Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Chapter 407: Bored Shadow

Three days and three nights, the first day ended, the announcement having been made on the early morning, and so the night settled in, a faint moonlight piercing through a veil of clouds every so often, drowned away by the more powerful shine produced by flames of torches planted all around, dancing in the wind, casting wild shadows upon the tents erected by the knights of the south behind the fortifications, a few of them still walking around even at these hours, the promise of an oath preventing sneaky attacks did not stop many from worrying about them.

Soldiers had their nerves put to the test, they were no strangers to conflict, but the prospect of fighting decaying corpses, of great strength, of great numbers and that for unending lengths of time, they had to prepare mentally, each had a very different idea of what it would be like to face these creatures, some convinced that it would be just like facing living opponents, some fearing that their weapons would be utterly useless against their opponents.

Many had their sleep compromised by such thoughts, rolling around in their beds, sweating from the heat that persisted in the night, only worsened by the density of people all around, in this parade of insomnia and sweat, a cloaked figure moved and walked around, both in the embrace of dark, and the nakedness of light, passing right by wandering knights and soldiers going out to relieve themselves, none batting an eye as that shadow brushed up against arms and shoulders, cloak fluttering wildly, manifesting in vile and horrid silhouettes by the shapes it took upon.

Neither knights nor soldiers seemed to find issue, the lone shadow moved around the camp unbothered, only coming to a halt before a rack containing spears for the usage of soldiers, knights cared for their own equipment too much to leave it out of their reach, reaching the tip of one of them, enclosing a palm around it, and as if plucking a mushroom from the soil, gave light twist, neatly separating the iron from the wooden handle, weighting it, flipping it in the air like coin, finally pinching the object in between thumb and index, held in direction of the moon, as if inspecting the work of who had forged this weapon.

A knight approached from behind, tilting their head, muttering something under their breath as they grabbed the spear turn staff, asking someone returning from a midnight emptying of the bladder about it, definitely dissatisfied that a weapon was ruined before any fighting even began.

This knight walked away with the shaft, whilst the shadow, whomst had not stopped inspecting for even a second, kept the other piece, walking into a nearby tent, pushing the flap of fabric that served as a doorway, giving way to rows of beds with men shining from sweat upon them, approaching one laying at the center.

Chest rising and lowering at a regular pace, a most masculine odour emanating most strongly from the hairy portions of his body, this soldier seemed to be in the throes of a nightmare, or rather, of a sleep paralysis as both eyes were wide open and most clearly directed at an empty spot, trying to stand up, the man was unable to, only able of staring at the devilish manifestation of his inner fear, utterly oblivious as the shadow softly pushed the broken spear point onto skin, turning the metallic object as though calibrating a clock.

Bringing their thumb onto the other end, like squashing a bug, pressing and pivoting the finger from left to right, right to left, left to right, right to left, one last press and like magic, the piece of spear was gone.

A long exhale escaped the soldier, eyes still focused on a figment of his imagination, whilst a sneaky shadow rubbed their stained thumb upon the sheets, stepping out of the tent, passing dozens of other people, climbing onto the wall, stepping off the wall, passing through the maddeningly meshed camp of the undead, walked into the water, swam through the barrier, and climbed onto the platform.

"As asked, I killed one, only one soldier! The hardest part was stopping my own hands from breaking the necks of anyone else, they were so close, I could taste their thoughts! It's like being a child in a candy store, you want everything, but if you tried, the owner would throw rocks at you for trying to steal, like you would have noticed anything if I was trying to steal from you! Stay connected with My Virtual Library Empire

Old bastard, I hope you liked the taste when all your stock was stuffed directly into your stomach!" proclaiming indignation, the shadow approached Loimos tapping his chest with their index.

"Loimy, why don't you just let me slaughter them all in their sleep? It's easier, it's quicker and I would be happy, do you not want to make me happy? Honestly, I feel like you've been trying to kill me from boredom for the past years!"

"It is important to let the vanguard deal with this war without overwhelming help, they will not always have you at their disposal" explained Loimos, Maliah continuously pummelling him as he did so.

The murder enthusiast was pretty much always around, but much to her dismay, the opportunity to kill was not appearing nearly as often as she would like, and even when Loimos called for her assassination expertise, it was rarely for a good slaughter as she loved them.

Loimos was just making a demonstration here, he had made oaths with the regional lords, but had left himself a loophole to exploit, the loophole's name being Maliah, The Death Dealer, who was not yet an undead, and thus had no problem walking through the barrier, or breaking the oaths made as she was not counted within it, the lords would know if Loimos or one of his subordinates had done something against the terms of the contract, and since they could know this, and would not suspect that Death's Chosen Champion would hang out with a living, Alisart and the soldiers could only assume that it was not coming from him.

By timing it with the battle declaration, he ensured that they wouldn't even have the opportunity of investigating anything.

A devilish, yet incredibly simple plan.

One simply needed to endure Maliah's complaining, which Loimos could handle all day without flinching.

"By the way…" the assassin sighed putting both fist against her hips "...I ran into One a while back, been some time since she got a hold of you"

Considering that she was not saying anything else, Loimos concluded that she was waiting for him to actively engage in the conversation.

"Did she have anything to say to me?"

"You know Loimy, I know that you are not actually oblivious, you just act like your undeath makes you non-receptive, I know you understand every single thing and every nuance when someone speaks to you, you don't fool me…"

"...But anyways, I could not help but notice that something happened across undead kind when you came up with that crystal, you know, the one to make-" she made a most vivid image of it using one hand and two fingers, mimicking the movement of a piston "-Into a thing for the undead, and let me tell you, many are now excessively interested into the rot rod, absolutely disgusting by the way, the fact that they put the image into my mind should be a crime"

"All that to say, she's coming to get you, that vampire is thirsty for corpse juice… I can't believe this is the most entertaining thing I have to do right now, there isn't anything to kill, somewhere?"

Loimos pointed at a nearby ship.

"There is an inhabited island this way, with the vanguard at war, I give you fill clearance to take care of islands, simply remember to keep at least ten percent of the corpses in good states and to not destroy any records, architecture or the environment"

Maliah's mouth took the shape of an O.

"Loimos… If you were not a filthy skeleton that drips with rot and ungodly liquids, I might have hugged you, but I prefer fresh blood and gore"

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