Pirates: The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 31 The Potential After A Deadly Battle! (First Update)

Judge was completely shaken by this battle!

He was so proud that he never thought that his defeat would come so quickly, or even be so miserable! The terrifying power gap when fighting Garp made Judge clearly understand the unreachable distance between himself and the world's top powerhouse!

Jerma's ambition as a lion was almost wiped out! It seemed that it took him a long time to accept this terrible reality.

But this has nothing to do with Ryuji as a prince.

He had long been prepared for Germa's failure.

Moreover, losing to Garp is not a shameful thing. No one in Germa knows how scary Garp is better than Ryuji! This guy who looks unreliable turns out to be an invincible and terrifying character when he is serious!

It can be said that Garp is the pinnacle of combat power in the pirate world! There are so many characters in the world of pirates, but it is probably extremely difficult to pick someone who can beat Garp. Needless to say, there is no need to mention a character like Judge. To say he is at the Shichibukai level is to praise him. , his strength completely relies on the power of technology. In the future, Iji and Niji may be stronger than Judge.

But this does not mean that Ryuji has no achievements in the battle.

As Germa's eldest son, Ryuji can be said to be a pioneer in the battle against Marine! At one point, Colonel Marine, who was confronting him, was forced into a desperate situation! But unfortunately, Garp has many strong men. The adjutant Rear Admiral who always follows Garp and the Instructor of Future Kirby are even more ridiculously strong, far beyond the upper limit of what Ryuji can currently deal with!

Although Ryuji finally relied on his superb combat skills to kill two Marine officers, he also angered the unknown Rear Admiral. After a few moves, Ryuji quickly lost his ability to fight.

By the time Germa escaped and Judge had not yet recovered from the blow of defeat, Ryuji had already begun a new round of self-training by relying on the super-high recovery ability of the beast king's body.

When attacking the Kingdom of Kokia, Ryuji successfully obtained 508 learning gold coins.

When fighting against Marine, Ryuji received a total of 870 learning gold coins!

Learning the Marine system allows Marine to master more sophisticated combat skills than those of the same level! G3 Marine Base is the elite of New World Marine! Almost all officers have advanced physical skills such as Marine Six Styles! In addition, the navigation skills and military qualities are much better than those of the warriors trained by the kingdom! Therefore, Marine's soul can extract much more learning coins than the average person!

In other words, the number of Ryuji's learning gold coins is now ---1378! ! S

This is a terrifying number!

Ryuji has never had such a huge amount of learning coins at one time! Although carefully calculated, these learning gold coins do not seem to be able to make Ryuji much stronger, but no matter what, the four-digit number still made Ryuji happy for a long time! So much so that even the physical injuries seemed to no longer hurt.

As soon as the injury improved, Ryuji immediately gained a hundredfold acceleration in three hours!

I don't know if it was because he had just fought a life and death battle, but Ryuji was shocked to find that his basic experience value had changed from the usual 0.003 points to an astonishing 0.008 or even 0.009! ! !

No wonder many people experience a leap in strength after a life-and-death battle. It seems that life-and-death battles can really stimulate people's potential!

Then, Ryuji immediately ushered in a wave of powerful moments that made him so happy!

Under the effect of a hundredfold doubling, Ryuji can gain 1 experience point almost every second! The body that looks weak and immature is secretly transforming crazily at a terrifying speed!

One minute, 56 experience points!

ten minutes! 577 experience points! !

The first training lasted just three hours! With a warm current flowing through his body, Ryuji's physical level has already exceeded level 16! !

And the potential after the deadly battle has not been exhausted yet!

This made Ryuji feel as excited as if he had taken hormones!

If his body had not just recovered and was not suitable for high-intensity training, Ryuji would have wished to exchange all the study gold coins into doubled time in one go! See where your limits are!

Under such circumstances, how could Ryuji have time to understand Judge's mood? How does Germa feel?

However, when Judge saw Mo Mo training crazily on the training field, his depressed heart actually cheered up a bit.

He also has Ryuji, and Ryuji is also ‘unwilling to fail’! Germa, there is still a future!

Judge's heart was so warmed.


PS: Ask for everything.

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