Chapter 69: R4
Road back home
289 Al
Edmure POV
Gotten back to Seagard, we were welcomed as heroes, Patrek was boasting about his feats to everyone he met. I, on the other hand, was quieter, still thinking about what I have done, looking at the red Valyrian sword, I thought how easily I had become an animal. I did what I had to survive, I told myself, but still, even now I felt the taste of blood in my mouth.
Looking forward is what I must do, my plan has started, I can't turn back. This sword will remind me of it.
Meeting Lord Jason, I explain how I wished to go back to Riverrun, he told me that he already knew, I wouldn't stay here much longer. So after a week of rest and preparation, I and Patrek got our horses and left for Riverrun.
Firstly we went to a Hag's Mire and met with the Landed knight house Nayland, who were all too happy to meet us, and let us rest in their home. After buying some supplies in the village, we left for Oldstones the very next day.
The Oldstones is a ruined castle that once belonged to the House Mudd, kings of the old. The only thing that was left of the old castle was its foundations overgrown with weeds. The roads were tricky to travel to say at least, so I and Patrek have decided to camp there for a night.
"Look of what has left to the legacy of the Mudd house," Patrek says observing the ruins.
"It was said that this is a place where Tristifer IV Mudd, has beheaded the King of the Mountain and Vale, Roland II Arryn," I reply to him. "Now only stories are left."
"Well the Mudds were defeated by Andals, and their castle fell to ruin over the centuries after," Patrek tells me putting more wood into the campfire.
"It seems that it's the fate of all Kings in the Riverlands, they fall and their castles fell to ruin," I reply, remembering of Harren the Black and Harrenhal.
The following day we arrived at Ramsford, another small village, the roads have become better as we left the swamp of the Sevenstreams. Looking at the small village, I could see children playing around without any worry, some looking at us with admiration, the older ones with caution.
After staying a night here, we crossed the Blue Fork, on the bridge of the village. The bridge was old, with some stones missing, other stones lifted, it was hard to cross to the other side. Deciding to write it on my notes, that the bridge should be rebuilt, for merchants and others to travel more easily.
As I wrote that, I saw an old man trying to cross the bridge with his cart and struggling. Going to him I told to tie it to my horse, so I could pull it over. After the old men thanked us, he told me that there was a bandit group south of Wendish Town, in Lord Blackwood lands.
It so happens that our next stop was Wendish Town. After that I wanted to visit Raventree Hall.
After a week of careful travel on the horses, we reached the town in the middle of the north and south Riverlands.
Putting in my notes to invest in this town and make it more secure. So more travelers and merchants could take a rest there. With some luck, it could become a rich town filled with people.
After taking few days of rest, getting supplies, and gathering more information about the bandit group, we continued our journey. The next stop is the Raventree Hall, the seat of the house Blackwood. We rode slowly and carefully, as two well-dressed men, were quite a catch for bandits.
Deciding it would be good to visit the old family in good faith, as they are one of the most powerful houses in the Riverlands. Being concerned about the mentioned bandits and why Blackwoods haven't taken care of them, was just a part of the reason I wanted to go there.
"Welcome, ser Edmure, ser Patrek, to my home." Greeted Lord Tytos Blackwood us with his family of seven, his five sons were close to him, as we arrived to Raventree Hall. "I have heard you were going to the Riverrun, I am happy that you decided to visit us."
"I always wanted to meet the house that once were kings, and take a look at the famous Raventree Hall," I reply to him and after he introducing us to his five sons, we went to have some meal.
"I have heard that you were knighted by ser Barristan himself after you defeated lord Drumm at the single combat." The eldest son of nine name-days of old, Brynden, says to me.
"Aye, it is true, my friend here have saved my life and killed the Lord of the Old Wyk," Patrek tells him of the battle.
"You can hear more of the tales of the battle at the Iron Islands, after dinner, now let our guest rest." Lord Tytos tells his son.
After dinner, we were shown to our rooms as it has gotten dark, I decided to go to the bed, and let Patrek tell the story of the battles we fought. The following morning Lord Tytos wanted to have breakfast with me alone.
"So boy, why have you come to my house, does Lord Hoster wants anything from us, grabbing more power for himself." He starts, in my travels I had to find out that some don't like my father, thinking him of scheming and grabbing power wherever he could.
"My father doesn't even know that I am here, I just wanted to sightsee the lands, that one day I will rule," I reply to him. "I know not everyone likes my father, but you should show more respect to your liege lord."
"Aye, I apologize, it just that I have bandit problem in my lands, and every time I chase them, they run to the damn Brackens lands, and they refuse to deal with them." He tells me. "I have sent for Lord Hoster to ask for permission to go to the Bracken lands, but was refused."
"I see, now you think that my father sides with Brackens," I say understanding what plagues him. "I have heard of them, now that I am here, I should help you take care of them."
"Good, the Brackens are brazen, but if it's you who leads my men, they could do nothing." Lord Tytos agrees.
"Now tell me more of those bandits," I ask for more information.
"There are about two scores of them, all with horses and steel swords." He informs me.
"Isn't that a bit too much? How could a mere bandit group have that kind of equipment?" I ask confused.
"Aye, I suspect it is those damn Brackens, they probably give it to them so they can wreak havoc in my lands." Lord Tytos explains to me with anger in his voice.
"It could be, when have they appeared?" I ask.
"Just after the war, they have come from nowhere, with steel swords and riding fine horses." He tells me.
"Hmm, it could be some deserters from Westerlands, or maybe the Lannisters themselves have sent them," I say.
"Why would they send some bandits to my lands?" He asks.
"For this," I answer and show my Valyrian sword. "It is known, how much Lord Tywin wants a Valyrian sword, and it so happens that, an owner of it is traveling alone through these lands, it wouldn't be hard for some bandits to take it from me."
"Aye, I have heard that you won, the famed Red Rain from late Lord Drumm, but could Lannister really try to take it from you?" He asks, not convinced.
"Who knows, but if they do then Brackens are helping them," I answer. "Well, it doesn't matter, we have to deal with them anyway."
"Very well, I already have a hundred men and horses prepared, if you get rid of those bandits, I would be very grateful." He tells me.
"It is my duty, to help my family's bannermen," I reply.
The next day we prepared to leave, knowing that those bandits are hiding in the woods of east of here, between Blackwood and Bracken lands. It takes a full day to get there, so we left with the first light.
It was already late evening when we got near the woods, with little questioning of the small villages and farmers, we now knew it for certain that the bandits were hiding here. Knowing it would be bad if we were attacked at night in the woods, we set our camp outside of it. They will either, seeing us, try to attack or they will run back to Bracken lands, but what they don't know is that it is me who leading the Blackwood forces now.
The night was peaceful. So in the morning we decided to go to the woods and look for any signs of them. It was as predicted, they have ran away, as traces indicated. We followed them, and seeing that they didn't even bother to cover over themselves, I knew they didn't expect to be followed.
At the end of the other side of the woods, stood the camp, in a clearing, without hiding themselves. It seems that Brackens indeed didn't even bother them. Not wanting for anyone to escape, I send a third of my forces to flank them from behind, as the evening came, I prepared for the attack on them.
"Shouldn't we wait until dark, before attacking them?" Patrek asked me curious about my decision.
"No, it is a perfect time, most of them are busy eating and drinking, they are relaxed, at the night they would put sentries, and be prepared for a night raid," I answer him and then turn towards my men. "Well men, you have probably gotten tired of them, wreaking havoc at your homelands, so how about you show what happens when you mess with rivermen."
With my words we charged at them, it was as expected, they have not predicted our attack, once they got their weapons ready it was too late. It was a massacre, running through them, cutting them easily, only ten men managed to escape, but I knew that men will be waiting for them.
After the battle we round up the surviving bandits, and checked their inventory, I decided to give the horses and steel to the man of the Raventree Hall. The gold and silver are to be given to the villages that have suffered from these bandit attacks.
There were few bandits left, after some questioning, I found out that, they were indeed from the Westerlands and that Brackens left them alone as long as they don't cause any troubles in their lands. But it was their words and nothing else to indicate that Lannisters or Brackens were behind them.
I ordered the men to take over the camp, and rest for the night before going back to Raventree Hall. The next morning as we were dismantling the camp, a score of horses were seen coming from east.
Ordering the men to be prepared I went forward to see who was coming, as all the bandits were in my hands or dead, it couldn't be them. After the men got close, I saw a banner of the red horse, in the golden background, so Brackens have decided to come.
"You are trespassing the lands of the house Bracken, without the permission of Lord Jonos Bracken, explain yourselves." As they got close to us, one of them starts to talk, surprisingly it wasn't anyone from the Bracken family, just some knight.
"House Bracken is my father's bannermen that were entrusted to keep peace on their lands, so explain yourselves, what were you doing knowing that there is a bandit camp here?" I replied to him with my own question, not believing how rude the man was.
"And who are you boy?" Asked the man.
"Are you deaf, didn't he already said that the house Bracken is his father's bannermen, who do you think he is, if not the only son of Lord Hoster Tully, the heir of the Riverrun?" Patrek answered in my stead.
"My apologizes, my lord, I didn't know." The man instantly lowers his voice to a more respectful tone.
"Answer my question, why those bandits were on the house Bracken lands, and not dealt with?" I order the man.
"I wouldn't know, my lord, my apologizes." Again he apologizes.
"Fine, tell your lord that if there will a second bandit group in their lands and he doesn't deal with them, then maybe it is too hard for him to keep peace in his lands and the Tullys would be happy to take some lands from him, to lighten his burden," I tell him.
"Yes, my lord, I will pass your words to Lord Bracken." He replies to me and leaves with his men in a hurry.
"What a spineless man." Patrek comments.
"He expected to find Blackwoods, not me, so he thought he had the higher ground," I explain to him. "But once he released it was me, he could only seek for forgiveness."
After the fiasco, I bid the Blackwood men, to go back home, as I and Patrek went to Riverrun, my father needs to be informed of this folly.