Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 376 Time For a Visit

“Is thissss a tesssst?”

Han shook his head. Why the hell would he need to test Orochimaru? Orochimaru was an Epic Rank and Han was only a Unique rank. Orochimaru was a rank higher than Han! This wasn’t a test, it was practice! Even though Orochimaru was a higher ranking than Han, the snake was still pitifully weak because it hasn’t been in any battles yet. It needs to learn to fight and survive.

“I will leave you here for a full day and these skills will keep spawning endlessly in that time. Since the time in here is four times slower, you will have to fight for four days straight against these skills and you will have to survive the [Worlds End] as well. Use this to grow stronger so you can be useful to me,”

Orochimaru felt the great expectations that Han had for it and it nodded resolutely as it slithered forward. It looked almost comical for a meter-long snake to be facing all these skills and Shadow Hunters, but Han knew that Orochimaru could do it. Orochimaru wasn’t Epic Rank for nothing.

Han gave the order to the Shadow Hunters to attack and once Han saw them flying towards Orochimaru, he closed his eyes and disappeared. Once Han appeared back in his inn, he could already see how his Mana was dropping slightly from all the skills that were being activated inside his Shadow World. Han knew that those Shadow Hunters wouldn’t be able to kill Orochimaru. That snake is an EPIC rank and there is no way it will die to mere Shadow Hunters.

Han turned to the side and he saw Gretha lying on his bed and sleeping. Han sighed in annoyance once he saw her. This woman has been like a leech lately! Gretha would not leave Han for anything! After they came back from the celestial plane, Gretha has been afraid of leaving Han’s side because she was scared of what the celestials would do to her if they caught her! Gretha was a major contributor to the attack on the Xian Race and so she will be wanted all over the Celestial plane. Since Gretha was only a slave to the celestials, they don’t even see her as a threat and so they will easily capture her if they sense her. If they catch her then she will be killed!

So Han had to keep her with him just because he didn’t want her to die! She might be fucking useless but at least she managed to help him when he needed her. He will help her just for that fact!

Han thought about his plans for the foreseeable future and Han figured that it was almost time for him to finish his last test. The last test was on floor one hundred and immediately after that test, Han will start a war with the Celestials. But before then, Han still needed more power. Han wanted to grow a little bit more before he goes to the celestial plane. With Han’s current level of power, he was stronger than any of the celestials. No matter what they do, they won’t be able to touch him! But Han knew he was not stronger than the creator. Not yet. Han wants to grow even stronger than the creator so that there won’t be anyone that can stop him.

Han needed to train more.

If Han used his Shadow World to train himself for the next week, Han was sure that it would be more than enough for him to grow as strong as anything in his path. With his [x10] boost, Han would be growing ten times as fast as anyone else. So training for only four weeks would be the same as training for forty weeks! That was almost ten months of nothing but training!

Yes, that is what I’ll do. I can’t go to the celestial plane with uncertainty in my mind so I need to get even stronger. And if I’m going to be training, then maybe I can go back to the lower floors for a while.

Han couldn’t deny that he missed his family. Han hadn’t heard from his wives or his son for a long time and it was annoying to not know how they were doing! Han couldn’t even use his shadow Hunter to talk to them so Han could only hope that they were doing good. Han doesn’t even know if Yana was fine. Yana was pregnant and she was staying with her parents so that her pregnancy will be safe, but Han still wants to know how she is doing.

Han decided that he will go to the lower floors once again. He didn’t need to be up here to train and it would be good to see his family. Han walked up to the sleeping Gretha with his hands in his pocket.

“Hey. Wake the fuck up,”

Gretha mumbled as Han’s voice disturbed her and she turned over in the bed before she mumbled something like “Oh, Han, you’re so naughty,”. Han felt his eye twitch and Gretha moaned as she snuggled deeper in the bed! Gretha was obviously having a very good dream and she smiled in a lewd way before falling back asleep. Han kicked her ass!

Wake the fuck up, you sex fiend!!

Gretha yelped as Han kicked her and she groaned as she landed on the floor! Ouch, that hurt! Gretha rubbed her ass with an annoyed scowl on her face and she looked up at Han in annoyance! What the hell was that for!? Can’t you see I was sleeping!?

Han didn’t even bother to tell her what she had been doing in her sleep. She wasn’t worth the trouble. Han just told her to get ready.

“I’m taking you to the lower floors so get ready. We’re going to be there for a week,”

Gretha rose a brow in surprise. What the hell? Why did he suddenly decide that they would go to a lower floor?

“Why are you going to the lower floors?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions and just get ready. Unless you want me to leave you here,”

Han gave Gretha a stare to let Gretha know that he wasn’t joking about leaving her here! If she didn’t do as he says, he will just leave her ass up here and go down on his own! Gretha rose both hands in surrender! Sorry, sorry! I’ll get ready! It’s not like I even have a fucking choice!


There was a sudden sound from Grethas stomach and the both of them just looked at each other silently for a moment before Gretha chuckled nervously and scratched her cheek.

“Uhm… If we aren’t in a hurry. Maybe we can grab something to eat?”

Gretha was a shapeshifter, and her power required her to eat a lot more than most others. It wasn’t her fault that she was always so damn hungry! Han had half a mind to tell her no! She was just fucking annoying and he didn’t want to let her eat at all! But he just sighed and waved her away. She can go and do whatever she wants for the next ten minutes and then they’ll leave.

Seriously, being with this woman is like having a pet dog!


Rin and the other girls were in the restaurant as they served the many customers that they had. Things were still going smoothly for their business ever since they came to the upper floors. The recipes that Han taught Rin and Lily allowed them to make the best dishes out of any other restaurant on these upper floors so most of the black and white stars would come to their restaurant.

Kim smiled as she collected the order from the men at one of the tables and she went to tell it to Rina. Kim could sense the men in the restaurant looking at her and the other girls. Many of their customers usually come here because of how beautiful all the women here were. Kim and Yuuma were the main waitresses in the restaurant and they were extremely beautiful! But even though Kim didn’t like the fact that those men were coming here to just stare at her, she didn’t care. She wouldn’t do anything about them because she knew they would never dare to try anything on her or the other girls.

Every single person on the upper floors knew that Luo’s restaurant was a family business that belonged to Han Luo. If anyone dares to cause any sort of trouble here then their life was fucking over. Even though the black stars were stronger than some of the girls, none of them would ever dare to touch any of the girls.

Kim went to the counter and dropped the order for Rina to take care of it. She smiled at Rina and Rina smiled back at her before taking the paper. Rina tried her best to hide it but Kim could easily see the sadness inside Rina’s eyes. Rina was not happy at all and Kim also felt the same way. It was already two months since Han left the lower floors and went to finish the tests on the top floors and Kim would be lying if she says she didn’t miss him. It was selfish but Kim wanted him to be here with them. She wanted to see him again and all the girls felt the same way.

There were sometimes when all the girls would just go to Han’s room and sleep there instead of staying in their own rooms. They couldn’t even talk to Han so things were very hard for them. Even Arthur was becoming more and more cranky as the days go by. Arthur recently learned how to say some short words and the only word he keeps on repeating was Han’s name. It was cute that he knows his father’s name so well, but Arthur would usually shout for Han sometimes and none of them would be able to calm him down.

Kim looked to the side and she saw Lily coming out of the kitchen while carrying a pouting Arthur in her hands. Arthur had some flour on his cheeks and Lily had a smile on her face. Arthur tried to sneak up on Lily in the kitchen but Lily easily caught him and smeared his face with flour as punishment! Arthur was growing stronger every day but he still wasn’t strong enough to sneak up on Lily!

Lily handed Arthur off to Yue and told her to look after him. Yue gave Lily a salute before she crossed her hand and glared down at Arthur like a policewoman! You’re not getting out of my sight at all! Arthur looked up at Yue with a deadpan before he suddenly took Yue by the waist and lifted her! Yue yelped in shock and yelled at him to let her down! I’m you’re bug sister so you have to listen to me! Kim just laughed.

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