People are live-streaming Q&A at Zongwu, a large-scale social death scene

Chapter 110

"Yu Canghai secretly planned to hold a Hongmen Banquet, but before Lin Pingzhi took the bait, he caught Shen Lang."

"Lin Zhennan and his wife survived the disaster, reorganized the Fuwei Escort Agency, and declared war on the Qingcheng Sect"

"A swordsman in white with an icy face went up to Songshan Mountain"

"Zuo Lengchan led his men to ambush Yi Lin and her group, but they were slaughtered by a mysterious force instead. As a result, the mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind it, and under the oriole there is a shotgun."

"Tian Boguang was chased to the point where he had no way out, and was finally knocked down by a stone and captured alive on the spot."

"Interesting, it is indeed a storybook world"

"These things sound like stories."

After accompanying Lin Shiyin for a few days, Ye Luochuan also heard about some major events that happened after the fusion of the five states.

While Ye Luochuan found it interesting, he also sounded a warning bell in his heart.

The fusion of the states, the competition and impact of different forces in the rivers and lakes, and the world's pattern was reshuffled.

Under the general trend, no one can stay out of it.

Before this, how arrogant was the Songshan Sect.

And now?

It was destroyed casually by someone!

Things change, and fate is unpredictable.

Zuo Lengchan's bad luck is partly the reason, but the more important reason is that he is not strong enough.


"With my current cultivation level of a late Grandmaster, coupled with the Heavenly Will Four Symbols Art and Lightning Steps that are about to be perfected, there should be no rival below the Martial King."

"Even if Shangguan Jinhong came over, it would only take a slap to kill him."

"In Lingzhou now, who else can pose a direct threat to me?"

Ye Luochuan silently calculated his current survival capital and some potential threats of 797

"《The strongest characters in"Swordsman" are Dongfang Bubai and Feng Qingyang. These two are not worth mentioning."

"《The strongest character in"Wulin Waishi" is Chai Yuguan, the Happy King. He and Shangguan Jinhong are both one of the ten great heroes of the ancient system. The two are probably about the same level."

"《In"The Commoner God", there is a very strong Tianyu Palace Lord Ge Shutian, but it is difficult to tell his specific level from the show."

"Relatively speaking, the threat is not even as great as the inner demons under his command."

"The inner demon, a powerful method of controlling the mind, can launch a mental attack, arouse the greatest fear in the heart of a person, and then stimulate the heart to beat faster, and finally cause the heart to break and die."

"It is hard for me to resist this kind of opponent."

"Maybe he would be killed by the other party in a single encounter."

"Even if I can't die, I can't protect Shiyin"

"We must be especially careful about this!"

Ye Luochuan was secretly alert.

"The last"Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", there are many masters"

"Wudang Wood Taoist, Prince of Taiping Gong Jiu, Jade Rakshasa of the Western Demon Sect, Ye Gucheng, Lord of Baiyun City, Dugu Yihe of Emei Sect……"

"But Yao Yue, who is at the eighth level of Mingyu Gong, is only a grandmaster. Can they be stronger than Yao Yue?"


"Then, there is only one person left who is a threat to me."

"Little old man Wu Ming!"


The old man Wu Ming is one of the ten great heroes of the ancient times.

He is recognized as the best fighter in"The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", and some even think he is the strongest fighter in the ancient novel. The old man's martial arts talent is amazing. He is proficient in the long-lost martial arts of many sects, and his martial arts are unfathomable.

There is an example in the book -

Fairy Ruyi and"Ruyi Orchid Hand".

Fairy Ruyi is a rare talent in the martial arts world. No matter which martial arts of which sect, as long as she has seen it twice, she can use it.

Fairy Ruyi practiced"Ruyi Orchid Hand" for three years.

But her daughter practiced it for thirty years without success, and finally died of exhaustion and vomiting blood.

But the old man practiced it in just three months!

In addition, the top masters in the original book, such as Gong Jiu and Niu Rou Tang, were also taught by the old man.

No one knows how high the old man's martial arts are, even Lu Xiaofeng who has come into contact with him does not know, but feels that he is unfathomable.

The old man once claimed that if he wanted, he could be famous before the age of fifteen.

Such a person has the potential to break through the barrier of the Grandmaster!

In addition, the old man is not a hermit with no desires, but a cunning conspirator and ambitious man!

He personally trained a group of masters who could shock the martial arts world, and used these people to create the"Invisible Man" organization. He designed many robberies in various parts of the Central Plains to obtain a lot of wealth.

When he met Lu Xiaofeng, he even planned for Lu Xiaofeng to assassinate the emperor.

Therefore, the old man not only has the strength to threaten Ye Luochuan, but also has the motivation to deal with him.

Live broadcast rewards, who doesn't want it?

Ye Luochuan doesn't believe that the old man will not be tempted


Of course, the ones who are most eager to find Ye Luochuan are Li Xunhuan and Shangguan Jinhong.

After all, Ye Luochuan stole the woman of the former and killed the son and the strongest fighter of the latter.

It would be strange if they didn't cause trouble for Ye Luochuan. (To read the novel of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, with Ye Luochuan's current strength, he naturally doesn't need to be afraid of them, and he doesn't take them seriously.

If he meets Shangguan Jinhong, he will kill her at will.

"After we left that day, almost all the martial artists in the park were poisoned."

"I think it's the same as mine, it's the work of the Five Poison Boys"

""Brother Ye, why do you think the Five Poison Boys did this?"

On the mountain forest path, the two walked side by side.

During this period of time, with Ye Luochuan's modern (adbh) skills in flirting, their relationship has made rapid progress.

Not to mention that Lin Shiyin has completely transferred her affection to someone else, at least she has tacitly agreed to try to fall in love with Ye Luochuan.

The change in the way they address each other is a qualitative leap.

In the past few days, they have not only heard about many major events, but also specifically inquired about the subsequent developments in Li Garden that day.

They were both very surprised to learn that many people in Li Garden had been poisoned.

After hearing what Lin Shiyin said, Ye Luochuan thought about it seriously and said,"The Five Poison Boys poisoned other people, and nine out of ten times it was aimed at me. He was cutting off his competitors."

"The purpose of poisoning you should not be to kill you, but probably to use you to threaten Li Xunhuan and make Li Xunhuan do something for him."

"For example: kill me, capture me, control me, or after controlling me, let Li Xunhuan help him repel the enemies behind him"

"After all, although the Five Poison Boys are powerful in poisoning, their frontal combat capabilities are not strong."[]

"If they meet on a narrow road, there will definitely be many people who can kill him, but there are definitely not many people who can kill Li Xunhuan."

These days, Ye Luochuan has also thought about the reason why Lin Shiyin was poisoned.

After thinking about it, he only thought of this explanation.

Lin Shiyin nodded slightly, and then asked curiously:"Brother Ye, if the Five Poison Boys' target is you, why didn't they poison you directly?"

Ye Luochuan smiled and said:"It's very simple, because I didn't give him the opportunity to poison."

When Ye Luochuan came back that day, he used the"Four Symbols of Heaven's Will" without saying a word. As long as the Wind God's Dharma image is not broken, he is immune to all evil and poison.

It seems that the poison of the Five Poison Boy was also dispersed by the Wind God's Dharma image at that time.

After that, Ye Luochuan broke through with the"Lightning God Step". Even

Li Xunhuan was dazzled by the afterimage left by the"Lightning God Step". How could the Five Poison Boy catch his real body?

Therefore, the Five Poison Boy could not find a chance to poison him at all. After listening to Ye Luochuan's explanation, Lin Shiyin suddenly realized. Then he looked forward:"Brother Ye, is the Smiling Proud Wanderer State in front?" Ye Luochuan nodded:"Yes. According to the news exchange between the five states, the Smiling Proud Wanderer State is now the center of Lingzhou


"Our state is in the north, and the other three states are in the east, west, and south of the Smiling Proud Wanderer state."

"At normal speed, we can enter the Swordsman Province in five days."

Lin Shiyin blinked:"Five days? Brother Ye, let's go faster, I can't wait to go to other provinces."

As he said, Lin Shiyin lifted the reins, raised his chin, and said:"Brother Ye, let's compete to see whose horse runs faster."


Without waiting for Ye Luochuan to agree, Lin Shiyin shouted, and the vigorous horse under her rushed out like a dragon.

The sound of horse hooves and the girl's sweet laughter were carried into Ye Luochuan's ears by the wind.

Looking at the girl's back, Ye Luochuan felt very happy.

In the past few days, Lin Shiyin never mentioned going back to Li Garden to see Li Xunhuan, which made him very happy.

Moreover, Lin Shiyin seemed to be gradually regaining her former agility and cheerfulness.

From a miserable and indifferent resentful girl in the boudoir, she turned back to the fearless little witch two years ago.


Ye Luochuan gathered his thoughts and rode his horse to chase after him.


Although they sped up, their journey was delayed for a few days because of a heavy rain.

However, no matter how far the road is, it will eventually be completed.

Finally, the two entered the territory of the former Smiling Proud Wanderer State.

Xiao Li Feidao State is in the north of Smiling Proud Wanderer State, so the first place they encountered was the Hengshan School, which is composed entirely of women.

On this day, Hengshan Mountain was already in sight.

But Ye Luochuan and Lin Shiyin stopped.

Instead of running to Hengshan Mountain, they found a remote and deserted place to hide.

The reason is simple. Today is the day when the second live broadcast will be launched.

As expected, accompanied by the rays of light above the sky, the live broadcast room that countless people love and fear is opened again!.

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