Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 3596 - The purpose of the monkey (3)

“It can’t be faked anymore. Although the IQs of those monkeys are lower than that of humans, if they fake it again, they can wear it!” Li Tian said seriously.

“Puff!” Seeing Li Tian’s serious expression, the captain almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, those lost monkeys did not find anything abnormal, and the female lost monkey took a few steps forward, but still kept corresponding vigilance to Li Tian and others and said, “I invite you here today. I want you to do us a favor!”

“Help? Is there such an inviting person to help? Look, mine…what our captain has become! You can help, first restore our captain to the original state.” The barbarian said angrily. .

The female zombie was startled, she said with an embarrassing expression on her face: “Please forgive me, you must know that your friends are zombies all the time. As long as the zombie’s head is not attacked and the corpse crystal is not taken, then Your friend has no life worry for the time being.”

“What does it mean to have no life worry? Now our friend is so weak that he can’t even walk and sit normally!” said the barbarian angrily.

“Your friend was only injected with a virus that inhibits the power of the corpse. If he gets the antidote, he will soon return to normal. Even if there is no antidote, he can recover naturally within a week.” The monkey continued: “As long as you promise to help us with one thing, I will inject the antidote for your friend immediately!”

Li Tian’s didn’t wrinkle a little, he hated being threatened by others, not to mention being threatened by a few monkeys.

“What if we don’t agree?” Li Tian said with a sneer.

Hearing Li Tian’s sneer, the female wandering monkey shivered involuntarily, but fortunately, the female wandering monkey quickly returned to normal, and she showed Li Tian what she thought was good-looking, but in Li Tian He had an extra ugly smile in Manzi’s eyes.

“Please don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t mean to threaten you. Even if you don’t help us, I will give you the antidote.”

The female wandering monkey whispered a few times as she spoke, and a wandering monkey came out from behind the female wandering monkey. It was the leader wandering monkey who had organized other wandering monkeys to **** the captain back.

Holding a needle filled with light blue liquid in his hand, the leader wandering monkey cautiously walked to Li Tian, ​​stretched out his paw and passed the needle to Li Tian, ​​and immediately fled behind the female monkey with his tail clamped. .

Li Tian looked at the needle with some doubts, it was difficult to understand how the monkeys made the antidote.

“Chichichichi!” Seeing Li Tian’s doubts, the surrounding wandering monkeys immediately smirked and yelled. As a result, Li Tian became even more confused!

Li Tian’s figure flashed, and suddenly appeared behind the lost monkey that led him.

The other lost monkeys couldn’t help being shocked. They had never seen anyone move instantaneously, and even some lost monkeys were suddenly teleported by Li Tian and jumped away in shock.

Even the female wandering monkey turned around in fright, Hua Rong turned pale, screaming that she was about to lift the steel pipe and slam it on Li Tian’s head.

Uh, okay, she was originally a monkey, even if Huarong was eclipsed, she was just a monkey with Huarong eclipsed, and had nothing to do with beautiful women.

Seeing that the steel pipe was about to hit Li Tian’s head, Li Tian suddenly disappeared again. When Li Tian appeared again, Li Tian had already returned to the captain and barbarians, and Li Tian’s hand was already holding it. The leader lost monkey.

Li Tian is fully capable of holding the female wandering monkey in his hands, but the female wandering monkey looks like the king of this wandering monkey group. Therefore, in order to avoid the intensification of the contradiction to an irretrievable point, Li Tian only It was just the leader who caught the monkey.

Li Tian didn’t say a word, and forcefully pierced the needle into the **** egg of the lost monkey, and then gently pushed the needle, the one who led the monkey screamed and squeezed softly. Fell to the ground.

“This is the antidote?” Li Tian said angrily.

Knowing that Li Tian had misunderstood, the female monkey immediately said: “You really misunderstood! This is both a poison and an antidote!”

Speaking of that, the female wandering monkey suddenly took out a exactly the same needle from her body, and then she pulled a little wandering monkey and put a needle in the **** of the little wandering monkey.

The little wandering monkey screamed, and quickly crawled softly at the feet of the female wandering monkey, unable to move.

“Sure enough, it is the most poisonous woman’s heart, even the mother wandering monkey is so vicious, even the little monkey is not let go!” Li Tian thought in his heart.

“You are optimistic, I just pushed half of the needle against the little monkey! Now I’m going to pierce the other half too!” As she said, the female wandering monkey reached out and lifted the little monkey upside down. , Facing the other side of the little wandering monkey, he stuck his **** down.

After about a few seconds, the little wandering monkey, who was already soft, suddenly became agile and fled into the group of monkeys screaming in horror.

Now that there was this female wandering monkey doing the experiment, Li Tian felt more relieved, and handed the needle to Manzi to let Manzi give the captain an injection!

Get an injection! Ha ha!

The barbarian was also cautious when he gave the captain’s injection, his eyes were full of tenderness, and Li Tian really wanted to vomit.

Your sister, the captain is a zombie, okay, now there is no pain at all, okay? You will die if you stick straight down.

After a few seconds, sure enough, the captain’s hands and feet could move.

Seeing that the captain was able to move, the female monkey breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Li Tian: “Now your friends have returned to normal, which proves that we have absolutely no malicious intentions and have no intention of threatening you.”

The mother wandering monkey continued: “If I am not wrong, you should be looking for something in the Qinling Mountains. If you don’t mind, we can cooperate. You help us, we help you find things!”

The Qinling Mountains are thousands of kilometers long. Even if Li Tian knew that the location of the fourteenth-level mutant mourning bear was in the Qinling Mountains near Beitang City, trying to find the mutant mourning bear would be like finding a needle in a haystack. Even if Li Tian had already launched the mutant crow, the mutant bat, the flying yaksha, the earth travel yaksha, the void yaksha, etc. began to search in all directions, this has been so long, and no trace of the mutant bear has been found.

“Okay, let me first talk about what we need to find, and see if you and your monkey grandchildren can help me find it. If we can, then we will cooperate. If we can’t do it, then don’t waste it. It’s time for each other!” Li Tian said.

“You said, what are you looking for? Is it the entrance to the Qinling maze? Or is it the moral truth that Lao Tzu left on the viewing platform?” said the mother mourning monkey.

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