Persona: Hero x Villain System

Chapter 94: On the Radar

Chapter 94: On the Radar 

1st Draft so excuse the grammar and typos, i will be cleaning up later. 

His inner thoughts mirrored the ominous storm clouds he was now whisking through under his power. His growing dread overshadowed the enjoyment. Had he made a mistake? Thunder reverberated, shaking him from his thoughts. 

‘He needed windshield wipers at the least, ' he thought as rain poured from the black clouds. 

He darted to a higher altitude, clearing the clouds and ogling the beauty of the experience. Boa drone production hadn’t started yet, so Cole still had to ‘magically’ produce them. Several drones appeared around him. 

Had he made a mistake sending Kaecillus? He shook the thought. Second-guessing himself would lead to further complications. This was Marvel; his followers had to be trusted to care for things without him. 

His issue was that the demoness wasn’t as weak as he expected. He was making plans based on circumspect knowledge at best. He wasn’t on 616, and he needed to drill that into his head.

He quickly discovered the rope that connected them. Kaecillus was a lantern under his control in a way he hadn’t deemed necessary to check. He did know it was the same method Ateocious used. A secret back door he must’ve enabled in the rings upon him creating them. 

It was manipulation, and he didn’t like it. Kaecilius is holding his own now. His surprise attack had caught the transformed demon by surprise, but with her chaos-based magic, even the lantern holder would find it hard to withstand her, especially a demon wielding the potent magic. He knew about chain magic and was a fan of The Scarlet Witch. 

He looked through the man’s eyes and caught himself up on the events. Tyanon had trapped him in an illusion that showed him his deceased family; her actions had caused his transformation, and once again, the lantern ring had shown its worth. 

Lantern transformations were expected, for whatever reason, and undoubtedly related to the system and the verse they were in. This verse held a spectrum but wasn’t governed by entities and conceptual beings like the D.C. universe; things were bound to be different. 

Tyanon used her connection to the chaos realm where she resided to form a body. Kaecillus hadn’t been able to help the operative; they were the newest recruits, all sensitive to the magical arts. 

Beams of red slammed into her. He’s not using constructs but pure blasts of red energy. His Lantern walked her down, her defenses shattering as he cut through her hastily created shields. No longer subscribing to his old name, Ka’l slammed into the demoness. 

‘He’s truly a Lantern now.’ He thought. 

Cole was in a predicament. He needed to field test many of the things he had been awarded, especially his suits. The Mammoth costume was the newest, but he had other plans for that one. He wanted Flanders’ persona debut to be showy and catchy. So, who should show up to the fight? Was that even a notion others had? Possibly those with multiple identities. He thought of Daredevil, and Jason raged at the notion of being similar to the man. 

Name: Cole Stephens

Known Name: Jeremy York

Alias- Red Hood

The Abbott

Race: Updating

Physique: Updating…

Alignment: -Neutral

System-Bank: $5,312,234

Minion(s) Bullseye—Contracted

Anne Weying—Contracted

Kevin Lourdes-Contracted


Angelica “Angel” Jones—Contracted

Dr. Mishimoto-Contracted

Kaecilius- Red Lantern-Holder

Morlocks-Coerc” d 25% “100%


Annalee-Corerced 29%/100%

A.T.C Soldiers- Coerced 12%/100%

Anna Bloom-Contracted

Persona(s)Jason Peter Todd- Red Hood 103%|100%

Daniel Kilgore- Priest - Haunt 50%|50%

Kurt Kilgore- Special Agent - Haunt 50%|50%

Baran Flinders- Mammoth 18|100%


Red Hood Symbiosis Costume

Black Manta Costume

Batman Final Suit-Beyond

Mammoth Costume

Roy Mustang Gloves

Atrocious Lantern Ring

Jokers Crowbar

Batman Utility Belt

Clark Kent’s Glasses

Clark Kent Cape

Scarecrow Gear

Cloak of Destiny

Amulet of Anubis 

Orichalcum Knives

Nth-Promethium Katana

Dual Pistols [9mm rounds]

Dual Modified| Sniper Mod|M1911 [.45]

Deadshot Wrist Gauntlets

Captain Cold’s Gun.

Fear Toxin

Smoke Grenade

Pocket Explosives

High Powered Taser

Ace of Winchesters

Kinetic Hammer

Penguin Umbrella


Black Hawk

Blue Beetle Bug

Tumbler Batmobile

Star Trek Commbadge

Desiccated Hand

Smith & Wesson Model 500.

.44 Magnum Model 629.

The Glacial Stone


His Black Manta suit hasn’t been used. The technological advance suit had been adapted from Atlantean Technology alongside other Storm or acquired tech. He wanted to see how powerful the optical beam was since he watched him blast Aqua-Man in the movie, which he recalled from his past.

Now, there was the Amulet of Anubis. He absorbed the information, shocked at the notion that the item was divine; how would the D.C. Anubis artifact play out with the Marvel one? The system had yet to respond. He hoped there wasn’t a problem; the last thing he needed was a god of death searching for him. 

Nevertheless, the item in question was rewarded. In 2030 B.C., the Egyptian deity Anubis rewarded his most devoted follower, the mad priest Khalis, the Amulet of Anubis, holding part of the god’s power. 

In the following years, Khalis used the Amulet to take mental control of a legion of Nubian enslaved people and made them build “the grandest of pyramids” to honor Anubis.

However, when Nabu the Wise, a Lord of Order in human form who served various Egyptian Pharaohs, discovered the actions of Khalis, he was not pleased. With a wave of his arm, Nabu freed the enslaved people from the priest’s spell and let them have their revenge on Khalis. 

As Khalis was buried, Nabu took the Amulet as his own. In the 1940s, Nabu transformed Kent Nelson into his champion, Doctor Fate; the Amulet has been part of Fate and all his successors’ arsenal ever since. After the death of Kent Nelson and his wife, Inza, their souls remained trapped in the Amulet.

Alarmed at the information, Cole summoned the artifact. He focused on it, wondering if the souls were inside, but nothing happened but the connection between him and the item. It was just like the other magical artifacts. 

The circular device looked almost like the Eye of Aggonotto. It was golden, and the energy radiated from it could be described as lawful. He attributed that to order; he didn’t sense anything dangerous, as with the Glacial Stone. 

He placed the Amulet around his neck and wielded it to vanish. The empowerment made him smirk, adding to his already growing profile. 


Intelligence: +Moderate Tier 10

Strength: Extraordinary Tier 1

Speed: Moderate Tier 13

Durability: +Exceptional Tier 3–>5

Energy Projection: +Moderate Tier 10–> Exceptional Tier 1

Fighting Skills: Exceptional Tier 1

‘Energy Projection went straight to Exceptional.’ Had he not had something to do, he would have tested that. 

The Amulet of Anubis, which gives anyone who wears it vast magical abilities:

Pocket Universe: The Amulet contains a pocket universe separate from the normal universe.

House of Souls: The Amulet has also been shown to house souls.

Eldritch Blast: Create a mystic beam.

Obscure: Render the user undetectable to magical detection.

Divine Empowerment: The Amulet can enhance the user’s sorcery.

Protection Spells: The Amulet protects others from stealing the artifact while Doctor Fate uses it.

Telepathic Resistance: The Amulet protects the wearer from spiritual/mental intrusions.

And there it was—his issue with the most contention—his ability to resist telepathy. 

Cole had a few mishaps as he flung himself through the sky. His hands out like a comic book character didn’t feel right, and even the right hand out the other plant to his side wasn’t ideal. He moved through the air like Iron Man. 

‘Like a rocket-propelled human.’ He had yet to have a distinctive flight power outside the possibilities that his powers could allow flight. 

He quickly activates the only other ring on his finger, the legion flight ring. His head scanned below as he noted the six boas that chased after him. 

He smirked as he pushed himself harder, a loud pop exposed as he was chased through the skies; his laughter was met with a stiff warning that prickled the nape of his neck. He looked over his shoulder before squinting as his contact lenses and superhuman senses went into overdrive. 

‘You’re at Mach 1 and accelerating. Jets are inbound.’ 

‘I can see them, sort of.’ He replied to his ever-watchful artificial intelligence. 

Cole tapped the side of his waist, activating the utility belt’s updated functions, three, then six before forty micro t spheres hovered around him. 

‘Spoofing location implementing.’ 

“Hawk 1, command has been transferred. SHIELD has operations, Bright Skies.”

“Understood, Hawk 1 waiting orders.’ 

“Hawk 1, this is SHIELD command override Bright Skies, Over.” 

“Copy, Skies are aglow.”

“SHIELD command has authorized engagement.”

Hawk 1 paused, looking at the ever-increasing distance between him and the target. 

“Commandment was over the city; engaging protocols aren’t credible.”

He switched channels and spoke with Hawk 2.

“Randall, you heard?”

“I did. Tony, They want us to engage in the city. Isn’t that illegal?”

“Unless it’s national security, this should be a weather balloon at best. Maybe Chinese.” 

“It’s moving too fast. We’re dealing with something else.” 

“It’s not Ironman.” 

“He at least knows how to hi-

“Hawk 1, if you cannot follow the command, your wings will be taken, and you will be brought upon charges; court-martial is the least of your worries, Captain.” 

“Copy, Commandemt. Engagement Protocols activated. Weapons are hot.” 

“This is a Hawk 2; bogey is eluding.” 

Hawk 1 and 2 engaged their afterburners as the unidentified object shot further into the clouds. A new voice came over the comm. “Tell SHIELD to get better tech. Stark Artillery, not bad.” 

Fighter planes roared over New York City as the black figure chased them before vanishing from radar and sight. Inside a nondescript building, a man’s hand slammed against the table. 

“Get our agents on the ground.” He barked.

The man saluted before shouting. “Hail Hydra.” 

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