Parker Luck

Chapter 10: Going Green

Sam Wilson, formerly known as Falcon and now Captain America, sat polishing a large shield. Just because it was almost indestructible didn't stop it from getting dirty. Sam looked at his reflection in the star discontentedly. Being Captain America was a heavy burden and the airman still didn't feel the title, or the shield, fully belonged to him. 

"Incoming transmission from The Benatar" came a disembodied voice tinged with an Irish accent. This got Sam's attention. "Put it up on the screen F.R.I.D.A.Y" ordered Wilson. The image of the thunder god then appeared, accompanied by loud 80's music. "Wilson! Good to see you again." Said the Asgardian heartily. "Hey Thor, is something up?" asked Sam. Thor quickly assured that nothing was "No, No No, I'm calling to say that the Asgardians and I will be visiting Earth for a while to rest and resupply".

"We'll be there in er..." Thor trailed off before calling to someone off screen "Rabbit how long until we get to Earth?" The response was inaudible. "What?" called the thunderer and this time a muffled voice could be faintly heard "The rabbit says we'll be there in a few days" affirmed Thor.

On the ship Gamora was troubled. She was interested in going back to Earth but lately Quill had been enthusing about showing her a place called 'Missouri' where he apparently grew up. Star-Lord sometimes forgot that she wasn't the Gamora he knew, the one that fell in love with him. The 2014 Gamora liked Quill but she felt that he was always comparing her to her other self, albeit unwillingly, which made her feel uncomfortable.

** Gamora looked out across the ravaged Xandar from a balcony. No matter how many times she had seen Thanos 'liberate' a world the destruction he wrought always horrified her. Rebuilding efforts were underway but after The Snap disintegrated half the remaining inhabitants restoration had slowed considerably. However, now that the dusted had been revived, progress was picking up again.

With the devastation of the planet and their police force most of Xandar had fallen into anarchy. To try and bring order the locals had contacted the Guardians and begged them for help. The Guardians had been making headway (having the god of thunder on their side certainly helped) and a degree of peace had been restored.

The sound of footsteps behind her made the emerald skinned woman instinctively draw her sword and hold it at the throat of her would-be attacker.

"Woah! Easy! It's just me!" burst Peter Quill, exposing his face to confirm it. Star-Lord's panicked expression then turned into a smile "You know the last time you did that we were having a moment. Music, dancing and you said I had pelvic sorcery, whatever that is." Said the redhead. Sighing Gamora sheathed her weapon "Quill that wasn't me remember? Look, maybe you and other me had something but I'm not her."

Gamora knew her words hurt Quill but his pining over her alternate self was causing issues and needed to be stopped. "I'm going to see if the others need help. Goodbye Quill." Was all the warrior woman said before she walked off.**

A hand on her shoulder snapped Gamora out of her thoughts.

"Everything alright?" Asked her adoptive sister. The change in Nebula from a ruthless killer to an empathetic hero was still jarring for Gamora. Despite that a strong bond had formed between the two. "I'm fine Nebula. Just thinking" said Gamora.

 The concerned expression on the cyborg's face didn't change but she returned to her seat anyway, realising that her sister didn't want to talk.

** After the battle for Earth Gamora had snuck away, not wanting to stick around. The daughter of Thanos had managed to find a functional Necrocraft which she used to leave the planet. Gamora spent her time searching the galaxy to ensure that Thanos and his army were truly gone.

As the ship entered Titan's atmosphere Gamora immediately noticed that it's moon was missing. Once on the ground the green woman saw that the world had received catastrophic damage. Several pieces of red and gold metal lying on the ground briefly caught the warrior's attention but were dismissed as unimportant.

Years ago her 'father' had told her that he had safe houses and weapon caches throughout the galaxy, including on his dead homeworld, as a precautionary measure. Titan's were the only ones she hadn't checked. Eventually there was only one left, the others had clearly been abandoned for years. Kicking open the door, sword in hand, Gamora scanned the place for any sign of the Mad Titan. The search proved to be in vain as this one was no different from the others. A mixture of relief and sadness washed over the Zehoberei as she accepted that the tyrant was no more. Before she could deal with her emotions Gamora caught the sound of a ship in the distance.

An M-Ship was indeed landing on the planet. Suspecting the owner of the ship could be a Thanos loyalist, Gamora prepared to kill them. Before long voices could be heard which sounded like they were arguing.

Gamora faintly recognised the voices and peering round her hiding place saw a motley bunch of humanoids as well as a furry biped and a walking tree. "I'm telling ya Quill, she ain't here" snapped the creature to the humanoid next to him. "I am Groot" said the tree, seemingly in agreement. The animal nodded "Exactly, why would she even be here?".

The warrior woman remembered the group from the battle, including the one called Peter Quill, who Nebula said she'd been with. As if summoned by her thoughts the blue skinned woman spoke up "Because this is the last place anyone would look for her" she explained matter-of-factly.

Gamora stepped out, determined to get answers from the group. "Who are you? And why are you following me?" she demanded. "Gamora!" Quill cried. Remembering what happened the last time he stopped himself from running to her. "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy remember?" he said "We're your friends".

Gamora was clearly sceptical so Nebula tried talking to her "Let me explain" she began and told her sister how the Guardians came together and what they did. When she had finished, the Luphomoid asked simply; "Will you come with us?".**

Peter and some of the other heroes were waiting for the spacefarers to arrive outside the facility. Even the elderly Steve Rogers was there to greet his Asgardian friend. Soon a sleek sleek orange and blue craft broke through the clouds and touched down. As the hatch opened two men, a blonde and a redhead, jostled to be out first with the blonde quickly winning. "Friends!" greeted Thor enthusiastically. "Yeah hi." said Quill, considerably less enthusiastically.

Following the men was a grey skinned humanoid with red markings, three women; one with green skin, one with blue and purple skin and the third with antenna, and behind them was an upright raccoon and a gangly creature made from wood. Gamora was perturbed by the people but refused to let it show. Looking over the group she recognised some individuals but didn't know their names. Fortunately the humans went around introducing themselves.

A younger human nervously approached the warrior with an outstretched hand "Uh hi I'm Peter." Gamora looked at his hand blankly 'What is he doing?' she wondered. Rather than dwell on it she introduced herself in turn. A faint scent off of the human caught Gamora's attention and gave her a slight tingle in her nether regions

"Sooo... you're an alien. Th-that's cool" said the teen awkwardly trying to make conversation. Amused by this Gamora nodded "Yes I come from the planet Zen Whoberi" she told him. "Cool" said Spidey "What's it like there?". Gamora's amusement faded "It was attacked by Thanos many years ago where he killed half the population and abducted me" she said. Peter didn't know how to respond to that "I'm sorry?" he tried. "Can all humans do what you can?" Asked the green woman, wanting to change the subject and curious as she had never seen Quill do anything like that. With a smile Peter explained how he'd made his web shooters and how he (as far as he knew) was unique.

The conversation quickly turned to differences in their species. The alien was surprised to find out that humans only had one liver and very few possessed special abilities. The two had moved to the common area and had settled there. While the two talked Gamora noticed the scent getting stronger and that the human was attractive, despite his youth.

Parker meanwhile had been questioning her about her kind; "Do you have a second mouth inside the first?", "Can you move things with your mind?", "Can you live to be 900?" and all kinds of strange questions. Eventually the emerald skinned woman stopped the teen "Where do get all these ideas from?" she had to ask. "Um. Movies?" said the hero. "That explains a lot." sighed Gamora, "Quill is always talking about his 'movies'. They have no idea what they're talking about." she went on.

"So is Quill your boyfriend?" asked Spider-Man. It took the warrior a moment to process that "No." she said "Well maybe. Apparently he was with another version of me from an alternate timeline or something". "I get it." said Peter. "You do?" replied Gamora doubtfully "Well kinda. It's a long story" continued Parker. Peter then started blushing "Umm. There's something else I wanna ask you" he muttered. The alien raised an eyebrow "Okay...?". Spidey's blush deepened "Well uh I'd heard that um anatomy is almost universally the same. Is this true?" he managed to say.

As Thanos' assassin Gamora had sometimes been required to seduce targets for information or to catch them unguarded. Her encounters had given her plenty of experience with male (and sometimes female) anatomy from all manner of species.

"More or less" Gamora confirmed "Unless you humans have your genitals in your heads". Seeing the teen's confused expression she explained "Quill frequently calls others 'Dick-for-Brains so I assumed it was a human thing." "Uh no" said the webslinger "That's just an expression. We have ours between our legs". Then, feeling uncharacteristically bold, Peter added "I could show you". The Zehoberi had to admire the young human's boldness "Another time maybe" she said with a sight smile.

Over the next few days the Guardians settled in and were taught how to get around some Earth technology. Gamora took an interest what the humans called the Internet which, whilst primitive, was full of interesting things. The warrior women spent most of her nights on the Benatar , preferring it to the room she'd been provided.

One night, thinking back to the conversation she'd had with Parker, she looked up 'Human mating rituals'. There was a surprising amount of information on the topic as well as several instructive videos. Gamora was emboldened by this and was eager for pleasure so decided to pay the young hero a visit. The alien woman slipped into the facility and quickly found Spider-Man's room. Unzipping her vest and pulling off her pants, Gamora gently knocked on Peter's door. Spidey wasn't happy to have been woken and was prepared to give whoever disturbed him a piece of his mind. What he wasn't prepared for was the athletic green skinned form of Gamora waiting for him. "Hey Peter." she said in a husky voice "You going to let me in?".

Peter obligingly stepped aside to let her in. "Now how did they usually start?" Gamora asked herself. Remembering the emerald woman drew Peter to her and began kissing him tenderly. Kissing her back a thought occurred to Spidey, 'Holy shit I'm kissing an alien!'. The concept was a turn on for the hero and he quickly got rock hard.

At the feeling of the hardness pressing against her Gamora broke the kiss and snaked a hand around the stiff member. Gamora rubbed Peter's cock for a few minutes before peeling his bedclothes off and dragging him to the bed.

Gamora spread her legs invitingly for the webslinger who quickly delved his tongue into her snatch. The Zehoberi gave a small groan of pleasure and started jerking Spidey off again. The stimulation had Gamora tensing and dribbling precum. Peter was also enjoying the feeling of the alien's wetness as well as her firm grip. Between moans Gamora managed to tell the brunette to lie down. As Peter did so the Guardian turned so their heads and nether regions lined up. The ex assassin wasted no time in taking Peter's member in her mouth and sucking for all she was worth. Spidey used his fingers to tease the green lips, gently probing them in and out. "Enough teasing" said Gamora removing her mouth from the teen "Lick me again." she told him. Sticking out his tongue Parker slowly wormed it around Gamora's pussy. Whilst tasting her outer folds the webslinger was using his fingers to stretch and scissor the wet tunnel.

"Faster" both instructed simultaneously. Gamora's suction increased as her head jackhammered up and down. Peter's tongue delved and flickered. The oral stimulation had turned into a race to see who'd cum first.

Peter won as, despite Gamora's skill, she spurted her juices across Peter's face. The alien seed didn't taste too different from human sperm, Peter noted, but it had a distinct tang to it. Spidey quickly felt that he would be cumming soon and thrust his length deeper into Gamora's mouth. Groaning in ecstasy Spider-Man's lower web shooter blew it's load.

With a pop the emerald skinned woman removed her lips from Parker's length and made sure she could see her swallowing his seed. "You're good. For a human that is" remarked Gamora. Peter took that as a challenge and reversed their previous positions so he was now on top. The hero took the alien's green orbs into his hands, squeezing them and pinching and twisting the nipples. At the same time Spidey twisted Gamora's head to firmly kiss her and the two began tongue wrestling.

To get himself ready again Peter hotdogged Gamora, loving the feeling of her firm asscheeks. "Uh yeah. Roll over and spread your legs" Peter grunted, trying not to ejaculate too early. Gamora did as she was told, fingering herself as she did so. With a smirk Peter slowly dragged his tongue up and down the emerald pussy in front of him. The webslinger switched one head for the other, carefully prodding at her entrance. The teasing proved to be too much for Gamora and she was soon begging the teen "Put it in, fuck me!" she cried. Once he had sheathed his meat sword in her Spider-Man gave the alien a moment to adjust. "Fuck me Peter!" the green woman begged. "Not so loud!" hissed Spidey, placing a hand over her mouth. Peter began to gradually move his length. As he sped up Gamora's moans got louder and lower, she'd clearly underestimated humans.

Before long Spidey took his cock almost completely out of Gamora and then shoved the entirety of it in hard. "Ahh! Yes! Again!" demanded Gamora euphorically. Complying the brunette repeatedly slammed his penis into the Zehoberi woman. "Please play with my tits again" groaned Gamora. She was rewarded by the feeling of Peter alternating his mouth between the mounds.

Again and again the hero bucked his hips, his member slipping in and out the oozing pussy. "Fuuuck! Cumming!" burst Gamora. At the alien's words Parker began fucking her as fast as he could. "Yeesss!" screamed Gamora, her pussy squirting like never before.

"Gamora!" moaned Spider-Man continuing his rapid thrusts but getting close to his climax. "Cum all over me" said Gamora, sensing he was close. Slowing, Parker traded speed for power. "I'm about to cum" warned the hero. At this Gamora slid Peter's dick out and wrapped a hand around it. "Uhh" was all Parker said as he came, the white liquid splashing onto the green woman's waiting form. Exhausted Peter lay down next to the Guardian and drew her into another make out session.

'Forget Quill' thought Gamora, 'I'm sticking with this Peter'.

In the next room a figure had been listening in and fingering herself. Fingers weren't enough though, she wanted the real thing and she would get it.


End of Chapter 10

Next Chapter: Mechanical Precision

This chapter and the next three will be a bit more connected than usual.

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