Pocket Monster University

Ben’s Roommate is Transformed Into a Pokegirl

I had a deep sleep, full of vague dreams about beautiful women, the details lost as I was roused by the sound of a loud banging on my door.

“Ben! Are you in there? What am I saying? Of course you are!” It took me a few seconds to recognize the voice, and not just because I was still half-asleep; I’d never heard Yuna raise her voice like that.

I pushed lightly against Yang. “You awake?”

“Nnnnmph…” was the sleepy response.

“Benjamin Krimson, get out here right now or I’m breaking this door!”

That gave some urgency to the request, so I rolled away from Yang, who I had been spooning, and out of bed… oh right. Loft bed. I woke up fast as gravity yanked me downward and I ended up catching myself on my palm, all of that force focused on my wrist, making me wince, worried it was sprained.

…only… no, it didn’t even hurt. My body was feeling even more durable than yesterday. Nice, it seemed like sleeping with girls really was the key to getting stronger. I just had to—

“You have three seconds before I destroy this door, Mr. Krimson! One… two…” Yuna trailed off, going silent, which was even more concerning, so I scrambled up to my feet, opened the door, and saw…

Faye. By herself. She looked cute in her oversized pajamas, hands behind her back, slightly leaning forward. The last three buttons were still undone, and the movement gave me a wonderful glimpse of sideboob.

“G’morning! Sorry about that! Yuna really ain’t much of a morning person,” she said with an impish smile.

"No kidding. What happened?" I asked, suspicious. "Where did Yuna go?"

"Well... ehehe..." Faye let out a nervous giggle. "There was just a little bit of an incident last night."

I glanced towards the bed, wondering if I ought to wake up Yang. It was a little odd that she hadn't been roused at all from Yuna's outburst. But after the workout I'd given her last night, maybe she needed her beauty sleep. I put my focus back on Faye. "Incident?"

Faye walked herself over to the couch, so I followed after. "Right. So the two of us were fooling around. She had her thighs wrapped around my head and I was licking her tasty pussy, as we do." Faye started, which brought a small bit of warmth to my ears, but nothing else; I was starting to think of sex as completely normal here. "Then we both heard the fun that YOU were having. Really, very spirited performance!"

Okay, now I was blushing.

"Yeah. Uh... sorry. I thought maybe these walls would be more... sound-proofed?" So that was it. We'd made too much noise last night, and now Yuna wanted to give me an earful about it since it was the morning.

...but where was Yuna?

"Oh, there's some great sound-proofing. Otherwise we'd have a real hard time getting any sleep at all. But the thing is, Benny... when you get loud, your voice can carry through more than just the air. And we heard something very clearly along the lines of..." Faye cleared her throat, then spoke in as exaggerated a gravelly voice as she could. "CUM FOR ME, NOW!!!"

"Oh. Wait. Oh..."

That psychic command had been for Yang, but remembering the moment, I hadn't been thinking at all. I'd pushed as hard as I could with my power. Which had made Yuna...

"Okay, okay. But where is Yuna!?" I asked, losing my patience.

"Well, if you must know..." Faye reached into her pajama pocket, then pulled out a red and white ball. The same capture device that Helen had been stored inside. "Ta-dah~! My first pokegirl."

"Huh!? Oh my god. I didn't... this isn't... what..." This was too much for me to take in, just having woken up.

"Oh, relax!" Faye leaned towards me, put her hand on my thigh. "Yuna's corruption level has been steadily rising ever since we both were Awakened. It'd gotten to the point where she spent most of her time in a macho brace, only taking it off so I could have some fun edging and teasing her. If it hadn't been you to pull that trigger, I'm sure that it would have been something else."

"I mean... still. I didn't mean to make her... oh shit." There were neighbors to the side and on the second floor that must have been in range, too. Just how many people had I hit with that psychic command?

"Ehehe! Relax. You just happen to know a really fun party trick, that's all." Faye leaned back, sitting on her pulled up feet. "Probably."

"So when Yuna was banging on the door, that was because--"

"Well... let's just say that... ahem." Faye giggled. "Mistress Yuna always thought that things would play out a little bit differently between us. But trust me, when the Change happens, it's no one’s fault but your own."

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, still not able to shake off that feeling of guilt.

"Well, why don't we ask her together?" Faye tossed the capture device into the air, and as it spun, the ball opened up, releasing red lightning that arced from it to the floor, Yuna's body appearing there, standing next to both of us. She looked much the same as before. Maybe her horns were a little bigger? Or maybe her chest? Or maybe it was only that she was naked now that made them look bigger?

"St-stop doing that!" Yuna cried out, pointing an accusatory finger towards Faye. "Especially not without my permission! And you! Of all the dastardly, underhanded, scheming, no good--"

"Sit, girl," Faye interrupted.

Immediately, Yuna's legs folded, putting her into a legs-spread squatting position, both of her hands raised up to imitate paws. Faye giggled again, louder this time. "Ahh! This is so fun!"

"No! This is serious!" Yuna objected. "And you will stop ordering me about like some common pet, Faye, or I swear, I'll--"

"Beg," Faye interrupted a second time.

Again, Yuna snapped to obey, this time silencing her speech to instead let out a high-pitched whine from the back of her throat, whimpering as she gave her best puppy-dog eyes expression towards Faye.

"God, this is just so hot." Faye glanced towards me. “Right?”

"Not if you're forcing her to do this against her will." I answered as somberly as I could manage. "I thought you two were in love?"

"We are. Yuna just needs to adjust. And don't try and pretend you're some kind of saint, not when you're pitching a tent like that," Faye said as she pointed towards the bulge in my boxers. "Or are you saying you don't want Yuna to thank you for giving her that final push and apologize for her rudeness, both via her..."

Faye leaned towards me again, this time her hand stroking my cock through the underwear. "Very. First. Blowjob."

"...well, I wasn't saying that," I admitted.

"I just knew you were going to be fun." Faye purred, then looked over towards Yuna. "Besides, this isn't against her will. The only reason I have so much control over her is because of the Bond we share. If, deep down, some part of her was against all of this, our Bond would weaken and I'd lose control. Isn't that right, baby?"

Yuna was finally released from the command to whimper, and the blush on her face was extending its way down to her collarbone. "I mean... in a technical sense, yes, but--"

"God. You're not even fully hard yet, are you?" Faye said as she kept rubbing at my cock, tugged it fully out of the boxers. "Dude. What even is the point of psychic powers when you've got a monster like this?"

"Faye!" Yuna objected, outraged.

"I mean, look at it! Here. Feel it." Yuna obeyed that command as readily as all the others. Unlike Faye's warm fingers, Yuna's were silky smooth and pleasantly cool as her fingertips traced up from the base to the tip. "You want to suck it, don't you? Be honest."

"Yes, but only because you're watching. I mean...!" Flustered, Yuna tried to recover. "I don't care about cocks, or men, or for that matter, women. You know you're the only one for me. And I can't believe that you'd mistreat me like this, after everything we've been through together, after all of the--"

"You really, really want to suck his cock." At this point, I think that Faye just really enjoyed talking over Yuna.

"I... yes. But only because you told me... because you're making me... making me..." Yuna surprised us both when she leaned forward into my lap, then started to suckle on the head of my cock. Her technique wasn't gentle, and I felt her teeth as she began to very literally suck on it with all her strength, but whatever power-up I'd received last night meant that it all felt nicely stimulating. As good as it felt, the look in Yuna's eyes told me it felt even better for her, a suspicion given more evidence when she spread her legs and began to openly finger herself, moaning against my cock.

"Look at her go. She's so totally out of it." Faye pulled her body closer to me, wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we looked down at her girlfriend giving me head. "Watch this. Yuna, cum."

"Mmmphhhh...!!!" Yuna's hips started rolling on top of an imaginary cock as the orgasm swept through her body. Her teeth had clenched, which had made me flinch, but even the full strength of her jaw wasn't enough to make it feel painful.

Come to think of it, first heat and now pain. The more powerful I was becoming, the duller my senses were becoming, it seemed. What would happen if I kept going like this?

On the other hand... maybe it wasn't my sense of pain that was dulled. There was probably plenty in this new world of superhumans that could hurt me. Like that asshole, Terry.

"You are just so cute!" Faye cooed as she grabbed Yuna by a horn, began to push her head further down on my cock. It might have been the first time Yuna was sucking cock, but there didn't seem to be too much trouble fitting down her throat.

"Careful. Anyone else and she would have bitten their dick off when she came." I warned.

"Yeah? Not you though, huh? Your monster cock is like fucking oak, I bet. Too much for her. For any woman." Faye took that warning as fuel for her fire.

"I wonder if I could fit down my throat like she can... or is that only because she's a pokegirl now? Her body is just made for fighting and sex now." Faye unbuttoned her pajama top, revealing her petite breasts. Small, a b-cup if that, but shaped like perfectly upturned teacups, soft as marshmallows when she pressed them up against my arm. She gave me butterfly kisses up my neck. "Want to find out?"

Hell yes, I did. That was just the push I needed to start building towards the climax. I let out a groan, gripping Yuna’s other horn and speeding her pace up even more. "Goddamn, gonna cum so hard…!"

"Now you’re talking, stud! Just relax. Cum for me. Cum for her. Pump that seed right down her throat!” Faye cooed in between more kisses against my neck. “Make her into your bitch, you’re submissive little—”

“Ben! Don’t you dare cum inside of her!” Like a bucket of cold water, there was Yang. She was dressed in only her panties, but there was enough flame running up her body to keep her modest. “Stop this. Right. Now!”


This was awkward.

Even if I wanted to, the situation was too tense for me to bust a nut now. So with a sigh, I pushed Yuna’s head off of my lap, my cock slowly sliding out of her mouth before leaving with a wet pop, her tongue still sticking out as she tried to get back to work.

“Yang. I really had fun last night, but if you thought that meant that I’d stop having fun with other women, I don’t think that’s something I’m ready to commit to. I like you and all, but—”

Yang slapped her forehead. “No, not that, you dumb lug! I’m warning you. She’s trying to corrupt you!” Yang pointed an accusatory finger towards Faye.

“Who? Me?” Faye put her hands up, scooting away from me on the couch. “No wayyy, we were just having some good, hot fun. Nothing devious here, ehehe…”

“Oh, just drop it.” Yuna caught me by surprise, the lust-crazed look in her eyes fading away as she regained her cold composure. “It’s too late now.”

“Aww… and you were doing such a good job as a cum-hungry slut too!” Faye reached down and pinched Yuna’s cheeks, only for the icy pokegirl to slap the hand away.

“...would someone mind explaining this to me?” I asked, waiting for my morning wood to settle down, something it wasn’t cooperative with at all, my balls aching slightly after getting so close.

“She was trying to dominate you. Getting dominated by a trainer raises your own corruption.” Yang started.

“We didn’t lie about anything,” Yuna pointed out. “You really did push me over the edge and into a pokegirl. So I thought that eye for an eye. Plus, you’d be a powerful member of Faye’s harem.”

“And I bet you’d look sooo cute as a pokegirl too! I bet you’d be the type to have a big, soft, fluffy tail!” Faye added.

“Not to mention you’d be a good deal more attractive.” Yuna added with just a bit of snark.

“Says you.” Yang hopped into my lap, her thigh pressed my cock against my stomach, and wrapped an arm around him. “Ben is going to be a pokegirl master, not your submissive slave slut. Right?”

For my part, I was still trying to keep pace with the conversation. Faye and Yuna had been dominating me? I mean, sure, Faye had the initiative, but I was the one getting my cock sucked, right? Add to that, it’d been part of a plot to try and slowly corrupt and feminize me into a pokegirl? And… I guess this was normal here, huh?

A few dots finally connected in my head, and I asked Yang. “What about you? Last night was pretty extreme. Aren’t you worried about turning into a pokegirl?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Unlike those two, I didn’t Awaken much before you did. One night of fun isn’t going to corrupt me too bad.” Yang pulled out her phone—where exactly had she been hiding that? She was practically naked—and pulled up her stats. “See?”

We both looked at the screen, narrowing in on her corruption level.

“...but but but…” Yang stammered out, not comprehending how her corruption score had gotten so high.

Faye peeped, let out a long whistle. “Wow. You really are a stud, huh, big guy?”

“If you wish to avoid my fate, I do have a macho brace I no longer have need for.” Yuna offered.

Yang hopped off my lap like I was burning her, the look of a deer caught in the headlights on her face. “Ben… um…” She turned towards Yuna, decided to take that offer. “Yeah, good idea. C’mere.”

The door to the other bedroom slammed behind them.

Well, I guess she’d be avoiding me now. That was just fine, though. Plenty of other hot girls at this school. I was amazed at how well I was taking this. The pit in the middle of my stomach barely even hurt at all.

“Oh, don’t worry about her. She’s just got cold feet, I bet. She’ll come around to the idea of being your property sooner rather than later, trust me.” Faye reassured me with a pat on the back. “Hey, don’t suppose since Yuna was treating you so nice, you might want to return the favor? Show me if that tongue of yours is half as impressive as your big stick?”

Before I could answer, I was saved by the sound of my mail notification coming from my bedroom. “I should probably go and check that.”

The message I received was the perfect thing to take my mind off things, too.


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