People In Another World: Reincarnated Dragon, Call Me Godzilla

Chapter 1 Fairy, Elf And Dragon King, The Conversation Of Three Beauties!

The plane located in the south of the "Elf Empire" - "The Capital of the Forest Elves".

In the lush green sea.

Many tall trees are bathed in the quiet morning light, and their huge crowns sway slightly with the wind.

Even though those towering trees were originally products of nature, they merged with man-made buildings, brewing an incredible landscape.

The batch of big tree buildings used as residences, although there are connected air corridors between the trees, but because it is still early in the morning, no one can be seen there.

The huge building surrounded by these many trees is the palace of the 'Forest Elf'.

Large and small settlements were built in many large forests, and this Sendu Palace became the center of those settlements.

On the shore of the vast lake, in order to prevent the invasion of the monsters that roam the forest, a tall and wide tree wall was built. There are many big trees and buildings in that barrier, among which there are more than 100,000 elf residents.

In a room in a residential area in a certain area in the huge city of Sendu, a figure rubbed his sleepy golden eyes~ and stretched vigorously.

"Phew~~ I really want to continue sleeping..."

The man suppressed his yawning, shook the pair of plump balls violently, tore off his clothes and threw them aside.

The piece of cloth that wraps her body reveals delicate white skin and a well-proportioned figure—even so, her figure is still full and plump, which is very attractive to men.

And the pointed ears and green hair are also the unique characteristics of elf women.

The woman's indecent posture was exposed in the palace, and she entered a narrow compartment located in a certain part of the room.

The magical tool that uses the large amount of water drawn from the soil by the roots of the ancient big tree, warms it with the magic tool of fire, and then sprinkles hot water on the top of the head like rain, is called the magic tool of shower

——Become something she must rinse every day after getting up.

"Huh~~ so comfortable."

She put her shoulder-length, green-like hair under hot water, combed her sleepy hair with her hands, and washed it carefully.

With her hands, she gently scrubbed her slightly sticky body from sweating profusely in sleep, and massaged her stiff muscles.


She exhaled provocatively, stretched her waist vigorously, and finally opened her eyes wide.

"Haha, I'm sober. There are guests coming today, so I have to tidy up my appearance and image."

Because she has served as the queen in this forest city for a long time and is the patriarch of the forest elves. Her age is unknown, but she is about 20 years old when she looks at the appearance of a human, and she is considered young among elves.

Due to the low pressure of survival and no wars in recent years, it is more and more like a free and lazy queen who often talks to herself or stays at home.

She hummed a tune, turned off the magic tool, wiped the water droplets attached to her body with a towel, and walked out of the compartment.

"Speaking of which, those two mysterious guests have extraordinary backgrounds, and they seem to be queens like me?"

Saying so, she walked around the room naked.

After she found a bunch of gorgeous dresses, she immediately squatted down and thought about what to wear next so that she would not lose her elegance and appearance in front of the guests.

Although she really wanted to wear her usual clothes, but today's occasion was very formal, so it was better to minimize the areas where the skin would be exposed.

For this reason, she changed into a long-sleeved long dress that she didn't usually wear very often, and then put on the delicate light silver armor, and then put her favorite magic scepter into the waist pocket to fix it in place.

Although this piece of equipment showed off her figure, for a spell caster, its lightness of movement was an irreplaceable function.

She tied up the green hair hanging on her shoulders and tied it slightly higher on her head with a hair tie. After making all preparations, she walked ten steps from the opened door accompanied by the elf maid. out.

"Okay! I'm going to welcome the honored guests with the temperament of a forest elf queen~"

She secretly thought with anticipation in her heart that she didn't know about the "Dragon Clan's declaration of war" at this time, so it was simply regarded as a friendship exchange between the two clans.

Although she was already mentally prepared, she suddenly stopped and listened in the forest.

"Strange? There shouldn't be any monsters here... Could it be that queen?"

Knowing the identity of her guest, the elf queen subconsciously thought of something.

"Isn't she in the vicinity?"

While she muttered to herself and looked around in the forest, the huge trees that had to look up blocked her view from seeing what was nearby.

"Anyway, we can only go to the square where the distinguished guests are."

Talking to herself like this, she continued to go to the first free place——the reception desk in Sendu.

When she finally came to an open place with sparse trees, the branches and leaves around the waist of half of the trees were intertwined and woven together, turning into a natural shelter.

Then, in the open space of the shelter, there was a figure that had never been seen before—no, it was her first meeting.


The existence occupying the square is none other than Dragon King Miraphale.

【Ru, it's finally here? It's really slow. 】

The presence in front of him sent the unique female voice directly into the mind of the elf queen, and spoke to Tess in a relaxed tone.

"Didn't you say that the identity of the guest is...the queen of the goblin clan!?"

However, the atmosphere exuded by the elf queen was not as straightforward as her tone. The creature that occupied her field of vision was a mighty giant red dust goddess and a crimson dragon god.

Supreme Dragon King.

Crimson Dragon God, Miraphale.

Her whole body is covered with scales like pure white jade, and her wings are spread wide. The skin membrane on the wings exudes a deep red light, and a red dust substance that looks like distorted time and space emerges on it.

She is both the dragon king and the dragon god, with two pairs of huge pure white horns growing on her head, and her crimson pupils are staring straight at the forest elf queen. Her long tail is adorned with a sharp sword-shaped crystal at the end, and the dragon's tail as a whole looks as if it is completely covered by protective strands.

Her tail, which expresses elegant emotions like wings, swings from side to side from time to time, but the nearby thin trees and other plants are affected by her movements and are swept to the ground.

For this crimson dragon god with a body length of 190 meters, although the square she was in was considered quite open, she seemed very uncomfortable squeezed in it.

"Master Melia, the queen of demon spirits...does it mean that the guest you want to bring me to meet is 'her'?"

The forest elf queen stared forward dumbfoundedly, and made a sound of bewilderment——

"Oh, did I say it before? I brought you to meet a very powerful guest. Also, her name is "Mirafiel", and she is one of the wives of the current emperor of the Dragon Clan.

The guest that the elf queen spoke of was "Melia.

The one who came beside Melia was Mirafil.

This meeting ceremony took place a few days before the dragon clan and the elf empire officially declared war. Melia found the forest elf queen through the contractor of the elf family and contacted her.

[My name is 'Mirafil', and I am currently the chief representative of the Holy Dragon Clan. Nice to meet you, Queen of the Forest Elf named Samuel]

Samuel accepted Mirafil's introduction, and changed his words:

"It's a great honor, Lord Miraphale. You are completely different from the image of the savage dragon king I imagined. How did you come here?"

[Because the concubine is here to save you, I chose to let Melia negotiate with you in advance. Leaving this aside, as the patriarch of the forest elves, it's really surprising that you don't even have guards. 】

The sensory sensitivity of the Dragon King is far superior to that of the elves.

Therefore, when Mirafil did not feel the breath of other forest elves guards at all when he entered Sendu, he became confused and puzzled.

Unless the other party is hiding outside her perception range, but the forest elves should not be that powerful. What's more, Mirafil is now equivalent to the level of "Dragon God".

Thanks to this gift, none of the prepared coping strategies could be used.

"Save me? But, this place is peaceful and peaceful, there are no enemies at all, right?"

Samurai tilted her head as if she was trying to be coquettish, and asked Mir while looking up.

Although it was the first time they met, the aura of the holy dragon gave her a friendly feeling. This may be related to the goblin queen as a middleman. The person trusted by the goblins is subconsciously trusted by the elves.

And Melia gave her the feeling that she was more like a congenial friend in all aspects.

"Actually, it's related to Mirafil's husband, that is, the famous "Death Dragon Emperor" Ren—"

Melia interjected from the side.

"Dragon Emperor? Huh, could it be said that there is a new emperor in the Dragon Clan...that is a powerful existence equivalent to the "Elf Emperor".

In the face of Melia who told the reason, Samuel also returned from the stupefied. Although this was a question interrupted in the middle, the conversation between girls often jumps up the topic, this situation is in any world all the same.

"Actually, I'm also half of Goreth... Uh, well, to be precise, it's about the "Assassination of the Dragon Emperor"!"

Melia also immediately answered Samurai's question, and then looked at Mirafil's position:

"Take out 'that', just say it's unfounded, and let Samurai check it out too."

Dragon King Miraphale nodded slightly, a ball of mortal energy floated in the pure white dragon claws, and handed over the well-preserved "memory of time and space".

As soon as the floating "space-time memory" appeared, it attracted Samura's attention.

"This is...wait a minute, could it be Zhu Chuan's "Time and Space Magic"?"

Saying so, Samuel let out a joyful laugh from the depths of his throat.

"Great, let me see this magic..."

Samurai came into contact with "Memory of Time and Space", and then his face gradually changed from excitement to rigidity, as if he felt a strange expression of surprise, then it became unbelievable, then shocked, and his face changed slightly.

After a while, Samuel withdrew from the space-time memory with a pale expression.

It was as if she had changed in an instant, the previous joy and expectation were completely swept away, replaced by worry, eagerness, and fear.

0......seeking flowers......

The shocking scene of the Dragon King ceremony in the memory of time and space made her feel incredible about the current prosperity of the Dragon Clan.

Until the appearance of "Son of Death", the scene where she attacked the Dragon Emperor kept her in anxiety.

When she learned that the summoner of the "Son of Death" was an elf, Samuel's expression was unbelievable. She refused to believe it was true, or thought it was just a coincidence. irrelevant.

After that, she saw the "Twin Elf Valkyries" who had previously invaded the Dragon Dimension, combined with the roar of the angry dragons from the Dragon Race behind...

As it turned out, there was a big problem.

"Sorry. Samuel...we

I believe this matter has nothing to do with the elves, even His Majesty the "Final Dragon Emperor" doesn't think you attacked him, but the dragons don't think so...... Can you understand?

"No, you know it well...Melia, can't you convince Lord "Final Dragon Emperor" again? This has nothing to do with elves at all..."

"Samuela, be sober. It is precisely because His Majesty the Dragon Emperor knew about this that he asked us to notify the forest elves who have a good relationship with the fairies in advance, and you are the daughter of the forest elves.

Wang, you should be very clear, this is not a simple "attack" incident, but an important accident between two major races. The most important thing is that the dragon race is not related to the elves

have any diplomatic relations. "

"Really, there is no other way, Zhan..."

As Samurai spoke, she raised her eyes to look up at Dragon King Miraphale, asking her what to do with just her eyes.

Miraphale ignored her entreaties at all.

But she seemed to have noticed something, and said loudly:

[Unless the Elf Emperor issued an apology and made compensation for it. 】

"Oh, that's impossible...

Samuel immediately lowered her head, she bit her lower lip, as if she knew very well that the elf emperor couldn't bow her head and admit her mistake.

Because it is unclear whether this is done by the elves. If the elves apologize, wouldn't it be confirmed that they sent people to attack the Dragon Emperor?

Failure to apologize means going to war.

The matter has reached the point of no return, Samuel's heart overflowed at the thought of this, and an indescribable anger gradually filled his chest.

"Someone must be playing tricks in the dark!"

【No matter who is doing the tricks, it must be to let the elves and the dragons kill each other! So Queen Samuel, why don't you change the tragedy of this great war?】

"What's the meaning?"

Samurai raised her head in a daze.

[First of all, this battle between the dragons and the elves is probably inevitable—but the losses can be minimized. The Dragon Clan will attack the capital of the Elven Empire, looking for the mastermind behind the scenes.

.....At that time, the original rulers, mainly the "Elf Emperor", will definitely resist. Our Dragon Emperor will personally take action to defeat the Elf Emperor, and you, Samuel, in order to ease the spirit

The relationship between the Spirit Clan and the Dragon Clan will allow you to become the new "Elf Emperor" to end this war. As long as you shoot fast enough, the sacrifice can be minimized "to ensure that the war will not

Will expand to any other elves' plane planets. 】

After saying these words, Mirafil spread his wings and patted the air.

The shocking wind pressure swept over everything in the surrounding area, causing the monsters hiding around to run away, and the birds also flew into the air and spread their wings.

Facing the coercion brought by that exaggerated howl, even Sierra felt a strong sense of overwhelming oppression.

[For this reason, I am willing to sign a magic power contract with you——Samuela. In the name of the Supreme Dragon King, I swear that everything I have said is true, and then Rusamura will be the new spirit

Empress, the Dragon Clan will never interfere in the internal affairs of the elves, as evidenced by the contract!]

The elf queen Samurai looked at Miraphale's appearance, and then let out a deep breath as if she had finally calmed down.

That sigh turned into a gust of wind, causing the grass blades on the square to dance with the wind.

"Phew, to let the Dragon King sign a contract with me, it seems that the Dragon Emperor's methods are really extraordinary...... But, I should have no choice, right? Can I trust you?"

[At least goblins don't lie. 】

Miraphale gestured to Melia, as if to say that the elves are the former of the elves.

"Well, give me some time to think about it. I'll give you the answer before the war starts.

[Since this is the case, I will accompany you here for a while. If you refuse, it doesn't matter, you can tell the "Elf Emperor" about our plan, but

At that time, I can't guarantee—whether the army of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor will come to this plane, and the forest elves will also be involved in the brutal flames of war. Your choice will determine the future of the elves.

Device luck. 】

———Dragon King Miraphale said this, a strange light faintly ignited in his eyes.

The benefits to the forest elves are enough, if she doesn't know how to flatter her, she will still feel a little regretful.

"I see."

Samurai nodded heavily and sighed luckily. .

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