Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Longwei


A strong explosion resounded through the entire ship. At this time, even those with a big heart should have noticed that there was a fierce confrontation on the ship.

The smoke cleared, and Tezzolo’s appearance quickly entered Vlad’s eyes.

The right arm that the golden giant originally hit has been shattered, and it was almost destroyed in the violent explosion just now. In addition, there are some small depressions on the golden giant’s body. Obviously, Vlad’s nameless record. The power of the fireball was amazing, causing huge damage to the golden giant.

The golden flame was slowly burning on the golden giant’s body, and it looked like a candle in the wind.


Then, the ever-extinguishing flame was finally extinguished.

“Huo oh.”

Vlad’s eyes are neither sad nor happy. Although the flame is quite powerful, it is not his main strength, and he does not care.

“Sure enough, if you want to deal with your flame, you don’t need to harden it at all, just a simple twist is enough!”

Tezzolo’s voice sounded, and he didn’t seem to care about the previous defeat. “In this case, even me, I can fight for a long time!”

Tezzolo was right. Vlad’s flames can burn on any solid object, provided it is not sea water and does not have domineering attached to it. This domineering does not need to be hardened, just a simple twist is enough. Now, just use domineering to be separated by flames.

The amount of domineering needed to entangle is very different from the amount of domineering needed to harden, and the cost is also much less, so Tezzolo is not kidding when he says he can fight for a long time.


The surrounding gold began to surge again, like a tadpole looking for its mother, madly rushing towards the golden giant.

Then, the golden giant that appeared in front of Vlad once again was fully recovered. Needless to say, the broken right hand was in good condition. Even the tiny depressions on the body were repaired. The way it was before.

“Hey Hey hey,”

Vlad scratched his head: “Is this cheating?”

“How can anyone say that they have been broken and are being repaired?”

“This is the truth!”

Tezzolo raised his right hand, and his huge fist slammed over with a violent cracking sound. Even from a distance, Vlad could feel the terrifying power contained in it.

“too slow!”

Vlad fluttered his wings, and his body was like a petrel that has always been agile. He lightly avoided the fist of the golden giant. The fist swept through Vlad’s body, and the strong wind even gave him a sense of flying in the storm. Feel.

But, Vlad is a dragon, how could a dragon succumb to the storm?

Vlad’s huge wings slammed, and his body rushed out. Almost in an instant, he flew to the defenseless chest of the giant, and Vlad raised his iron fist.

“Dragon Fist – The Dragon King swings his claws!”

The muscles of his right arm swelled up high, and the dark armed color domineering flashed a purple light at this time, and the flames that were already biased towards white gold surged on his fist.


The flames burst open, and the giant’s chest also burst open. A huge hole appeared in the giant’s chest. Vlad even saw Tezzolo’s shocked face. The giant was directly under the huge force. flew out.


The giant retreated again and again, and managed to stabilize his body. Vlad’s attack had arrived again, and his speed was indeed too fast.

Facing the iron fist raised high by Vlad, who was already close at hand, Tezzolo shouted: “Don’t be too arrogant, idiot!”

Countless golden tentacles shot out from the giant’s originally smooth chest, rushing towards Vlad in mid-air.


Vlad had to give up and continue to attack. Although these tentacles were not very strong, it was really annoying just to entangle people.

Vlad flapped his wings and dexterously walked through the endless tentacles. His powerful sense of domineering and domineering combined with his fast speed, it was really unfavorable in the face of such a situation.


“Gold industry fire!”

Tezzolo’s frantic voice sounded, and the huge fist with scorching flames was close at hand.

“Afraid you won’t succeed?”

Vlad knew that it was very difficult to dodge, so he simply did not dodge, and his chest was full of pride.

“Dragon Fist – Dragon King Claws!”

Compared to the giant fist of the golden giant, Vlad’s fist was pitifully small, like an ant shaking a tree.


The flames soared into the sky, like a flower of flames blooming in the air, looking very beautiful.


The golden giant’s right fist exploded directly, breaking into pieces of gold on the ground. Under the huge impact, the giant stepped back a few steps, and it seemed that the damage was not light.

As a price, Vlad was directly punched and flew out, like a cannonball, and smashed directly into a house. Under the majestic force, the area was directly turned into ruins.


Vlad lay in the ruins, his whole body felt a lot of pain, his right hand was shaking slightly, a hole was broken in his head, and blood was flowing out.

“Mass, the difference in body size is really too big. If I fight, I will suffer a lot!”


Vlad’s face began to change.

“Hey, Vlad, get out of here!”

The huge golden giant has been repaired, and strode towards the ruins where Vlad was galloping.


A huge roar resounded through the sky, and a huge monster roared out of the ruins shrouded in thick smoke.

The fiery red body emerged, and it was by no means under the golden giant in terms of body size. Such a huge body was undoubtedly Vlad’s fire dragon form! This is far beyond the ability of ordinary animals, and this is also the welfare of phantom beasts.

The appearance of the fire dragon was obviously beyond Tezzolo’s expectations, and he was a little stunned for a while, but Vlad would not give him time to react, and the huge fire dragon flew directly onto the giant.


The huge golden giant fell to the ground with a bang, and was suppressed to the ground by Vlad.


The raging flames surging out of Vlad’s mouth, like a huge torrent of flames, swept the entire area in an instant, with the golden giant bearing the brunt.


Tezzolo felt the surging temperature inside the golden giant and couldn’t help but cursed secretly. It is true that domineering can withstand the flame, but there is also a degree. Such a zero-distance flame jet is still too exciting for the golden giant. Huge The giant even started to melt.

“Let go of Lord Tezzolo!”

“Otherwise, I can’t guarantee the life of this woman!”

A woman’s voice came from the side. Vlad didn’t stop breathing fire, but just glanced at the corner of the building. On the roof next to him, Baccarat, Tanaka and a big man kidnapped his little maid. The original aggressive baby-5 At this time, he looked sullen.

“Go away! Idiots!”

The violent dragon’s might surged out, the dragon was furious, and a majestic invisible force swept across the audience, the flames raging around had a momentary delay, and bowed his head under this pressure.

The surrounding onlookers rolled their eyes instantly and fell down.

The three of Baccara bore the brunt of the brunt and were Vlad’s key care targets. They only felt that a terrifying dragon was roaring in front of their eyes, their knees softened, and they knelt down unconsciously. Baby-5 took the opportunity to break free.

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