Peach and Plum Do Not Speak

Chapter 20

Chapter 20:

On the fifth day of the new year, Liu Yiyi came to visit. She has red hair that is long in the front and short in the back, and has a single eyelid. She looks like a charming Persian cat while squinting slightly.

She stepped into the door with high heels, dropped a lot of gifts, and stared at An Zhi for a long time. He said to Yan Xi, “This is your daughter?” She grabbed An Zhi, poked her face, and pinched her arm, “It’s so cute, like a doll, eh, it’s a real person…”

Yan Xi rolled her eyes slightly: “It should be called Auntie!”

“Tell my aunt to call me old, no! Call my sister!”

Before An Zhi could react, her face was touched and rubbed again. She was stunned by such a familiar behavior. She looked at Yan Xi pitifully as if asking for help.

“Okay, let her go.” Yan Xi pulled An Zhi over and said to Liu Yiyi angrily, “It’s neither serious nor serious.”

“The New Year’s Eve, didn’t I come to say a New Year’s greetings to you?!”

“It’s the fifth day of the first year. Besides, it’s not that I don’t know what you are doing in my house!”

Liu Yiyi smiled and glanced around: “Where’s your second brother?”

“He’s back at school.”

“How is that possible? Didn’t I go back to school after the Lantern Festival? I sent you a message in the morning, and you said he was there.” Liu Yiyi’s face turned pale.

“He was there at the time, but he went out after lunch, he should be going back to school.” Yan Xi looked at her with sympathy and a little schadenfreude.

Liu Yiyi was her best friend since childhood, two years older than her. She has been bitterly in love with her second brother Yan Yixi for many years, and has not been able to achieve a positive result. There is no way, their style of painting is too discordant.

Yan Xi didn’t quite understand why Liu Yiyi liked Yan Yixi. Yan Yixi was indifferent and didn’t care about everything except academics, and he had no hobbies. He couldn’t say a few words a day, except to mention his major. He looks handsome, tall and thin, and he often wears white, tepid, always quite satisfactory, as indifferent as clear water. Liu Yiyi fell in love with this “Flower of the High Mountains” for some unknown reason when her love was first opened, but her love and secret love failed.

Liu Yiyi was frustrated to study abroad, had several relationships abroad, worked for several years, and thought she was immune. Who knew that when she returned to China, she saw Yan Yixi again at Yan’s house, and she fell into it again, just like when she was a girl. She even quit her job abroad to settle at home.

However, the elm knot on the west side of Yan was still not enlightened.

Liu Yiyi even asked Yan Xi and Yan Yinan to find out what kind of girls Yan Yixi likes.

Both of them said they had never seen him have a girlfriend.

Liu Yiyi even had to doubt his sexuality. However, I have never seen him have a boyfriend.

“Maybe… my second brother is not interested in humans.” Yan Xi said.

Liu Yiyi said: “If he falls in love with me one day, will he read that poem to me? Just Haizi’s sentence [Tonight, I don’t care about human beings, I just want you]”

Yan Xi: …

Yan Xi: “Okay, my second brother isn’t at home. If you want to see him, why don’t you go to his school?”

Yiyi laughed: “No, no, I came to see you today, are you going to work soon?”

“The eighth day of the new year.”

“I heard you’re moving out?”


Liu Yiyi glanced at An Zhi thoughtfully.

Yan Xi: “I’m going to buy something in the city, do you want to come with me? Or are you going to school?”

Liu Yiyi said, “Come here, it just so happens that we haven’t chatted for a long time.”

“Anzhi is going to primary school. I’ll take her to buy some stationery.”

“Let’s just go with the two of us. What are you going to do with the children?” Liu Yiyi’s bright face was puzzled.

Liu Yiyi and the Yan family walked diligently. Although they failed to catch up with Yan Yixi, they had a very good relationship with the Yan family. Especially Yan Yinan and Yan Xi, who are about the same age.

Like most young people in their early twenties, children can be amused by cute words, so she doesn’t understand why Yanxi should carry such troublesome things on her back. And Yan Xi is not a person who particularly likes children.

But she’s a girl, so be careful. She guessed that after breaking up with Gao Jiming, Yan Xi decided to raise a child to divert her attention? This also doesn’t make sense. Generally speaking, shouldn’t a broken love start the next relationship as soon as possible? What’s more, how good are the conditions for Yanqi? Her parents’ family was rich and powerful, and she herself had looks, talents, and makeup. The people chasing her when she was studying never stopped.

Liu Yiyi couldn’t understand, she was also very troubled because of Yan Yixi’s affairs, and wanted to talk to her. So it is inconvenient to bring a small child. But Yan Xi insisted. Liu Yiyi was puzzled and could only agree.

After buying the stationery, it was still early, so they went to the temple fair.

During the Spring Festival, the crowd is full of people, bustling and laughing.

An Zhi had never seen a temple fair, and thought everything was fresh. Yan Xi held her hand firmly, talking to her as he walked.

In front of the crowd shaking the diabolo, Yan Xi lifted An Zhi up and put her on his arm. After that, I bought her a butterfly kite, a rattle, a windmill with gold and silver ingots…

Poor Liu Yiyi followed behind her and was taken to be holding something.

The booth of the candy kneader was surrounded by many children. The old craftsman smashed the candy into a ball, kneaded it into a ball, and ran his flexible fingers on the hot candy ball. With a candy mouth as thin as a tube, he puffed out his cheeks and blew it into a thin-skinned hollow caramel-colored ball at once.

The surrounding children let out a loud exclamation.

I saw that the old artist’s face did not change, but his wrinkled hands were very flexible, and he slowly pinched the spherical candy into a chubby pig. Broken, and the remaining little bit was rolled by hand, which just turned into a little pig’s curly tail.

“Wow wow!!” The surrounding children clapped their hands and shouted, “I want me too…”

“I want a tiger!” “I want Sun Wukong!” “I want a big cock!” “I want Ultraman!”

An Zhi didn’t want to leave at all.

Yan Xi understood, she smiled and said to her, “How about letting the old man pin a rabbit for you?”

Liu Yiyi stepped on a pair of ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes. She walked with sweat in the winter, and said angrily, “I want one too!”

The night is all around, and the cool breeze is bleak. At the beginning of the lights, the aroma of the food stall came over, and Liu Yiyi began to eat, and then she felt alive. Start eating fried cakes along the street, donkey roll, Ai Wo Wo, **** shredded fork…

I thought it was all sweet, so I bought pancakes and fruit to eat.

The whole piece was too big for An Zhi to finish it, so Yan Xi split it in half and let her eat it with a paper bag. An Zhi just took a bite and it burned his mouth. He snorted and took another big bite. The green vegetables, the red ham, the browned crispy, and the egg-flavored pie crust were beautiful and delicious. Bent, the mouth is full of sauce.

Yan Xi squatted down and wiped her mouth with a tissue, her eyes gentle.

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes aside, is this child really not her illegitimate daughter?

After walking around for a long time, she was tired, and An Zhi couldn’t walk, so Yan Xi carried her on her back. I can’t eat anymore, but

Seeing Tanghulu, she rarely took the initiative to lie beside Yan Xi’s ear and said, “I want this…”

“You can still eat it, Xiao Anzhi?” Liu Yiyi laughed at her.

An Zhi hadn’t spoken to her much this day, and was a little afraid of life. Thinking that Liu Yiyi was saying that she was “greedy”, she ducked embarrassedly.

Yan Xi glanced at the children who were holding the candied haws, and said with a smile, “Okay, buy them for us Taotao.”

We Tao Tao? An Zhi was stunned, no one had called her that for a long time.

The big bunch of round big hawthorns were covered with yellowish sugar coating, like little red lanterns that were well-dressed. Endearing. An Zhi held the wooden sign and moved it to Yan Xi’s lips.

Yan Xi carried her on her back, not expecting her move, she blinked, “Want to feed me?”

The dimple on An Zhi’s right cheek was vague, “The first one is for you.”

“Hmm…” Yan Xi bit one, her cheeks moved lightly, “It’s delicious.

“Let’s eat the rest.”

An Zhifu rested on Yan Xi’s shoulders, carefully keeping his shoes from kicking her, biting the candied haws and looking at the surrounding scenery. Listen to the two adults talking.

“Do you think your second brother will go home tonight?”

“Are you going to spend the night at my house tonight if he comes home?”

“Well, I can see him in the evening and tomorrow morning.”

“You’re really helpless…”

On the return car, An Zhi sat in the back seat next to Yan Xi, drowsy. Liu Yiyi was driving the car, and the lights outside the window were continuous, flickering and flickering.

Liu Yiyi sighed and said, “I’m going to hang myself on the tree Yan Yixi in my life…”

“You don’t have to…”

“I can’t, love, do you understand, that’s why I don’t understand that you can break up with Gao Jiming, I’m thinking that you don’t love him at all…”

An Zhi didn’t understand. She was very sleepy and didn’t know what “love” meant. She knew that Yan Xi’s hand was stroking her head. She didn’t need to worry about anything. .

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