Pestilence: Rise Of The Pure Undead

Chapter 198: Properties Of Lord Blood

"This here is my little fort, where I was originally planning of settling down upon our victory against the living, growing blood fruits for all my fellow vampires to enjoy and feast upon, since blood would eventually become a rare resource when all life was eradicated, or so some believed, as such, I went ahead and came up with this way of growing blood endlessly, quite handy, plant these everywhere and you're laughing" Dracula and Loimos stood on the highest balcony of this unnamed castle, the gravelord seemingly content with acting as a tour guide.

Pointing at specific corpses turned trees, telling the skeleton about the particular history of the more interesting ones.

"You know, making something into a vampire can prove a fair bit difficult for the majority of us, even gravelords, the stronger the being, the harder it is if they are not willing, and they rarely are in spite of the many advantages, all afraid of a little bit of biting and scratching…"

"Vespertillo and Atsalinopalo have it easier, one focuses on turning beasts into vampires, and most will comply if beaten over the head enough, the other, well, Atsalinopalo is a weird one, I don't quite get it, but he can turn artificial life into vampires, by that, I mean golems, automatons or pure spirits, not actual imitations of life, he only found this out after getting seriously messed up by Ynigós and requiring some get some spare parts, but I digress"

The gravelord gestured toward a group of vampires, all of Nosferatu's blood.

"See those guys with the ugly mugs? Nosferatu really imprints his face on his descendants, be they man or woman, can you seriously believe that this guy was originally a member of some greater elves before undeath?

But enough insulting him, he has the most unstable blood of all of us, its special properties often prove too chaotic for those he is trying to turn to actually manage it, most of his subordinates fail to completely acclimate too…"

He waved at the vampires, all wholly unaware that the handsome gravelord had just thrown dirt to their entire kind.

"... But it has the advantage of not being limited to any species and such, me and the twins have ease turning specific beings, I can manage human and other similar species myself, but I still find it simpler to do so with dragons and all that relates, Nosferatu had unstable transformations across the board, but he can succeed with any sort"

Loimos listened to the gravelord's endless talking, even if some of what was being said was not very useful, the skeleton knew to not interrupt a lord, also, he had since long realised that amongst the undead, he was more of an exception than the rule.

Many of the sapient undead had personalities and emotions, it was something that was shared with life, just that the lesser undeads simply lacked them entirely, so Dracula just wanting to speak with someone new was naught but natural, and should thus be allowed.
Experience tales at empire

"What about Sun-Walker?"

"Ah, Sun-Walker, I am not aware of much about him, he only ever turned one person into a vampire and no other, his unwillingness to spread his legacy and extend his number of subordinates should have been a sign for us to be wary off, we were too convinced that one chosen by death as a gravelord could not turn their back on us, the full extent of his vampiric blood will most likely never be unfurled" Dracula almost seemed despondent.

The two undeads walked around the castles, the vampire lord speaking in detail about his fellow lords, of the undead court, and of course, the undead king, Nitok.

Up until they found themselves outside of the castle, facing the two mighty dragons guarding the fortress.

"It is a sad state of affairs, but those two are all that remains of my famed dragons, nor are they the mightiest my flock had to offer, during the great war, all life and all death converged against one another, an epic melee of impossible proportions, gods and divinites were felled, heroes and champions arose and fell like leaves throughout the year, the legendary species such as giants and dragons joined the fight early on, proving difficult opponents to face alongside the numerous kingdoms and empires"

He turned to a dragon of titanic proportions skewered on a spike.

"Of course, me and my ability to make dragons into vampires called for it to be my duty to deal with the airborne threats, countless clashes ensued, the numbers of dragons on both sides slowly dwindling, the strongest were killed and destroyed, leaving only the lesser ones, though, that frost dragon you mention sounded rather interesting…"

Dracula turned to Loimos.

"But enough monologuing, you have been given a much difficult task, and it would be a shame for you to do nothing but relay a message, take my hand" this was literal, the gravelord casually detached his limb, giving it to the skeleton, pouring a hefty amount of blood with it, not a single drop missing its destination.

"If that primeval rot you mentioned works like I understood, that should give you a nice boost, that is but the tip of the iceberg however, I would wager that your special ability and impressive death force means that nothing is truly entirely out of reach for you"

"I shall impart upon you my knowledge and signature blood technique, none of my fellow vampire lords are as diligent and refined with their blood manipulation as I" as he once again, not so subtly, took a jab at his compatriots, a spike exactly like those impaling the many corpses around appeared right in between him and the skeleton.

"To put it simply, I impale, the spikes interact with the blood of the victim, first sending a bit of my blood into theirs, if they accept it, they are turned, if they don't, the sudden injection will go haywire, making them go into a state of shock, then, the spike will drain all of their blood, distinguishing between the victim's and my own, ensuring that my vampiric blood never leaves their veins during the process, generally, I stab them about a dozen times at minimum at the same time, preferably in places where it hurts especially much"

"Mmh, my bad, I was expecting some sort of reaction, forgot who I was talking to for a second, but anyways, to learn this technique which allows to attacks from great distances, and makes the very soil your playground, one must first learn to solidify blood, although, that might not be necessary for you…"

And thus, Loimos began learning from Dracula, Son Of Dragon, the vampire whose kin was the most widespread.

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