Chapter 191: Chapter 191
Glane walked into the ring and raised the winner's hand up in triumph, "the winner: William!"
The crowd burst into cheers for the victor as the loser was dragged out and thrown to a hamper to sleep his wounds off. The winner walked around a lot enjoying the crowd cheering him on. Suddenly however he sneezed and out of his nose came a wad of glitter and smoke.
The crew laughed it off and acted like everything was alright but Percy was confused. He turned to Marc, "hi Marc what's wrong with that guy?"
The frenchman looked, "oh William? Nothing much. He just had unprotected sex with a unicorn that's all."
Percy looked surprised and wanted to ask more questions but before he could Galen spoke up, "now who want to go next?!,"
Percy smirked and turned to Marc, "think I should give it a try?"
The frenchman looked at Percy and sighed, "if you are an idiot, sure why not."
Percy shrugged, he had been meaning for a good fight. He raised his hand up, "I want to fight."
The crowd went silent as Percy took off his jacket and shirt walking into the ring. Galen narrowed his eyes at Percy before smiling, "okay than brat," he turned to the crowd, "anyone want to teach this little shit stain some manners?!"
"He's just a kid!" Somebody from the crowd yelled out.
"That's not what your mother said!" Percy replied sending a ripple of laughter through the crew.
Slowly a sailor walked into the ring, the same one who called Percy a kid. He was skinny and well built. His skin shined with a healthy tan as the man had already taken his shirt off.
Galen smirked, "good a challenger! Alright brat you ready?" Galen asked Percy who nodded, "are you ready Fiaser?" The tanned man nodded as the two came to the center of the ring while Galen walked out, "okay then, BEGIN!"
As soon as Galen spoke, Fiaser charged forward. He reached Percy in a flash and drew his fist back. He launched it at Percy's face but before the fist could even connect Percy moved to the side and activated his Body Form;
Body Form Activated: Right arm
And sent a gut wrenching punch into Fisher's stomach causing the sailor to fall over the side holding his stomach in pain.
The crowd went silent as slowly they took in what they just saw. Nobody spoke until Marc stood up and yelled, "fuck yeah Percy!"
The crew exploded into cheer as they dragged Fiaser away leaving Percy alone in the ring. Galen walked in and raised Percy's hand, "the winner: Percy Jackson!"
The crowd cheered on louder as slowly they began to cant, "Percy! Percy! Percy!"
"Now who wants a piece of this?!" Galen asked and suddenly plenty of people were lining up to fight Percy.
The next match was with an red head man that lasted just as long as match Percy had he always ended with one attack. And after winning two more match after that it seemed Percy was on a winning streak.
"Alright alright settle down!" Galen yelled as the crew grew quite, "the brat got some pretty easy wins so far, after all he was facing you losers!" The crew booed as Galen chucked, "but let's see how the son of Poseidon deals with a real challenge, me!"
Galen took of his black and red flower print shirt and threw it to the side.
"Why do you want to fight me?" Percy asked as the two slowly circled each other.
"You piss me off kid," Galen replied as he cracked his knuckles.
"Oh yeah, now I remember," Percy stopped as the two eyed each other up and down.
"What is going on over here?!" Odysseus voice roared out as he walked out from the crowd to the edge of the fighting ring.
Galen froze the moment he say the captain, "ah-ah sir! We were just ah… we were just-"
"-Can it Tom!" Odysseus roared out causing the big man to flinch.
"Why do they call you Tom?" Percy asked in a whisper.
Glen sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "it's a long story."
"Quite!" Odysseus snapped causing Percy and Galen to flinch. He glared at the two, "I know what's going on here, you're all trying to gang up on the kid, am I right?"
"It's not like that boss-" Galen began.
"Shut it!" Odysseus said causing the man to flinch again. "He is a kid and I don't care how tough he is you can't just put him in a ring and punch him around! Do you all remember the last time we got a son of Poseidon in danger?" The captain looked at everyone there as slowly several men put down their heads in shame
"Captain it's alright, dad knows I can-" Percy began.
"-That's not the point Percy!" Odysseus cut him off, "I only have one thing to say to you all!" The people looked to Odysseus with a hint of fear on their eyes. The captain glared at their scared faces before the glare turned into a big smile, "I have 20 Drachma on Galen!"
The crew burst into cheer again and quickly they all placed their bets.
Percy blinked, 'what the hell…..' Just then;
Warning! A fist is coming for-
Before Percy could even respond a fist connected with his stomach throwing him to the edge of the ring and across the wooden floor.
"Fuck!" Percy coughed out as he felt his breathing strained. He stood up quickly and looked at his health;
Percy HP- 5,550/5,650
That last punch got 100 of his health points, something he couldn't afford to happen continuously. Percy looked at Galen who was smirking in triumph at Percy's fallen form. "That was a fucking cheap shot asshole!"
"All's fair in love and war brat!" Galen smirked as Percy spat out gold of his blood and quickly got up to his feet. He wiped the blood from his mouth and and put his hands up like a boxer ready to move.
"Nice form kid," Galen smirked as he dashed forward with his right hand drawn back. Percy waited until the huge man was almost on top of him before he activated his Speed Demon perk to move under Galen's oncoming fist and launch a his left hand into the Quartermaster's ribcage.
Body Form Activated: Left Fist
"Giga Impact!" Galen was sent flying away as a gust of air blew away from where Percy's first made impact. The tall man was thrown right into the crowd around the, causing five sailors to fall down under his weight.
Slowly the giant of a man got back to his feet and walked back into the ring. He held his side in pain and glared at Percy. Percy smiled back, "I kind of expected more from you old man."
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