Parker Luck

Chapter 47: Elektra-ic Feel

Aside from her name the only thing Elektra Natchios could remember was the world ending.

She remembered standing in darkness under a falling sky; chunks of rubble cascading down to be pulverised on the floor. She vaguely remembered there were others in the cave too but, aside from one, she had no interest in them. There had been a man with her. She couldn't remember his name, face or anything else about him other than he was important to her and that he'd been wearing an outfit of red and black.

The man had held her as the roof caved in, seemingly uncaring he would almost certainly be killed too. Try as she might though, Elektra couldn't think why he was important to her, only that he was. Before it all crumbled down she and the man had been locked in a passionate kiss. After that it was just blackness and pain.

Elektra wasn't as lucky as Matt was and was hit by the falling debris. For anyone else that would've been game over but the last remaining traces of The Hand's dragon bone elixir in her veins brought her back from the dead once again. Although still painfully pinned and sans most of her memories, Natchios was able to wriggle free and began trying to dig her way out of the wreckage of Midland Circle.

It was a long and arduous task but gradually she made her way towards the surface. After much clambering and digging, Elektra thought she felt a faint breeze. She reached out for a rocky outcrop but as her hand landed on the rock she was unable to feel it because her hand was suddenly gone. A second later the rest of her disintegrated too, with the only thing remaining being a cloud of dust.

The former assassin gasped as she reformed. Already having large gaps in her memory which, when combined with her unchanging surroundings and the instantaneous perception of being Blipped, meant that she barely noticed that anything had happened so she kept on climbing.

Seeing sunlight for the first time in months nearly blinded her. Relief and exhaustion then took over, leading to an adrenaline crash and Elektra was barely able to hold onto consciousness long enough to drag herself into a nearby alleyway where she promptly passed out.

Dreams pervaded her sleep, snippets of her past flashing through her mind; high society, martial arts training, fighting and, most prominently, the man in red and black. This time the dreams were somewhat clearer and recalled the events which led to her death including being killed and later resurrected. The man she was seeking became clearer too.

Now with a better idea of what she was looking for, the Greek woman resumed her search. There was still nothing and she grew frustrated with her lack of memories, if only she had more than a colourful costume to go on.

During her one of wanderings, Elektra was unaware she'd strayed into the territory of a street gang for whom she appeared an easy target.

She quickly noticed she was being followed but didn't believe the gaggle of men were a threat. Their catcalling was beginning to get on her nerves however. "Hey baby, you lost?" One of the bolder ones leered at her as he approached, reaching to grab her ass. A fierce glare from her stopped him in his tracks, "Leave me alone, I'm looking for the man in red and black." She said coldly. The goon quickly got his confidence back, "Well sweet thing, I can go change and I'll be your man." He said with a lecherous grin. His second attempt to play grab ass was halted by Elektra snatching his wrist in her vice like grip and punching him in the face.

"Oh you bitch!" He snarled through a trickle of blood, "Forget red and black, you're gonna be black and blue!" His wild swing was easily blocked and he was tossed aside which spurred the rest of the hoodlums into action. A group of untrained thugs were no match for a master martial artist but in her current condition and against their numbers, Natchios was struggling. It seemed whenever she knocked one man down another one took his place. Getting tired, Elektra extracted the sai that had somehow managed to remain attached to her belt, brandishing them like metal claws. The next goon who tried to attack her found his knife twisted out his hand and got a bloody slash across his face in return.

The sounds of a fight rang out from the alleyway and were overheard by a certain hero.

Peter sighed when he realised what the noises were, he had hoped to go straight home but that wasn't an option anymore. It was obvious the woman was kicking the goons' asses but she was outnumbered so Spider-Man evened the odds. He made his presence known by webbing up a couple of the thugs. Elektra was too caught up in fighting to notice Peter's presence. Peter noticed hers though, her athletic form practically flowing between her strikes and taking her assailants down with ease, all the while her serene expression remained unchanged. A glint of metal caught his eye and he saw the ninja preparing to use the point of her sai on one of the gangsters. *Thwip* A line of webbing snared the weapon, "Whoa easy lady! Why don't you put the murder fork down huh?" He yanked it harmlessly to the floor.

Elektra whipped around and pinned the hero with the intensity of her gaze. Her eyes bored into the young man, scanning him from head to toe and taking him in, most notably his costume and she wondered if this was who she was looking for. With that thought her gaze softened and became more curious. Her brow furrowed as she raked what few memories she had to see if he was the costumed man she'd been searching for. It was Peter's turn to frown when she asked him the question that she'd been repeating over the last few days. "Uh, I'm a man in red and black?" A hand gently cupped his chin as if trying to appraise his face. "Whoa! Hey! Hands off the mask." Peter jerked back when Elektra began rolling it up and leaning towards him. Normally he wouldn't object to being kissed by a beautiful woman but this was out the blue even by his standards.

Parker quickly swung up to the nearest rooftop and was closely followed by Natchios who nimbly climbed up after him. "Who are you?" The teen wondered as he watched her. Elektra told him about what little she could recall and once again asked her question. "I doubt I'm who you're thinking of but I'll help you look for him." Spidey offered.

Unfortunately with so little to go on, their searching went nowhere and both were getting tired. They fared little better resuming the search the next day or the day after that and so on. Although perhaps Peter wasn't the man who'd been with her in the cave, Elektra would be lying if he didn't strike her a similar way. And of course the teen couldn't help but notice the Greek woman's beauty and the way she'd tried to kiss him when they'd first met wasn't something he was about to forget any time soon.

The two had just finished another sweep of the city but no sign of whoever it was Elektra had been seeking. Both agilely leapt from rooftop to rooftop, coming to a stop at Peter's storage warehouse where Elektra had been staying. Over the last few months the hero had been bringing stuff to the abandoned building to turn it into a base of operations. This included a bed, partly for sleeping and partly so he wouldn't have to bring any lady friends to his house or Avengers HQ. Having a home away from home gave him some privacy too as it was a miracle no-one had seen him with Cindy a while back or earlier with Liz and the last thing he wanted was for one of his escapades to be filmed and wind up online.

"I need to go get something. I'll be back soon." Peter told her. As much as he enjoyed Elektra's company, he wanted to help her with finding her man in red and black (who he suspected may have been her boyfriend) and he thought the internet could help.

Soon he returned to warehouse with his laptop. "Hey Elektra, I've got my computer maybe now we- Whoa!" He was greeted by the sight of the ex assassin lounging on the bed completely naked, displaying her body in all its lithe but muscular glory. "You're naked. Why are you naked?" Sometimes the webslinger had a talent for pointing out the obvious.

Elektra's lips curved deviously, "Clearly. What's the matter? Don't like it?" She purred amusedly, rolling onto her back to better display her breasts. The tent pitching in the young hero's pants said that at least part of him liked it. She chuckled as she reached out to stroke the bulge. "Wha-What about the man in red and black?" He stammered, backing away. Elektra's grin faded, "For all we know he was just a figment of my imagination but even if he isn't right now I don't care. Now do you want me to take care of that or would you rather look through dead ends for someone who may or may not exist with a hard-on?"

For Peter the offer to make love with a beautiful woman was never one he'd pass up so in answer he swiftly disrobed. "A big boy I see." Elektra chuckled when the boner sprang out from the teen's pants. After twisting back onto her front she beckoned him to her. Her grip was firm but gentle on the shaft as she ran her hand along its length. Elektra stroked his hardness with expert skill, her fingers softly caressing the warm skin "Nice and hard. Now let's have a taste."

Peter groaned at the tongue brushing his cock. Elektra's tongue slithered along the meat, slathering over it and coiling around the pink head. She displayed expert skill at teasing the length, a series of quick laps one second and the next slurping at it. The whole time she licked at Peter she maintained eye contact and was watched amusedly at how the teen's face contorted with pleasure each time her wet tongue touched against his favourite part. Somehow memories of being very skilled at sex had stayed with her and she put those skills into action on Peter. Just licking quickly got boring for her though so it was time to take things to the next level.

Warm wetness engulfed Spidey's cock, just the tip at first but ever so slowly moving further down. The softness of her lips was paired with the hard licking of her tongue, both making the hero groan. Her progress was torturously slow as her mouth crept along the hardness only to stop after a few more inches. A pop sounded when Elektra took her mouth off. To give herself some pleasure and to further tease the webslinger, she slipped fingers in her pussy, stroking at the wetness and rubbing her walls. The teasing had the desired effect on Peter who crossed over and probed her mouth with his cockhead.

Elektra liked his eagerness and rewarded it by retaking him into her mouth. This time she didn't go slow and plunged her head along in a single go, her gag reflex non-existent. Her earlier tongue work had made the length slick which let her move smoothly along it, back and forth from head to base. She continued fingering herself as she sucked Peter off and her pleasured moans made his member vibrate. Elektra had missed the taste of man. Her warm mouth wrapped tightly around the cock as she bobbed her head and now with it firmly between her lips she sped up. Because of her cock hungriness Elektra gave it her all, dragging her tongue along the underside of the shaft as she sucked and pursing her lips and hollowing her cheeks for extra friction.

Peter's thrusting of his hips surprised the Greek woman but she liked that he wasn't just standing there. Her head twisted slightly each time it went forwards or backwards which was bringing the teen closer to his climax. As she worshipped the hardness between Spider-Man's legs, her fingers delved deep inside her, becoming coated with her juices which made it easier for them to go in deep. The next time she sheathed the hero’s meat in her throat she stayed in place and let her tongue do the work. The wet muscle swung from side to side on a mission to lick as much of Peter's cock as it could whilst also lap up the salty precum leaking from the head.

He'd managed to hold out well but Parker was getting close to cumming. In the meantime though he kept bucking his hips and savouring the wonderful sensation of yet another attractive woman sucking his dick. Aware of her own skill and by the way Peter's rod tensed in her mouth Elektra could tell that he was about to blow. A few more bobs of Elektra's head and thrusts of Peter's cock and her prediction proved accurate. She let the hot seed spurt into her mouth but it was soon swallowed down.

"Not bad." Natchios said after swallowing, "Now it's my turn, get me ready." Peter accompanied her on the bed and pressed his mouth to the slit between her spread legs. Generous amounts of saliva transferred from his tongue to the opening to make it even wetter as the spit mixed with pussy juices. The hero slipped his tongue past her lips and along her inner walls before finally stopping to seek out her core. In his search he slathered at the sensitive hole which was flushed with juices. Elektra let out a moan as Peter lapped at her pussy, his wriggling and writhing inside her. Slow sweeps from side to side were alternated with rapid shakes and the random changes added to the excitement. Peter was encouraged by Elektra's moaning so buried his tongue even deeper and moved it faster. Juices flowed freely only to be lapped up by the teen and smeared around his face. The mixed fluids coated his tongue and allowed the slippery muscle to slip and slide around, reaching deep into the warm hole.

"That's good but I want it in my arse too." Elektra once again rolled over to prop herself up on hands and knees. Strands of spit dripped from Peter's mouth onto Elektra's asshole and a finger circled the tight ring of muscle to rub it in and make it slippery. The finger then slipped into the hole accompanied by a grunt from the ex assassin. Whilst one of his hands was occupied with Elektra's backdoor, Peter's other one was probing the wetness up front. Both hands fingered and teased the holes which were loosening up after what Elektra felt had been far too long. A second finger joined the first in her ass to spread it wide. The spreading was done so Spidey could insert his tongue. He circled his tongue around the outer ring firstly before scissoring his fingers apart and sliding it into the rear entrance. As with her pussy, large amounts of drool accompanied his tongue to make the hole slick and ready. Holding his tongue stiffly and plunging it in seemed to work effectively as did circling his tongue inside the tightness. Elektra's pussy didn't go unattended with fingers (both her own and Peter's) flexing inside it as well as the occasional attention from the hero's tongue.

Spider-Man's efforts soon paid off and both holes were sufficiently lubed up. "Where do you want it first?" Peter's length was hard once again and he was eager to put it to use on the sexy woman. "Surprise me." She said with a sultry grin followed by a loud cry of pleasure when Parker made his choice, shoving his cock into her soaked pussy. The wetness and his forcefulness sank his rod all the way to the base in one go. Once she got over her surprise, Elektra pushed back against the webslinger and clenched her walls around his member. Her receptiveness was encouraging for Peter who took it as a sign not to be gentle. His hips drew back to lunge forward, meeting Elektra's with a smack which made her groan. She enjoyed having a cock in her once again and particularly liked his roughness and responded accordingly by driving herself backwards onto him, ensuring she got every inch. Keeping his hands busy, Peter grasped her hips to anchor himself as he gave it more effort. He was still holding back a little though which somehow Elektra was able to sense and ordered him to fuck her harder. He could hardly turn down such a request and sped up.

It was a good thing the warehouse was abandoned as their cries of pleasure were very loud. Elektra met every one of the teen's powerful thrusts with her own and moaned every time he pumped into her. A louder moan sounded when fingers were inserted in her ass again but this time they didn't just stretch, they also pushed in deep to prepare it for what came next. Peter unsheathed himself from the dripping pussy and, with his cock dripping with precum, lined himself up with Natchios' other hole.

Peter's cockhead pressed against Elektra's asshole, steadily making its way in until the pink crown of his manhood was past the ring of muscle. His made its way further in at a gentle pace and the asshole slowly dilated around the girth. "Here we go." Spidey warned. A harder push of his hips and over half his cock was sheathed inside Elektra who easily suppressed the discomfort and surprised Peter with a demand for more. It wasn't the first time she'd been fucked anally but it had been a very long time. Although she'd tightened up, the earlier stretching along with generous amount of fluids covering the hero's length made it easier. "Ah!" She groaned when the remainder of the member went in, all the way to the base. Parker was going to give her time to adjust but she was insistent he get going. Her next cry was even louder as Peter thrust into her. He didn't resume his previous speed right away but it didn't take him long to start pounding her ass hard, much to her pleasure.

Balls jiggled and slapped on Elektra's hips as Peter vigorously ploughed her tight asshole, the smack of flesh on flesh ringing out. The power of his thrusts made her whole body shake and shudder. His hardness pumped in and out the rear entrance and every time the entirety of it went in. All of a sudden though he pulled out, leaving Elektra feeling empty but fortunately not for long as a split second later he re-entered her pussy. Not long after he went back to his previous pace, his cock pumping into the slit before being pulled out to repeat the action. Every inch of Peter's cock was unsheathed and thrust back in. He kept doing this with both her holes, randomly swapping from pussy to ass and back again. Precum coated his member as it oozed from Elektra's wetness. The flow from her pussy was steadily increasing the longer Spider-Man fucked her, a sign she was getting close to her climax, that and a rapidly growing knot of pleasure in her core.

Spidey kept switching between holes as if trying to decide which was better but results were inconclusive so he kept trying. His cock went balls deep into both holes and his thrusts alternated between slow and fast to try and give the ex assassin maximum pleasure. It was working as soon the ecstasy within her was taking over her entire being and her climax getting ever nearer. Peter's fingering of whichever hole he wasn't fucking helped too. The longer he pounded and probed at her the closer she got to her peak until she finally reached it, crying out Peter's name as her mind was overcome with euphoria. Her release ran in rivulets down the brunette's fingers which worked at her gushing pussy to gather it up and at the same time he didn't stop ploughing her ass.

Elektra heard slurping sounds after his fingers were removed and looking over her shoulder revealed Spidey was sucking her cum off them. He winked at her when he saw she was looking before planting his hands back on her hips to drive his length in hard. His thrusts had become sloppy though as he too was getting close to his release. Not about to let that slow him down he kept on bucking his hips and sinking every last inch of his rod into pussy or asshole. "Ah! Ah! Gonna cum!" The teen decided to give into pleasure and let himself blow. "Pull out!" Elektra suddenly commanded, taking herself off the cock as she spoke. "On my face." Peter's hand went to his cock and was joined by one of Elektra's too with both of them working in tandem to jack the teen off.

Peter grunted as his length tensed in his and Elektra's hands. His load surged inside his cock and balls, pressure building before finally bursting. Peter gave a throaty cry just before he came and Natchios opened her mouth in anticipation. A split second later and the salty cum erupted from the member and showered onto her face and tongue. Hot seed showered her beautiful face, speckling it with whiteness and that which landed in her mouth was swallowed greedily as if she were starving.

"So you still wanna look for the man in red and black?" Peter wondered after sitting down to catch his breath. Elektra stretched out, slurping the load off her face with a satisfied smile before answering "I think he can wait awhile don't you?"


End of Chapter 27

Next Chapter: Bullseye

Just an FYI; I won't be including the Runaways as I hated the show so sorry if any of you guys are expecting them.

Cloak and Dagger is a maybe though

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