Pieces of Sonder

Chapter 22: Finding Water by the Ocean Part 5

“Oh, are you a shaman young lady?”

“Yes, I don’t deal with magical contracts a lot, but I’ve been taught how to make and break them.”

“That’s great! I suppose not too many shamans would have experience with magical contracts these days,” Mr. Anjui scratched the back of his head and leaned heavily on his cane. 

Freya half smiled, “Let’s go back to the inn and do it there.”

She provided an arm for Mr. Anuji to lean on and slowly started walking back into town.

Behind them, Freya felt Heilong’s questioning stare. Her skin prickled despite the heat.

When Heilong first asked about learning Meridian Manipulation, Freya assumed she’d have to reveal her true identity. She wished she had more time to get to know the marksman, but she couldn’t ignore someone in need.

As they made their way back to the inn, Freya noted all the cracks in the brick houses and fallen street signs. It was fortunate none of the houses collapsed due to the earthquake, but the town still had a lot of repair work ahead of them. 

She wondered if they could have done anything differently. Perhaps if they had taken Squeak, or if she had examined the seal closer, she could have warned Kirin that it was impossible to break.

A dozen more possibilities ran through her mind until she shook her head and focused on the present. The inn was coming into sight. Like the other buildings, it had some cracks on its walls, but it appeared otherwise okay. Inside the innkeeper was sweeping up some broken bottles.

Freya helped Mr. Anuji into a chair in the saloon. He collapsed into it and leaned against the table. 

“Thank you for your help young lady. Let me take a moment to rest.”

“Of course, please rest. I’ll start to set things up.”

Freya thanked her earlier self for putting some of her shaman supplies into her inventory. She took out a small ceremonial knife and an inspection stone.

Enchantments and other magically constructed things were typically the domain of wizards, but when woven into a living thing, it became a concern for shamans too.

During her apprenticeship, she had to study magical contracts, but it was more of a history lesson. Freya never had a practical test on seals and magical contracts.

“May I see Squeak? I need to get a look at the contract seal on him.”

Mr. Anuji took Squeak out of his shirt pocket. Freya held open her hands. His tiny paws tickled her palms. 

The glowing pattern on the top of Squeak’s head was natural; many magical animals had them. The contract seal was centered on his back. It was difficult to see by eye, but Freya could see the magical glimmer of it. When she first saw it back at Kirin’s, she immediately knew it was a strong seal given its clean shine.

Pouring some of her qi into the inspection stone, she began to look closer at the seal. The magic was well woven. There were no loose threads to pull at. Even if there were loose ends to pull, the thread itself felt like stone. It would never unravel by force alone.

“Are you ready to begin?” Freya asked.

Mr. Anuji straightened in his chair, “Yes, I’m ready.”

Infamous Biscuit and Heilong stood off to the side, watching. Heilong hadn’t said anything yet, but she watched Freya’s every move.

“Say aloud or think strongly about how you want to break the contract with Squeak, then prick your hand with this,” Freya said, unsheathing the ceremonial knife.

The knife wasn’t anything special; it only looked fancy to make the action seem more important.

“It doesn’t matter how you say it, just make your intent clear,” she added.

Mr. Anuji closed his eyes. After a moment, he pricked his fingertip.

“Good, now touch your blood to Squeak’s back.”

Freya checked the difference with the inspection stone.

Now the threads making up the magic seal were loose and fragile. Poking at the threads in her mind Freya found she could move them with ease. Mr. Anuji’s intent to release the gathering mouse had properly transferred to his blood. 

It took a bit of force, but once she moved a small part of it the whole seal unraveled.

The magic lost its glimmer. Then the seal was gone.

Squeak scratched his ear. Freya lowered her hands so he could run onto the table. The gathering mouse slowly walked off Freya’s hands. He paused a moment. Then he ran to Mr. Anuji.

“Squeak, don’t come over here,” Mr. Anuji said.

The mouse continued to paw at his hand.

“Ha, it’s really gone. He’s not listening,” the old man laughed and scratched the top of Squeak’s head.

“I can die in peace now. Oh, Squeak, why do you still like me?”

After working his way into Mr. Anuji’s hand, the gathering mouse now sat content. Using his front paws, Squeak cleaned his face and then looked up at his former master.

“He probably doesn’t know anything different,” Infamous Biscuit said softly.

He looked down at the two with a complicated expression on his face, “Maybe he can still live out his days with you. He’s probably not used to living on his own.”

“I see,” Mr. Anuji said, holding Squeak. “If he grows tired of me, he can always escape into the dunes around my estate. But it would be nice to have some company if he wants to stay.”

Squeak stared up at Mr. Anuji and gave out a small ‘squeak.’ The old man chuckled. 

Freya smiled too. It was impossible to tell how much of Squeak’s behavior was shaped by his previous contracted state, but he did appear to be happy around Mr. Anuji. The rest was up to them. Her job of breaking the contract was done. She gathered up her supplies, cleaned the knife, and put everything back in her inventory.

“Thank you for your help young lady. Shamans are rare these days in Siyana. Please accept this,” Mr. Anuji shoved a bag of coins into her hand.

“Also, I’d like you to have this.”

He handed her three small vials with a clear liquid inside.

“Perhaps these will be of use to you out here in the desert. Sibra magicians used to make them for emergencies. We call them Shakyisyani. It’s very condensed water. One sip can satisfy your thirst for three days.”

“Thank you,” Freya said, taking the vials. They felt cool to the touch. 

Once she examined them closer a text box popped up.


[Item Class: Piece of Sonder]

[Super condensed water. Just a sip and you’ll be completely hydrated!]

Freya stared speechless at the vials.

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