Pirates short video: Start playing Operation Frenzy

Chapter 345

The audience couldn't help but fall silent when they heard several people talk about the history of the persecution of the fish-people, and they naturally understood the status of the fish-man and the mermaid in human social life after watching the previous video.

The mermaid Kemi became a target for human traffickers simply by revealing his mermaid identity.

When they don't see the real Fish-Man, all the information comes from newspapers and word of mouth, and they don't know about the fish-people who live on Fish-Man Island.

But the newspapers will only report negative news about the fish-people, which makes humans afraid of the fish-people, and over time, the gap between humans and fish-people will grow.

Compared to those nobles, ordinary people don't really have much idea about the fish-people, and due to the propaganda in the newspapers, they only have fear of the fish-people.

Just like Whitebeard is an extremely evil existence in many people's mouths, but in fact, although Whitebeard is not a good person, it has not reached the point of being heinous.

If it weren't for Whitebeard taking Fish-Man Island under his protection, maybe the current fish-man and mermaids on Fish-Man Island would have been wiped out long ago.

A lot of things can only be mediated by the World Government, and so does the fish-people want to change the status quo.

However, this is almost impossible, most of the buyers of those slaves are Draconians and nobles, and it is impossible for the world government to do anything that harms the interests of Draconians.

Jinping on the screen continued: "Me and Aaron and Xiaohachi... They all joined that Sun Pirates...

However, there is a group of fish-man pirates who are opposed to the government at sea, and this incident also puts a lot of pressure on Princess Otohime, who advocates the peaceful coexistence of fish-people and humans.

On one side is Princess Otohime, who endures humiliation and continues to work hard to change the future.

On the other side is Fisher, who gave up his future and desperately rescued his fellow people who had been reduced to slavery. Tiger! Which side is right? It's too hard to tell......."

With Jinping's words, the time on the video returned to Fish-Man Island more than ten years ago, and a person who was extremely familiar to Fish-Man appeared on the screen.

That person is Princess Otohime!

Seeing the appearance of Princess Otohime, many people had tears in their eyes, Princess Otohime has passed away for many years, and it is so good to still see her on video!

Especially Shirahoshi, when her mother died, she was only six years old, and she has not visited her mother because of Vanderdyken over the years, and many memories of her mother have been blurred, and now she can still see her mother's appearance on video, which makes her cry.

Many people on Fish-Man Island sobbed while angrily scolding the person who killed Princess Otohime back then.

There are many reasons why they hate humans, the two main ones are that humans killed their most respected Otohime Niangniang, and the other is that humans refused to give Tiger a blood transfusion, which led to Tiger's death.

If it weren't for these two main reasons, perhaps they wouldn't have that much hatred for humans.

Princess Otohime on the screen heard that someone was robbing, she rushed straight up, and with the help of what she saw and heard, she dodged the bullets of the robbers, and several dodged in front of the robbers and slapped him to the ground.

But her body was fragile, and she also broke her bones.

Ignoring the broken palm, she stepped forward to teach the robber a lesson, and after preaching to the robber, she finally made him wake up and change his mind and become a new person.

The surrounding crowd of onlookers applauded him and praised the princess Otohime.

Princess Otohime continued to advertise to the people of the island, "I'm going to move this Ryugu Kingdom above the ground!" Different skin tones, different appearances and shapes... We can't wait for the day when humanity will understand us, we need to take the initiative to approach and get to know them!

The ground is 10,000 meters from the bottom of the sea, which is the distance between us and human cognition!

Don't get me wrong! You must know that the humans who come to this island are just a group of humans called pirates, and the people who sell mermaids from human traffickers are only the privileged class called nobles!!

We are only exposed to a small group of human beings who behave in a biased manner!!

Most of them, we can say that we don't know anything!! We are going to move this kingdom to the same sun-drenched land as they are!!

At this year's World Conference, let's show the world our will to relocate!!

Princess Otohime took out a wad of paper and said, "Please sign here!"

But instead of signing her name because she was the respected Princess Otohime, the surrounding crowd turned her down with embarrassment on their faces.

The audience listened to Princess Otohime's words, and showed their admiration for the existence of this fish-man hero they knew for the first time, and it was already a great thing to be able to propose emigration, and she was able to clearly recognize that it was only a small group of humans who had malicious intentions towards fish-people.

What this Princess Otohime said is not wrong, most people are actually ordinary people, and because there is a distance of 10,000 meters between the fish-people and humans, it leads to a deep misunderstanding of the fish-people by humans.

When the fish-people come to land, this barrier gradually disappears with distance, but they can't be solved by a simple sentence when they come to land.

There are a lot of problems with it.

How to move?

How to move?

Where to move?

How do you ensure safety on land?

And in the first years, how to prevent the theft of merfolk and fish-people, these are all problems they faced.

The audience saw the strength of the Dragon Palace Guards, and this strength was not able to protect them at all.

If there is a government that comes forward, they may really be able to succeed, but with the current world government, it is already good that they don't make trouble from it, don't expect their help.

Therefore, although the audience thinks that the idea of this princess Otohime moving to the land is good, as long as the Draconians still have slaves, and the current world government does not make changes, they will not succeed.

As soon as the screen turned, a familiar person appeared on the screen, and everyone recognized who he was, Aaron the Fishman!

Ah Long snatched the signature paper from the hand of a mermaid, and in the face of the soldiers who stopped him, Ah Long grabbed him by the neck, and at this time, Jinping in the distance stopped him with a voice.

Just as the two taunted each other, an excited voice rang out, "Mr. Fisher Tiger the Adventurer is back!!

With this voice, a red-skinned fish-man appeared on the screen.

Fisher Tiger didn't have time to catch up with a few people, so he walked in the direction of Ryugu Castle, and he came to Neptune and Princess Otohime and talked about his plan.

Neptune looked at him and said, "Are you serious about freeing the slaves?"

Tiger said in a heavy tone: "Of course it's serious, I can't stand it anymore!" The slaves lived in hell, and they were still being treated inhumanely!

"But—" Neptune wanted to say something, but before he could continue, Tiger interrupted him, "I've decided!" Because it will cause trouble to the king and princess, I will inform you first.

There's no turning around for this..."

, Neptune asked, "What exactly did you see on this trip?"

Tiger clasped his hands tightly, his face was extremely ugly, and he slowly said: "Human!

Princess Otohime looked at Tiger on the other side, hiding her face and crying, she was born with a sense of seeing and hearing, and at this time she strongly felt the sorrow in Tiger's heart.

In the face of such a tiger, she could not stop it.

The audience looked at Tiger like this, and they didn't understand what happened to him and humans during his journey, and he made him show such an expression.

Seeing the expressions of Tiger and Princess Otohime, many people faintly guessed the truth when they thought of the identity of Tiger Fishman.

Fishmen are prized for slave traders, traffickers and aristocrats.

Seeing such a lone fishman, it is impossible for the traffickers to let him go so easily!

The audience speculated that this Tiger must have been captured by humans, so he could empathize with those who were trafficked.

So much so that later, after he successfully escaped, he chose to release the slaves who were living in dire straits.

Listening to his words, everyone knew that what he was going to do next was the Mary Joy attack that caused a sensation all over the world!

This incident had a great impact back then, not only because he made a big fuss about Mary Joya freeing the slaves, but also because he was the first person to dare to challenge the world government!

Those who dare to take the lead are real warriors!

At this time, there is a scene on the screen where Tiger burns Mary Joy, and countless slaves are freed from it.

Tiger became the hero of the Fishmen.

He founded the Sun Pirates, and the freed Fishman slaves became members of the Sun Pirates, and their slave emblems were covered by the Sun Pirates' Sun Seal.

Jinpei and Aaron, who worship Tiger, also joined the Sun Pirates at this time.

Due to Tiger's actions in Mary Joy, Fish-Man Island's position becomes even more difficult.

As a member of the World Government, they have already been dissatisfied by the World Government by flying the flag of pirates, and now Tiger is even more embarrassed by what they have done.

As a result, they were unable to attend the World Conference.

Neptune in front of the screen sighed, their Dragon Palace Kingdom had only participated in the World Conference once since they had joined the World Government for so long, and joining the World Government did not bring them any benefits.

It's not without benefits, but they really haven't gotten anything other than separating the fish from the fish.

The world government also turned a blind eye to the persecution of the pirates and mermaids, and in the previous extermination crisis, the navy did not appear to help them, and in the end, it was the power of Whitebeard that they got rid of this tragedy.

Neptune couldn't help but ponder, what was the use of the heavenly gold they had paid over the years?

Princess Otohime on the screen once again calls on the citizens to move to the land and live with humans.

But at this time, they were still in the excitement of Tiger burning Mary Joa, and it was impossible to sign on it, and Princess Otohime was frustrated again.

On the other side, in order to capture the escaped slaves, the navy began to attack the Sun Pirates.

In the face of the pursuit of the navy, the fishmen on the sea have more advantages, and they easily defeated them, but Tiger did not kill them all, but Aaron didn't care so much, and still killed the captured navy.

In his philosophy, being human was enough to sentence the navy to death.

Tiger watched Aaron's actions and tried to stop him, but he was still a step too late, and Tiger taught Aaron a lesson afterwards.

For Tiger's move not to kill, the young Jinping is very puzzled, but the group of guys are staring at his head, and he can't swallow this breath when he lets go of those guys.

Faced with Jinping's doubts, Tiger patiently explained to him that their Sun Pirates are not a killing group, its meaning is liberation and freedom, killing means failure, and it will only be reduced to the same group of people!

In the end, there will only be a larger tragedy of revenge between humans and fishmen, which is not his original intention of founding the Sun Pirates.

Although they will inevitably fight the pursuing enemy in the end, they must keep the final bottom line and will not kill anyone!!

Tiger's words touched many people very much.

This is how the contradiction between humans and fish-people arises.

Fish-people live at the bottom of the sea for 10,000 meters, and the fish-man pirates at sea, there are not many people who have such an awareness as Tiger, after they kill people, human beings cannot be blamed in the past, and they will definitely choose revenge, so that the gap between humans and fish-people is getting bigger and bigger.

The humans who survived under the fish-man butcher's knife have become extremely evil beings by word of mouth.

What's more, there are extremists above the fish-people like Aaron in the fish-men, who despise humans and think that the fish-people are superior, which makes humans even more disgusted with the fish-people.

Even if they knew that those people were only a very small part, due to the distance of 10,000 meters, they could not really see the life of ordinary fishmen.

Just by virtue of those fish-people who are active in the human world, they have preconceived notions of labeling all fish-people as evil.

Similarly, ordinary fishmen do not dare to come to the human world, and those who pass by Fish-Man Island are pirates, pirates will naturally not be good, and when the fishmen see such a group of guys, they will also substitute these people for all humans.

Even if they came to the human world, most of the places they went to were the Chambord Islands, the closest to Fish-Man Island, which was the most likely place for the Draconians to haunt and the area where human trafficking was most serious.

Fishmen and merfolk become targets for traffickers whenever they show up in the Chambord Islands.

The merfolk and merfolk who fled back would surely amplify the horror of the entire Fish-Man to humans.

This has led to a gap in the perception of humans and fish-people, believing that both sides are heinous beings.

But in reality, there is no difference between ordinary fish people and humans.

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