Picking Up Attributes From Today (From Now On, I’ll Pick Up Attributes)

Chapter 398 - Nether Beast, Reckless Beast

“Morrow, what creature is the all-touch snake?”

Montrey knew that the inquiry system had no results, so he asked Mo Luo for advice. This old antique who lived the last century really had nothing he didn’t know.

“All-touch big snake?”

Moruo turned into black smoke in front of Monterrey, and heard the words surprised. “Where did you know that the big snake touched, this ancient creature does not know?”

“If I’m not mistaken, the crystal ball in front of me should be an organ of the all-touch snake, most likely it’s an eyeball!”

Meng Lei explained that other creatures will definitely not fall into the veins of Wanzhao Serpent. Only Wanzhao Serpent itself or an organ of Wanzhao Serpent will drop the veins of Wanzhao Serpent.

This is beyond doubt.

“You don’t even know what the big touch snake is, so you dare to conclude that this thing is the eye of the big touch snake? You are too funny!”

Mo Luo teased, and then looked at the crystal ball in the box. “I’ve really been fooled by you. This thing is really the eye of a snake!”

I ’m covered in feathers, okay, I know, Montray was n’t so angry. “Tell me about the big snake, do n’t say these are useless!”

Mo Luo smiled and explained, “You should know that the vast world has bred countless powerful creatures, such as gods, beasts, demons, demons, undead, etc., but these creatures, whether strong or not, are born from planes. ! “

“So, we call these creatures plane life!”

There is no doubt that Monterrey bowed his head slightly, whether it was a deity, a demon, or a mortal person.

“But in the vast world, there is another kind of life not born from the plane, but born in the vast void!” Mo Luo continued.

“Born in the vast void?” Menglei said for a moment, “Can the void world also breed life?”

What’s in the void world?

No air!

No magic element!

No animals and plants!

Nothing at all!

There is endless darkness, coldness, and silence, and … nothingness, such a world that has nothing, can actually give birth to life?

“There is absolutely nothing in the world!”

Moruo smiled proudly. “Although the void world is a void, it is difficult to breed life, but there is a kind of life from the void world!”

“What life?”

Montrey asked curiously.

“Void Beast!”

Mo Luo smiled and explained, “Void monster, a terrible life born in the void world, the number is extremely rare, but any star monster has an extremely powerful vitality, and unparalleled terrorist power!”

“You also know that there is nothing in the vast void, the food is extremely scarce, and the environment is extremely harsh. Even the Lord God is very displeased with the environment of the void world, so you can imagine how terrible the life bred by this harsh environment!”

“How terrible is the Nether Beast?”

Montrey asked curiously.

“Void monsters do not practice the rules, they only practice the flesh, so they are very tyrannical, but there are many types of void monsters. The strength of different types of void monsters is very wide. The most powerful void monster can compete against the supreme master! “

Mo Luo explained with a smile, “Of course, the void beast that can counter the **** is extremely rare, and there are few heads in the universe!”

“Compete against the dominion?” Menglei trembled. “What a powerful physical body?”

“Very strong! Strong beyond your imagination! What titans, beaumonts, giant elephants are weak chickens compared to the void monster!”

Mo Luo sighed with emotion, “You don’t know much about the power of the Void Beast, but you should have heard it alone!”


Montray wondered.

“Reckless King!”

Moruo slowly spit out the four words “You should have heard this big name, right? If you don’t even know the name, I really despise you!”

Montray smiled wryly. “Of course I have heard, I have seen his remnant soul? I also got the treasure of his life!”


Mo Luo stumbled a moment, “Wouldn’t you just be the murderer who has got the treasure of the reckless king and slaughtered a million gods?”

Montray also stumbled, “How do you know?”

“Nonsense! In the face of a reckless battle, your notoriety has spread all over the world!”

Moruo praised “I was kind of wondering at the time, was the reckless king resurrected, otherwise, how could the gods and demons suffer heavy losses!”

“That’s the gods and demons too weak!”

Monter sneered.

“That’s right! Compared with you, they are indeed weak chickens!”

Moruo nodded in agreement. “Since you have come into contact with the Reckless King up close, you should know the horror of this guy, right?”

“The flesh is comparable to the Supreme Master, indeed terrifying!” Meng Lei nodded slightly.

“Then you know, the reckless king is actually a void beast?” Mo Luo said slowly.


Menglei looked dull. “The reckless king is a void beast? What a joke?”

“That’s not true. To be precise, he is the **** who robbed the void beast!”

Mo Luo corrected, “The void beast he seized was called the vast beast. The reckless beast is one of the most powerful void beasts. The reckless beast of the old age can be a master!”

“The Reckless King … Regaining the Reckless Giant?”

Monre was a little incredible.

“Any powerful life rises from weakness, step by step, and the void beast is no exception. The reckless king has good luck, finds a young beast, and then successfully wins the house, and eventually grows to the height of the highest master! “

Mo Luo shook his head with a smile. “Unfortunately, his rise threatened the status of the four masters. The four masters, in the name of being a void monster, united all the gods and killed him. It can be described as a savage monster, defeated. Also a void beast! “

“The four masters are really shameless!”

Montray was a little uncomfortable.

“No shame, they are not the four masters!”

Mo Luo shook his head and chuckled, and continued, “But they killed the reckless king, not only because the reckless king threatened their status!”

“Are there other reasons?”

Montray wondered.

“Void monsters are different from gods!”

Mo Luo explained that “Gods are not hunger and thirst, but Void Beasts are not the same. Even if they are strong, they need to constantly replenish food to ensure the energy required for the operation of the powerful physical body. No exception!”

“You can’t imagine how savage a beast of adulthood can be! If you let the savage king eat it, the vast world will be shorted by him!”

“So he must die!”

“There is another reason!”

Monterrey was a little strange!

“Void monsters are very edible, and wherever they pass, they are often nothing, so Void Monsters are also called Destruction Monsters!”

Mo Luo sighed “So ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Void monsters are common enemies of gods and demons. In order to defend against the void monsters, gods and demons may join forces!”

“Destroy the beast …”

Montray was somewhat shocked.

“The Magnificent Snake is a relatively ordinary void monster!”

Morrow explained that “the adult-looking omni-snake has a huge body as large as a low-level plane, as well as tens of thousands of heads and tens of tails, so it is called the omni-snake!”

“A low-level plane is so big?” Monter took a breath of air. “It’s too big!”

“Big? Oh, is this too big?”

Mo Luo sneered and said, “You haven’t seen a really huge void monster. When you see it, you won’t say it is a big snake!”


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