing at the edge, the next she was right there next to me with the boy already falling back. Just what kind of Skills did the teachers here have?

“Drag him over to the nurse. And let me know if he starts causing trouble again, Almond.” Flannery instructed the squirrel girl, who entered the bath to pick him up, slinging him onto her back with a strength that defied her small size.

“Yes, Ma’am! Sorry for the trouble. My Master can get a bit overprotective at times. And hot-blooded. And, um…”

“Disrespectful towards women?” Flannery finished.

“Um, stupid, I was going to say.” The squirrel girl, Almond, looked over towards me. “Um… nice to meet you and your pets. I uh… I’ll see you on Friday, I guess?”

As she left, Flannery cast a glance over towards me. “You’re lucky you cooled your head when you did. I don’t think either of your pets are in a proper state to haul your ass to the infirmary.”

“Thanks, I uh… I almost lost it.” Before Wicke had reached me, I’d been thinking of nothing but slamming his face with my fist, over and over. Which, looking back on it, didn’t seem like an appropriate response.

“It’s only natural. You’re young. And Trainers have a hormonal mix several times more potent than regular folk. Eat, fuck, fight. Those instincts are burning strong inside of you. Just don’t let them control you.” Flannery bent down on one knee, then began to pet Helen. “Otherwise you’ll end up like this adorable little troublemaker.”

“Or worse. If someone really loses control, if they can’t be tamed… well…”

I swallowed. Flannery could move faster than my eyes could follow, and I had a feeling that was only the tip of the iceberg. The cold sweat was back as she looked at me with her steely gaze. “I won’t. I mean, I’ll try my best.”

“And try your best this Friday, too. Terry might have a rotten personality, but he didn’t make it to his second-year for nothing.” Flannery said, as she looked up at me with a thin smile.

“...yes, Ma’am.”

Flannery stopped petting Helen, stood up, and looked over at Wicke. “Maybe next time you take a girl for a walk, keep it to just the one.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” She didn’t recognize Wicke, did she?

I called the walk off early, immediately taking Wicke and Helen back to the private faculty changing room. The adrenaline was starting to wear off, and I felt like I needed a long soak in the baths just to calm my nerves.

When I pulled the hood off of Wicke, the sweat-soaked hair was plastered to her face. “Well now! That was certainly thrilling in a way I hadn’t really expected!”

I got started on the leg bindings next. “Me either. Sorry, I guess I really messed this up.”

“Oh, don’t put the blame on yourself! Clearly, the environment was too stimulating, and the classic leash style was more form than function. Next time, we’ll go with one firmly secured to your wrist I believe.” Wicke said as she began rolling her latex gloves off.

“Next time, huh? Maybe next time it should just be the two of us.”

“Oh, perhaps. Worth considering.” Wicke stood up onto her feet, stretching her body out, joints popping. “Or maybe next time, we can practice tricks. Sitting, rolling over, playing fetch. Begging.”

That mental image did more to melt my tension than any hot bath could. I started undoing the straps on Helen’s muzzle gag. “Maybe after we take Helen back, we head back to your place?”

“Nooo! Don’t leave Hel alone! Hel lonely!” Helen caught Wicke and me both off-guard as she spoke the words out loud, grabbing me around my waist with a bear hug.

“Geh! Wicke?” I looked at her for support.

“Oh! Fascinating! One moment, one moment…” She dove into her purse, retrieved the glasses with thick pink frames from their case, and squinted at Helen. “Well now! Interesting! Fascinating! Her corruption has fallen by more than fifty points!”


“Hel too! Hel want play more with Master too! No fair!” Helen insisted as she rubbed her nose against my stomach from side to side.

“Hey. Hold on. Relax, girl. I’m not going to leave you hanging.” I went down to my knees so I could get to Helen’s eye level. “We just need to figure this out first, so be patient, okay?”

Helen responded by giving me a familiar lick on the cheek, followed by a much more aggressive and unfamiliar kiss on the lips, that same warm tongue invading my mouth as her tail wagged more furiously than ever. As quickly as she’d gone for the kiss, she pulled away, sitting with her hands planted on the floor before her thighs, waiting. “Yes, Master! Hel wait. Hel good girl!”

I looked over at Wicke. “So uh… what happened?”

“Well, I can’t say for sure based on just this one anecdote, but my current hypothesis is that when you were focused on protecting Helen and she was focused on protecting you, your emotions resonated, creating a deep intimacy. Ufufu… and it was so fast! This could lead to a brand new method of purification.” Wicke rubbed her chin, staring off into space. “Of course… stimulating a stressful fear response might be tricky, and if the trainer and pokegirl didn’t leap to one another’s aid, then it might backfire… but perhaps if…”

She began muttering to herself under her breath, her head tilting side to side as her mind ran a mile a minute. It was cute.

“Wicke. Professor Wicke.” She didn’t hear me the first two times, so I stood in front of her, ran my fingers through her sweat-soaked hair. “Wicke.”

“Hm? Oh! Sorry, sorry. I just find this research so fascinating! But where are my manners? Yes, dear?” I finally had her attention again, and now she was looking me right in the eyes.

Now that Helen had a sense of self again—albeit a rather simple one—there was nothing holding me back from getting even more intimate with her. I’d thought to ask Wicke if she wanted to stay here, or perhaps reschedule for another time, just the two of us. But staring at this adorable professor a head shorter than me, chewing on her full bottom lip, I changed my mind.

“Be a good girl and kneel. I’m not done with you yet.”

Her eyes went wide, and she took in a quick, light gasp of air, her lips parting as she was rendered speechless for a long few seconds. Then, “...yes, sir.” Wicke sank to her knees, bent down to put her hands on the floor. “Like this?”

I went to one knee and scratched her head, thinking for a moment how much cuter she’d look with cat ears. “Good girl. But pets don’t talk. A cute little kitty like you can meow and purr instead.”

That earned me a high-pitched whimper from the back of her throat, and when she opened her mouth, her tongue was hanging out as she let out a simple “Nyaaa…”

I grinned, then looked over at Helen. “You’re a good girl too, waiting so patiently like that. Ready to play a game, Helen?”

“Hel ready! Hel good girl!” She answered, nodding her head up and down almost as fast as her tail was wagging.

“Alright. Then, on the count of three, I want you to try and pin Wicke here. If you can do it in less than a minute, you get a reward and she gets a punishment.”

Helen’s ears drooped. “Helen don’t want punish friend…”

“Oh, don’t worry. She’s going to love it.” And besides, Wicke was a professor. If she was anything like Sabrina or Asuna, then this would make for an interesting game of keep away.

Wicke tilted her head at me. “Nyaa?”

“One… two… three!”

As it turned out, Wicke was nothing like Sabrina or Asuna. Even though she was out of her bondage while the only thing I’d removed from Helen was her gag, the dog girl had the older woman lying flat on her bag yelping and paralyzed in seconds. As sexy as it was to see the two stacked on top of each other, their naked breasts squished together, Helen was just a touch too aggressive. She had her open mouth pressed firmly against Wicke’s throat, as though she was ready to rip it out at any moment.

“Ahh… Miss Wicke, are you alright?” I asked as I squatted down to have a look.

Her face was flushed and her mouth was hanging open, the professor panting like a bitch in heat. “Nyaaa~”

Good enough for me.

“Good girl, good girl. But ease up. She’s not going anywhere.” I rubbed the top of Helen’s head until her body relaxed, and instead of her teeth pressed against Wicke’s throat, she started using her lips to give Wicke some passionate kisses.

“Now then. Time for your reward.” After unbuttoning my shorts, I let them drop. Ever since Wicke had made her first “nya” I’d been getting hard, and I was at the point where my precum was beading at the tip of my cock. I went to my knees behind Helen. One hand on her hip, the other guiding my length to nestle between her two tight ass cheeks. “Are you ready?”

“Mm! Hel ready! Hel want Master’s cock!” Helen spread her legs wide and lifted her ass up, pushing back against me.

I couldn’t ask for a more enthusiastic answer than that! I lowered the head of my cock down to her slit and found her dripping. Not just dripping, there was the hiss of steam coming from her body, her fire-type nature showing itself as her arousal started building. If it was a normal person pushing themselves inside of her, their meat would be cooked in seconds. For me, I could only think of how wonderfully warm, hot, and tight she was.

“Hahhh! Maaaaaster…!” Helen groaned the word out, her inner walls clenching down tight around me. She was so eager her ass was bouncing, twerking on my cock so that I didn’t need to do anything at all. Not that I could stop myself from thrusting in and out of her if I wanted to. Sex with Lina had been incredible, but the lust in Helen’s voice as she kept moaning out was driving me crazy.

“Me too? Nyaaa?” Wicke pleaded. She was still stuck on her back, and she could only lie there and watch as Helen was enjoying my cock.

With Helen obstructing my view, I took my hand from her hip and probed underneath to find Wicke’s wet pussy. I found the back of her hand instead, the naughty professor already touching herself, only to jerk her hand away when she was caught. “Ah, ah. Bad girl.” I gave her pussy a firm slap that made her squeak, and when I pulled my hand back there was a glistening line of juices trailing off of it. “I told you there was going to be a punishment, didn’t I? Put your paws where I can see them.”

“Mmmph…. Nyaaa sir…” Wicke’s face was flushed bright pink now as she raised her arms up over her head.

“It’s okay. Hel make pretty girl feel better.” Helen leaned down and caught Wicke’s lips in another kiss, this time not showing any mercy, the two girls making out as I continued to pump into her. I’m not sure if that was making things better or worse for Wicke, but it was definitely doing its job getting her worked up.

“Such a good girl!” I gripped Helen tightly and sped up. My thrusts went in deeper, and her moans started getting louder. When she broke off the kisses, her tongue was lolling out of her mouth and drooling. When I pushed every inch inside of her and started to cum, she arched her back out and howled.

Her pussy didn’t let go. It massaged my cock, urging out every last drop into her womb, and I kept going with slow, powerful thrusts to comply right up until Helen collapsed on top of Wicke. “Good girl, good girl.”

There wasn’t any answer, and when I pulled out and scooted over to check, I saw that Helen’s eyes were shut and the girl was fast asleep. Wicke put a finger to her lips. “Shhh… she needs some rest. Put her back in the ball for now, would you?”

I took a seat on a bench as I got the pokeball out of Wicke’s bag and recalled Helen inside of it, the ball growing slightly warm once it clicked closed. “Is she okay?”

Wicke crawled her way over towards me, put her face against my crotch. I was still half-erect after cumming inside of Helen, but looking down at her with my cock plastered against her face from the chin to her forehead was all the encouragement I needed to go back to full mast. “Better than okay. When she wakes up, she should have most of her wits back.”

Wicke grabbed her breasts, then squeezed them around my cock, starting pumping up and down. “Not bad for your first day, Mr. Krimson. I’ll wire the funds to your account this evening.” Oh right. It was crazy to think that I was getting paid for this. “Can I count on you in the future to help more girls like Miss Shaw?”

I gripped the bench with both hands. This couldn’t have been Wicke’s first time giving someone a titjob. It was almost painful in how good it felt, which seemed like it’d be impossible with how marshmallow-soft those massive breasts of hers were. “Hahh… yeah. Sure.”

I would have had a difficult time not agreeing to anything she said when she was bouncing her tits in my lap like that. But before I could splatter all over her face or between her tits, I grabbed Wicke under her arms and lifted her up, straddling my lap. “I want to finish inside of you. I need it.”

Wicke bit down on her lower lip. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. You’re rather big… especially when you’re this excited. I don’t think it could fit a woman like me.”

I gave her a kiss, faintly tasting Helen on her lips. “A woman like you? You’re…” I was going to say ‘a perfect MILF’, but changed it to “...the sexiest girl on campus. It has to be you.”

There was a dazed look in Wicke’s eyes as she nodded. She lifted her hips up, positioned herself over me. Unlike with Helen or Lina, who had comfortably taken every inch I’d had to give her, Wicke was tight. Moving at her own pace, it took her almost a minute to fit the head of my cock inside of her, and the groan she gave was lust tinged with pain as I felt her stretching around me.

“Oh, fuck… hahh…” She lowered herself down slowly, began to make shallow bounces, more than half of my cock still untouched. “So big… I’m sorry… I can’t…”

More kisses helped her relax, but she didn’t manage to take it more than another inch deeper, wincing as my cock started to reach her limit. “Look at you. Struggling to take my cock. Such a good girl.” Her pussy clenched at those last two words in particular. “Just like that. I want you to cum on my cock.”

“Yesss… mmhm! I’m your good girl. Gonna cum… gonna cum…” Her voice was pitching higher and higher and it was all I could do to resist taking control, slamming her hips down and breaking her. “Cumming…!”

I stopped holding back and came with her, squeezing her big bubble butt tight in both hands. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she hugged me tight, her whole body shaking, and as soon as I was empty, I embraced her waist with one arm and started stroking her hair with the other. She hadn’t passed out like Helen, but she was getting quiet and clingy after her orgasm.

“You going to be okay?” I asked after a minute or two.

“Mmmhmm… gonna be… so good…” Was her drunken answer as she nuzzled against me. “Swear though… I need new toys. Need to start training myself. If we… ah, ever do this again.”

“You can count on it.”

Thanks for reading! You can find more of my writing over here: https://linktr.ee/griztorc


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