Planting Violets

8. More Surprises

Mr. McTavish wasn't in his office when the three of us showed up, but the assistant we'd met on Tuesday was there. She seemed friendly enough as she greeted mom and I, then gave me a little brown envelope with six brass keys inside.

That's all there was to it. No fanfare, no more signatures. Suddenly I owned a little house on a nice lot a couple minutes' walk from the busy part of Main Street.

I thanked the lady, then we all left and got back into mom's car.

Mom was driving, I was in the passenger seat, and Jade was riding in the back. We also had a bunch of cleaning stuff in the car, like the vacuum and a mop and broom, a bucket, some garbage bags, and various other cleaning products.

I didn't actually think the house was that dirty when we first saw it, but mom seemed to think it needed a thorough cleaning regardless.

As we drove the short distance from the real estate place to my new home mom suggested, "Let's have another look at the house, we can unload the car and get ourselves sorted out. Then before we get started with the cleaning, how about we all pop back out for some lunch?"

I agreed, "Sounds good."

"Yeah that works for me," Jade added.

A couple minutes later we were there. Mom and I both frowned as we pulled into the driveway though. There was another car already there, although it was parked right up next to the house so there was more than enough room for us to park behind it. It was one of those tiny sub-compact cars, and it looked almost brand new. The paint was a shiny metallic green, and the stickers on the back indicated it was all-electric.

"Who's car do you figure that is?" mom asked with a frown. "One of the neighbours maybe? Using your driveway because the place has been empty for a while?"

I shook my head, "No idea."

Meanwhile Jade was staring at the little bungalow with wide eyes. She finally exclaimed, "This is a house! I thought you were moving into a college residence, or an apartment or something? Or are you just renting one of the rooms in here? Maybe the car belongs to one of your roommates?"

I was blushing again as the three of us got out of the car. I looked over at Jade and shook my head, "No roommates and I'm not renting. It's mine, the whole thing. I own it now."

Her jaw nearly hit the driveway as she stared at me in shock. "What the hell, Vi?! How do you own your own house?!"

"C'mon inside," I mumbled as I gestured to the front door. "I'll explain in there."

My friend nodded slowly, then she and mom followed me up the front steps to the door. I had to dig that little envelope out of my purse, then fumbled around with the keys but none of them seemed to fit the lock. I finally jiggled the knob and found it was already unlocked, so I opened the door and stepped inside. And immediately stopped in my tracks, thinking we'd somehow come to the wrong house.

I actually glanced over my shoulder at the front lawn, but sure enough all the violets that sprouted up Tuesday afternoon were still there, along with the mature maple tree. And honestly, I felt like I was home the moment I emerged from the car and my foot touched the driveway.

This was definitely my place, but the interior was completely different.

Instead of the faded worn-out brown carpet and the stained off-white walls with all the holes and scrapes and dings, the front room was finished in pristine hardwood floors and the walls seemed freshly painted a tasteful pastel green colour. Even the icky yellow curtains hanging on either side of the bay windows were gone, replaced by brand new blinds finished in a woodsy green and brown pattern that matched the rest of the room perfectly.

I stumbled a few steps inside so mom and Jade could follow, and both of them gasped when they saw what had me so amazed and confused.

"This place looks amazing Vi," Jade gushed. "Damn girl, how in the world did you score something so awesome?"

Before I could respond we all heard movement from the kitchen and all three of us turned to look, just in time to see Phoebe Archer emerge. Today she was wearing a simple sundress and sandals, both in a natural earthy brown colour. Her hair was styled a little longer today as well, hanging in waves down to her shoulders. And she was still wearing her gold bow-and-arrows brooch, this time it was pinned to the left strap of her dress.

"Hello Violet," she greeted me. "I've already taken the liberty of renovating your new home, so you needn't waste time or energy dealing with any of that nonsense yourself. I hope you don't mind the aesthetics? If you'd prefer different colours or styles just let me know."

She held out a handful of keys as she added, "I also went ahead and changed all the locks. You can never be too careful after all, and this way you can be assured that the only people with keys to your home are the ones you've handed out yourself."

I slowly nodded as I held out my hand, but I was still too stunned to respond just yet.

Phoebe placed six shiny new keys in my hand. She added, "They're all identical by the way. The same keys open the front door, side door, the back door, and the doors on your garage. So you don't have to worry about guessing which is which."

"Wow. Thanks very much," I mumbled. Then I finally remembered to do the introductions, "Oh um, this is my friend Jade? And Jade, this is Phoebe Archer."

Phoebe gave my friend a quick look up and down then nodded, "Hello Jade. I like the hair, it's a good colour for you."

"Uh, thank you ma'am," Jade replied quietly. "It's nice to meet you too."

I'd never seen her so hesitant or anxious around anyone before, but she was probably a little on edge this time since we told her that Phoebe was some kind of powerful mage.

Then the goddess glanced at my mom and added, "It's nice to see you again too Kim. I know you were planning on spending the afternoon cleaning, but I think you'll find that's quite unnecessary."

Mom nodded slowly as she looked around the spotlessly clean recently renovated living-room once more. After a second or two she responded, "Hello again Miss Archer. Is the rest of the house like this?"

"It's close enough," Phoebe replied. Then she suggested, "Why don't you have another look around, Violet? See if the upgrades will work for you."

I nodded, then led my mom and my friend past the goddess.

We had a look in the kitchen first, and found it was just as perfect as the front room. The floor was all brand new spotless ceramic tile, the counter was some sort of polished stone surface. The double sink was new, same with the fixtures. The cabinets were all new as well, and the aesthetic was a sort of tasteful look with all the wood and stone and everything in its natural colours. The appliances were new too, the oven, stove, fridge, dishwasher and microwave were all matching with a modern-looking brushed steel finish.

We checked the bathroom next, and found that had been gutted and redone from scratch. The floor looked like marble, same with the bathroom counter and sink. The elegant-looking bathtub was big enough for two people and stood on four feet, even the toilet was fancy. Finally there was a large shower-head positioned over the tub, it looked like one of those ones that simulated natural rain, plus there was one of those shower-massager things at the end of a long hose so you could hold it and move it around.

Both bedrooms had been redone, with freshly painted walls and deep luxurious carpeting that looked like it'd be heaven for bare feet. The one overlooking the backyard, which I'd already intended to be my room, had pastel purple walls and the carpet was a darker maroon that looked good against the lighter walls. The second bedroom which looked to the side of the house opposite the driveway had a similar style, but the walls were pale green while the carpet was a dark forest green.

The last room had a view of the garage and part of the backyard. It was redecorated like the front room, with a hardwood floor and the walls were painted an off-white colour.

It was all amazing and perfect and I was almost having trouble believing any of this was real again. And from the look on her face I could guess Jade was probably thinking the same thing, like wondering how I could possibly have such a cool place for myself. Mom was actually less overwhelmed about that stuff, but more impressed that the renovations were already completed.

We found Phoebe in the kitchen again, and she gestured to the side door that opened onto the driveway. "By the way Violet, there are some key hooks on the wall by that door. I left the keys to your car there."

Before I could get my head around that statement she continued, "Now if the three of you want to go and get yourselves some lunch I can have the place fully furnished by the time you get back. Then all you'll need to move will be clothes and personal effects. Violet, were you planning on inviting Jade to move in here with you?"

I was still trying to decipher her comment about a car, but that last question had me almost choking on my own tongue as my brain completely shut down for a few seconds. At least I wasn't alone, my friend's face had gone an interesting shade of red and she was coughing and sputtering next to me.

"Miss Archer?" mom spoke up while me and my friend were still struggling to remember how words worked. "I know you're in a hurry to get Violet moved and settled into her own place, but I think maybe you're moving a little too quickly for the rest of us?"

The goddess looked thoughtful for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't see any point in wasting time, not when you mortals have so little of it. As for Violet and Jade, you don't need to be Aphrodite to see they're both lusting after each other, regardless how subtle or secretive they think they're being."

I was just about functional when Phoebe dropped that bomb on the three of us, and immediately dissolved back into a sputtering mess as my brain did the mental equivalent of a keysmash. And once again it had the same effect on Jade as it did me. Even mom was blushing that time, and all three of us stood there in a prolonged awkward silence.

Mom was the first to recover, and she cleared her throat before suggesting "Perhaps we should take Miss Archer's suggestion and go back out to get some lunch?"

"Actually, would you care to join us?" mom added as she looked to the goddess.

Phoebe shook her head, "Thanks for asking but I have other business to attend to. I'll take care of the furnishings while the three of you are out, then I'll be on my way."

"Violet," she added as she focused on me, "Please write me now and then? Let me know how you're doing. I might not have time to respond right away, but I can always make time if you're in trouble or need my help. It's been nice getting to know you. Cynthia was right about you, and I'm sure you'll make her proud. Oh and good luck with Jade, she seems like a nice girl."

It took another couple seconds for my brain to register that she was saying goodbye, and I wasn't ready for that. The whole thing had been a crazy whirlwind over the last four days, I really wanted some time to relax and get to know her better as I got used to everything she'd done for me.

And having her suddenly talk about leaving felt too much like a repeat of my brief friendship with Cynthia. Phoebe was another strange and mysterious young woman who unexpectedly turned up, had a massive impact on my life, now she was going to leave before I could get to really know her.

"You can't go yet!" I finally insisted. "Please! I wanted to spend some time with you, I wanted to get to know you better! And I wanted to thank you, for everything you've done for me!"

Phoebe gave me a sympathetic smile, "I understand Violet. But this isn't my place, I don't belong here. And you'll do just fine without me. Now go and get some lunch with your mother and your friend. I'll finish things up here, and perhaps we'll meet again some time in the future."

I wanted to protest or argue, but I knew there was no point. In the end I just sighed as my eyes pooled with tears, "Ok Phoebe. Thank you for everything. I wish you could stay and I wish I could get to know you better, but I understand you're busy. I'll write you like you asked, but please write back now and then? I don't want to lose you completely, like I lost Cynthia."

The goddess stepped closer and gave me a very brief hug. Then she stepped back and promised, "You won't lose me Violet. I promise. Now run along child and get some lunch, your mother and girlfriend are getting hungry."

That made me blush again as I sputtered, "Me and Jade are just friends! She's not my girlfriend!"

"Yet," Phoebe replied with a smirk. "Now go."

I sighed again and wiped my eyes. Then mom and Jade and I slowly headed back out. I hesitated at the front door, but when I looked back at her Phoebe just gave me that same sympathetic smile. Then she nodded and gestured for me to go and join the others.

With my feet dragging I slowly turned and made my way to my mom's car. She and Jade were already inside, and as soon as I was settled in the passenger seat mom pulled out of the driveway.

"It's for the best Violet," mom said quietly. "You heard what Miss Archer said, she doesn't belong here."

"I know," I sighed. "I was still hoping to have more time with her."

We were all quiet for a few moments, till Jade spoke up from the back seat.

"So what exactly is Miss Archer?" my friend asked. "Because normal people don't refer to other folks as 'you mortals'. And who's Cynthia?"

I sighed once more, "It's a long story..."

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