Chapter 71: r6
Chapter 6
A.N. I don't know where the hate for the Martells came from, but I don't think they are so bad. Martells in tv show suck, in books I liked them, even if Doran ruin everything by hiding his plan from his family. Still, at this point, Arianne is 14 years old, her character will change a bit. And no the Martells won't just kill Edmure, even if Oberyn really wanted, it would be disastrous for them. Doran is someone who cares for his people, at least that what I think.
Journey to Dorne
290 AL
Edmure POV
Our first stop was at the Inn of the Kneeling Man. It was always full of travelers and merchants alike. Our group was the biggest one among them, so it wasn't a surprise when we garnered much attention.
Ordering for ale and meat for us, we found a place to sit. Patrek was already flirting with a waitress. Before we reach Ruby Ford, I called the matron to prepare the supplies we will need. We only could resupply at Darry's after leaving.
"Well, well, if it isn't the Redfish?" One of the man, from Twins, says in a loud voice. "I hear you have eaten Lord Drumm alive. It seems that you have taken some of the Northern traditions."
"If you believe that, I would advise you to be more careful at night," I reply to the man. "I might get hungry, and you look quite tasty."
He shuts up as laugher fills the inn. Some men even toast towards me. It seems that people indeed don't like Freys. With a lively atmosphere, I let my guards relax and have some drinks.
As the sun sets, I order them to go to bed, as we will be leaving with the first light tomorrow. Patrek was already gone with the waitress. It seems he will have to ride while being tired.
Time was crucial to me. Even knowing nothing significant would happen in the coming years, it always felt that there is not enough time for me. I need to prepare for the future, and I don't know what changes I will make.
I couldn't just do nothing if I wanted to secure my future. Even if it brings many changes, I could only hope that all will be for good.
The following morning, Patrek barely keeping himself straight on his horse as we left the Inn of the Kneeling Man. With supplies prepared, we rode for Ruby ford. It would take a couple of days to reach it.
On the way, we met many travelers from all around Westeros. As the Riverlands were in its center, it wasn't that surprising. Still, it gave me an idea of what the Riverlands can become.
Making it a central hub for the merchants would bring many benefits. Merchants could convey information about others lords and their lands. Making my own merchant guild, I could make a spy network.
It seems that I have many things to think about on my way to Dorne. With ideas coming to my head as I see more of the world.
Already I have started to formulate a new plan. If I can get some agreement from Doran Martell, gold won't be an issue. I just need to begin to research new inventions. We already have waterwheel we could make more of them, and use them for forging and other things.
"What are you thinking about now, Ed?" Patrek asks, getting close to me.
"Nothing, just thinking what I must do once we return back home," I reply to him.
"What there to think about, just get laid, you are thinking and worrying all the time." He says to me. "You are younger than me but look older than my father."
"I am an heir of the Riverrun. I am to be the Lord Paramount of the Trident after my father," I tell him. "I must always be thinking of the future of our lands and our house."
"You are to be. It is still a long time before you take the duties of your father. For now, you should relax more." He replies to me.
Maybe he is right. I have been thinking too much of the late. I should relax, gather my thoughts, and list what I can do and can't.
At Darry's castle, we weren't welcomed very warmly. The house of Darry was hit badly by loyalists. The current lord had lost his three older brothers in the Robert rebellion. After that, his lands were confiscated. The only house, not talking about Targaryens, who lost just as much were Connington's of Griffin's Roost.
The Martells, the Tyrells were left unscathed, while smaller houses took the punishment. It wasn't fair, but life isn't fair. At the time, there was no point in fighting other influential houses. But someone had to take responsibility for their choices.
Lord Raymun Darry let us camp near his castle and only let Patrek and me inside. He acted respectfully, but you could see he wanted us to leave. After having a meal, I asked for him to have a talk, he reluctantly agreed.
"I got the letter from your father." He begins the conversation. "I don't know what games you're playing, but I am not interested."
"We don't play any games," I reply, trying to ensure him that there is no foul play going on. "We just thinking of the future of the Riverlands."
"Wendish town belongs to us only in the name, they pay their taxes, but that is all the power I have over the town." He informs me.
"It is in a central position of the other side of the Red Fork. We should invest in it more, making it more secure, cleaning roads towards it, would bring more merchants and more travelers." I try to explain to him. "As it is now, it is an easy target for the Lannister to take."
"Why would Lannister want it?" he asked with piqued curiosity. After all, he hated Lannister more than the King.
"Why they wouldn't? Do you think we will keep this peace for long? King Robert's position right now is good, but for how long will it last?" I asked. "Once he dies, it will be Lannisters who rule. The queen is still calling herself a Lannister, for god's sake, how much obvious you need to be?"
"So you saying there might be a conflict against them." He says to me.
"It is only the question of when," I reply to him, with a severe voice. "I know your hatred for them, I suspect there might be a civil war against Lannisters and Baratheons, and the Riverlands will be in the middle of it."
"As it always has." He agrees with me. "Aye, your words have some truth in them. I will support you in this venture. It's my town, after all, it will be me who benefits the most."
"Aye, I just want to secure the western part of my family lands," I inform him.
After our talk with Lord Raymun, he became more pleasant around us. The next day we hit the road again. I didn't want to stay here for long. Who knows who is spying on us. There was no reason to let anyone know that we had become closer to Darry's.
Now it was a straight road to Maidenpool, with only a few villages between us. It will take us about four days to arrive. On the way, we found a fishing village to take some rest. People here seemed not too disturbed by our arrival.
"Hello, good man, could I ask if there is an inn we could rest for the night?" I asked an elderly man.
"Here is, on the other side of the village, my lord." He answers me. "It is the biggest building, hard to miss."
"Thank you for your time," I tell him and ride further down.
"It seems this village has never met any bandits or the horrors of the war," Patrek says, observing the smallfolk. "They didn't even bat an eye at us. We could have been bandits or some sellsword company."
"It is a nice place indeed," I reply to him. "I only hope it stays like it."
After finding a small inn, we rested for the night, asking people what they thought about their lords or of the war. I learn that most of them aren't really concerned about those things. Only a few older men knew who their lord even was.
We soon reached Maidenpool, deciding to visit Mootons. I heard that Lord William Mooton was cowardly and timid. So when I met him and saw his pale skin with a soft face, I understood that he doesn't leave his home very often.
As house Mooton are seated at Maidenpool and have access to the Bay of Crabs, they are pretty rich. Richer than my own house, but I have nothing to worry about with such a lord as the head of the house.
Lord William spoke softly and respectfully to me but kept his distance. His son was quite a lad, coming to me and asking for stories of how I become the Redfish. He seems to be aspiring to become a great knight one day.
Not wanting to stay here much longer, I have found a ship that will bring us to a Planky Town. After the Ironborn threat was dealt with, more ships were going to western shores than usual.
Captain Jack talked about how much more he can earn trading with western Kingdoms. He can travel to the North without being disturbed any more. It seems people can make quite a bit by selling their merchandise in the North.
Thinking that if by sea merchants like to travel north, there will be ones on the land who want to do so too. That means the Twins will be earning some coins by charging them. I need to think of how to weaken the Freys.
Having clear weather and a competent crew, our journey won't take long. Stopping on other harbors only to resupply and check for customers. It seemed that in no time had we reached Stepstones, we slowed down our pace as pirates are roaming even in most peaceful times.
At Evenhall, we heard rumors of a new pirate sailing through these seas in a silent ship. I thought of Euron Greyjoy, hoping to not meet him any time soon or never. It seemed that my luck has not run out, as we met nobody and our voyage was peaceful till we reached Planky Town.
At the Planky Town, I let the men rest for a day, as it won't take long to reach the seat of Martells. Some were grateful as it was their first time sailing, and getting seasick wasn't a good experience.
While others were resting, I employed Patrek to go to brothels and have some fun, but at the same time found more information. I went to the tavern, sitting in a quiet corner. I listened to people talk. It seems that Prince Oberyn had come back to Dorne.
I don't know much of him. I hope he won't be a problem for me, as his hatred for Lannisters is well known. He probably hates everyone loyal to king Robert too. Prince Doran wants to bring down Baratheons and everyone loyal to them down too. The difference is that prince Doran won't do anything if it will endanger his family and people.
That is something I can respect. In our own way, we are similar to each other. We do anything to ensure the future of our house, but I am not that patient, and I know what is waiting for us in the future.
Thinking of those things, I see someone sit at my table. Looking at the man with long black hair and olive skin. He was tall and moved gracefully but had a dangerous atmosphere around him.
"Did you really thought you can come to Dorne without us knowing about it?" The man tells me.
"I didn't know that I need a permit to travel to Dorne," I replied to him. "And as prince Doran refused to answer my letters, I decided to visit him personally."
"You're not welcomed there, as any dog of the King." He tells me. "Take your friend and leave."
"Well, I heard many things about you, prince Oberyn, but I never thought you are so rude," I say to him. "It doesn't matter if I am welcomed or not. I won't leave until I met with Prince Doran.
"My brother is a busy man. He has no time for your kind." He replies to me.
"Hmm, and I thought I would inform him that this plan won't work," I tell him.
"What do you know?" He asks me. "I would be careful of what you speak."
"If you want to kill me, please be my guest, even if the king himself doesn't show up for justice, my good brothers will," I tell him trying do not to show any fear. "I don't think your brother wants a war with Riverlands, Vale, and North."
"You know nothing of what my brother wants." He says to me.
"Don't I?" I ask with a light smile. "Then I am mistaken about him wanting to marry his daughter to the last dragon."
He falters a little bit there, still keeping his coll. I might have dug my grave, but at least I got his attention. Prince Oberyn is unpredictable, but I don't think he would do anything stupid.
"It seems you are quite brave for a fish." He said to me and seemed to relax.
"I want to meet prince Doran," I tell him. "We are not friends, but we have a common enemy."
"My brother will be awaiting you at the Water Garden. You will come alone." He tells me and leaves.
It was a terrifying experience, to say at least, but it seems it worked out fine. I have to think of what I am going to say to Prince Doran carefully. I wouldn't want to make him see me as an enemy.