Pocket Monster University

Dominating Mochi

Mochi had superior strength, speed, reflexes, and experience. Trying to make this a fair fight was just asking to lose. No, My Psychic abilities were my strongest weapon. Mochi might have some resistance to them, but there was no arguing that they worked. I just needed to be smarter about them.

“And the Milfy Pocket Monster is back on the attack, delivering a powerful downward strike with both fists… but she misses! Krimson uses that chance to skitter back to the middle of the arena! What happened, Mr. Lee?”

What happened was that my gamble had paid off. I’d sennt Mochi a new command. {See me standing four feet to the left of my real position.} That attack of hers had landed four feet to my left.

Mochi might be able to dispel any suggestion I gave her, but that was only if she knew that it was a suggestion.

“Being slippery just means I’m gonna have to be extra rough, boy.” Mochi said as she cracked her knuckles. This time though, she was slowly walking forward.

{See me standing seven feet to the right.}

{See me standing four feet to the front and to the left.}

{See me standing three feet to the right.}

Her eyes flicked, but it was barely any time before she was focused back on the real me again. Now that she was expecting it, her mind was ready for any sudden jumps. “Sorry, sugar. Same trick isn’t going to work on me twice. So clench your teeth, because this… is going… to hurt!”

Mochi drew back her arm and wound it up, then delivered a punch strong enough to shatter stone right at my chest.

The entire arena went silent. Mochi herself was left speechless, confused, not understanding at all what had just happened.

And then all at once, the crowd erupted into screams of excitement.

“Incredible! Amazing! Krimson manages to not just dodge Mochi’s point-blank attack, but he turned the tables on her with an incredible judo throw!”

It was true. Mochi had been lighter than I’d expected, and after I caught her arm, she was off-balance enough that slamming her onto her back came out in one smooth motion. Thank you, Yang, for the practice.

Mochi didn’t stay down long. She raised her legs up, then hopped back onto her feet and shook the rubble off. “Not bad! Not bad, not bad. Didn’t think a beanpole like you had those kinds of skills. But that’s the last time that kind of move is gonna work. And even if it did, this arena is gonna turn to sand before you manage to put a scratch on me.”

“I don’t need to.” I’d already danced back towards the edge of the ring again.

“Yeah, why is that?”

“Because. {You are getting sleepy.}

Mochi cocked an eyebrow at me, then let out a giggle. “Really? I thought you were smarter than that.”

She shook her head, and dispelled the suggestion. But this time, I didn’t relent. As soon as she dispelled it, I was hammering it into her mind again. “It’s not gonna work. You don’t got the muscle for it.”

Mochi dashed forward, too fast to dodge, and threw another punch, not holding back this time. And she missed.

At the same time, I gave her a push from behind, trying to get a ringout. After the last time though, she was keeping her stance low, and it was like pushing against a mountain, and I had to jump backwards as she nearly hit me with a spinning lariat.

Mochi chased after me, using powerful, wide sweeping attacks, trying to graze me at least, but I kept managing to avoid them, ducking, jumping, and rolling around the arena. She wasn’t leaving herself open to any counterattacks, but I was able to at least hold on.

“Dang it, since when did you learn to dodge like that?!”

“It’s not hard when you’re making such obvious moves.”

That was a bald-faced lie.

The reason I was able to keep avoiding her attacks was that she was never aiming at me from the start. After fooling Mochi once with a body double illusion, her eyes had been glued onto me, and even more so as I had attempted the same trick multiple times after that. She knew that I couldn’t simply teleport around the arena and held on firmly to that reality.

So I’d been giving her the suggestion of {I am right here} seconds before she attacked. Rather than trying to make her see an illusion of me moving, I gave her an illusion of myself standing still. She saw what she wanted to see. What she was expecting to see. And because I was only moving my body a step or two ahead of her, she’d been mistaking it for speed and skill on my part, hadn’t thought to try and dispel this new illusion.

Mochi let out a growl like a jungle beast, the gentle, jovial pokegirl starting to lose her patience. “When I get my hands on you, I’m gonna tear all the hair right off of your…” Before she could finish that threat, Mochi let out a long, open-mouthed yawn, her eyes going half-lidded. And then flying open wide. “Damn it! Get over here!”

It was working!

“Looks like mochi is running out of steam! Right, Mr. Lee?”

“Not exactly, Sonia. Young Krimson has been applying a constant pressure to his opponent in trying to get her to fall asleep. While it is true that the pokegirl’s willpower is able to easily resist such an obvious and self-destructive command, such willpower is not infinite. As her reserves are lowered, the command will take a deeper hold of her psyche, until she is no longer able to resist.” The professor gave a slight smile. “Assuming of course that she does not defeat the young trainer before that can happen.”

I glanced over towards that professor giving color commentary, slightly annoyed that he was spoiling my strategy to not just the audience, but Mochi too. Still… if he was that perceptive, he could have pontificated about my illusion trick too.

“Finish him off fast, Mochi!” Terry called out from the edge of the arena.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” she snapped back at him as she charged at me again.

It was too late though. Already, her movements were getting slower, more sluggish. After a minute had passed, I didn’t even need the illusion to stay out of reach. Every step she took was stumbling, wobbling. Her eyes kept sliding shut, her head would dip down, and then she’d jerk herself back up. I was tempted to get in closer, but one lucky punch could still break my concentration and give her time to recover.

No, it might have not been the most impressive or noble way of fighting, but I was using every ounce of energy I had to play keep-away with her until finally, Mochi went down to one knee.

“Not… gonna fall… asleep…” she mumbled, her head rocking on her shoulders, another yawn making the lie clear.

“If you don’t want to fall asleep, then {go into a trance}. That’s the only way you can stay awake and win.”

“The only… way…” her bleary eyes looked up at me. “...stay awake… win…”

“That’s right.” Now that she had stopped moving, I could finally catch my breath, though I kept my distance, not yet sure this was a trick.

“Go into…” With a thud, Mochi fell back on to her sizeable ass, legs splayed, eyes staring blankly into the sky. “...trance…”

A smile curled up on my lips. “{Admit that you lost.}

“I lost.” No resistance now. Whatever training or stubbornness had kept me out of her head was used up now.

“I won.”

“You won.”

I felt a twitch from my cock. Adrenaline was still surging in my body, and now that I was looking at her helpless like this, the fight/flight response was shifting to something else. To the victor goes the spoils, right?

I shook my head and grit my teeth. Taking someone else’s pokegirl. That’d make me as bad as Terry.

Besides, everyone was watching.

“Stand up.”

Mochi stood up, mouth hanging open dumbly.

“When I tell you to do something, you say ‘yes, Master’, then do it.”

“Yes, Master!”

I was still going to twist the knife a little though. Terry, who had been watching the whole thing, wasn’t happy. Fists clenched, he stared at me with some real genuine hate. Good. He needed to know how it felt.

“Admit you’re a worthless sack of meat.”

“Yes, Master. I’m a worthless sack of meat.”

The rest of the crowd were taking it only a little better than him. First there was the one feminine voice screaming at me to stop. Then another, multiplying until it become a cacophony. And then that cacophony morphed into a low, buzzing chorus of boos.

I clenched my teeth. Didn’t any of them know what was going on? He was the one who had picked this fight. And he stole Yang from me!? No way was I the villain here!

“Tell me how much better I am than Terry.”

“Yes, Master.” Her voice was calm and serene, completely at odds with the things I was making her say. “You’re so much better than Terry.”

“Motherfucker!” Terry screamed from the arena’s edge

“Wow!” Even now, the two commentators were still at it. “The rumors about Krimson’s evil side are proving true, right before our eyes! What a dastardly villain!”

“Don’t judge him too harshly, Miss Sonia. Such abuses of power and displays of poor sportsmanship are common here. Indeed, within the arena, this has been rather tame. Especially compared to his father’s first time. Still, I do wonder if this is wise, given his current state.”

Something about this Mr. Lee managed to cut through the adrenaline-fueled rage. I looked around the arena, realized the way the audience was looking at me. Heard snippets of what they were saying. I looked at Mochi, completely helpless and vulnerable. Defeated after trying to protect her master.

What the fuck was I doing?

I shook my head, then looked to find Flannery, spotting her flying thirty feet in the air above. Staying out of the fray, but in position to dive in should things go to far. I raised my voice, “She admitted defeat. It’s my win, right?”

“If you’re satisfied with that then.” From the grin on her face, I wondered just how far I could have taken things. “Round one is over. Winner… Team Krimson!”

“Finally!” Terry held out his arm, pokeball held tight in his grip, and red lightning struck Mochi, sending the entranced girl back into relative safety. “You went too far, Krimson! I’m going to kill you!”

“Bring it! I’ll tear you into… into a…” The ground underneath me turned to ice, my feet slipping forward, the ground rushing up to smack me in the back of the head. The bastard hadn’t even waited until the start of the round! “Gonna… gonna…”

“Woah, now. Take it easy, little bro.”

“Master tired?”

Lina and Helena had left their balls, flanked me on either side, staring at me with pity in their eyes.

“You need to sit this next one out. Let me take care of it.”

I tried to tell them to shut up. I tried to lift my head. Unfortunately, my body wasn’t doing what I was telling it to. Using so much psychic power against Mochi was coming with a cost to it.

“No. Hel protect Master!”

“Ridiculous.” Lina sneered. “You’re not even smart enough to tie your own shoes. Without Ben guiding your moves, you don’t stand a chance.”

Helen surprised me, pushing her forehead against Lina, growling, her naked breasts pushed against Lina’s barely concealed knockers. “Hel know Hel lose! But! But sister help Master! Make him strong again! Hel give time!”

“As if I need you to buy me time. I can handle these other two on my own. I was in my second year too, and I’m not impressed by him. It’s obvious that fatass is more powerful than her trainer.”

“Hel protect Master!”

“Shut up… both of you.” I finally managed to sit up. “Neither of you are going out. I’m settling this myself. So you can both just sit back and—”

<Sorry, Master!>

I could hear the whine in Helena’s open mind. I saw the furry fist heading towards my head. Neither helped me dodge at all though.

By the time I woke up, round two was almost over.

But just who had fought in my place?

Helen? Or Lina?



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