Planting Trees Through The Heavens And Worlds

Chapter 89 The New World

These animals who comprehend divinity have all turned into humanoids, manage groups, and manage a star field, while traveling their priesthood. For them, Arnold is the existence of the creator gods, they cannot and cannot help Arnold. Any order, including letting them die, but Arnold would not issue such an order.

After coming out of the realm of nature, Arnold carefully turned around in his changed world, adding his own blessings and curses in some places. After doing this, Arnold used the power of luck to leave his world, of course. Arnold did not leave this world to go to Rune Continent, but used his luck to go to other places. As for the specific place, Arnold himself did not know.

"Is there a desert in this place too! Great, my favorite thing is to turn the desert into a forest!" Arnold, who had traveled to the new world, looked at the large desert in front of him, his face full of joy, after all, since the last time After transforming the Shurima desert, it has been ten years since I planted trees again, so when I saw the desert again, Arnold was very happy. Arnold felt that it was better than comprehension to empty a desert. A consummate divinity is even more happy.

Arnold will be restricted every time he arrives in the new world. After all, Arnold is a creature from the outside world. Even if he comes with good intentions, he will have to go through a period of testing before he can give you a temporary status in this world, even if that world does not. Any life also has the existence of the Heavenly Dao, but some Heavenly Dao has complete consciousness, and some Heavenly Dao has incomplete consciousness.

He took out the seeds of fruit trees from the realm of nature, and Arnold sprinkled them all around. After spreading these fruit seeds, Arnold's natural power was used. Under Arnold's natural power, those fruit seeds grew rapidly. Get up, and soon a large orchard will grow in this desert.

After sorting out an area, Arnold did not stay here too much, but moved towards the desert area. If he did not go to a place, that place would become an orchard, whether it was suitable or not suitable for growing in the desert. Plants, under Arnold's divine power, will grow, and then fruits will appear. Arnold's arrival happened in the morning, because he did not improve the desert at full speed, so at night, Arnold only improved dozens of kilometers of desert, except Outside of the initial time, Arnold rarely planted trees at night, and now it is no exception. Seeing that it was getting dark, Arnold took out a bottle of white wine from his natural world, and then fried a vegetarian dish and ate it. stand up.

In the previous life, when Arnold was in the tree planting team, he often saw the people of the tree planting team drink some wine and eat some small dishes after the tree planting, but not too much each time. Convenience, in the previous life, Arnold seldom drank alcohol because he wanted to repay the orphanage, but in this life, Arnold had nothing to worry about, so he could live casually, the wine and food of his hometown were all Arnold’s favorite.

The time of the night passed quickly. When the sun rose, Arnold started his new day's mission. In the first four days, Arnold did not encounter any life. It was all about planting trees in the morning and drinking at night. On the morning of the fifth day, when Arnold was planting a tree, there was an accident. When Arnold was planting a tree, a goblin with a head full of snake hair and flames suddenly appeared from the soil.

"Aiya, when people wake up, why are there so many fruit trees around? People don't like fruit trees very much. Hey, there are still people. I haven't swallowed people for a long time, and I almost forgot. I didn't expect that there would be people today. It's really good to have it delivered to your door." As she said that, the goblin grabbed Arnold, ready to grab Arnold and squeeze it to death.

Originally, when Arnold first came to this world, he could only exert less than 1% of his strength, but after planting trees in the past few days, Arnold felt that his limit was reduced, from 1% to 3%. , Although he still hasn't recovered his full strength, not to mention one percent, even if it is one thousandth, Arnold can hang the monster in front of him. There were many Tenmans on the ground, trapping the goblin.

"The strength is good, but it's useless. You must know that I'm a snake and get angry, watch me burn you with fire!" As he spoke, he saw the snake get angry and burn with flames, but these fires did not ignite the tree. burn out.

"How is it possible, it's a vine, but I can't burn it!" Seeing this snake get angry and look in disbelief.

Seeing the snake getting angry, Arnold smiled slightly and said, "Not all plants are afraid of fire. I have quite a few plants that are not afraid of flames. Seeing that you have a lot of karma, you have done bad things before, right? , in the future, you will stay in this desert and make atonement for the bad things you have done before!" As soon as Arnold's voice fell, the snake got angry and saw a red tree appearing from behind his back. The tree was burning with flames. At first, the tree was only the size of a needle for Snake Fire, but as time went on, the tree grew bigger and bigger, and it soon surpassed Snake Fire.

Originally, the desert was very hot during the day, and the temperature was very high, but after the flaming tree appeared, the temperature in the surrounding desert dropped instantly, and it could even be said that the temperature became a little colder. After the flame tree surpassed the snake and got angry, the unlucky snake got angry and got trapped in the tree, no, it can't be regarded as trapped on the tree, because Arnold, who has many kinds of divinities, directly black-bellied the snake and changed it into a fire. The animals and plants lived and died together with the sycamore tree, and the sycamore tree could not leave the desert, so the snake could not leave the desert when it got angry.

After cleaning up the snake and getting angry, Arnold continued to move forward. As before, every place he passed, the place was full of fruit trees, and these fruit trees were connected with the plane trees, passing the surrounding heat to the plane trees. During the day, the fruit trees pass the heat to the plane trees, and at night, the plane trees pass the heat to the fruit trees, so that some fruit trees that do not like the cold can grow.

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