Path to the Apocalypse

Space: 9 - Asking her out

Chris and Beth spent about fifteen minutes decompressing in his space before deciding to head back into the ball, only to find David waiting for them near the entrance, watching them with a smirk. “Christopher, if you're going to sully my daughter's honor, you should at least take enough time to do so thoroughly. Just because you're finished, doesn't mean she is.”

“Dad!” Beth exclaimed, flushing profusely.

Chris squinted at him for a moment, before it clicked. “Daniel?”

David nodded, chuckling slightly. “The boy seems rather insistent that the two of you are carrying on an illicit affair, and hasn't been shy about spreading the tale.”

Chris sighed. “You know we aren't, right?”

David waved dismissively. “Yes, yes, but even if you were, you're both consenting adults who've passed their Trial. Who am I to say you can't be together? If anything, I'm looking forward to some grandkids.” He added with a wink at Beth.

Beth groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Dad, stop! We're just friends!”

“Sure you are.” David smirked. “But as I've said, it's none of my business.”

Beth glared at him for a moment, before turning to Chris. “Come on, we should just get out of here.”

Chris raised an eyebrow at her. “Why?”

Beth rolled her eyes. “Because I don't want to put up with everyone staring at us and making snide comments.”

Chris frowned. “What does it matter what they do? I thought that's why you invited me, so we could hang out and you wouldn't have to bother with anyone else. I mean, if you're done and actually want to leave, then yeah, let's go, but you shouldn't let people you don't even want to be around ruin your night. I'm still here and happy to do whatever it is you want to do, so… let's do whatever you want to do, okay? Also, not gonna lie, I kinda want to hit that buffet again.”

Beth blinked, a slight smile tugging at her lips. “I- suppose I wouldn't mind dancing some more.”

Chris nodded. “Cool, let's do it.” He paused. “After the buffet?”

Beth snorted. “Sure, we can do the buffet first.”

“Outstanding.” Chris muttered, rubbing his stomach.

“I suppose that answers my question then.” David commented. “Your mother and I are heading back home, and we were wondering if you two would be joining us.”

Beth hesitated, tempted by the clear excuse to leave, before shaking her head. She wasn't going to have her night ruined by stupid gossip! “No, I think we'll stay.”

David smiled, giving her a hug. “Enjoy your night.” He whispered in her ear, before pulling back and giving Chris a pointed look. “Take good care of my daughter. I don't want to see her get hurt, understood?”

Chris nodded. “Don't worry, I'll make sure she gets home safe.”

David sighed. “Ah, kids.” He shook his head, holding his hand out. “It was good to meet you, Chris.”

Chris slightly cocked an eyebrow at him, before grabbing his hand and shaking it. “Likewise.”

“Alright, you both have fun now.” David chuckled as he turned and left.

Chris scratched his head, staring after him, before turning to Beth. “Your dad is kinda weird.”

“I don't think you're one to talk.” Beth grumbled. “Come on, let's go get some food.”

The two of them made their way back inside, heading towards the buffet. At this point, most of the older attendees had left, leaving the ball to the younger generation as things turned a bit more… not exactly wild, but definitely looser. The band that had been playing all the music packed up and instead modern music began to play through the speakers. The waltz made way to the swing as formality caved to celebration. After all, as much as everyone here was pretty much guaranteed to pass their Trial, they'd still gone through the Trial. They were eager to let loose after a month of roughing it in the tunnels of the Maze.

Beth's expression darkened as she noticed a few people pointing and staring at them, leaning closer to whisper what she was sure were complete and utter fabrications to each other. A few pointed glares sent them scrambling, but she knew it wouldn't help. The rumor mill had begun, and soon everyone would know about her and Chris, even if what they knew was entirely false. She glanced at Chris, who was happily stuffing a small sandwich into his mouth, completely ignoring the fact that it was not meant to be bite-sized, and couldn't help but smile. So what if they spread rumors? All that mattered was the truth, and the truth was… she'd be lucky to be with Chris. And anyone who couldn't see how amazing he was wasn't worth her time.


Chris and Beth ended up being some of the last people to leave, finally departing a little past midnight. “This was fun.” Beth commented as they sat in the limo, making their way towards the lifts.

Chris nodded. “It was. I honestly didn't think I had that much dancing in me.”

“Me either.” Beth agreed, flushing slightly. “Should we do it again sometime?”

“Sure.” Chris agreed with a shrug. “That actually leads to something I wanted to talk to you about.”

Beth froze, suddenly feeling nervous. “It- does?”

Chris nodded. “Yeah, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me.”

Beth blinked. “Yes? I mean, yes! Obviously!”

Chris smiled. “Cool.”

Beth's eye twitched as a few conflicting emotions surged through her. “Chris- ugh, hold on, I just- I need to ask why you're asking me out. You aren't- you're not just doing it because you think you should, are you?”

“Well, the reason I'm asking you out now is because Derek told me that if I was still interested in you at the end of this, I had to ask you out.” Chris explained as Beth's expression darkened. “But I think I would have asked you out on my own at some point. There aren't many people I enjoy hanging out with as much as you. Plus, as far as I can tell, you're a great person. The only thing that has me a bit concerned is that I can't tell if you're being great because you're actually a great person, or because you're just trying to make a good impression for some reason, but I guess that's why I'm asking you on a date, not proposing. Also, the fact that you didn't warn me about Daniel was a little disappointing, but not in any major way, cause ultimately there was nothing he could do but annoy me. Still, a heads up would have been nice.”

“I did warn you about the duels.” Beth muttered, though even she didn't think it was a great defense.

“Yes, after I asked, and that didn't cover the fact that there was a specific guy who's majorly obsessed with you and fully willing to make it my problem.” Chris pointed out. “Again, it isn't a big deal, I just like to be aware of what I'm getting myself into.”

Beth's expression twisted. “I- you're right, I'm sorry. I just-”

Chris held up a hand. “It's fine, really. I mean, I'm sure you have way bigger complaints about me, and I'm fairly certain they won't be as easily fixed. Such as the fact that the best response I could come up with for you agreeing to go out with me, something I am honestly eager to pursue, was ‘cool’.” He paused for a moment, before shaking his head. “Still can't come up with anything better.”

Beth couldn't help but smirk at that. “It was a bit disappointing.” She hesitated. “It- it just bothers me that I can never tell what you're thinking. I mean, I can, it's just- like it's pretty clear when you're happy, but I'm not sure what it means other than that you're happy.” She sighed. “If I couldn't tell that you liked me, how can I tell if you stop liking me?”

Chris frowned. “I'll tell you?”

Beth shook her head. “But I don't want to know after, I want to know before, so I can do something about it! It's like- okay, say you're playing the piano, but you have ear plugs in, so even though it looks like you're doing all the right things, there's no way for you to actually know until people either applaud or boo at the end. So throughout the entire thing, you're just tense and stressed out over whether you're making any mistakes.”

Chris cocked his head. “I suppose I could see that being frustrating, but- well, I kinda don't want you to be worrying about making mistakes? I just want you to be yourself. Particularly since I really just want to be myself, and I don't appreciate double standards. I'm also not entirely sure I'm capable of not being myself, but that's a whole other issue.” He paused, considering how to fit it into her analogy. “If you're playing the piano, then- wait, no, that doesn't work. Oh, wait, I got it. If you're playing the piano, then I want to hear your song, and if I leave, it isn't going to be because you made mistakes, it's going to be because I didn't like the song.” He paused again, going over it in his head for a moment, before nodding. “Yeah, I think that's it. What do you think?”

“I think- I think it's a good idea, but it worries me, because- because I can already tell I really like your song, but I can't tell if you're even interested in mine.” Beth replied, her expression twisting. “I just- it scares me that I'll get attached, and then suddenly you'll be gone.”

Chris blew out a breath. “Well, I can't say it wouldn't happen, but isn't that the risk in any relationship? I mean, I've seen Derek go through it over and over again, finding a girl, both of them giving all the right feedback, until suddenly one of them decides it's over, and the other is left in a lurch. I think that's kind of what dating is. Both people trying desperately to make things work, until one of them can't anymore. And even if it does work out, usually one or both people are subtly altered, and the constant strain of being someone ever so slightly not yourself becomes more and more unbearable, until boom, divorce. Nah, it's just better to be yourself and accept whatever happens as is. Be ready for things to blow up, and find yourself pleasantly surprised if they don't.”

Beth frowned. “That just sounds like you're giving up before you even start! Unless you find someone perfectly compatible with you, which I doubt will ever happen, there's going to be something that's going to irritate you, and then you're already out the door!”

Chris shook his head. “I think there's a difference between irritation and a core conflict. For example, not warning me about Daniel, that's an irritation. You didn't do it spitefully, and it's something you can easily correct in the future, no problem. On the other hand, my lack of excitement is a core issue. It just isn't me, and if I try to force it, I'll probably be able to keep it going for a while, maybe even years, but it's going to wear me out eventually. You can work on irritations, but core conflicts can't- Well, shouldn't be resolved, because ultimately someone is going to suffer because of it.”

Beth paused. “Do- do you mind if I get excited?”

Chris smiled. “I actually find it really adorable when you get excited. Almost like I'm experiencing it second hand in some way.”

“Really?” Beth blinked in surprise. “I- kinda got the impression you were just humoring me.”

“No, I honestly find it adorable.” Chris confirmed with a light smile. “I find most of what you do adorable, actually. Like when we were shopping, and you got all serious about finding the perfect furniture, when you could have literally put anything in there as long as it was comfortable. It's like… even if I don't care, it's nice to see that you do. Actually, I think I almost need you to care… cause honestly, someone has to, and it isn't going to be me.”

Warmth bloomed in Beth's chest as she struggled to resist the urge to jump into his arms. Finally hearing that everything she wished was true actually was true was a bit overwhelming, but he was being so thoughtful about this that it felt like it'd be a betrayal to simply let herself be carried away by her emotions. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second to calm down, before turning back to Chris with a serious glint in her eyes, seriously considering what a relationship with him would look like, her expression turning a bit sad as she did. “Chris… I think you're one of the most amazing guys I've ever met. I honestly, truly do. But- I don't think I could handle not knowing- no, wait, I can handle not knowing what you're thinking, I just- I need to feel appreciated. Like- like my presence is worth something to you, and- I don't think I can handle going weeks at a time wondering whether you're actually enjoying my company.” The entire time in the Maze, and even after, she was always wondering whether Chris was just putting up with her or if he actually enjoyed her company, and the more she found herself growing attached to him, the more stressful it became. Even after hearing that he found her adorable, what if it changed, and he started to get annoyed by her? A little part of her would always wonder and worry about it, and she didn't think she could handle it.

Chris nodded thoughtfully. “That's fair. I would suggest that it'd be easier to tell I appreciated you in a relationship because I'd be free to make actual physical expressions of my appreciation, such as hugging, kissing, holding hands, and so on. However, I could still see you thinking maybe I'm just doing those things because that's what you're supposed to do in a relationship, which is fair.” He paused. “What if I just told you? Whenever you wanted to know. Of course, you'd still have to trust me to be honest, but then we go back to the fact that you can't depend on impressions to be accurate either, since someone could be trying on the surface but struggling underneath.”

Beth frowned. “You wouldn't get annoyed?”

Chris cocked his head. “I don't think so? Taking some time to tell you how much I appreciate you sounds almost intimate, in a sense. Particularly if you're willing to reciprocate. Of course, if you're asking every five minutes it'd be annoying, but less because I'm bothered by the question, and more because it'd suggest a lack of trust and insecurity that I would find… concerning.”

“What if I just like hearing how much you appreciate me?” Beth retorted.

Chris paused. “Well, I suppose I can't fault you for that.”

Beth smiled slightly as she considered Chris's proposal. Would just hearing it be enough? Would it actually be- better? She knew better than anyone how fake people could be, and while she might be concerned about someone else lying just to placate her, with Chris she was fairly certain he was incapable of telling anything but the full and honest truth. A light huff of amusement escaped her as she remembered his encounter with the Defense Force. If the man wouldn't hide the truth to save his own life, she doubted he'd do it just to get in her pants. Plus… her smile turned warm as she remembered how she felt when Chris explained how adorable he found it when she cared, particularly when he said he needed her to care. “I think that could work.” She murmured.

Chris nodded. “Cool.”

Beth snorted. “You have got to find a better response.”

Chris cocked his head, considering it for a moment before reaching out, Beth letting out a small yelp and flushing as she was pulled into his lap, before freezing as his lips met hers. Slowly she loosened up, melting into the kiss as her arms wrapped around his neck, Chris holding her with a quiet intensity that sent tingles down her spine. A moment later the two parted, Beth flushing deeply as she caught her breath. “How was that?” Chris asked with a light grin.

“Better.” Beth nodded with a gulp. “Much, much better.”

“Better than our first kiss.” Chris agreed.

“That's because you bit me!” Beth snapped.

“I didn't say it was your fault.” Chris pointed out. “But you did surprise me.”

“What did you expect to happen when you rescued a girl from certain death like some kind of hero.” Beth grumbled, hiding her smile as she leaned into his chest and rested her head on her shoulder. Intense Chris was exciting, but she didn't want to lose this comfortable, teasing Chris in the process.

“I didn't really consider walking a girl into my space so she could heal heroic.” Chris retorted. “More basic common decency.”

Beth sighed. “Chris, when someone is in a situation like that, any kind of help is heroic. I would have been grateful for someone to just hold my hand, so I wouldn't have to die alone.” A slight shiver ran through her as she remembered the feeling of her life draining out of her as she lay in that cold, dark tunnel and all she could think of was that she'd never felt so lonely, so desperate for someone, anyone to be there with her.

Chris frowned. “I can understand gratitude, but I feel like helping and supporting one another is just what people should do. In order to be heroic, there has to be some sort of cost involved, something you sacrifice to help someone else. For example, with the orphanage, I would consider Mrs. Richardson's actions heroic, because she sacrifices time, energy, and money to make sure the orphanage runs well, while getting little in return. But I wouldn't consider the employees heroic, even though I'm definitely grateful they're there, because they aren't sacrificing anything to be there, it's just their job, and there's nothing heroic about doing your job.”

“That may be, but it doesn't change the fact that your actions felt heroic.” Beth countered. “When you're trapped in a burning building and a firefighter pulls you out, you're going to see them as a hero, even if they're just doing their job. That's just how people work.”

“I suppose that's true, it just feels like it cheapens the term to me.” Chris sighed. “When we start calling people who are just doing their jobs heroic, the true heroes get lost in the shuffle.”

Beth grunted, unable to argue that point. “I'm still incredibly grateful you saved me.”

“I appreciate that. Just don't call me a hero.” Chris grinned, letting out a short oof as Beth jabbed him lightly. “Anyway, how about tomorrow?”

Beth frowned. “Tomorrow what?”

“For our date.” Chris elaborated. “I could pick you up at the lifts around six again?”

Beth blinked, having almost completely forgotten that all this had started because Chris had asked her out on a date. “That- sounds good? I mean, yes, that will work.”

“Cool. I'll see you then.” Chris nodded as the limo arrived at the lifts.

Beth let out a soft whimper of complaint as she slid out of his lap. “I'll see you then.” She agreed. “Wait!” She suddenly stopped him as he opened the door, pulling him back for another kiss, before pulling back with a flush and a smile. “Goodnight.”

Chris smiled back. “Goodnight.”

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