People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: The Inhuman City Moved To The Moon! Sebastian Shaw’S Lurking Success!

Using the obelisk as a condition, Lin Feng successfully obtained the Cree technology from the Inhumans, as well as the data and technology they have studied in the genetic field for tens of thousands of years.

Among them, the data and technology in the field of genes moved him the most. This is the technology of the Cree Empire, one of the most powerful empires in the universe. It is thousands or even tens of thousands of years ahead of the world. Analyze the original X gene placed in the ancient ancestor Homo sapiens by the Tenshen Group.

In addition to these technical materials, Lin Feng also reached a number of strategic cooperation matters on behalf of Mutant and Inhumans.

For example, the Lin family will be the supplier of supplies for the Inhumans in the future, providing drinking water and food sources for the Inhumans, and the Inhumans need to send someone to teach the scientists of the Lin family the Cree language; and the Lin family will help search the world In exchange for the Inhumans left behind in the world, in exchange for the results of the Inhumans’ research on supernatural powers and so on.

When Medusa sent Lin Feng and others out of the palace, she officially presented a communicator made with Inhuman technology as a tool for communication between alliances, and no one would eavesdrop or intercept information.

“Dear Mr. Lin, I don’t think the Himalayas are safe here. Since you can find them and other people can find them, it’s time for Attilan to live in a place that is difficult for humans to reach.”

“If you need help in the future, use this communicator to contact us, and the Inhumans will arrive in time. Similarly, if we encounter danger that we cannot resist, we will contact you in time and send someone to pick you up.”

While she was talking, she looked up at the blue sky, maybe only outside the outer space would “Two Thirty” be truly safe.

Lin Feng knew that she was talking about the moon, and said with a faint smile.

“Your Highness, don’t worry. After you settle down, you just need to send me the location of the new settlement. We can go to Attilan naturally, and we don’t have to worry about our alliance being broken because of the distance. Long-distance space teleportation ability is not just There are aliens.”

He beckoned, and Aesir Zuo came in front of him.

“That’s it, we’ll meet later! Aesir, take us home!”

Aesir put his hands on the shoulders of Dad and Lin Hao, and disappeared into the thick black smoke.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lin still has such a strong spatial ability under his command. His strength does not seem to be much worse than tetanus, and he has covered a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers in the blink of an eye.

Medusa’s eyes showed surprise, and she sighed secretly in her heart looking at the distance displayed on the communicator.

Lin’s Manor, Yinming Palace Group.

In the main hall of the Martial Heroes Hall, as a black smoke dispersed, the figures of Lin Feng and others appeared.

After Aesir let go, he wanted to sneak out of the gate.

“You are going to see Raven again! She is still an intern in the Special Affairs Management Department, don’t disturb her work, understand? Recently practice your Ability “If you need to go to the moon, it depends on you.”

Lin Feng stopped him, and solemnly instructed.

Aesir held his head in his hands and wailed, muttering dissatisfiedly.

“Why not let An Yao do it? His space magic is no worse than my teleportation. I want to spend more time with Raven!”

“If this continues, Raven and I will soon be in a long-distance relationship. Didn’t you say that we should get married early? Look at her now that I spend less time with her and leave more, how can we cultivate our relationship?”

“Father, please change someone else!”

God damn long-distance relationship!

They are all in Lin’s Manor, how far can they be?

With Aesir’s space teleportation ability, if he doesn’t leave the earth, he will be a local lover. This kid just wants to be lazy.

Lin Feng almost laughed angrily at him, glaring at him and pretending.

“Do you think An Yao is as idle as you? He was called back to Kamar-Taj by the Supreme Mage, saying that there is some change in the dark dimension Mephista, and someone needs to guard the holy place on Hong Kong Island.”

“So until he comes back, don’t you kid try to fish!”

After a few reprimands, Lin Feng took out the scientific and technological materials in the space ring, filled the huge Hall of Martial Arts to the brim, and handed him the communicator at the same time and said.

“Send these materials and communicators to the High Energy Physics Laboratory, and let the person in charge summon all the scientists. The Inhuman scientists will teach them the Cree characters through holographic projection, so that they can learn and decipher the Cree technical materials in the future. ”

With a wry smile on his face, Aesir took the communicator, stretched out his hand and pressed the huge amounts of metal box to launch the space teleportation ability, and disappeared from the Hall of Valor.

After arranging all this, Lin Feng gave instructions to Lin Hao who was at the side.

“You did a good job this time, and you found out that the Inhuman Race has contributed a lot. Go to Beixuan to get a life-extending pill and a pill for washing marrow. My master, I will give you another month’s leave, so you can go back and spend time with your family.”

“I remember that my younger brother and sister have poor aptitude, and they have only practiced Wuji True Kungfu to the third level. They are 20 years younger than you, and they look like they can be your mother. Take advantage of this vacation to teach her well, so as to save time and let the old man They joke.”

As he has more and more heirs, the previously rare and incomparably rare Prolonging Life Pill and Xisui Pill system has rewarded a lot, and his children with mediocre qualifications alone can’t use them all up. Make the most of it.

Lin Hao thanked the master for the reward, dumbfounded, and walked out of the Hall of Martial Arts with mixed feelings.

The master has always been very kind to these old guys, but what he said just now was too awkward.

After completing the alliance with the Inhumans, Lin Feng spent the next few days like a hardworking bee, flying among the flowers in different palaces, pollinating the flowers; and like a hardworking gardener, constantly loosening the soil for the flowers Fertilize and water, looking forward to the crystallization of love.

The days of leisure and ease passed quickly, time passed day by day, and one heir after another was born, and the number of his heirs reached 497, and there were still 3 people left to reach 500

Just when Lin Feng was expecting the birth of 500 sons, the Inhuman Queen Medusa contacted him for the first time using a communicator, telling him that Attilan had moved to the back of the moon, and sent a highly accurate positioning photo.

Aesir Zuo tried to teleport to the moon and back to the earth, but he was too tired to get up after only 2 round trips. The distance of 1.38 million kilometers is still too far for him now.

“Klaus Schmidt, do you know how many colleagues have complained recently?”

Ms. Berna said solemnly that she has heard a lot of gossip these days.

Pass Havok Army Hospital is a hospital affiliated to the military department, and the people who come to treat them are distinguished military officers, and their connections and power are what doctors are eager for.

Especially the doctors who do psychological treatment and check the mental state of the officers, almost broke their heads in private to receive the Advanced officers, but they did not expect their new colleagues to do things quietly and quietly, but their reputation is getting bigger and bigger The patients who attracted these doctors clamored to be replaced by Klaus Schmidt to treat them.

Not to be envied by others is a mediocrity, but if you are too outstanding, it is easy to shoot the top bird. More and more doctors come to her to complain.


Sebastian Xiao’s expression was extremely innocent, his mouth was wide open, his eyes were lifeless, his shoulders trembled as if he was suppressing his anger.

“Ms. Berna, I just try my best to cure my patients. Isn’t this the job of a doctor? They are not good at learning, and the patients are not satisfied with them. Is it my fault?”

“I’m sorry for being too emotional, but you understand how angry I was when I heard this absurd statement! I think the hospital should set up an assessment mechanism to kick out all those who make up for it so as not to tarnish the reputation of the hospital.

He blinked his bright eyes and looked directly at Berna opposite.

“Okay, let’s put aside the facts, don’t you have any mistakes at all? You must know that the hospital is a collective, you must have a big picture, and it’s okay to work hard, but you can’t get too tense with your colleagues. ”

“Someone also told me that you and Mustache are secretly promoting some bad remarks. Klaus, you have a great future, don’t go astray, you should rest for the past two days.

She clutched her forehead and said with some headaches, although she admired this young man’s talent, she was not the only doctor with a background in this army hospital, and she couldn’t cover the sky with one hand, so she could only suspend this young man first.

Sebastian Xiao shrugged, nodded obediently and said helplessly.

“Well, since this is the case, I offer to resign!”

Berna looked at him in shock, and asked excitedly

“What are you talking about? Just because you’ve been suspended for a few days, you’re about to resign from the hospital! It’s hard to find a job now, and the prices are changing every day. Without this job, you’re likely to starve to death on the street!”

In fact, since Mustache healed and left the hospital, Sebastian Xiao thought about resigning and continued to follow him to deepen the feelings of the natives.

In order to monitor when HYDRA contacts Mustache, he can take the opportunity to sneak into HYDRA, wait for the opportunity to complete the task assigned to him by the master, and find the Q-level Mutant that appeared in Auschwitz.

But Mustache didn’t agree, and instead asked him to use his identity as a doctor to keep in touch with the wounded officers and explain to them his political views and views on the international situation.

His idea of ​​political expansion is very clear. This idea is actually the word “Germany”, and everything is for Germany.

As far as theoretical knowledge is concerned, Mustache’s speech is very poor. Basically, he is dissatisfied with the Jews who manipulated the German economy and resented the humiliation of German officers after the defeat. However, his language is full of emotions. It was easy to impress those officers who were as dissatisfied with the defeat as he was.

Sebastian Xiao, who returned to the dormitory, packed up quickly and saluted. He had to seize the time to go to Mustache’s side and become his confidant before the other party made a fortune.

When he came to Bai Lin Shi, Xiao Huzi came to pick him up in person.

After the two got into the car, they exchanged a few words, and Mustache asked puzzledly.

“Klaus, didn’t you do it in the hospital? Those officers…”

Sebastian Xiao knew that this was his veiled expression of dissatisfaction, so he quickly explained the matter with a smile.

“You know it’s not my fault. There are too many doctors who are jealous of their talents, and some people have noticed our actions. As a last resort, I have to resign to protect myself, so as not to cause the military to investigate after being exposed.”

“The home addresses and contact information of those military officers are recorded here. When they are needed, I guarantee that they will go to the front for you and risk their lives!”

He pointed to his own head and said solemnly.

Mustache’s gloomy face eased a little, and he smiled and talked about his recent opportunities.

“Two months ago, I was ordered to go to the Leichfeld shelter to eliminate the Spartacist ideological tendency among the sergeants who were captured during the Great War. I was rewarded by the military department for the perfect completion of the task. Now Already the rank of major.”

“Two days ago, I received an order from the Army’s Political Department, asking me to investigate a small political group that claimed to be a German worker. Isn’t this the group you introduced me to?” 1.3 Speaking of this, his eyes were sharp, and he stared at Sebastian Xiao, trying to see the expression of panic or anxiety on his face.

Unexpectedly, Sebastian Xiao seemed to have expected it, applauded calmly, and said meaningfully.

“Congratulations, Mr. Major,

An unprecedented good opportunity has come. After eradicating those old and stubborn people, you will definitely become the leader of the party with your talent.

Mustache laughed loudly, the more he looked at him, the more pleasing to the eye, this is a man who has the same strong ambition as him, and hides a mad Beast in his heart.

“You’re right. Now I’m performing my duties as an investigator, and on the other hand, I’m fully committed to my work as a worker. To be honest, I can trust not many people. Yours

Arriving is a solution to my urgent need! In the future, you will be responsible for the organization of member activities and related matters in the “Munich Observer” newspaper!”

Sebastian Xiao was overjoyed, his latent mission initially succeeded, but he responded calmly and calmly.

“Leave it to me, I guarantee nothing will go wrong!”

The decision to leave the hospital was not wrong. If he didn’t come to Berlin, he would miss the opportunity to become Mustache’s confidant, let alone go undercover in HYDRA to complete the mission.


Mustache appreciates his self-confidence, so he has no intention of asking him about resigning without authorization and introducing himself to work as a German worker.

He just valued the ability of this man with the same goals to see through people’s hearts, as well as his ability to demagogue people with language that was not weaker than his own. .

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