Parker Luck

Chapter 24: A Hard Knight’s Work

"Hey Misty. Colleen here. I could really use your help with something. You know how there's been criminals with these crazy weapons on the streets lately? I've found a storehouse but I don't think I can take it out on my own. Call me or come by once you get this. The sooner the better." Misty listened to the voicemail again, hoping her friend hadn't done anything rash like going in alone. Flattening the gas pedal she drove as fast as she could to the dojo.

Screeching to a halt, the detective stepped out her car and approached her friend's home. Misty knocked on the door and was surprised when she pushed on it and found it unlocked. "Hey Colleen! It's Misty. Your door was open is everything okay?." Getting no answer Knight entered cautiously. Her hand drifted to her gun, partially unholstering it in case she needed it. Misty's free hand (the bionic one) clenched into a fist as she prepared for a fight. Sounds seemed to be coming from Colleen's room which became clearer the closer she got. A muffled cry made her police instinct kick in and she whipped out her gun and booted the door.

"NYPD! Nobody move!" She barked as it swung open. Startled screams answered her and at first Misty couldn't tell what was going on. Whilst Misty was relived to see her friend wasn't bound and gagged or lying bleeding out, she knew she wouldn't be forgetting the sight that greeted her any time soon. Colleen and someone else had been locked in the throes of passion but were now scrambling to pull the sheets over themselves. "Dammit Misty! Haven't you heard of knocking?" Wing said as she pulled her clothes back on. Knight, facing the other way to give the two some privacy, gave a small laugh "I did knock and call out, you were just too busy with your boy toy there. When I said you should get back out there this isn't really what I had in mind." Colleen paused in the middle of refastening her bra to glare at the older woman "It's not like that." She said defensively. Misty laughed again "Oh really? You doing one night stands now?" The Asian woman refused to answer that and instead told the detective that she was decent. Once she'd turned around Knight's eyes immediately fell on Peter and looked him up and down in a way that made him feel naked again (and not in the fun way). "Damn girl! Didn't realise you were into cradle robbing." The two blushed and looked away.

Misty folded her arms, clearly bemused, and Peter saw a flash of gold as her sleeve went back. "Whoa you've got a metal arm too! Where's everybody getting these from?" He blurted out, much to the women's confusion.

Knight stared at the young hero for a minute then turned to her friend "Where'd you find this kid anyway? Outside a high school?" "Hey!" Peter cried indignantly. Misty ignored him and carried on talking to Colleen "You making a habit of this? Sleeping with random teenagers?" Peter protested that but was ignored again. "I needed help with the gunrunners, he came by to help me and-." Colleen told her. "Hang on." Misty replied, holding a palm up to stop Wing, "So you got some high school kid to go with you to fight criminals armed with high tech guns and then slept with him? I can tolerate the vigilantism and the things you do when doing it but this is pushing it girl." Colleen shook her head "It's not like that either." She argued. Exasperated Knight threw her hands up "Then how is it? Explain it to me." "I'm Spider-Man!" Peter cut in.

There was silence for a minute and then the detective burst out laughing. "Wow that's a hell of an answer kid. You didn't tell me you knew the Avengers Colleen, you got Thor or Captain America tucked away somewhere too?" She joked before resuming her laughter. Peter frowned and walked out the room. He returned with his costume. "Oh cute, you're a cosplayer." Misty grinned. Rather than retort Parker slipped into the suit and fired a strand of webbing. That wiped the grin off the detective's face. The dark skinned woman stared for a moment before speaking again "Well shit. Guess I owe you an apology Spider-Man." "Call me Peter." He introduced himself and Misty gave her name. "You should be less sceptical Misty, you do share a neighbourhood with a bulletproof man." Colleen said. Knight gave a small smirk. "Touche." She said before changing the subject "How'd you two even meet anyway?" She had to know and Colleen explained how she'd reached out for help, how Jessica had put her in touch with Spidey, how they'd worked together to shut down the storehouse and how he'd saved her life. "Guess you didn't need me to take care of it after all." Knight said but Colleen shook her head "That was only one storehouse, the supplier is still out there somewhere."

"So what're we gonna do?" Asked Misty. "I guess we keep looking." Was Colleen's answer.

Peter, Misty and Colleen spent the next few days searching for information on the suppliers, both inside and outside the law.

Peter looked up from the map of the city where he was crossing out locations. A clearly exhausted Misty dropped onto the sofa. "No luck?" Spidey asked and Misty gave a groan before replying, "Barrett was a dead end. I don't know why I wasted my time with him. Either of you get anything?" They both told her they hadn't. Suddenly Colleen had an idea, "Hey Peter? Didn't you say you dealt with something like this before?" The brunette was confused "Yeah but how does that help?" he asked Wing. "Well do you know what happened to them?" She asked and Spidey said he did. "I know it's a long shot but maybe they know something?" Peter was unconvinced but agreed to go. "I'll come too, having an officer with you might help." Misty said "I'm driving."

Adrian Toomes was lounging in his cell when a guard came to him "Hey Vulture you've got visitors." Toomes quickly sat up "My family?" He asked hopefully but the guard shook his head "Nah. Some kid and a detective." Curious, Toomes decided to go. Sat at the other end of the table was Peter Parker. "You're not who I expected to see kid." He said to his visitor. Sensing the question on the teen's mind he said "Relax I haven't told anyone who you are. But I'd heard you'd disappeared." Peter's jaw clenched as the criminal spoke. "How do you know about that?" He asked. "You'd be surprised at how much news travels in here." He replied. "That's good. That's what we're here to talk to you about." Misty cut into the conversation "Detective Misty Knight." She flashed her badge. Toomes raised an eyebrow but cooperated "How can I help you detective?" Reaching into her pocket, Knight pulled out photos of confiscated weaponry "Before your arrest you were dealing in weapons like these but since then someone else has cornered the market. We were hoping you might be able to provide us with information." Adrian looked at the pictures for a while before speaking "None of my guys made these that's for sure." He told them. "Any idea who did?" Misty asked and Toomes went silent again whilst he thought. Eventually he shrugged "I've heard rumours about some guys supplying stuff like this. They had a weird name, an acronym, H.I.T or something." Peter's face fell "A.I.M?" He suggested, hoping he was wrong. Toomes clicked his fingers, "That's the one! Apparently they're operating somewhere in the city but that's all I know." The guard then announced that their time was almost up. "Thank you Mr. Toomes." Misty said as she left, with Peter close behind.

"Hey Pete!" Adrian called to the teen. "Before you go I have to ask you something." Spidey was prepared for a threat or blackmail but was surprised at the look of concern on the man's face. "I need to know, do you have any idea what happened to Liz? Doris and I Blipped and she told me when she came back Liz was gone. We've tried looking for her but nothing." "Sorry Mr. Toomes I don't know anything." Peter said sadly and Adrian sank into his chair.

Peter spent the drive back looking gloomily out the window. "You okay?" Knight asked him. Spidey sighed "It's something Toomes said. I used to go out with his daughter but now she's missing." Misty didn't know what to say to that so rang Colleen to tell her what they'd learned. Wing told them she'd start looking.

Spidey's mood hadn't improved by the time they got back and he was clearly distracted. Eventually Misty had had enough. "Alright Peter, brooding isn't a good look for you. You can worry about the girl later, right now your head needs to be clear. C'mon get up." The detective beckoned to him.

"What?" Peter grudgingly got to his feet. Knight grinned "I'm gonna take your mind off things. I've seen the way you've been staring at me and I liked what I saw the other day." Peter was embarrassed at getting caught but didn't deny it. "Why don't you show me what impressed Colleen so much?" She invited. Peter grinned "Sure but first I wanna do this." With that he took hold of the dark woman's breasts, massaging the soft mounds. "You like these huh? How about a closer look?" Misty pulled her top up to throw it aside, closely followed by her bra, freeing her chocolate nipples. Spidey's lips latched onto the nubs, sucking for all he was worth. Whichever breast was unoccupied by Peter's mouth got the attention it deserved by fingers which gently pinched and twisted. With a soft pop Peter removed his mouth but quickly replaced it with his tongue. A trail of saliva followed his tongue as it encircled Misty's orbs. The detective meanwhile had been fumbling with Parker's belt and, having undone it, thrust her hand into his pants, giving the hardening length a firm squeeze. Clever fingers grasped and tugged at the hero's manhood, now standing stiff and erect. "Creamier than I usually have my coffee but I don't mind." Knight commented whilst curling her fingers around the hardness. Peter emitted a small groan at Misty's firm jerks of his cock. That gave him an idea and he began to hum and moan, vibrating the mounds.

The hero's lips moved from Misty's boobs to her mouth and a fierce bout of tongue wrestling ensued as they stumbled to the couch. A trail of clothes followed them and the now bare Knight instructed Parker to lie on the couch. Golden digits ran from Spider-Man's chest to groin, sending a shudder through his toned form. Cool metal was replaced by warm flesh which resumed their earlier stroking. Dusky skin filled Peter's view when Misty poised herself above his face and carefully sank down. No one could say the teen hadn't learnt from his previous experiences, his tongue instantly delving into her wetness. Peter's tongue danced in and out, teasing the woman with the lightest touch. Misty grew impatient and ground her hips onto his face. Peter continued to tease but was rewarded by a hard grip around his member. Taking the hint Spidey took the plunge, snaking his tongue in deep. "Ah! That's more like it." Misty cried as she felt the wet organ twist inside her. Peter thrashed his tongue about, savouring the woman's juices and stimulating her inner walls. Knight encouraged the webslinger with a loud groan and another twist of her hips. The cock in her hand was at full mast and rock hard so Misty returned the favour. The dark skinned woman leaned over and, with careful precision, slid it into her mouth.

A jolt went through Parker as a wet mouth enveloped his cock. A moan escaped him and Knight stopped halfway. Delicately Misty's lips glided back to his lower head, her tongue darting back and forth. Wetness spread over the hard shaft as a tongue swirled around it. Spidey moaned plaintively but Misty's feather light licks carried on. "Put those fingers to work." Misty told Peter who was more than willing to comply. Two fingers worked their way into the detective's pussy, stroking her sensitive insides. Knight made a pleased sound and returned her mouth the the hero's boner. This time she didn't stop and took in every inch. Pausing to adjust Misty let her drool coat the cock for lube. Once she'd adjusted her gradually travelled upwards. Her lips stopped at the top again to lap up the hero's precum before sliding back down.

It didn't take Misty long to build up speed. Much to Peter's enjoyment her head rose and fell at a rapid pace and he expressed his pleasure by moaning into her, now dripping, folds. Misty took her mouth off to speak "Move those fingers back." She said. A jolt rocked her when the webslinger's fingers probed at her ass. Misty was grateful for his previous efforts lubricating his fingers when the eased their way in. The first pair were joined by two more which eased the tight ring open. The teen slid his fingers in and out, gradually loosening her asshole up. Peter's attention to her holes was pushing Knight closer and closer to her release. A particularly hard thrust of his tongue did it and, giving a moan, her cum flowed. Spidey drew his head away, licking up the juices on his face.

"My turn." Said Peter. Misty drove her head up and down, eager for his cum. "Ah!" Peter cried at Knight's extra effort. Misty's bobbed and sucked for all she was worth and whatever wasn't in her mouth was in her hand. Soon her head blurred as she was determined to give Peter a blowjob to remember. "Keep going!" Parker encouraged. He then put his mouth back to work, rimming the chocolate ass in front of him. Again and again Knight swallowed the manhood, feeling it tensing in her mouth. Just as he could feel his load about to blow the warmth left his cock. A hand grasped his length and rapidly jerked away. The manhood twitched in her grip and Misty closed her eyes in anticipation. Bucking his hips, Spidey came. Warm spunk splashed onto Knight's face. She left it there, savouring the feeling before wiping it off. Misty decided to put on a little show for Peter and seductively licked the jizz off her fingers, sucking each one.

To speed up Peter's recovery Knight straddled the teen and pressed her boobs into his face. The teen gladly buried his face into them, licking and sucking the soft skin. Parker's head alternated from left to right. Strong fingers kneaded her rack, traced her areola and teeth gently bit her nipples.

Spider stamina soon had Peter ready for action, his cock standing tall. Misty shuffled back and hovered over the member, gradually getting lower. The webslinger prepared to guide his shaft into the detective's pussy but a hand on his chest stopped him. "Ah ah. Maybe next time. Today you're going in the back." With that she plunged down, skewering herself on his rod. A sound of both pain and pleasure burst from Misty's mouth as the cock went into her ass. "You okay?" Peter asked. Misty nodded but said through gritted teeth "Yeah. It's just been a while."

To take her mind off the pain Spidey's hands once again latched onto her bust, massaging the mounds. As her ass grew accustomed to being filled Knight eased herself up and then slid back down. The next time she got higher and the time after that higher still. Eventually Knight just had the tip inside her, the ride getting smoother. Suddenly she shoved her hips down, crying in pleasure. Misty got slightly faster each time. Now fully ready, Misty proved to be a wild ride. With each bounce she took Peter's whole length up her ass. Not to one to let a lady do all the work Parker thrust himself up. Misty gave an animalistic cry at this and rode Peter like a bronco, taking his cock deep and hard. "Yes!" Misty practically growled. Planting her hands on his chest, the detective pushed herself harder. The brunette's hands migrated to Knight's waist to pull her down, his dick throbbing with pleasure. Juices trickled from Misty's snatch and dripped onto Peter's body. The hardness within Misty's backdoor was also leaking precum, turning it slippery and slick. Misty's whole body rocked as she bounced on Peter's member, her breasts jiggling and flailing. Parker pounded his cock into the tight hole. The duo's hips collided with a loud smack each time.

Peter met Misty's wildness with his own, his dick was like a piston as he fucked her. "Fuck, fuck fuck!" Misty panted, euphoria going through her with every thrust. As she felt her climax nearing Misty didn't slow down for a second, continuing to ride the cock like there was no tomorrow. Angling herself, Knight pressed her body onto Peter's and captured his mouth with hers. A loud but muffled cry and then Misty burst, throwing herself back as strands of cum squirted from her wet hole. Panting for breath, Knight manged to command Spider-Man to continue. He was more than willing to do so, continuing to drive his member in and out her asshole.

As he bucked and thrust Peter could feel the pleasure in his member growing. He didn't let that stop him though. The webslinger's hips smashed up to repeatedly slam every inch of his hardness in. Peter's stamina was holding out but he knew his release was getting closer. Grunts emerged as his thrusts grew wild and furious. "Misty I'm gonna blow!" He told her. She didn't seem to hear him at first, too busy bouncing, but then said "Inside me." With a final hard thrust the hero knew he couldn't hold on any longer. Molten spunk rocketed from his manhood, rushing to fill Misty's ass.

They lay like that for a few minutes to catch their breath, cum dripping onto the sofa. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you Spider-Man." Was the first thing the detective said once she'd recovered enough to speak. "We'll have to do this again sometime."

Later on the two were dressed and had managed to tidy themselves up a bit (although still dishevelled) and were sat drinking coffee. The door then opened and Colleen entered looking excited. "Hey guys! I think I've found the main warehouse!" 


End of Chapter 24.

Next Chapter: Daughters of the Dragon.

Stay safe everyone, wash your hands, social distance etc.

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