Chapter 77: R12
Chapter 12
Years past
293 AL
Edmure POV
Time has passed as I attended meetings with my father, learned from maester Vyman, and taught my squire Samwell how to fight. Days became weeks, weeks turned months, and then finally years. Nothing of most import has happened in this time.
Well, things did change. With the demand for clear glass growing, the Dorne needed more soda-ash, or how people called it here, snow-ash. At first, it was hard to reproduce the heat required to produce it, but Wildfire worked just fine, even if it was dangerous.
So the roads needed to be accessible. The now so-called snow-ash was found in the Northern Mountains. It was hard to transfer it to the white harbor, the bandits trying to steal it, camping near the King's road. Well, that is why we agreed to hire the company of Rose, to patrol the road. The Stormbreakers were hired to protect the ships going from White Harbor.
It left a bad taste in the mouth to rely on the sellswords, but it was cheaper than to raise our own forces from nothing. But it didn't mean that we didn't increase our house's guard number. Steadily over the past two years, we trained up to thousand men. That was only Tully's guard. My good brother didn't want to increase that much, but he made six hundred from two hundred men.
Of course, we didn't just keep them in our castles. They patrol the roads, guard some towns, and so on. With the increase in trade within our lands, there was an increase in bandits and thieves too. Many travels through the Twins, with good security on the King's road. As expected, they have asked for a ludicrous amount of toll.
It's to say they become rich by doing nothing. Well, soon, Freys will pay what is due. As the marriage between princess Arianne and me is coming soon. I have decided to organize a tourney, with prizes as high as ten thousand gold dragons for a winner. It will be held at the Harrenhall, with everyone in the seven kingdoms invited.
It might look foolish to organize it in Harrenhall and not at Riverrun, but it is within my plans. As the last tourney was disastrous there, to say at least, many will have doubts. While others think of the past, I will set the motion for the future.
Bringing another civil war, even if this time it will be at a smaller scale. I can't leave the Freys alone anymore. Thinking they can profit from my hard work. Well, it didn't really matter. They would have been dealt anyway, but now I have an opportunity.
With the rise of my and Stark Houses, Lannisters become wary of us. Storlords weren't keen on trading and economics. Vale was hard to get to, as mountain clans were hard to deal with. Only Guilltown has seen an increase in trade. Still, the western part didn't get much trade as the eastern part.
I know for a fact that Lannisters are working on something to get a better piece. The Twins become a very desirable place, more than ever before. So what would happen if the lord and his heir were to die? Lannister's would do anything to put their family in front. Other houses wouldn't just watch it. They would fight for the Twins too.
After letting a bit of fighting, I will put the Twins to the sword.
At the great hall of Riverrun, a court was in session. I was sitting next to my father as we heard a member of the merchant guilt complain. It seems that there is a new bandit group at the southern part of River Road. Ambushing and stealing the merchandise from them.
"I have heard enough. It will be dealt with soon enough. You will be able to continue with your business," My father, Lord Paramount of the Trident, promised the merchant.
"Father, let me gather the men and hunt those bandits," I ask for my father's permission. "My wedding is nearing. I can't let some bandits disturb the peace in our lands."
"Very well, you will take a hundred guards, and I will send a letter to Lord Piper and Lord Vance to support you," Father agreed. I took the merchant to private chambers to question him further.
After an hour of questioning, it seems there are eighty to a hundred men in the bandit group. It's hard to say, as they are ruthless to their victims. Killing everyone that is caught.
After gathering my men, I rode to the south, along the River Road. I didn't rush. It would be pretty bad if we are caught in a surprise ambush. I have sent some scouts and employed a merchant to check who these bandits were selling their goods.
On the fourth day of riding, we were joined by ser Marq Piper with forty men and Ser Ronald Vance with another fifty men. Now with little less than two hundred men, I could plan to capture all of the bandits.
"They will see such a big group of armed men, from leagues away," I tell ser Marq and ser Ronald.
"Yes, they would just run away and wait until we leave," Ser Marq agreed with me.
"What should we do? Split our forces?" Ser Ronald asks.
"Hmm, it might be risky, but we could disguise ourselves as merchant caravan," I tell of what I think.
"It could work. At the same time, we could split our forces to the west and east," Ser Marq agrees. "If they come from the south, one group would stay as bait, the other two would then attack them from the sides."
"Let me stay as bait," Ser Ronald asks me.
"No, if we want for all the bandits to attack, we need to use the most extensive group. So they would think that we are juice enough," I explain to them. "My guards and I will dress as merchants. Acting as juicy bait for them while you two will take to the sides."
"How will we know when to attack?" Ser Roland asks.
"I have a horn. It should be loud enough for you to hear," I answer.
"Isn't it too risky for you? Most of your men will have to be without any good armor," Ser Marq asks.
"Don't worry, all my men have chain mail, and the ones who don't need to change will be in front," I answer him. "We won't take many casualties, as long as you both aren't late."
"Well, how could I leave all the fun to the Redfish. It is time for our names to spread, too," Ser Ronald responds with a laugh.
"Fine, as soon as they attack, you better blast your horn," Ser Marq tells me.
"As you wish, mom," I respond with a laugh.
After having a couple of drinks, we called it a night.
Marq POV
Not many knew, but there are few passages with shallow water. They were created with new dams and waterwheels over the Red Fork. Only lords living near knew of those passages. A small group could go through them without others ever knowing. That is why this plan should work. Even if those bandits knew of Lord Tully's forces, they couldn't possibly know of mine and ser Roland's forces.
So after few days of riding, I wasn't surprised when I heard a horn blow. Ordering for the men to follow me, we rode towards the sound. We were a lit bit ahead, but it seemed to work out even better. As the bandits attacked ser Edmure, ser Roland struck from the west to their side. So now, as I came from the east, the bandits had their back on us.
There was no escape for them. As we rode through the bandits easily. Hitting them with our lances at their backs. In a couple of moments, the fight was over. The only direction the bandits could flee was northeast. Few managed to escape, but they won't go far. A river laid in that direction.
"Ser Marq, good job," Ser Edmure says to me. "I want you to get your fastest horses and chase the others."
"Very well," I agreed and gathered a score of best riders, and followed the bandits.
It didn't take long before we caught up to them. Seeing us, the last of the bandits dropped their weapons and surrendered. I tied them up and brought them back to ser Edmure. He was cleaning the battlefield with his men. Checking on his men and gathering dropped equipment.
"Ah, you already back," Ser Edmure says after seeing me. "Well, it seems that the man who brought the least of men did the most of work."
"Damn you, Marq, if it wasn't for us distracting them, you wouldn't have most of the kills," Ser Ronald complains, and ser Edmure just laughs.
"Stop complaining. Next time you should just be better." Ser Edmure responds with a laugh and a pat at ser Roland's back. "Both of you did well. I have only lost a couple of my men. Your fathers will know of your feats and be rewarded accordingly."
With those words, he dismissed us. I felt the pride fill me. The Redfish himself complimented us. Even if most of the time he speaks and acts friendly with us. He is considered one of the best knights in Westeros. He is renowned as the best sword in the Riverlands. In these past couple of years, ser Edmure has defeated dozens of the bandit groups.
The Redfish was an even more famous name than this uncle's Blackfish. With two excellent knights coming from Tully's, many look at them with respect. I am no different. I take any opportunity to fight along his side, like many others.
Samwell POV
As ser Edmure has left, I was training with ser Desmond. Ser Edmure would not take me with him, ever. He told me I was still too young. It isn't like I want to fight some bandits, but other squires talked about how lucky I was to squire under the Redhish himself. It has gotten bothersome, as I wasn't better than anyone, even worse than most at fighting.
No matter how much I try, I just can't wield any weapon at an acceptable level. As I was thinking about those things, I was knocked down by ser Desmond.
"Again, you didn't concentrate on the fighting, Samwell," Ser Desmond tells me.
"I am sorry," I answered.
"Let's rest for today. Edmure should be coming back soon," He says.
After cleaning up, I did exercises that ser Edmure has taught me. I knew I was a little too fat, but it was hard to stop eating when I started. Ser Edmure said it was fine, that I was still growing. But other children liked to call me names.
It was getting late when ser Edmure came back with his men. It seems like he won another battle. As he rode through the gates, many children gathered to look at him. I was among them. We only dispersed after ser Edmure left to report to Lord Hoster.
The next day was the same as others. I was reading about the wonders of the world when I was called to come to the courtyard. There I was met with ser Edmure, who again have laid every kind of weapon on the ground.
"Take a weapon you want and come at me," He commanded me.
Picking up a sword, I lifted it and ran at him. He blocked my strikes, and after few moments, he disarmed me. Next, I picked up an ax and again tried to strike him. His time, he dodged me and hit me at the back. After getting up, I picked up a spear, trying to pierce him. He caught the wooden shaft and yanked it from me.
"Get some water and come at me again," He ordered me.
After resting for a few moments, I decided to pick up a shortsword and a shield. Ser Edmure looked at me and motioned me to come at him. I charged at him. He quickly deflected my sword but was too late to dodge my bash of the shield. It took me some time to register that I have hit him.
"Looks like we found a weapon suitable for you," He says, and I looked at him confused. "Don't look at me like that. A shield can be as good a weapon as any blade. Now, how about a mace to go together with."
Afterward, I always fought with a shield in my hand.