Chapter 165: Chapter 27
Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth
January 21st 3051
My schedule was becoming annoyingly jam-packed. Sleep was necessary for optimal performance, but I found myself cutting hours to accomplish everything I had set out to do. The glories of coffee kept me going, and I was once again grateful for the joys of trade – because Outreach did not grow its own coffee beans.
After 'Mech simulator combat with Clan models, a challenging one with three opponents back-to-back, I attended a meeting with Jaime Wolf and his officers. Our conversation covered several topics, but two stood out.
"Your goal of uniting the Inner Sphere is laudable, and for now, the heirs of the FRR, Draconis Combine, St. Ives Compact, and Federated Commonwealth are playing nice with each other. House Marik has no participants, as Isis lacks both warrior training and any desire to learn, while Sun-Tzu is causing needless friction. This has in general been mirrored by the relationship of the states themselves including the cooperation of the Free Worlds League."
Jaime nodded. "What you say is true. It has been a success, though not an ideal one."
"At this point, put Romano Liao and Tsen Shang's feet to the fire and force them to choose – stand with the Inner Sphere or against it. I've seen no evidence they give a damn about the Clan Invasion; in fact, I believe they see it as an opportunity to reclaim lost worlds for their nation."
"It is our hope that Sun-Tzu will prove more stable than his mother. Our assessment of him is mixed, but despite his actions, we do not believe he possesses the Liao madness. Unfortunately, he does not seem to seek friendship – but it is still early, less than a month in."
I sighed. "He won't change unless forced to. I don't know… maybe dangle something valuable in front of Romano if he performs well enough. Perhaps that kind of incentive will push him to make an effort – examples of Clan technology, certain medicines, or culturally significant items from the world of Liao. I'm sure my father would be willing to compromise to demonstrate his commitment."
Jaime frowned. "Bribery to improve performance is not the Clan way."
"And according to the Jade Falcon warrior on Blackjack, the Clan way includes allowing trainers to order sibko cadre members into sex whenever it suits them. To be blunt, Colonel Wolf, I find the Clan way repugnant in almost every respect. I can't believe I'm saying this, but they might even be worse than Communists."
I held up a hand. "I understand you're trying to help the future leaders grasp how the Clans think, but Sun-Tzu isn't going to get on board without some form of pressure."
MacKenzie clicked his tongue. "He is useful, even if he doesn't get with the program. His irksome traits have fostered a sense of kinship among the rest. Victor and Hohiro aren't friends by any means, but they work well together and respect each other."
That is true, and I've said my piece, they can do what they will.
"The second thing I believe we need to focus on to harden resistance against the Clans is portraying just how horrific their society is. This needs to be shown in the media markets of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Free Rasalhague Republic. The destruction of Edo works as a propaganda tool for citizens far behind the frontlines, but it works against us on worlds that are captured. People fear to resist because of the threat of absolute destruction, so we need to plant the seed early about how awful life is under Clan rule."
The set of Jaime Wolf's jaw told me that he still seemed to have some loyalty to the Clan way of life, but he motioned for me to continue.
"By pointing out how Warrior Caste members can compel sexual or other favors from lower castes or how they practice slavery, we will ensure that we have resistance fighters ready to give their lives to kill Clan warriors. Even Elementals are vulnerable to civilian transports laden with explosives. Occupying Clan units use local labor to prepare their meals, and a hidden gun can kill even the most elite MechWarrior while he sits down to eat. Beyond direct violent action, we need to make sure that collaboration with the Clans is viewed as an unforgivable crime."
My father does not wish to risk tipping off ComStar before we are ready; however, planting the seed of making them public enemy number one for working with and aiding the Clans is another important goal for this effort.
"That is dishonorable! The casualties among the local populace will be immense. This is the opposite of the kind of warfare we want anyone to use," MacKenzie raged.
"That's because you're still thinking of war as a noble pursuit; that's your Clan indoctrination speaking. War is ugly. War is evil. War is a colossal waste of resources. We fight because we need to preserve our culture, our way of life, not because there's any inherent honor in combat."
I took a deep breath. "I'll have my parents handle this regardless, but I want your help, Colonel Wolf. You come from the Clans and are respected throughout the Inner Sphere. If you were to create holovid recordings speaking on some of the most despicable actions the Clans have committed, of the tyranny inherent in their society, it would go a long way toward better achieving our goal of making worlds taken prove to be of little value to the Clans."
Jaime's face grew thoughtful, while the others at the table looked angry.
"You continue to impress," Jaime complimented.
Jaime held up a hand, silencing his son.
"I will not pretend to see eye to eye with your view on the virtues of being a warrior, but I do see in you someone who will stop at nothing to succeed, with a spine of steel that will bear any weight. You wish to speak of the worst moments of Clan history? I can do that. You wish me to speak of the ultimate power the Warrior Caste has over the body and soul of the lesser Castes? I can do that. You will continue to find an ally in me, as long as you continue to fight and do all you can to see your nation victorious over the Clans."
I nodded. "Bargained well and done is the phrase for this. And of course, I will champion a strong defense of the Inner Sphere, but ultimately, it is up to my father and mother to decide where I can best help my nation. I will promise to do all I can to make sure the Clans fail."
The seeds I've planted with my mother regarding how much I value the NAIS and how working on integrating Clan technology is a force multiplier beyond anything else, along with my convincing my father to keep Victor safe for the medium term while rebuilding his command with Clan technology, should bear fruit. If I'm right about their desire for parity, I'll stay here on Outreach with him and then be moved back to sweet, safe New Avalon to focus on research. It's all coming together.
However, not everything was going so perfectly. I discovered another fire I had to put out, this time with House Kurita. My brother is not a complicated man. In everything he does, he is focused. His focus is powerful, and when he sets his mind to something, he almost always succeeds and outperforms others. Unfortunately that focus is nearly impossible to derail once it has been set in motion. And the damn hormonal young man had somehow become obsessed with Hohiro's sister, of all people!
Omiko Kurita was certainly a vision of loveliness and grace, but this had the potential to cause all sorts of problems. Trying to divert Victor directly would only make him dig in his heels; instead, I had to approach the issue from another angle.
I arranged a meeting with Theodore Kurita, without my parents' awareness. Ainsworth was unhappy as well, but it would be national and personal suicide to harm me on Outreach. Ainsworth had spoken of body doubles or quick narco-interrogations to reveal FedCom secrets and blah, blah, blah. Precautions had been arranged, and the meeting would be brief. Ultimately, the Kanrei had far more to lose than to gain by trying something, and on top of that, it would greatly clash with his own personal honor.
A grumpy Ainsworth was a small price to pay to nip Victor's little infatuation in the bud. And so I found myself in the presence of Theodore Kurita and his son, Hohiro Kurita. Two guards, weapons drawn, stayed nearby but likely out of earshot.
I bowed properly and gave a polite greeting to them in Japanese, then continued in their language as we discussed bland topics of no import observing the properties before I reached the purpose of my meeting.
"Your son has warned my brother against speaking with Omiko. This was a mistake."
I saw Hohiro stiffen.
Thedore remained unruffled. "Why?"
"Because telling Victor no is as good as waving a red flag in front of a bull. The very act only pushed him further down that road of infatuation. It is not healthy for either of our realms for even the rumor of any sort of relationship to surface."
"There is no relationship," Hohiro said with restrained anger in his voice, "Omi knows her duty."
I inclined my head. "I do not doubt that, but nonetheless, I believe a course of action should be set that will end Victor's romantic inclinations."
Hohiro was growing angrier. "Has your brother been speaking of my sister this way?"
"No, but I am observant. He has questioned others about her interactions, asked about her role in Combine society, and even inquired of Kuan-Yin, who has spent time with Omiko, what her interests are. He is circumspect and has said nothing untoward, but a sibling knows."
Hohiro settled down marginally and his father took a sip of tea before asking me to explain what I had planned.
"I assume your daughter is obedient to you. Instead of keeping her away from Victor, I would suggest a dinner gathering – one where Omiko is instructed to convincingly say things that will sour my brother's perception of her."
"My sister will not embarrass–" Theodore silenced his son with a look.
"Go on, Princess Katherine. I would hear your suggestion in full," the Kanrei urged.
"There are elements of your culture that you cherish, but those in the Federated Commonwealth view negatively. Omiko should speak on those. For example, an innocent question about why Marshal Adelmana did not commit seppuku after losing Zoetermeer. From there, some additional comments on how she is not surprised that a female warrior would lack enough honor to request it."
Theodore blinked; the strategy I was employing surprised him.
"If you really wanted to seal it, you could have her speak on how Victor should beseech his father to stop me from being a MechWarrior, as it is inappropriate for royalty to do so. Perhaps even some convincing lines that, as a royal son, he should be entitled to make requests merely due to his station. This three-pronged approach focuses on seppuku, denigration of my choice in vocation, and the importance of royalty having privilege. If she plays her part well, any budding amorous feelings, or even those of friendship or respect, will fall away."
I had laid my cards on the table, and Theodore was clearly considering it.
"Omiko will do as I ask, and any relationship between the two is naturally impossible. I believe you worry too much, but I will do as you have requested. In exchange, there will one day be a favor that I request of you. Nothing that would betray your family or nation, but something of significance."
I paused. Ultimately, I valued keeping my word. Predictability with friends, allies, and even neutral parties was the hallmark of civilization.
"I will concede that a favor is owed, but naturally, if we find ourselves at war with each other, such a favor cannot be called upon."
"Naturally. We have an accord."
Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth
January 24th 3051
"I'm sorry, I think I misheard you, Father." I hadn't, but I needed time to stall. They wanted me to be the commanding officer personally in charge of the counter-offensive? Me?
Hanse chuckled. The room contained a few high-ranking FedCom officers, my mother, Morgan Kell, and Jaime Wolf.
"Don't be modest, Katherine; surely you expected this."
What? No! Why I would expect this?
Morgan nodded in agreement. "While others here have more experience in command, you've fought the current generation of Clan warriors the most and have been successful. You have an intuitive understanding of how they act and react, and with the fast pace of their negotiations at times during the bidding, we need someone like you."
Ardan Sortek, one of my father's oldest and most trustworthy friends, chimed in, "Katherine, we've all seen your talent for organization, strategic thought, and quick wit. We wouldn't joke about something like this. You are being promoted to Hauptmann General and will lead the counteroffensive to break the back of the Jade Falcons."
I kept my face smooth as I glanced toward Jaime Wolf. "It was my understanding that…"
Jaime nodded. "Think nothing of it. You joined with your peers and proved yourself. We were eager to test if our intelligence agents were right about you, and they were."
Fuck! I'm so screwed. I can't not do this, and failure isn't an option either. Shit, shit, shit! These people are insane – who gives such a prestigious command to someone who should still be in the Academy.
"Ah, well, in that case what is our time table and what resources will I have at my disposal?"
The holographic star map flickered to life, and various units appeared on the screen. We began with my own 1st Royal FedCom Guard. Lisa Steiner ran through my roster, pulling up additional details as she went.
Your second batch of freed prisoners will be arriving from Wotan soon. Currently, you have two battalions each of 'Mech, Armor, and Artillery. With the additional personnel manning vehicles from the Dragoons and those already enroute to Blackjack, you'll have a full regiment. Since you've been able to effectively employ the Spitfire Cannons, we're sending you the next available shipment – another two battalions of artillery. As for 'Mechs, we can't do too much for your unit now, but by early 3052, you'll be receiving two companies each of light, medium, and heavy 'Mech designs – all from '47 and newer, to provide replacements. Of course those that the Dragoons have agreed to provide should arrive sometime sooner."
"3052? When did you wish me to start my offensive?"
Brief hope flared, maybe they would be giving me time to train my people before sending me out.
"March," the First Prince said immediately. "You won't have all the pieces in place by then, but we are going to need to start taking pressure off immediately. You leave here in a week on as close to a full Command Circuit to Blackjack as we can get. And don't worry, the Atlas you brought along will be ready by then."
I was nodding faintly… March.
"It won't be just your unit, of course," Field Marshal Steiner said. "We already have the 39th Avalon Hussars RCT and the Chahar Periphery March Militia in the area holding the worlds of Newtown Square and Chahar. The other planets in the surrounding area don't have anything other than localized militia. Given the line of Jade Falcon advance, we do not think those worlds will be under attack, however you will have operational control in terms of how many resources you wish to hold back to defend those worlds."
I would probably leave most of the infantry behind; the recruitment and training on Blackjack would be swarming with infantry regiments and not enough gear to make use of them all. But I trust them over other planet's forces.
"But wait, there is more," the First Prince smiled.
"Yes, the 2nd Crucis Lancers RCT has been raiding and aiding resistance efforts in the Jade Falcon OZ. They've been given orders to return to Blackjack. They are below half-strength, but you are free to make full use of their talents." Lisa clicked on the noteputer and information on the 1st Kathil Ulhans was pulled up. "As you know Leftenant General Redburn has his unit on Goat Path. Goat Path must be defended or the ComStar facility destroyed if the Clans attack. You are being given operational control of his unit, and you can rearrange the defenses as you see fit."
I hate this but at least I'm being given plenty of resources!
"Finally, the 4th Davion Guards under Marshal Alberta Orsina will also be joining you. They are being re-routed from Sudeten to Blackjack and will arrive before March. While she technically outranks you, you will be receiving top billet for command, and she will be aware of the hierarchy. We at State Command have a lot of faith in her capabilities and we either recommend her or Andrew Reburn to be your 2nd for this task force. Your choice of either of them, or another individual," Lisa concluded.
I blinked. That was near full autonomy. The 4th Davion Guards were an elite unit, though they piloted almost exclusively light and medium 'Mechs. They also came with four armored regiments, primarily hovercraft, but with a couple of heavy companies. Two rock-solid wings of Aerospace as well as five infantry regiments made them one of the premier RCTs in the Federated Suns.
"Mission objectives?"
The First Prince gestured at the star chart again. "Break them. More specifically, we need the pressure pulled off from further invasion. With reinforcements going to the FRR and the 1st New Ivaarsen Chasseurs heading to Tamar to reinforce it, Sudeten is left in a precarious position. With the various units arriving, we will effectively have three RCTs, which should be able to hold – but nothing prevents the Clans from simply focusing their strength and invading just Sudeten in one of their waves instead of ten separate worlds. With this realignment, we will be without further reinforcements for several months."
Field Marshal Steiner looked apologetic. "On that note, the JumpShips that bring you the 4th Davion Guards will not be able to be used for operations. They are needed elsewhere. We will be bringing additional supplies to your theater of operation in June – no new 'Mechs or vehicles, but large quantities of munitions, repair supplies, and fuel for Aerospace and DropShip operations. Beyond that, the next units that arrive to the front won't be until August, and more than likely they will be routed to Morgan Hasek-Davion or distributed to other worlds to shore up their defenses. The earliest you can expect additional forces to join your command beyond the 'Mech replacements will be in 3052."
I nodded. I would be on my own for a bit.
My father leaned forward. "It will be up to you how hard you hit, how fast you hit, whether you stay and defend the worlds recaptured, or simply raid. Information will be moving fast, and we aren't going to look over your shoulder. There are MI6 teams on Alyina, Denizli, Twycross, and Baker 3, all of which have the means to send word out as necessary."
Black boxes, but we are in mixed company.
"They don't have transport off-world, but you have JumpShips and DropShips and could probably sneak them off if you are careful, if you would prefer their deployment elsewhere. There is also a Loki team on Wotan, and on your pass through Tharkad, you will be picking up an additional two cells. Covert channels of communication won't be as available as with MI6."
I did some mental calculation. I would have just shy of a regiment of Mechs under my 1st Royal FedCom Guards, an additional four full-strength Mech regiments, and call it a battalion from the 2nd Crucis Lancers. Over five regiments in total as well as 10-12 armored regiments, around two artillery regiments, and 7ish wings of aerospace fighters. It was a sizeable collection of military power, and I would need to achieve some notable results.
"Very well, I believe I can distract the Falcons and cause some damage, Highness." I looked at Jaime Wolf, "Any chance that new 100-ton Clan Mech your techs have been cooking up will be ready before I leave?"
He shook his head. "No, sorry, it will still be some months. But we have listened to your concerns regarding the enemy using WarShips. Your… thoughts about using nuclear weapons in space not being violations of Ares Conventions are valid, however that sort of escalation could be bad due to the history the Clans have with those devices. My son will be travelling beyond the near Periphery to our resupply base. There," he looked around the room with emphasis, "are mothballed WarShips as well as other Clan technology that was too advanced to put to use when we came originally."
My heart skipped a beat. Parity of power! I knew I shouldn't get ahead of myself, because it was likely that even with the Wolf's Dragoons WarShips, we would be completely outnumbered in a space battle against the black ocean navies of the Clans, but it gave us a chance.
"On his return trip from Deep Periphery, our path won't take him too far from where you will be contesting with the Falcons. Our intent is to gift the Federated Commonwealth one WarShip as well as Aerospace Fighters to defend it. If you are still fighting and alive, we will also grant you your pick of an OmniMech from that cache."
I looked at him steadily, "Not that I'm ungrateful, but why me?"
He looked me dead in the eye, "Because we think you will use it well. We've already shared documentation on the construction of WarShips with the great Houses. The Federated Commonwealth with its shipyards on Galax, Kathil, and Alarion can begin ramping up their shipyards to accommodate their construction, but even with the most herculean efforts, it will take at least half a decade for one to be constructed."
My father cautioned me, "Remember, they won't be back until sometime in 3052, and if we begin using WarShips in planetary warfare the Clans will respond in kind. This is just in case the enemy does begin using them. We have other contingencies than nuclear weapons as well, such as refitting some of our Overlord DropShips to include anti-Capital ship weaponry in place of Mech bays."
"Understood. I will say my goodbyes then and be off. March will be the launch date of a multi-pronged offensive, with the goal of grinding the Jade Falcon invasion to a halt. Thank you for your trust in me."
There is absolutely no way this is a natural occurrence. Being X, that despicable coward who hasn't even shown his face to me in this life is leaning on the scales to force me into the frontlines. Well the joke will be on him when I not only survive, but thrive there! I will stop this damn invasion and I will make the Federated Commonwealth a place of peace and prosperity!
My mind went to a conversation held just a couple of days ago, and I paused. No, maybe this wasn't Being X's fault. I had impressed Jaime Wolf with my ruthlessness and desire to defeat the Clans. That was where this was coming from! He was giving me Clan technology, even dangling a damned WarShip under my nose. The bastard had convinced my parents to have me be their weapon! Now, if I didn't play my part, we wouldn't get the things we needed. Wolf obviously wished to defeat the Clans, but nothing suggested what timetable he was acting on, he could simply leave us to our fate and then build up the Free Worlds League. I had to perform. There was no choice.
Sarna March, Federated Commonwealth
January 30th 3051
Victor was two parts depressed and one part elated about the news of his sister. He was very distraught that his sister would be leaving and not completing the Clan training the Wolf's Dragoons were putting them through. He was also elated at her promotion and the success she was achieving. Victor was also immensely disappointed he would not likewise be on the frontlines anytime soon. His father told him that the Dragoon Clan training would be at a minimum an additional two months, but may be longer. Furthermore even after that was done, he would be headed to Coventry to help put together his anti-Clan regiment.
Outreach was losing its appeal as time went on. The training was great and he enjoyed every moment he spent with Kai and Galen, but things just looked darker now with his sister leaving. The recent dinner had also reminded him just how alien Combine society was.
My father always dreamed of liberating the Draconis Combine from their honor-obsessed culture. Even the Dragoons legendary feud had to do with the Combine's disgusting practice of forcing subordinates to commit seppuku. Even delicate flowers, having been raised by birth in such a stifling culture, could not help but regurgitate what they had been taught.
His cooling feelings toward the Kurita family had not changed how he performed with Hohiro and Shin, but it had introduced some stiffness in their after-action discussions. Ragnar remained a friendly face and Cassandra's light-heartedness also helped somewhat.
It was also an issue of having more on his plate. His new duties as a Colonel were not fully running his regiment yet, but he was now very driven to make the best possible regiment. Not many of the 10th had joined him, and that left massive holes in his command structure. He would be allowed to aggressively recruit volunteers from other units, as well as from the graduating class in June from the military academies such as NAMA. That did mean more work though as he scanned and rescanned personnel files and academy records.
"How do you feel about being made a Leftenant-Colonel, Galen?"
Galen made a face. "Three rank increases? Just because I know the Archon-Prince Designate? No thank you, Highness."
Victor sighed. "But I trust you, and you've been part of the training here."
"If you want to eventually slot me in as an XO, that's fine, but let's take it one step at a time. A regiment has three battalions and often a Command Company. Make me a Kommandant for a theoretical 4th battalion, but leave it as your bodyguard unit. If you haven't found a good XO from within the Davion Heavy Guards, you can promote me later. But honestly, get someone with experience," Galen advised.
Makes sense.
"I can also make Kai a Hauptmann. He's certainly earned it. I've watched the ROM footage from his 'Mech – absolute precision."
Galen gave him a rueful look. "I promise I'm not trying to shoot down every idea you have, but honestly, no. Kai is a weapon, probably your best weapon. Distracting him with command responsibilities isn't useful. And it isn't as if he would resent not having said rank; he will eventually be the ruler of the St. Ives Compact. Wendy, on the other hand, isn't as skilled in a 'Mech but is a good leader who has deep connections through her family with the rest of the Davion Heavy Guards. She works, and it's good for morale from an internal political perspective."
Victor nodded. He had to start thinking about that sort of thing.
"See, this is why you would make a great XO for the regiment…" Victor pointed out.
"Nice try, but you aren't going to be pawning off all your work on me!"
They shared a laugh and then continued to review dossiers.
Tamar March, Federated Commonwealth
February 1st 3051
General Ariana Winston had taken personal command of the defense of Dompaire. With her was Colonel Edwin Amis and his 21st Striker Regiment – two battalions of mostly heavy 'Mechs, backed by a battalion of lighter 'Mechs for recon. The regimental command also included a wing of Aerospace fighters. They provided much-needed reinforcement for the Dompaire Militia, which was not a March Militia. The planetary militia consisted of a regiment of infantry reservists with small arms, a company of very old 'Mechs, and two companies of light vehicles.
Based on intel on how the Clans operated, they had brought with them a mass of mines, field guns that could be easily placed in earthworks for the local militia, and hidden supply caches. On February 1st, the Clans entered the Dompaire System, and Ariana Winston told her people to get ready.
"This is it," Colonel Amis said, his voice grim. "The descendants of the old SLDF who went with Kerensky."
"Aye, but they have betrayed the legacy of their forefathers. You saw the stories of their society – no freedoms, discrimination based on birth, and an absurd honor code that makes the Draconis Combine look normal. If that green mouthy prince can beat them on Twycross, we can beat them here."
Edwin laughed. "He had the Kell Hounds and two RCTs, and it was Daniel Allard who was in command of that battle. But your point is well taken, ma'am. Let's show them the error of their ways."
An hour later they received a transmission from the invaders.
"This is Galaxy Commander Marthe Pryde of the Gyrfalcon Galaxy. The Jade Falcons have come to claim your world. Who dares to defend it? State the forces you intend to use to defend it. We desire an honorable batchall. If you will partake, provide us with the forces and the location where we will fight. Know this: we will not be tricked by your Spheroid ways. The ground you select must be unprepared. You may choose the venue, but you may not set traps and fortifications within it. Refusal to act like proper warriors will see me unleash every asset I have at my disposal to destroy you."
Ariana grimaced. She supposed it was too much to hope for that the Clans would fall for the same type of tricks repeatedly. She now had a difficult choice: did she tell them to take a hike and hunker down, making them root her forces out? Or did she gamble and take their offer for a fair fight, perhaps even win concessions from them?
After brief consultation, she chose to do the latter and sent the message back to the space fleet that had invaded the system. Ultimately, subjecting the planet to a long war filled with potential urban fighting was not conscionable. MechWarriors existed to protect those who wouldn't fight. If the battle could be decided without harm to civilian infrastructure, she had a moral obligation to take it.
"I am General Ariana Winston of the Eridani Light Horse, inheritors of the legacy of the SLDF. We can trace our lineage back to the Star League's 3rd Regimental Combat Team. I have a regiment of 'Mechs, a wing of Aerospace fighters, and am backed by the local militia. There is a rocky region 200 kilometers west of the capital that will serve as our battleground."
She looked at her notes and added, "Since this is a Trial of Possession, we want, in return, a two-year reprieve from further attacks on this planet should we win, and the return of all captured AFFC soldiers from Zoetermeer."
Ariana had to wait for the message to travel at light speed to the enemy ships, then back down to her. Time went by as she worked on sending out orders to get her people to the location needed.
"Your terms are acceptable. I am forwarding you the information on the units that you will be facing. The battle will take place in three days. Bargained well and done."
The commander of the Eridani Light Horse looked over what they would be attacked with. There were three groupings: the Gyrfalcon Galaxy Command Star, which included five 'Mechs; the 2nd Falcon Jaegers Cluster, which included 50 'Mechs, 75 Elementals, and 30 Aerospace Fighters; and the third column, Trinary Beta of the First Falcon Strike Cluster, which included 15 'Mechs.
"So, in total we are facing 70 'Mechs, 75 Elementals, and 30 Aerospace Fighters. How do we stack against that?" Ariana asked her people.
Edwin grimaced. "Not well. Our regiment, including your Command Lance, will put us at 124 'Mechs. The militia being added to that brings us to 136, so just shy of 2:1. We have some good gear, but very few of those 'Mech designs are newer than '48. They have us outmatched in the air, 30 to 20, with better tech. The vehicles and the reservist infantry won't be a match for the Elementals. It isn't impossible, of course; we still have numbers, and on average, my regiment leans heavy. It's gonna be a hell of a fight, though."
Three days later, the battle took place, and Ariana discovered why so few victories were had against the Clans. As she piloted her Cyclops, she saw how even the enemy light 'Mechs had devastating firepower. Her own 'Mechs used the rocky terrain to prevent the enemy from taking full advantage of their longer range, but that opened them up to devastating swarms of Elementals. Even a heavy 'Mech could be torn apart and turned into scrap in less than a minute.
The reservists proved almost completely useless. Despite the use of cover and being equipped with heavy machine guns and SRM launchers, they were torn apart and quickly broke. Despite the mounting casualties, the men and women of the Eridani Light Horse never broke. Not a single one ran; instead, they fought against the grinding assault.
Ariana found herself facing off against a 35-ton 'Mech with a pair of LRM-15s and a medium pulse laser. Despite the close-quarters fighting, the LRMs were able to lock on and shred her 'Mech's armor. Her AC/20 finally managed to rip into its side torso, critically damaging it, and she was able to defeat her first Clan opponent.
It would be the last one she defeated.
Her lance came under assault by the enemy commander. Marthe Pryde issued her challenge and followed it with an ear-piercing shriek as she struck into the already thin portions of Ariana's armor. Ariana was skilled, one of the finest MechWarriors in the Light Horse, and yet she was torn apart by the Clan commander. Her cockpit ejected her as her engine was destroyed.
"You have fought well, but the time for waste has ended. Over 80% of your forces are destroyed. Surrender, and those still in functioning 'Mechs will be allowed Hegira, safe passage off-world."
"And those like me who have ejected or are in downed 'Mechs?"
"Bondsmen to Clan Jade Falcon. The choice is yours General Winston."
Ariana grimaced. She had no desire to be a bondsman, and she would never fight against the Inner Sphere. But if a portion of the 21st could retreat, she would agree.
"I accept those terms. Dompaire is yours."
Kowloon, Orbit
Periphery March, Lyran Commonwealth
February 1st 3051
Khan Lynn McKenna of Clan Snow Raven observed the two Star Commanders bidding against each other. The enemy on the planet consisted of barely armed militia and lucrewarriors under the name of the Green Machine. ComStar intelligence had placed them as a battalion-sized unit, but rated as below average in terms of equipment and skill. With such an opponent, not much force would be required. The available force she had at her disposal was sizable. Elementals guarding other WarShips had been slowly transferred, and the three WarShips she had with her now contained a total of 14 Stars of Elementals. Additionally, she had 8 Stars of Aerospace fighters and, of course, the three Stars of 'Mechs that were her bodyguard unit.
The bidding had been won with 2 'Mech Stars, 2 Elemental Stars, and 1 Star of Aerospace. Star Commander Forrest Magnus of Lynn's bodyguard unit was even now descending on a combat drop to the surface. The entire fleet had entered a close-proximity Pirate Point. Desiring first-hand knowledge of how the Inner Sphere behaved, she had an automatic transmission set up from Forrest's 'Mech to her command console onboard her WarShip.
"The Snow Ravens have come to perch on this world and claim it. State what forces you have and where you wish to conclude this Trial of Possession for the world of Kowloon and everything on it."
Despite the near-distance to the planet, a response was long in coming.
"This is Colonel Maxwell Green. No one said shit about us fighting the Clans; pay ain't good enough for that. Just let us leave, and we'll be square."
McKenna heard outrage in her Star Commander's voice.
"You disgust me. Leave your 'Mechs and all your equipment, and you may flee. But you will not be allowed to take anything with you. Should you try to do so, my Aerospace fighters will destroy your DropShip."
A frustrated reply came back. "I'm not joining the ranks of the dispossessed. What the hell is wrong with you people? You want a fight then you've got it."
"State what forces you have available and where you wish to fight."
"Fuck off."
McKenna shook her head. Truly, the barbarians of the Inner Sphere had fallen a long way. The battle had been a brutally one-sided affair. The mercenaries had chosen to huddle in the small city that served as the world's capital. They had no clue how to fight Elementals, and soon they were panicking. From the battle-feed, she saw one Stinger try to flee and run into a building before falling. She saw a heavier 'Mech, a 60-ton Quickdraw, have its short-range missile launcher jam before getting destroyed by Star Commander Magnus's Timber Wolf. Everywhere, she saw 'Mechs in poor condition and pilots with the skill to match going down.
I know this is not a true representation of what the Inner Sphere is capable of, but this is pathetic.
The last vestiges ended up surrendering, but salvage would be quite poor. Despite this, they would be added to her very 'Mech-light forces. Her Clan being given a place within the Inner Sphere had caused some logistical problems – a large portion of her fleet had been contracted out to her peer Khans, and she would be damned if she broke those agreements. A Snow Raven could always be counted on to follow the letter of any contractual obligation they made.
This created a problem for moving Alpha and Beta Galaxy to the Inner Sphere; that would take time unless she stripped the defenses of Lum, and that would never happen. It was a Ristar, an Elemental Star Colonel in Alpha Galaxy, who had come up with a solution. Klaus Harper had suggested shipping extra MechWarriors without their 'Mechs, as well as Solahma vehicle crews from outlying provinces without their vehicles. These warriors would then pilot any salvage taken from the Inner Sphere, and with a superior Tech Caste compared to the backward Inner Sphere technicians, they would quickly be able to put more units in the field.
It was a short-term solution, but Alpha Galaxy would not arrive until June, and Beta Galaxy would need to wait until 3052. One of their Garrison Galaxies would also arrive in 3052 on Ice Hellion transport – something that made McKenna uneasy and had cost her more than what she had contracted for to use her own ships to transport Jade Falcon frontline Clusters. It was poorly bargained, but with all the difficulty the invading Clans were having, she would need to have some garrison units.
Clan Snow Raven wasn't didn't have the weakest BattleMech formations among all the Clans, but they were one of the smallest, thanks to their focus on WarShips and Aerospace assets as opposed to more traditional military power.
By the dawn of 3053, more than half of her Clan's military would be in the Inner Sphere. It was a precarious situation, and for that reason, she had ordered a quadrupling of the number of sibkos. Her thought was that with more resources from Inner Sphere worlds, there would be 'Mechs and Aerospace fighters to pilot. Failures washed out would help fill much-needed Labor Caste and Tech Caste roles within the Inner Sphere. This was a longer-term plan, as the Trials of Position for these sibkos would not begin for another eighteen years.
Normally, her Clan had sibkos cadres test at the age of twenty, but that too was changing. Khan McKenna was moving them down to the age of eighteen to bring forward warriors sooner. To ensure she had plentiful warriors, she was also tipping the scales of the Trial of Position. The tonnage of the opposing units would be lower than normal; however, results would be reviewed very carefully, and those who had only barely become MechWarriors would be marked as Inner Sphere 'Mech-piloting warriors. A cut below the normal standard for a Clan MechWarrior, but she would not allow this grand opportunity presented to her to lead her Clan to ruin.
Turning toward more short-term strategic concerns, she examined the next world they would invade. They would be bypassing the world of Winter. An entire Inner Sphere RCT, which, according to intelligence, should require two Clusters to reasonably defeat. The 7th Crucis Lancers RCT had no JumpShips or DropShips available to them, so for now, they could remain in place until Alpha Galaxy arrived. Per ComStar, this portion of Lyran space was virtually completely denuded of JumpShips and military transport.
Instead, she set her sights on Inarcs, a world that was not so heavily defended as Winter. Oddly enough, the world held more value. A nascent BattleMech factory was being constructed, and existing factories for lighter combat vehicles already existed. It was better defended than Kowloon, for certain, but not by much. Depending on the casualties they suffered taking the world, they would next move onto Anembo, which was almost completely undefended but also had very limited value. That timetable would take her until the start of March, at which point she would assess the salvage available to build up her BattleMech force and push closer toward Alarion.
She idly wondered what the careful and strategic Star Adders were doing. Having won the right to invade the Draconis Combine in the trials, so long as they avoided the Invasion Corridors, they had chosen not to invade any worlds until they arrived in force. They had also contracted with Clan Burrock for transport and would be arriving with a massive invasion force – one that would significantly outnumber the eventual three Galaxies that her Snow Ravens would bring. However, they would not arrive until the latter half of 3051.
We are the Snow Ravens; we are quick and seize opportunities with our cunning while maintaining our long-term strategic planning. The Adders do nothing swiftly, but when they strike, it is with a weight rarely equaled among the Clans. Time will tell which approach will prove more effective in the Inner Sphere.