People set up shop in Marvel, and it just became Doomsday

Chapter 27 The army surprises Tony's villa

Tony looked at the information on the screen coldly.

At this time, Rhodes pressed the password and walked in, "Tony, you have to go upstairs immediately to control the situation."

"Listen, I've been on the phone with the National Guard all day, trying to convince them not to drive their tanks onto the Pacific Coast Highway, crash into your front door and take these suits."

"Then let them come and see what they can take from here." A voice that did not belong to two people suddenly sounded.

Tony and Rhodes looked back and saw Moan coming downstairs following Rhodes.

"Mr. Moan? What do you mean?" Rhode asked.

"Literally, Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes." Moan looked at Rhodes and said calmly, "I don't think they can achieve their intended purpose by sending a few more tanks over."

"Tony, do you think so too?" Rhodes turned to look at Tony and asked.

"Well... although I didn't think so before, but now that Mo has said so, my thoughts must be the same as his." Tony shrugged.

Rhodes looked at the two of them in disbelief. He felt that the whole world was crazy.

Mo An ignored Rhodes and walked towards Tony with a smile, "Brother, you found so many things the day you came out of my store?"

"Don't mention it, I might not be able to meet him if I don't go to your place that day." Tony smiled.

"I see Miss Potts is quite busy upstairs. Shouldn't that be your job?"

"It was before, but not now. She has become the CEO of Stark Group. I am very happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper." Tony took a sip of the chlorophyll juice.

Rhodes on the side felt that he could no longer act like this and said loudly: "Hey, everyone, we can play the house game later. The problem now is that the Senate is not willing to play games with us."

"Wait a minute, Rhodes. Before you say this, come here and help me." At this moment, Tony suddenly lost all strength. Rhodes saw this and quickly picked him up.

"Are you ok?"

"So far so good, we gotta get to that table over there."

The two walked slowly and finally placed Tony on the chair.

"See that cigar box? That's palladium in there." Tony said as he took out the reactor.

Rhodes nodded, opened the wooden box, took out a piece of palladium, and turned his head just in time to see the palladium piece in the reactor revealed.

"Should this thing smoke?" After all, it is heavy metal, Rhodes asked worriedly.

"If you insist on asking, this is neutron damage, smoke coming from the reactor wall." Tony said weakly.

Rhodes pulled out the used palladium block, held it in his hand and looked at it, "Are you going to insert this into your body?"

Tony obviously didn't want to say this and turned around in his chair.

"Then what's going on with the high-tech crossword puzzle on your neck?" Rhodes asked, looking at the gray lines that had spread to Tony's neck.

"That's a symptom of palladium poisoning. The poison spreads radially from the source of palladium. This is one of the purposes of my coming."

Moan said, slowly walked up behind Tony and pointed his finger on his neck.

The black light slowly flowed into Tony's body. Under Rhode's disbelieving gaze, all the gray lines were like a mouse meeting a cat, quickly fading under the ruthless devouring of the black light until they completely disappeared.

Tony, the person involved, felt as if the invisible shackles that had been on his body for a long time suddenly collapsed, and he dreamed back to the night when he just became an adult.

"Sh*t, Mo, you told me earlier that you had this trick!" Tony jumped up suddenly, feeling the pleasure coming from all parts of his body, and he wished he could go upstairs and fight Peibo for three hundred rounds.

"Sh*t!" Rhodes also cursed. He couldn't believe that this dreamy scene happened in front of him.

Now the scientific atheism in his mind was being violently destroyed.

Compared to the two people who were either ecstatic or shocked, the expression on Mo An's face was much duller, but in the eyes of the two of them, it seemed even more unpredictable.

"Mr. Moan, how... did you do this?" Rhodes stammered, "Although this seems to have violated your privacy, I'm really curious."

"Rhode, do you remember those two monsters that appeared in Manhattan before? Just when we all thought they were invincible, a mysterious man in black appeared and beat them to pieces."

Tony gestured excitedly.

"You mean...Mr. Moan is..." Rhode's eyes widened.

"Yeah, he...uh..."

At this time, Tony also came to his senses. He seemed to have been too excited and said something that he shouldn't have said. He turned around and asked Mo An, "Is it okay if I say it?"

Mo An smiled and nodded, "It's okay, I just plan to let the world know about it today."

Seeing Mo An's permission, Tony couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As for the latter sentence, he didn't think much about it.

"Right, one more thing."

Moan magically took out a box from behind and handed it to Tony, "This is Mr. Howard's relic from SHIELD. It was sent to me for some reasons."

"I thought that you, a busy person, travel around the world all day long, and it would take you the rest of your life to get it from me, so I sent it here."

Tony took the box. There weren't many belongings, and they didn't even fill a suitcase, but it was the only thought in the world that Tony had of his father.

Rhodes on the side also knew that although Tony usually said he didn't care about his father at all, father and son always cared about each other and quarreled with each other.

"Okay, let's put this aside for now, we have other important things to deal with."

Mo An interrupted Tony's thoughts of missing his father and said calmly.

As if in response to Mo An's words, a roar suddenly sounded outside the villa.

"What's going on? Jarvis, turn on the surveillance outside the villa." Tony put the box aside and became the high-spirited Iron Man again.

Jarvis showed the surveillance footage to the three of them. They saw military off-road vehicles and tanks driving toward Tony's villa. The soldiers on the off-road vehicles were almost all armed to the teeth, loaded with live ammunition, and had a killing momentum.

"Dude, it looks like your call didn't change anything that day..." Tony muttered.

"How could it be...they obviously promised me." Rhodes shook his head in disbelief, his words full of disappointment.

Mo An was thoughtful on the side.

Perhaps because the battle scene between Tony and Ivan Vanko was more visible to the public than in the original work, the military was more hasty in obtaining the Iron Suit, and even deceived Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes to achieve its goal.

"It's no use talking about it now, Tony, go upstairs and take Miss Potts to a safe place immediately."

"It's a small scene like this, I'll be there."

Tony also knew Mo An's ability, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay."

Mo An and his party went upstairs. Tony and Rhodes retreated with Peibo, leaving Mo An alone to slowly walk towards the army.

"Tony Stark! You are now accused of deceiving the country and espionage. Come out immediately with your head in your hands. If you resist, we will carry out a devastating blow!"

"I wonder what you want from Tony? I think I can tell him on your behalf."

At this time, a voice that did not belong to Tony Stark even drowned out the military loudspeaker, and a figure was seen slowly walking out of the automatic door of the villa.

Black robe, black armor, black eyes.

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