Path of the Pioneers

52. Unto the Trial of Wit (II)

I follow behind the towering librarian as they lead me down the main corridor of the library’s lobby and into the circular chamber beyond.

There are a couple of things that I’ve been able to glean from this place already. One: Cress was able to easily discern that I’m a “Pioneer Candidate,” but only after they looked at me closely. My inference is that it isn’t guaranteed for anyone who passes through this place to be a Candidate. Secondly: it would cost a king’s ransom to afford even half of the things I’ve seen thus far. 

Are they a part of this trial, then? Is this whole library simply a construct for me to get further along? No, if I follow that logic, then Jemith may simply be in the same boat -- or all of Hyperborea, for that matter.

I’m not keen on believing this all to be an illusion.

The walls of the circular room are lined edge to edge with bookshelves filled to the brim with all different kinds of tomes and books. A sign is placed at the side of each bookshelf, labeling its contents through a system that eludes me. The shelves themselves reach up all the way to the ceiling.

In truth, I hadn’t thought that the collective written texts of the world accumulated to this extent. Were there truly this many books waiting to be read? One could spend a dozen lifetimes here in this one room and likely not finish all of the material contained within it. A small tragedy in its own right.

From within the room, I have a much better view through the hole both above and below. To my horror and shock, I can see that there are several more floors in either direction through those openings. If there is an end to this place, I cannot see it from where I stand. 

I eventually spy metal stairs spiraling upwards, following the curve of the room. It has the same texture as the railing around the hole, as if somebody cut intricate patterns into a solid piece of metal to leave openings in it. The cost of the metal used within this building must be tremendous, and to maintain such a place…

I shake my head. No point thinking about that -- I’m certain the librarian has some tools up their sleeves to aid in such things.

Cress leads me to another staircase, one that travels downward. Another railing runs along the sides of the hole opened in the floor for it. For some reason, it feels far more precarious walking down stairs when I can see through the floor, so I hold onto the railing at the sides for dear life. Rolling down this flight of stairs and shattering every bone in my body against the hard floor below seems like the worst conceivable way to finish off my journey.

Eventually, despite my fears, we find our way to another floor. This one is identically filled with bookshelves, and there’s even another staircase going further down not far from this one. To my great relief, however, Cress does not lead me to that second staircase.

After another few minutes of walking past shelf after shelf, Cress suddenly stops, pointing towards a couple of different shelves, "These contain all books relevant to you in regards to spellcasting. Is there aught else I can help you with, Candidate?"

I shake my head, "N-no.. Um, thank you."

They nod their head, and I watch as they begin to trot off, no longer walking for my sake. They run in a strange, stiff manner. I'm fairly certain I don't even see their arms move as they do so.

With a sigh, I turn back to the shelves in front of me. Countless books sit before me, and I have not the time to read every last one. As thrilling as that may be...

I'll have to sort through this mess in time, but I'll have no chance if I can't even figure out what spell has the greatest chances of improving. I open my status window, and begin to peer over my skill list.

Name: Sybil Sagecrest

Class: Apprentice

Level: 15 (--%)

Mana: (230/230)

Status Points:

  • Strength: 6

  • Agility: 16 (+3) 

  • Intellect: 23

  • Resilience: 15

  • Luck: 14


  • Telekinesis (C)

  • Aesthesia (D)

  • Flame Generation (D)

  • Light (E)

  • Forcethorn Burst (E)

  • Thread Form Technique (E)

  • Transmutation (E)

  • Barrier (F)

  • Dagger Proficiency (F)

  • Mana Control (F)

  • Mana Sense (F)

  • Mend Wound (F)

Unlike when I first started my journey, quite a few of my skills are no longer "spells." Those could easily be struck off the list. In addition, there were a few spells that would simply be infeasible to cast in this place. For instance, I can only imagine the trouble I might cause with a simple casting of [Flame Generation], but with the repeated castings necessary in order to optimize the spell?

I don't enjoy the sound of that.

[Telekinesis] already felt as perfect as I could possibly make it without increasing its rank. It cost hardly anything to utilize, so the thought of attempting to reduce its cost further makes me shudder. Meanwhile, [Transmutation] is simply far too complex a spell. I have no doubts that there are places that the spell may be improved, but if I aim that highly, I may never get out of this place.

My eyes scan down the list for the dozenth time, eventually stopping on [Barrier]. A simple spell, constructing a wall of mana in order to act as a barrier or shield -- there must be room for improvement there.

Just as I begin thinking about the many possible ways to make the spell more efficient, my legs begin to shake beneath me like jelly. I've been awake for far too long, and it's finally catching up to me. I crouch down, and then take a seat on the floor below me, leaning against the edges of two shelves lightly.

Gods, I'm tired.

"You've done really well so far, Sybil." I feel a hand lift my hat just slightly in order to rub my head and ruffle my hair.

"I.. I have, haven't I?" I stare down at the ground, watching the tiles get blurry as I rest my face against my crossed arms.

"Rest up for a bit. After you're nice and refreshed I'm certain that the task ahead will be a simple thing!" I hear her laugh, bright and melodious. There is nothing sweeter to my ears. "In time, you'll have finished every last nasty trial set against you, and rescuing me will be a breeze."

"Do you.. Really think I'll be able to save you so easily..?"

"With the strength of a Pioneer, why shouldn't you be? You'll outmatch everyone you come across, even her. And then, you'll save me."

"I suppose.. That you're right.."

I feel Adeline's hand stop its motions, hat laying flush on my head once more, "You.. Will save me, won't you?"

"O-of course! I- I'll save you, yes!"

She's already gone, as easy as she came. And I am left alone once more to rest. Sleep comes easy to me with my battered body and mind, and everything fades to black again.

Only now could I understand just how similar it was to sleep and to die.

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