Peaceful life in the wizarding world


It has been a month since young Ezekiel had entered the magical community, the Diagon Alley. Today was a special day for any young wizard who had to start their magical journey of their life. September 1st, the day, when all the young wizards had to go to Hogwarts to learn and become an eligible wizard. On this very day, 9 O' clock in the morning, a boy can be seen getting ready for his journey. He was in Leaky Cauldron. He had arrived a day before so that he wouldn't have to hurry to the train station the first thing in the morning in this very important day. Well you see, his new home was in Broad Campden, a small village in Gloucestershire, England, it would take about 3 hours to just arrive at the King's cross station. So, to not get tired of travelling all day long, he made the decision of staying at Leaky Cauldron the day before.

'I can't believe that I'm getting ready to go to Hogwarts. Just a month ago, I wasn't even in this world, and now I'm a wizard.' Thought Ezekiel looking at his two new pets sleeping on the bed. He started to have a flashback of the day he arrived to his new home from Diagon Alley.


"We are here, wake up", said Alex

"Aghh.." Stretching his body Ezekiel got out the luxurious car, "I slept like a log" he said.

"Yes you did, now hurry up." Alex said with indifference

"Oh Wow! Beautiful" Ezekiel said when he looked at the thatched mansion in front of him and again said, "Where are we? Am I going to live here? Amazing!"

As they were walking towards the entrance, Ezekiel couldn't stop getting mesmerized by the mansion's architecture. It was a small sized thatched mansion. They were in Broad Campden, a small village in Gloucestershire. The mansion was made with Cotswold stones (speciality of that region), made in a rather big land which gave the property to have a lawn and beautiful gardens. The Hamlet was just a beautiful place to live in, as the nature and land around it gave it a peaceful feeling.

Alex didn't reply, just rang the bell to the house. The door was opened by a butler. It was John.

"Has everything been sorted out?" Alex asked

"Yes, everything's done." Said John

"Alright, get in boy, I'll brief you how you will stay here and I'll head back" Alex said

Ezekiel nodded his head. They went to the living room and sat on the sofa facing each other.

There was an awkward silence for some moment. John brought tea for them then.

*cough* "Alright on to our business. Boy, I think you might also have thought why you look nothing like your family?" Alex said

'Oh boy, here we go… was the silence not good enough.. now this talk… is he seriously gonna say that he was not my father and leave me all alone now?!' thought Ezekiel. But then again he nodded not knowing how to reply that question.

"It is because I'm not your father. Your whore of a mother cheated on me." Alex said intensifying his disdain in his voice and then continued after a little pause, "Don't you think I'm a generous person to have had an outcome of betrayal to live in my house till now?" he glared at the boy with an expression that showed disgust and rage.

Looking at the man's face, Ezekiel's blood started to boil.

"But now, I've had enough of you… today I had a little pity on you, and for not to be blamed at if anything had happened to you so I complied to come along with you today. And this is as far I can go… I have brought you here safely, and for the time you stay here, your mother's friend will come and watch over you since she lives right next door. So from today onwards, I'm not your father and we have no relation what-so-ever " Alex said.

He signalled his hand to John and towards Ezekiel.

John gave a document file to Ezekiel. Ezekiel took the file and opened it, he looked at the file and Alex.

"Yes, it's as it says. Those were all your mother's and now yours. You, Ezekiel Frost Knight, are now the owner of this house, not technically now but when you grow old enough you will be." Alex said and continued, "And about money, there is a total of 1,690,000,000 Pounds for your inheritance money your mother prepared for you. Here, this letter is the will your mother left." He threw a letter to Ezekiel.

Ezekiel took the letter and read it. His mother had written a will just incase anything had happened during the delivery. But it was good that she did as something did happen and she did lose her life. While reading the letter, Ezekiel couldn't help but feel uneasy, the pain he felt was just foreign to him, losing a person, he had never felt before.

Trail of tears started to fall from his eyes, he felt all the emotions of the boy, his desperation for love, loneliness…. everything.

"*heh!* Pathetic… That whore of a woman she was, got the guts to cheat on me… look at her son just as pathetic… Did she think she had done good when she dirtied her body by a nobody pheasant… now where is her lover now * hahahaha* I'll tell you where he is, he's dead *hahaha*. Pathetic I tell you, bunch of low lives they were. She should have worshipped me for even looking at her, that dirty orphan bitch. But me, even though a noble man with so much money, married her and what did she give me in return, a baby, which wasn't even mine and died!! Leaving a burden behind to take care!" Alex started to shout emitting hate he had for her with his voice.

"stop.." Ezekiel said in a weak voice with his head lowered down.

But Alex wasn't hearing anything, drowned with his hatred, he was spouting venom with his mouth, "She deserved it, that bitch deserved it. Not only did she cheated on me, she was even a jinx to her lover, he died only a month after she visited him."

"sss…. Stop…." Ezekiel was again repeated in low voice

"It's good that she died, I don't like dirtying my hands because if she didn't have died, I WOULD HAVE KILLED HER BY MYSELF!!!!" Alex said but screamed the last part huffing and puffing with bloodshot eyes.

"I said STOP!" Ezekiel scream silencing Alex. "Do you think I don't know how you really are like?! You say you are a generous person, stop spouting rubbish! You say my mother cheated on you but…. What is that mistress of yours and her eldest son!! Isn't he 2 years older than me? And you married my mother 3 years prior to me being born. How will you explain about that? Weren't you the one who cheated first?! You are the one who is disgusting, you are the one who is pathetic... You know what I don't want you in my house… Get out!"

"Wh! What!" Alex exclaimed in rage, glaring at him as if challenging to speak more if he dared.

"You heard me, GET OUT!" Ezekiel said with the same amount of hatred.

"Alright, what would've been expected from a whore's son… Manner-less bastard." Alex said clenching his teeth. "John! Start the car, we're leaving!"

Ezekiel then slammed the door behind them and locked it.

He leaned backwards against the door and gave out a big sign and looked up at the ceiling and muttered, "All I wanted was a peaceful life... What is this... I really don't want this...".

He slouched down, looked around the house, it was getting dark, and was just very quiet, covering his face he thought, 'am I supposed to live here alone, in my previous life I was never alone, there was always somebody by my side... I miss them, even though I don't really remember their faces, I still feel their warmth… my family, friends… did I take them for granted? This feeling…. Loneliness… everything just came so suddenly'

"~Papa~" a soft voice mewed.

A tiny white furry body rubbed its body against Ezekiel's boy, trying to calm him down.

"~Don't be sad papa~" It mewed again.

"~Yes, don't cry, they're not worth it~" another baby voice hooted and a blue bird flew to the boy's shoulder and rubbed it's head on his neck.

Ezekiel looked towards the creatures who were consoling him, they gave him warmth, they gave him hope. Slowly, his sadness started to fade away and replaced into dedication, dedication to live his life to the fullest and not drown into sadness. He held them in front of him in his lap.

'Are they doing this? This warm feeling... are they helping me through magic?' he thought

"~Yes, you are right. They really are not worth it. Past is all past now, I have a new me, I have to look at the bigger picture, I won't be the same old sad boy now, I'll be happy, and will do anything that fits right with me." He said looking at the creatures.

The creatures nodded.

Ezekiel wiped all his tears and headed towards the living room and sat on the sofa.

He put down the creatures beside him.

He looked at the bird closely, it was fluffy with big amount of feather and big round green eyes. It's feather was blue and white in colour. It was so small that it could fit on his palm. He looked closely at it and found out it was an owl.

'Strange, I didn't know owls can be blue in colour and it's so tiny, it does seem like a baby...' Thought Ezekiel

"~You are an owl?~" he asked it

"~Yes~" puffing its chest, it continued, "~I am an owl~"

"~But how come you are blue, I didn't even recognize you as an owl~" Ezekiel asked and thought, 'it looks like an owl if I look closely at it… it does look like a snowy owl a bit but it just too small to fly and too fluffy.'

"~I don't know~" the owl looked down but then it spoke "~But the man who took care of me called me his success and his precious, then I was kidnapped but I escaped then, I got blown away by wind and I met you~"

'Ah… so he must be some kind of experiment' he thought looking at the bird

"~Alright, let's see… I'm not really good at giving names... Okay, it's decided, your name will be Rain. When I first saw you flying, you looked like a water droplet falling... You really are so tiny, I thought you were a humming bird at first but your beak gave you away~" He said to the bird, who spread its wings as a reply.

Then he looked at another creature, a small white fur ball with golden dazzling eyes.

'Both of my pets are so strange. One's blue which is never seen colour in an owl, and other is… I don't know what it is, when I bought it, it was weak and frail, curling its body into a ball… but now… it is standing and now I look at it, it looks like a poodle than a Scottish fold cat…' he thought

The kitten had white curly white coat, fox like fluffy tail, pair of ears falling on the side of its face and golden eyes. Its body was like of a toy poodle but its movements had the elegance of cat, mewed and behaved like a cat.

"hmmm…. Your name will be…. Serena" he said to the fur-ball, to which it started to jump with excitement.

"haha… You guys are adorable." Said Ezekiel, "Come here, group hug!"

When they hugged and both the pet's head touched Ezekiel's. Their body started to glow, the light spread through the room, and dimmed down in a spilt second. When they let go off their hug, the creatures had changed. Rain's body was the same but his eyes had changed, before it was green with black pupil and now it's green with golden pupil. It flew and rested on Ezekiel's shoulder, the bird lift a sparkling glitter trail from its wings. But it wasn't glitters but were small frozen water particles. That surprised him but not as surprised as what was in front of him. Serena's body was the same but a small pair of antlers had appeared on her head, and had two fluffy long fox like tails.

"What!" Ezekiel exclaimed from surprise.

****Flashback end****

'I still can't believe that man, the even audacity he had to talk bad about my late mother... But he really did give me a place to live for so many years... well I do have to give him some credit... and if not for him I wouldn't have met Aunt Emily. ' Ezekiel thought.

"Alright Ezzy, all done? Let's hurry, we need to get our breakfast too." Aunt Emily said.

"Okay, just need to do my hair now." Ezekiel said.

Emily Smith was an author, quite famous one at that. She had written many famous fantasy novel, popular world wide. She was 36 year old, brown hair, blue eyes. She was a kind and sweet woman who treated Ezekiel like her own son, as she couldn't have one. She always looked cheerful but deep down, she was a very sad woman. She was all alone in this world. Famous, beautiful and rich, everything that a person wants to be, that would make them happy but not her. All she wanted was a family, loving and happy family. So, chasing for a family, she had married a loving and caring guy in her early 20's but, their happy moment didn't last long. As she always wanted a family, a big one with many children, but god had nothing like that planned for her as she couldn't bear any. So they tried for many years, and even tried for adoption. Finally after few years they were able to adopt a child. While returning home, feeling the most happiest people on the earth, they got into an accident taking away both the baby and her husband away. From that day onwards she gave up on having a family and only focused on her career as an author. Until she heard about Ezekiel.

Ezekiel again turn towards the mirror in front of him.

He saw an eleven year old, about 5' tall, innocence in his face with baby fats, blue eyes, black hair, and lean boy.

He gave out a big sign and started to make his hair. He had an undercut, and hair long enough that reached his brows. He let his hair fall on his forehead but pushed a little portion back on the left side.

"Perfect" he said to himself.

He had a white oversized hoodie on and a black fit trousers. Now he had been fully dressed, he had to eat his breakfast and leave for the station.

"Alright guys, let's go, we need to eat something." Saying that he reached to his trunk, made it small and kept it in his pocket, then his wand and its holster on his arm.

Rain flew on to his shoulder but this time he didn't leave sparkling trail. As for Serena, he picked her up and held on his arm.

From the day when Ezekiel's pets had put on such magical show, he had read every single book he had purchased.

In one of the books, there was some information about bonding with pets. He found out that when a person bonds with a wizard/ witch the animal gets the signature of the owner's magic. Some can even experience changes on the pet's body. It was quite common. And as the owner becomes stronger the pets also grow with them.

Though Rain hadn't done anything magical, his appearance and eyes were the same. As for the Serena, she was just mystical. She looked like a hybrid of cat, dog and a deer now.

But one problem was that both of his pets didn't grow at all in this 1 month of time which he had thought allot about. But he was happy nonetheless as his pets were very cute.

"Got everything?" Aunt Emily asked.

"Yes Auntie, let's go." Ezekiel said.

After picking his pets, they left the room and got down to the pub, and ordered for breakfast.

As they were now fed, and Ezekiel was done reading the daily prophet, it was already 9:40 a.m.

"Alright guys, it's time. Let's go" he said to his pets and Aunt Emily. But this time he kept Serene inside his hoodie's pocket as he would be now travelling through the muggle world.

While reading the book 'Magical world: A history' that Ezekiel had bought from Flourish and Blotts had a crucial information about this world. An information that had nearly made him to have a heart attack. In this world, muggles and the wizarding worlds were different. Wizarding world was on Earth but the Earth wasn't the same Earth where muggles reside. The Wizarding world was in another dimension, but it originally wasn't like that, it was done by Merlin. When King Arthur Pendragon had died and his son had taken over the ruling, killings of wizard had again started. Many wizards were being killed and burned alive. Not being able to see his fellow wizards being killed, he sacrificed himself and made portals around the Earth for wizards to enter, and ended the killings of wizards once and for all. So from that day onwards, wizards had a whole new world that was more magical with many magical beasts to live one. Due to this, Merlin was taken as a form of God in the Magical World.

Magical world was the same as muggle's, with same terrains, topography, climates but only difference was that there were no humans in magical ones before wizards entered there.

While Ezekiel was thinking that Aunt Emily had already called for a taxi. When they reached King's cross station, only Ezekiel got out.

"Are you sure you don't need me to come?" Aunt Emily asked.

"No, you really don't need to, you are already late for you book signing. I'll be alright aunt Emily, so just go." Ezekiel said.

Aunt Emily looked sad but tried to hide it and said, "Alright alright, I'll go... can't believe you are going so far away and I can't even send you off nicely... Just be in your best behavior alright? And take a good care of yourself..."

She got out of the taxi and hugged him and gave a peck on his cheek. "Just be careful alright?" she said.

"Okay, you too... I'll write you, frequently so don't worry." He said.

Aunt Emily reluctantly went back to her taxi and went away, and Ezekiel went inside the station.

When he reached the platform it was already 10:30. So without a further due, he reached the 9th platform. Platform nine and three-quarters was the same old brick wall from the books and movies.

Ezekiel looked around and didn't find any other students going through this place. Then he saw a familiar family, who were closing near to him. An obese man, on his right was a tall thin blond head woman with long neck, and in front of them were two young boys, one was fat kid and other was a thin small kid with messy hair and round glass who had clothes that looked way bigger for him.

'They still look like the actors from the movies, but have some traits from the books.' Thought Ezekiel.

They reached near Ezekiel to the platform nine, then the fat man had a grin on his face and said to the boy with glasses, "Well, there you are, boy. Platform nine -- platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have built it yet, do they?"

But the boy didn't reply.

"Have a good term," said the fat man with an even nastier smile, then went away with other two leaving the boy with glasses behind.

Shaking his head, Ezekiel walked towards the boy and tapped on the boy's shoulder who now looked sad frantically looking at his ticket and towards the platform number plates.

"Excuse me, are you looking for the platform nine and three-quarters", Ezekiel asked.

"Y… Yes", the boy stuttered.

"Well, come on lets go, I'm going to Hogwarts too." Ezekiel said

They were between platform nine and ten, Ezekiel then pointed at the all facing towards the platform nine.

"You see that wall, it has a barrier on it…. More like a portal I guess. You have to walk, may be a bit of a run if you are nervous, towards it and cross it and you will reach it." He said.

"Run towards it?" the boy asked

"Yes, if you don't believe me, then can't you feel it? The magic the wall is giving?" he said

"hmm… now that you told me I really do feel it." The boy said who now had a little bright face.

"Okay then, on the count of three, let's run through it together…" Ezekiel said, which in return the boy looked at him.

"Truth to be told, it's my first time too and I'm feeling quite nervous." He explained himself

The boy smile and said, "It's alright, it's the same for me too. I don't know how I would have known myself if it weren't for you."

Smiling Ezekiel said, "Alright, let's hurry up, we are quite late already."

Then, they grabbed on to the cart's handled and wheeled though the barrier with a run. When they were about to touch the wall, they both felt they would smash against it so they both had their eyes closed. But it never happened, so when they heard the crowd's noise, they opened their eyes.

"WOhhh!!! That was surreal. I thought we would crash on to the wall at one moment… *Phew*" said the boy

"Right? Me too? Even when I knew that it was the barrier to come here." Ezekiel replied.

They both looked around themselves. There was big scarlet steam engine train, which was drifting smoke form its engine. The station was same as the King's cross but here there was a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been which had a 'Platform nine and three-quarters' written on it.

It was loud there, there were many students, some family parting their ways, some crying, some laughing and then some were just talking. There were many people flying on their broomsticks and carpets, going off or just coming to the station. And on the sky, there were carriages flying here and there.

'I just can't get over how much more magical this world really is' thought Ezekiel.

Looking towards the boy who was beside him, looking as dazed as him, a gust of wind passed through and the boy's hair moved showing a lighting scar on his forehead, he tapped on his shoulder, "Hey, we better hurry, or else we won't find good seats." Ezekiel said to him.

"AH… yes, let's go…" then he paused looking at Ezekiel and asked, "Wait, where your trunk and other stuffs are at?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's in my pocket." He said nonchalantly and walked through the train compartments as many were already packed.

To which the boy gave a confused look but followed him.

As they walked through, they found one empty compartment near the end of the train, so Ezekiel went inside but the boy was having trouble with his trunk. Ezekiel looked behind and found the boy struggling. So he went to give him a hand. He first took his owl and kept inside. Then his trunk, which the both of them could not lift so they dropped it.

"Why did you buy this trunk? It's clearly so heavy and in no way meant for a kid…" he said looking at the boy, and then exclaimed, "Ahhh!! How silly am I… We have magic, why didn't I think of this?"

Ezekiel then took out his wand from his right arm and closed his eyes for a moment.

After closing his eyes, he concentrated on his body to feel something.

During this one month, he had read all the books and practiced some spells. In this world, in order for a person to be witch or wizard, that person should have something in his or her body, it's like am arm but it doesn't have a shape or form, but it is there, only the person can feel it, which is called 'mandle'. It is like a body part that manipulated the magic particles, which is called mana, found in the surround. It is like air particles, it's just that it has no weight, shape, can't be seen, or be touched, but it is just there and only be handled through mandle. Mandle is like muscle, the more you use it, the more easy for you to control mana. But the more you use it, the more energy you lose, and the more you exhaust your brain. So, it would be tiring mentally and physically to use it for a long time with an untrained body.

But to really use mana and do magic, one must be able to control the mandle so to learn to control it, wands are used, its like training wheels. While using wand, it is easier to control the mandle to focus on one thing. To control mandle high level of concentration and imagination is needed. Ezekiel is doing the same thing, imagining and concentrating.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and waved his wand and chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa!" pointing towards the trunk.

The trunk flew and he pointed his wand towards their compartment, at the corner of it, to which the trunk flew towards the pointed position.

*phew* Ezekiel signed and said, "That was the heaviest thing that I have ever lifted through magic."

"Wohhh… you can already do that? But how? Hagrid told me we can't use magic in the muggle world, or else we will get in trouble, so how did you?" asked the boy.

"Ohh… ughhh…" Ezekiel had totally forgot about that so he had trouble how to answer him, " Ugh the thing is, I didn't know about that… But nothing happened…. May be it is only applied after we go to Hogwarts? And when we return, then maybe we are restricted from practicing magic?"

"Well, it.." the boy was about to say something but was interrupted by red headed twins.

"Well well well… don't we have a little outlaw over here ey Fred?", said one of the red head

"Right you are George." Replied the other one.

The red headed twins looked exactly like from the movies, tall, red haired and brown eyes.

The twins looked at Ezekiel and then at the boy, who now had his scar shown on his forehead.

"What's that?" said one of the twins suddenly, pointing at the boy's lightning scar.

"Blimey," said the other twin. "Are you.."

"He is," said the first twin. "Aren't you?" he added to Harry.

"What?" said Harry.

"Harry Potter, "chorused the twins.

"Oh, him," said Harry. "I mean, yes, I am."

Then a voice came calling for the twins, and then they left.

The remaining two boys looked at each other, laughed as how the twins had acted and then entered their compartment.

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