Parker Luck

Chapter 17: Good Vibrations

Peter Parker stared in amazement as a hole emerged in the ocean. The Helicarrier's engines slowed as the colossal machine was gently lowered into the portal. At the bottom of the hole was a vast hanger housing a handful of Quinjets and a much larger futuristic looking plane. A figure was vaguely visible standing in the hanger.

When they landed Maria was the first out to greet the figure waiting for them. The figure in question turned out to be a powerfully built black man with a shaven head and a beard. Peter couldn't help but feel intimidated as he approached. The feeling was quickly dismissed when a broad grin spread across the man's face. "Hey kid, welcome on board. Name's Mack." A friendly hand was extended which Peter took. "Quite the grip you've got, Peter." commented Mack after the teen had introduced himself. The man then turned to Maria "Good seeing you again Maria. We'll take it from here."

"Alright buddy, come on I'll introduce you to the team." the big man said once the Helicarrier departed. The two set off deeper into the facility. Although it was dark and not particularly high tech Peter noted it had a distinct lived in feel.

The first place they stopped was a laboratory where two agents not much older than Peter were deep in discussion. "A modification to the shape of the barrel and grip will make the I.C.E.R pistols smoother to fire with less recoil." A Scotsman was telling his lab partner. The young Englishwoman clearly didn't agree "It's not always the technical aspects that need modifying. An altered dose of Dendrotoxin would improve them just as much." she retorted. Before they could continue Mack cleared his throat to get their attention. "Peter this Is Leo Fitz and Jemma Fitz-Simmons. Fitz. Simmons, this is Peter Parker he's gonna be staying with us for a while." The duo looked confused "Bit young for a S.H.I.E.L.D agent isn't he?" the Scot asked.

"You're hardly one to talk Turbo." Mack told him "Besides he's not an agent, he's an Avenger here for training." Peter could see the two were sceptical "It's true, I'm Spider-Man." he told them. Surprised looks crossed the duo's faces "Spider-Man? really?" Simmons asked. When Parker nodded the two were bursting with questions "Where'd you get your web-shooters from?", "Can I get a sample of your blood?", "What firing mechanism do they use?", "Is it really radioactive?"

Mack saw the teen was clearly overwhelmed and waved the scientists off "Easy guys they'll be time for questions later. He's gonna meet the rest of the team first." Peter gave a longing look at the lab as they left.

Their next stop was to a small room where an Asian woman was performing Tai chi, her slow deliberate movements indicating she was well trained. "This is Melinda May, she's next in charge around here and our pilot." May barely glanced at them "Hello." was all she said. "She's like that don't worry." Mack told the teen. A younger woman with short hair and a leather jacket was introduced as Piper Vasquez and a man about the same age with spiky brown hair as Deke Shaw.

The two entered what was clearly a gym and training room. "You're not the only one here with powers. Peter meet Elena Rodriguez and Daisy Johnson. Also know as Yo-Yo and-"

"Quake!" finished Peter "Oh my god it's so cool to meet you. I followed you. On the news I mean." he babbled with a blush. "And you've got robot arms that's cool too." he said, turning to the other woman. "Gracias Peter." The Colombian said "Mackenzie." she addressed the team leader coolly before walking off. Peter watched her go, confused he asked "What was that about." Mack sighed "We used to be together but I broke it off after I took charge, I thought it'd complicate things." he explained guiltily. "Anyway", he continued, "I'll leave you to get to know each other. Daisy will be giving you combat training later."

"So Mack says you've got powers too." said Daisy as the big man left. "Are you an Inhuman?" she asked. The word was unfamiliar to Spidey "What's an Inhuman?" The black haired woman then explained; "Did you ever touch a crystal or eat fish, get covered in stone and emerge later on with powers?" This confused Parker even more "Uhh no. I did turn to dust a few years ago but I didn't come back any different." Daisy nodded "Yeah some of our agents Blipped, most are still adjusting. But if you're not Inhuman how'd you get your powers? Some kind of science experiment or something?" she asked. "Um. They came from a spider bite." The teen said. "Wait, You're Spider-Man? Spider-Man is a teenager?" Daisy exclaimed.

Spidey was put out by that, "What's wrong with that?" He said hotly. "Nothing." replied the agent "It's just, why didn't you call yourself Spider-Boy?" she asked. Daisy declined to mention she'd had a slight crush on Spider-Man until then. The hero in question was a little annoyed now "Come on. Do you think anyone would take me seriously if I called myself that?" Quake admitted he had a point but before they could continue Mack's voice called out "Hey Peter, something's just arrived for you."

The item in question was his Iron Spider armour which came with a note reading; 'You'll need this' and signed MH. Parker was glad to see his armour but wondered why he was going to need it.

His answer came the next day when he was told he would start his lessons.

His morning was spent in the lab with Fitzsimmons learning about how to identify and recognise different chemicals and how to work on certain machines. His afternoon he was scheduled for powered combat training with Daisy.

As he entered the room the first thing the Inhuman said to him was "You're underdressed." In full Spider-Man costume the hero was confused "What do you mean?" Patiently she explained "This is gonna get rough, I'm not gonna hold back so you'll need your armour." Indignantly Peter responded "I made this suit myself to be tougher and more flexible. It can handle it."

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you." Daisy thrust out a hand, distorting the air in pulses which slammed the hero into a wall. "Ow." he groaned. Daisy crossed her arms, clearly amused "Told you so." she said to Peter as he limped off.

Returning clad in the Iron Spider armour Parker was ready for round two. This time was able to doge a few blasts but was still hit more than he dodged. Whilst the suit provided better protection the blows still felt like being hit by a sledgehammer. "Good." commented his sparring partner as he leapt aside, "But watch your landing." As she said that a gauntleted fist crashed into the off-balance teen's helmet, making him stagger. Spidey recovered quickly and swung at Quake who evaded his punch and tripped him up.

Stumbling, the teen collided with Daisy, knocking the two onto each other. Peter retracted his helmet which gave the black haired woman a clear view of his blush. The duo gazed into each other's eyes before suddenly and passionately kissing. Their lip-lock quickly deepened and tongues began to intertwine. The kiss continued until just as suddenly as it began it ended when Daisy pushed Peter off.

The woman ran to her room awash with emotion. Lincoln had been gone a long time but she still cared for him and Deke was still an unknown, however, her crush on Spider-Man hadn't gone and he had been a good kisser. Eventually she decided to pretend it hadn't happened. Peter was likewise a mix of emotion, on one hand he had enjoyed kissing the heroine he admired, on the other hand he seemed to have upset her and he still had no control over his pheromones. He thought it best not to mention it and go on as normal.

After that his powered combat sessions were taken over by Yo-Yo who, so far, seemed resistant to the effects of the pheromones. His other lessons continued without remark, the only unusual thing was the fact that Johnson seemed to be doing her best to avoid Peter as much as possible.

Peter was returning from a training session with Elena and wasn't fully paying attention to where he was going. "Ooph" Spidey crashed into another body. "I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." Then he saw who he'd bumped into. "Daisy. Uh hi." The Inhuman grimaced "Hello Peter." There was an awkward silence for a minute. The silence was broken by Parker "I haven't seen you much lately." Daisy looked guilty "Yeah well I've been busy." she lied. The two realised they couldn't avoid the subject any longer "Look Peter. About the kiss..." Quake trailed off. Spidey fought not to blush "Uh. Yeah. I'm sorry I shouldn't've done it and I upset you."

"It's not that." said Daisy "Well maybe a little. But well there was a guy who I was with, he's gone now, but I never really got over him and haven't wanted to be with anyone since then."

Spidey nodded in understanding. "Until now." Peter looked up at the words "I've thought about it and I really wanna do this." With that the black haired woman placed a deep kiss on Peter's mouth. 'Fury's gonna be so pissed.' thought the teen as he kissed back. "C'mon" Daisy ended the make out session and dragged Spidey along.

Quake pulled the hero into her room. The heroine detached her gauntlets, undid her belt, threw off her jacket and shirt, tugged down her pants and finally removed her underwear. When she was done Johnson spread out on the bed and coaxed the webslinger over to her. Peter hurriedly threw his clothes off and joined the Inhuman on the bed. The two began kissing again, tongues thrashing against each other. A soft moan came from Daisy when Spidey gently curled his hands around her perky breasts. The hero's fingers massaged and teased the mounds, tweaking and rubbing the nipples as well.

Parker's clever digits pinched and twisted the sensitive nubs sending tingles through Daisy's body. Spidey pulled away from the kiss and moved his mouth down. A wetness alternating between her jugs made Daisy open her eyes and see Spidey tracing his tongue around her areola and nubs. The tongue made loops around the sensitive organs, coating them in spit. Peter's mouth replaced his tongue, his lips pursing around one nipple and then the other. Daisy gave an encouraging groan and Peter increased his suction. Wanting to pleasure him Johnson reached down to the webslinger's stiff shaft, delicately running her fingers up and down. Peter groaned at this which sent small vibrations into the nipple he was currently sucking.

That gave Quake an idea, with utmost care she used her powers to produce small pulses along the member. "Ahhh!" Peter burst at the sensation. "Wow. Do it again." Daisy gave another, slightly stronger, pulse which reverberated through Spidey's loins, causing him to cry even louder. "Don't want you cumming just yet." Daisy said, stopping her vibrations.

Peter's tongue made its way down the Inhuman's form and settled at her pussy. Daisy gave a grunt when the webslinger thrust his tongue deep inside her. The muscle delved and twisted in the warm wetness. Daisy's response was to take a firm grip on the hero's hardness and exchange her strokes for rubs. Peter thrashed his tongue within the warm chasm as if trying to lick every inch. Johnson's strokes sped up. A grunt came from the teen and in response to that he started to thrust his tongue back and forth, giving it a curl each time. "Uh yeah Peter!" Daisy moaned at the feeling. She knew that if the teen carried on she'd cum soon.

Tremors shuddered throughout the entirety of Spider-Man's body. Daisy was using her powers to make him vibrate. The desired effect was quickly achieved and with a low moan Peter spurted. "That. Felt. Amazing." he panted through sticky lips. Johnson simply grinned and licked the cum off her hand. Once she was done the woman lowered her head to the teen's shaft and her tongue began to give a series of quick flicks on the organ. Spidey took Daisy's boobs again and restarted his squeezing. Quake could feel Spidey getting hard under her tongue so licked faster. It didn't take long for the hero to be at full readiness which pleased Daisy. Opening her mouth slightly she took in Peter's lower head and gently sucked on it.

A soft pop was heard when her mouth was removed and replaced by her tongue again. This time her licks were very slow. Starting at his base she very gradually trailed up to his head, circled it with her tongue and then dragged it back down.

Daisy's head moved in a serpentine manner, her tongue zigzagging over Parker's length, glazing it with spit. Again the agent dragged her tongue from bottom to top, only this time she didn't go back down. Instead she wrapped her lips around the tip of the hardness and slowly moved back and forth. As her mouth continued its journey down it was joined by a hand wrapping around the shaft. Daisy alternated sucks and jerks, never losing a beat. Daisy's hand sped up, furiously rubbing and squeezing and at the same time she slid her mouth down further. The hand was then removed and, gagging slightly, the Inhuman took the rest of Parker's cock. "You okay?" he asked. Daisy gave a muffled affirmative as she adjusted. Once ready she pulled back until she was almost at the end before slowly sinking back down. With each suck Johnson got a little faster.

Peter gave a loud moan as Daisy deepthroated him, her head bobbing like a spring. As she brought her head up Daisy's tongue dragged along with it. With Peter's whole length down her throat Daisy set her tongue to work, twisting and slurping at the base. More moans from the teen gave the indication that he couldn't last much longer causing Daisy to double her efforts, combining licks with bobs. "Uh! Yes!" Spider-Man grunted when his release came. Johnson was surprised at the amount of cum but managed to swallow it. Licking up the last drops of seed, Daisy leaned back with her legs apart "How about you play with this until you're ready?" she offered.

Her offer was taken up when Spidey plunged a pair of fingers into her warmth. Peter expertly scissored and jiggled his fingers which made the agent cry out loudly. Peter added two fingers from his other hand to gently pull the lips open, giving his tongue full access. Rapid laps made Daisy's cries increase in volume and pitch. Again the hero's tongue thrust into Daisy's pussy, writhing as it did so. His fingers were also working, hooking and flexing at the entrance.

Already feeling euphoric Daisy didn't think things could get much better. She was proven wrong when her partner's tongue reached deeper, flexing and worming against her sensitive walls. The fingers moved past her opening and slid further in. The digit's wriggled and rubbed, adding even more fuel to fire that was forming in Daisy's centre. Soon the heat of pleasure became too much and a with an "Aahhhh!" she erupted, juices jetting. The webslinger drew back to slurp the seed off his face and fingers.

A rough kiss indicated to Daisy that Parker was ready again. Peter wanted to try a position he'd seen once and hooked one of Daisy's legs over his shoulder, gently pressing the tip of his hardened cock to her opening. "Slowly." requested the Inhuman, eager to savour the experience. Little by little the hero's member slid in. "God! Yees!" Daisy moaned as it did. Peter withdrew his member and pushed it back in, going deeper with each slow thrust. "Faster Peter." The hero didn't need to be told twice. More of Peter slipped in and soon he was fully sheathed. "Ready?" "Hell yes!"

Spidey pulled back and pushed in. Quake moaned in pleasure with each thrust. Driving forward again and again the sounds of flesh smacking echoed. Again and again Peter thrust in and out. Grabbing the leg draped over him enabled the teen to drive his rock hard member even further and harder. Johnson's moans grew louder when Peter sped up, his hips bucking rapidly. Barely holding back Peter's hips hammered his shaft fully into Daisy. "Keep going." mewled Daisy, cock drunk. At this Spidey's already considerable pace increased as he pistoned back and forth.

It took every ounce of her self-control for Daisy to stop herself from cumming or releasing a blast. The fullness she felt and the power of the hero's slams were like nothing she'd felt before and was driving her wild. More pleasure was added when Peter gave a twist to his hips each time. Spider-Man sped up again, his waist practically a blur as he fucked the Inhuman woman.

Tremors rocked through Johnson's body each time the webslinger drove forward. Stars appeared in her eyes when he sped up and she could feel a burning in her core. Feeling another release coming Daisy wailed in ecstasy ash she burst. Warm, sticky cum layered Peter's cock. Not even slowing down a little the hero continued thrusting. "Q-Quake!" Peter forced out. The Inhuman liked the way he moaned her name but realised what he meant. "Do it Spider-Man. All over me."

Reluctantly Parker took his member out, took aim and shot spunk across the agent's toned form. "That was so good." panted Daisy, covered in sweat and sperm. A likewise sticky Peter replied "You felt amazing. You wanna go again?" Daisy laughed, admiring his determination and stamina. "Maybe later. Now I need to catch my breath."

Their afterglow was interrupted by banging on the door "Agent Johnson. Have you seen Peter Parker? He's late for his lab session and Fitzsimmons are waiting for him." To her credit the Inhuman lied smoothly "Haven't seen him all day, he's probably lost." The agent at the door seemed to accept that and walked off.

"Probably lost?" Spidey questioned indignantly. Quake laughed again "It was all I could think of. Now get going. We'll continue this later." she gave Peter a push which unfortunately made him roll out the bed.

More laughter accompanied Peter as he scrabbled for his clothes and wondered what was waiting for him in the lab.


End of Chapter 17.

Next Chapter: Rule Britannia.

I didn't like breaking Mack and Yo-Yo up as I totally ship them but I needed a reason for her to get with Peter later without cheating.

Also remember this IS set in the MCU just with a few deviations here and there

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