Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 366 In the Celestial Plane

Han laughed at Dorea once she hugged him and she had to join him as well! This speaking pattern could only belong to Han! There is no way that uptight Taurus would even think of talking like this! Taurus was the sort of person that had a ten-foot pole up his ass and everything he did was stiff and snobbish! Dorea now knew why she has been feeling strange since she saw Taurus! He acted like Taurus in front of Penelope, but once he looked at her with a smile she immediately knew there was something wrong! Se had no idea that it was Han!

Once they separated, Dorea asked Han what happened! How did he get inside of Taurus’ body!? Han explained what happened up to this point rather quickly and she couldn’t help but laugh as she heard most of it! Dorea looked behind Han to see Gretha waving at her with a stupid smile and she smiled and waved back. The two of them knew each other well since they were both mortals that joined the Celestials! But Gretha was always going around with Taurus so they never had any time to interact or even greet each other!

Han saw the normal greeting that Dorea gave Gretha and he wondered if Dorea knew just how much of an idiot this woman was. Probably not.

“So what do you need this time? I’m sure you didn’t come here just to see me. You wouldn’t find a new body and go through all this trouble just to meet me, would you?”.

Dorea gave Han a coy look as she asked this question curiously. She figured out that he wasn’t here just for her. She would have liked it if he said that he did all this just to meet her. It would be romantic even! But she wasn’t that delusional. Dorea was sure that there has to be a bigger reason behind all this! Han went through the trouble of finding a new body and he even did his best to imitate Taurus as well so I’m sure that he has another plan in mind! Han grinned at her as he told her about his plan. Han needed two things from Dorea. One of them for her to drop him right in the middle of the celestial plane. Han needed to see the celestial plane for himself. He wanted to get a good idea of what it was like without anyone noticing him.

Gretha already told Han that the celestial plane was divided into many territories, so Han decided that he would first start from the center and would see as much of the celestial plane as possible before he finally goes to the territory of the Xian.

The second thing that Han needed from Dorea was a way out! Han’s body was not here! His body was in the temple and Han needed a way to pass through so that he could get back to his body once he was done with the celestial plane. Things might not work out perfectly and someone might notice he is not Taurus, so Han had to be prepared for anything. Han knew that Dorea could create that path. She could open a gateway that would allow him to move into the temple immediately after he was finished with his task and go back to his body! Han told Droea about these two things and she hummed as she thought deeply.

It wouldn’t be hard to drop him in the middle of the celestial plane. No one would be surprised to see Taurus there and they would all just overlook it as a normal thing. But the problem was the gateway. If she sends Han to the celestial plane, it would be impossible to send him back to the temple without bringing him here. If the celestials notice that she was the one that took Han away when they are looking for him, then she might also get into trouble.

That means she has to make a direct connection from the celestial plane to the temple. That would be hard! For her to keep the connection active without someone finding out about it, she has to be very careful. Taurus has been gone from the celestial plane for a long time and she knew that once he goes back to the celestial plane, all the celestials that see him will immediately try to see how strong he was by scanning his power. They will surely notice that he is still connected to her! Her power is not so convenient that she can hide something like that!

It would be bad if anyone finds out that Dorea was the one to help Han with this. She was already seen as a second-class member of the celestials and they don’t even care about her at all. If they find out that she is working with Han, they will get rid of her for sure!

Dorea hummed as she thought about this for a while before her eyes landed on Gretha! Aha! There was another way! She can also use another person as the bridge instead! Dorea could put the connection on Gretha and when the time comes, Gretha would transfer the connection back to Han again! No one ever notices a servant and they wouldn’t bother trying to scan her! That means that they won’t notice the connection at all till the last moment! Dorea told all of this to Han and Gretha and Han nodded as he saw it as the best option. It would allow him to go in and come out without being stopped by anyone.

There was a look shared between Gretha and Dorea and Gretha also nodded as she agreed to the plan. She would help out in any way she could.

Dorea was surprised by this but she understood as she placed the connection on her. Dorea located Han’s body in the temple and she easily placed a tether on him. That tether was connected to a knife that Dorea produced and then she gave the knife to Gretha. Once someone wants to go back they should use the knife to draw some blood and they will be pulled back to Han’s body.

Han thanked Dorea and he gave her a second hug before he and Gretha were pulled away from the void. Once they were gone, Penelope appeared again and she asked Dorea where Taurus went. She thought he would stay and tell her goodbye before leaving.

“He says he wants to meet his father as quickly as possible so he asked me to send him there. He is sorry that he couldn’t tell you goodbye himself,”

Penelope narrowed her eyes at Dorea as she heard this. Penelope wanted to talk to Taurus more before he went back!? Tch!

Penelope was tempted to ask Dorea what she and Taurus spoke about but Penelope understood how disrespectful that would be! If Taurus wanted her to know what he and Dorea spoke about then he would have let her stay! If he finds out that I forced Dorea to tell me then he would not be happy with me at all! Penelope just decided to let it go as she opened a portal in front of her and disappeared inside.


Han and Gretha appeared high in the sky above a large body of water. Han was a bit surprised by the sudden change in altitude! It was shocking that Dorea would suddenly drop them in the sky! But he was the one that asked her to drop them off in the middle of the celestial plane so it wasn’t her fault. He managed to keep himself in the air with his high-level flight skill! Gretha wavered a bit but she also managed to stable herself after a few tries. Han heard her curse a little and he knew that she was also shocked by where they landed.

Han chuckled at her shock before he turned and looked around. It was beautiful. The scene in front of Han was filled with water for miles and miles. The sunlight was rising from the horizon and it made the water shine with red and yellow ripples. Han could feel that the pressure in the celestial plane was completely different from the temple. It felt like the air was trying to crush him with the amount of power in this dimension. No one below white star would even be able to stand at all in this place! So this is the celestial plane? No, this is just one dimension of the celestial plane. There are ten different dimensions up here and that means I am in one of the ten. Gretha already told Han a long time ago that all the celestial races lived in different dimensions. The celestial races didn’t interact much unless they wanted to carry out a task together and the only time that all of them would come together was when they were meeting with the creator himself.

Gretha looked around and she told Han that they were actually in the Xian territory! She recognized this place. This place is where the Xian lives!

Han was a bit surprised that the Xian lived at the center of the celestial plane but he just shrugged it off. IT won’t change his plans at all. He turned to Gretha with a silent question and she easily understood what he was asking as she pointed in the eastern direction. This is the direction that would lead toward the settlement. Since Han needed to see what the celestial race was like, it would be wise for him to first see how celestials lived. Han turned in that direction and the two of them blasted off.

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